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Messages - mostlyawake

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DFRPG / Re: [BBEG] One vs. Many Sizing
« on: August 17, 2010, 05:53:07 AM »
As far as i can tell, keeping opponents within 2 or 3 refresh of your gaming level seems to make sense, esp. for npc mortal casters. Two  -9 pc wizards aren't taking down a -18 npc wizard, but they can probably face a -11 wizard and his -7 underling, or three -6 wizards.

The last combat i ran was 5 -9 refresh characters, 45 levels total, facing a -20 wizard, a -14 monster, and two -5 wizards (-44 refresh)... but the -20 guy could have toasted them if he went full throttle (he had other parts to play). I mean, refinement on specialization and focus items can really put a wizard in a different class.

DFRPG / Re: Soulfire Sponsor Agenda
« on: August 17, 2010, 02:26:37 AM »
Still, by the RPG, even harry's use has to align with the sponsor's agenda, debt or no debt.

DFRPG / Re: Counter-spelling questions
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:33:21 AM »
This was used in game by an NPC to sever an attempted divination by the group, and send a psychic attack back at them.  Also, the group regularly wants to try and interrupt evokers (as doing so is really common in other RPGs).

DFRPG / Re: Soulfire Sponsor Agenda
« on: August 16, 2010, 03:31:20 AM »
I want "smite evil unworldly beings" plus "complex moral questions when humans are involved"

I see the balance of winter and summer to be important only in not letting one get ahead, which could seriously compete with the sponsor for influence in the world.

I like the idea of protecting the sponsor's title or position, in that maybe the sponsor feels that it offers the world the best chance at surviving. 

I like the idea of preserving free will more than good or evil. 

Anything else?

DFRPG / Soulfire Sponsor Agenda
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:52:44 PM »
As the storyteller, choosing the Sponsor's agenda for soulfire is my job (with player input, of course).   What are everyone's thoughts on the possible agenda?

I know for sure that I will be including redemption for any mortal, maintaining the balance between summer and winter, maintaining the strength of the veil between worlds, and resisting outsiders.   Outsiders, demons, and BCVs are all considered "unholy" for my campaign.

DFRPG / Counter-spelling questions
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:47:34 PM »
Any thoughts on counter-spelling a counter-spell?

Should counter-spelling evocation require that you go before or at the same time as the other caster?

DFRPG / Re: Good 'Neutral Ground' for Los Angeles?
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:42:32 PM »
we decided for my game that all wal-marts are accorded neutral grounds.

I love it... any reason why?
I've made all UU churches ANG in my games.  Come one, come all...

DFRPG / Re: Hulking Size
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:37:57 PM »
Or, bears have stunts to move the Skulking and Ambush trappings to another skill (Survival?) that isn't defaulted to mediocre.

Sneaky, tricky bears.

DFRPG / Re: Appropriate foes for Up to the Knees Group?
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:31:48 PM »
Mortals can actually be an interesting challenge for a magic heavy group.  It seems counter-intuitive, but attempting to not break the Laws while still neutralizing a threat can be a challenge.  Consider this:  if you physically restrain your opponent, fine.  If you restrain them and then shoot them, Law Breaker!   Shooting at pcs from multiple zones makes it harder to just say "um I use earth magic to bind everyone in my zone."

Plus, while many mortals will wave away their memories of magic, some will become clued-in mortals with a desire for revenge, giving you more fodder for later.

DFRPG / Re: Accords Lawyer
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:24:00 PM »
Stunt (Lore) The Old Ways - The character uses lore instead of scholarship for rolls when dealing with legal issues regarding the older way of thinking, such as that of the fey, demons, the Accords, and ancient wizard traditions.

Stunt (Lore) Master of the Accords - The character gains +1 to rolls of any legal issue when the parties both operate in the Old Ways, and an additional +1 if the accords are directly involved.  

-- basically, the answer to your original question is, either can be appropriate with a stunt.  Because Lore seems to fit the rest of the character better (who he works for), I put the stunt in Lore.

