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Messages - The Deposed King

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Very fun, although you phenminal cosmic poWered her poWers at the end there.  Other than that you aught to keep Writing more.

The Deposed King

6k Admiral's War

The Deposed King

3k - Admiral's War

The Deposed King

And a mighty

1k - Admiral's War

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Admiral Invincible book 7 up for sale
« on: January 31, 2015, 09:46:59 AM »
You always seem to do really well with each of the releases of your book:

Amazon Best Sellers Rank: #876 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store)
#11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Military > Space Fleet
#11 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Military > Space Fleet
#12 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Science Fiction > Space Opera

Do you plan on releasing these in paper back and maybe gain an even bigger audience, by taking them to conventions were people who already know you might love to see you? (Or find an artist to help create graphic novel versions?) How do you grow bigger from here, or are you comfortable where you're at? (It looks like you are doing really well.)

Honestly I haven't researched the paper back option as much as I would have liked.  However everything I hear is high prices just to make a buck.  At this point it would feel too much like vanity to self-print paper backs, when I'm making a living off of just writing.

And yeah each book in the series does better and better than the previous ones.  As long as that's happening I'm not in a rush.

Could be the wrong attitude but that's where I'm at presently.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Admiral Invincible book 7 up for sale
« on: January 24, 2015, 01:59:59 AM »

I just self-published book 7 of the Spineward Sectors Series on amazon.  Another one bites the dust!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Process Question
« on: January 16, 2015, 02:13:57 AM »
How would one fit a day job around that, though ?  Unless one uses Lionel Fanthorpe-type tricks (dictate everything, run secretarial speed-typing classes in the evening, give each student a chapter on tape to type up.)

As an author my goal is that writing is my day job.  But I suppose that lots of people have to pull down two jobs to make ends meat.  So under that theory 8 hours straight job, 8 hours writing job?  But again much like 10k+ day I don't think many persons would willingly do it.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Rules for self-publishing
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:57:09 AM »
The first time or three can be rough.  But after you get going it gets easier.  Still a bit nerve wracking but definitely more doable.  But I totally agree, Never give up, never surrender.

Writing your first book is a lot like ridding a bike.  Do it once and you can do it again.  Much like running your first mile, its still hard the second time you do it but  for all of that much more doable.  You've done it, you know you can do it, there's no more doubt about that.

Just keep after it everybody.  My advice is to write the 40 (40 books).  According to my calculations if we can just do that we should be able to retire down to 1-2 books a year just working to keep the series fresh enough that we can live off the residual.  Hahahahahha.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Process Question
« on: January 11, 2015, 11:48:58 AM »
If you figure 1000 words an hour then 10k per day is doable, its just like you're working a 10 hour day.  I know Nuttal does 8k days fairly routinely.  Although he does it more chapter wise, wherein he does 2 chapters per day, so there's some slop. Maybe its 6-8k a day.

But regardless 1k/hour is doable and 10 hour days are doable.

I've also done 12-15k days and while I agree that they don't 'feel' repeatable.  I have found that when I reach the end of a book and have a burning desire/deadline to reach and the ability to work all day and all night that it can be done (I've done this on three different books), its all a matter of how bad you want it.

All of that said; I wouldn't want to try and do 10k per day at a sustained rate or do a lot of 15k days period.  One of the sucky things about this job is that its a creative/artistic based profession and so applying a straight production mindset to it can cause problems.    Not that it can't be done but you need to get your ducks in a row and get your mind set up right to do it.

Although maybe I'm being a little too much chicken little here. Other guys are cranking on the production, doing 6 books a year plus.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Process Question
« on: December 20, 2014, 01:02:26 AM »
Sounds like a lot of work but way to go Meg!  Your really rocking it on.  The long odessy of publishing trials is interesting but I'm really glad I don't have to go through it all, sounds far too hectic for an A-to-B kind of guy like me  ???

As for the near perfect work ethic... I won't laugh out loud promise,  :D  I went more than a month and a half over deadline on my latest book here.  I've been trying to shoot for 5-6 books in 2014 and only got the 4-5.  That's cause of book finished in dec of 2013 rough draft and final version was up for sale in january so its a kind of sort of counted for this year type of book.

On the editing my brother and my host of beta readers over at are the ones to thank.  I will take the 'continually active creative mind' compliment though!  Like a lot of authors ideas have never been my problem.  Dedication to the grinding, no fun, this is too much like work, task of actually writing it out is more my style.  But like they say in the Legendary Moonlight Sculptor, grinding is life!

Keep after it Meg and vis-a-vis the family that keeps forgetting you've written a book or sold a book, let me just say that after a dozen titles out on amazon my 'wife' still hasn't read a single one.  But she has a whole shelf full of romance novels that she's only aquired since I started writing.  Sometimes I think to get her to read anything I've written I'd need to stop and switch genres and write a romance novel to get her to read my writing.  She's been promising since 2012 to read my first book.  I even wrote a fantasy series staring a female hero and still no joy.

On the other hand she did take me out to see the 3rd Hobbit movie last night so there is that.

The Deposed King

Great to hear some new word count action guys!

The Deposed King

Its a great thread but its been pretty slow lately.  We used to have a lot of people posting their new word counts but its faded away a bit.  And with me on a 'just completed a book' cool down period, there's not a whole lot of action.

Good to see you here Farmerbob1

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: December 17, 2014, 01:49:41 AM »
Good to see you farmerbob1, I went over and read some of your hero with the Soul Well.  Good stuff.  I just don't know that I'd have your dedication though, writing a million words of fanfic?  Stuff I could never put up for sale???


But I'd say your writing's fairly good, you aught to put it up for sale on amazon if you haven't done it yet.

The Deposed King

I hear you Snowleopard, I almost lost an entire manuscript. Well 80%, because my computer crashed and I hadn't backed it up since like 20k words.

I'd just plain forgotten and when I tried to go and get some of the files I'd saved on yahoo that were like 60% through the book, the mail program kept having an error, said it was a bad file type for them.  I was just about at wits end until I managed to get my hard drive hooked up to something other than my dead lap top and retrieved the file.

The relief was palpable.  So yeah it doesn't matter why, just save your work!  I was in a funk for days until the IT guys finally managed to get me back that file.  Months worth of work, yeeee

The Deposed King

Well just make sure to save your work so that when you cycle down you can't delete everything because it all 'sucks'.  Maybe give copies to a friend who doesn't even need to read it just hold it.

Other than that I don't think it really matters why a person writes so long as they enjoy doing it.  If you enjoy what you're doing, then people will pick up on that and they'll enjoy it too.

I've often if I ever did a writing workshop for new would-be writers what I would say.  I've thought perhaps open the class with a question.

"Do you think you could write a book so bad that no one would ever read it?"  "A full length book?"

Cause most people never do.  And I guarantee that if you (the general student you) wrote a full length book you could fix it up and make it sing and somebody would buy it.  Studies have shown that 2% of people will buy just about anything.

The Deposed King

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