DFRPG / Re: Accords Lawyer
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:20:07 PM »
Don't forget presence (for asserting your position), rapport (for using small-talk to break the ice during negotiations, and keep both sides happy), empathy (for reading how happy the client is with your work), investigation (to figure out who did what, so you can then apply the accords to their actions), contacts, and discipline (I'd better pass on the second beer so I can get home and study some more).  

With all that studying, you probably want to just hit the gym instead of rock-climbing or the like, so you might want a little athletics.

DFRPG / Re: Introducing DFRPG to a new group
« on: August 15, 2010, 03:15:01 AM »
More than any other game, fate system lets you re-tool characters on the fly.  (Skill-point rearrangements, changing aspects, ect).  So, don't throw out good character concepts that are poorly designed because everyone is new to the system.  Instead, just overhaul the character sheet, and the character can just say "I worked to improve this" or "I don't do that anymore."

Because this game is so, so character driven (more than other games, where characters can be driven by their stats or abilities), coming up with a kicking character is way more vital than choosing which evocation elements you want.  Put your efforts towards helping your players focus on character concept and backgrounds.

DFRPG / Re: Paris: Brainstorming Help!
« on: August 12, 2010, 09:36:28 PM »
I thought the catacombs were partially a result of the plague?

Also, there's a crazy documentary just about Paris sewers, and how they've had to adapt over time.  Not only do you have the catacombs, but you've got miles of old sewer lines, giving you a setting very much like that of underground chicago in Dresden.

There's one article about it, at least. 

I also thought about white court presence and the city of love, but it just seemed too easy... perhaps easy is good though.

Hrm... the champs-elysees used to have a white-light only ban, causing it to be the only place in the world where mcdonald's golden arches were white. I'm not sure if the ban still holds, but it's proximity to elysee castle (and the elysian field mythology, "where heroes go to relax") could mean that the 1 1/4 mile strip of white light could be a calculated occult development... perhaps serving as a sort of "landing strip" or "take-off strip", launching certain beings into the ether.  The veil between worlds (particularly heaven?) could be treated as 2 less in that area, giving angels and the like a more powerful way into the city.  I mean, sure, churches work like that too probably, but come on, why would heaven have NEEDED such a large landing strip?

DFRPG / Re: Paris: Brainstorming Help!
« on: August 12, 2010, 05:21:14 PM »
On the mundane side, france is notorious for their employment laws, which disenfranchise those joining the work force.  The (small-scale) riots we have seen in the last decade stem from people graduating, possibly doing their 2 years in the military, and then being unable to find work.   So you're going to have a section of the most active population (18-25) who are mad at the system.  How that plays into the supernatural is your call, but it makes them easy pawns for those offering work.  However, paris has a sort of history of discontented populations, so perhaps this is caused by spirits of malcontent?

DFRPG / Re: Aspect Ideas
« on: August 11, 2010, 04:18:01 AM »
"My own personal jesus"
Invoke: your own personal jesus, whoever that is, helps you out (bonus to contacts, and resisting feeling alone"
Compel: You yearn to follow people who look like they might be your salvation. Go help them out.

"Cult of personality"
Invoke: resources, contacts, presence, probably more. You're so cool, people just wanna follow you.
Compel: Stupid fans always in the way, and you can't let them get killed.

"Not a girl, not yet a woman"
Invoke: possibly underage sex appeal
Compel: unwanted attention from creeps, plus, trouble getting into clubs

"I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel"
Invoke: any roll to resist physical or mental stress
compel: self-destructive actions

Invoke: resist social stress
Compel: shake your booty randomly

"laid back, with my mind on my money and my money on my mind"
Invoke: keep your cool, except when financial gains or losses are possible
compel: make money, act to keep your money.

"Son of a son of a sailor"
Invoke: anything sailor-y
Compel: drinking & seeking the affections of paid professionals

"'Yo Easy, why's your fly like that?' Easy access!"
Invoke: to quickly produce your... weaponry
compel: inappropriately produce your...weaponry

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