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Messages - ClintACK

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If there aren't Winter Law things going on, it's disappointing to see Molly reverting to the very same mistake that got her into trouble in Proven Guilty. She's grown up a lot since then and shouldn't be making the same mistake that almost destroyed her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gregory Cristos
« on: July 29, 2020, 08:07:47 PM »
Christos does feel more like Rudolph than Cowl, but then so did Peabody until he went Empty Night with the mistfiend.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 29, 2020, 08:05:22 PM »
No person that you know, under almost any condition, would break an accused murderer from out of jail.  It isn't a rational response.  You can never know the mind of another or know their guilt or innocence.  And if you did it, you could expect to end up as an outlaw, even if he was later proven to be not guilty.  Family is important, but Harry has more at stake with a daughter, then a single man. This is all well and good if Harry's destiny is to become King of the world, but kinda shortsighted if not.

Really good point -- especially given that the book opens with Harry giving Thomas exactly that lecture.

Perhaps it's not a continuity error, reality disfunction, or massive conspiracy. Perhaps "Brighter Future Society" would have been offensive to some of the Accord members, where "Better" is suitably vague?

One more quote, this one from Summer Knight, the very first time Harry meets Maeve.

He asks her if she arranged the murder of the Summer Knight. After he calls her on her evasions, her reply is: "I can't just give you that kind of information, Wizard Dresden. It's too powerful." She explains: "It means that if you want me to answer that question, you're going to have to pay for it. What is the answer worth to you?"

DF Spoilers / Re: A few recent WOJs - !!SPOILERS!!
« on: July 29, 2020, 01:05:04 PM »
Huh. I always assumed that Merlin won the Edinburgh halls a long, long time ago, but that it wasn't the White Council's headquarters until much later, when they decided they wanted a bit of distance from the Catholic Church.

Sort of like if the sneak attack in Summer Knight had hit Edinburgh, and the White Council moved their headquarters to the secure facility in Archangel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung
« on: July 29, 2020, 12:58:00 PM »
Odin looks "kind" because we've seen him be friendly with Harry, who we like, but remember that he's also backing Marcone, and now Lara. And the Erlking is his hunting buddy.

The "kindest" that we've seen him was in Changes, when he just flat out gave Harry the information he needed, rather than demanding payment -- but in retrospect, it looks more like he was using Harry as a cat's paw to set up the death blow of the Red Court. So it wasn't exactly charity.

Odin's on the right side, when it comes to the Outsiders, but heck, so is Nicodemus. Odin's just playing the smarter game of making Harry like him. As he says in Skin Game, it costs him nothing to be polite.

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - Illogical Svartalves?
« on: July 29, 2020, 12:13:06 PM »
Alternate theory:
- Someone (Genoskwa or Naagloshi) beat up Thomas, and kept beating him until his Hunger could no longer spare the energy to heal him.
- Thomas's Hunger goes mad with the starvation and need to feed.
- Someone drops Hunger-mad-Thomas off outside Etri's office.
- Hunger-mad-Thomas attacks everyone, until his Hunger is so starved it goes into cannibalistic-starvation-mode.

But there does seem to be something off about the Svartalves. Look at the scene when Harry arrives to the first night of the Talks -- Evanna and the five guards give Harry the stinkeye. Etri doesn't. Then Etri asks Harry for his opinion of Lara, and takes his opinion seriously.

It's hard to know whether it's Etri's behavior that's off or Evanna's, or maybe neither. (If they were human, fore example, I'd say he was more forgiving of an attack on his own person than she was of an attack on the man she loves, which feels right, but I'm not sure Svartalves have "love" in that sense.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Peace Talks - potion plothole?
« on: July 29, 2020, 12:04:04 PM »
Re: Murphy...

Remember that they could see each other because they'd all drunk the potion.

It wasn't that Murphy needed to be invisible too -- it's that she needed to drink the potion so that she'd be able to notice them when they came out.

The 666-year thing sounds like it's not just the birth of a Starborn, but also some apocalyptic event in which that Starborn will play a pivotal role.

A lot of the craziness of the DF makes sense if you think that Odin and Nicodemus and Cowl and many others are scrambling for power and influence right now because they know that the once-every-666-years mega-conjunction (like the Halloween to beat all Halloweens) is coming soon. Heck, Nick mentions that time is running out every time he's on screen.

Other continuity error?

When Dresden checks out the two weapons from storage at the end of Peace Talks, one of the weapons he requests is the Athame. I thought he didn't have the Athame (The one from Storm Front), and instead had the leaf-shaped knife from Hades's armory.

That seemed strange to me too, but then "athame" is a generic term for a knife used in ritual magic, so it's probably an accurate description of the knife from the armory.

(There have been a bunch of athames in the series -- Lea received one as a guest gift in Grave Peril, which infected her with Nemesis, which makes a reappearance in Changes when Harry uses it to kill Slate; the stone knives (flint blades) used by the Red Court in Changes; the silver knife Harry uses in Storm Front; and so on...)

He's been doing research on the weapons, so perhaps this just means he knows enough to call the knife by a more accurate name.

That sounds right. I'm just surprised that Michael seeing Molly's face on the Hecate statue in Skin Game didn't trigger the revelation somehow.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Eyes Have It
« on: July 28, 2020, 10:31:01 PM »
Or in Mirror, Mirror, Harry will have to wear an eye patch because mirror Harry *did* lose his eye...

Proposed: When a faerie who cannot lie tells you that she cannot do something, she's probably not speaking metaphorically.

Theory: Molly literally cannot tell her parents that she's the Winter Lady.

In Cold Case, we learned that there are things Molly literally can't say or tell people, without a fair bargain in place. She tries to tell Carlos what she's doing in Unalaska, and it keeps coming out as Maeve-style subtlety-of-a-two-by-four flirting instead.

Similarly, when Harry asks her to tell him how she's handling being Winter Lady, she says: "Can't, literally. Faerie mystique and all that."

When he raises the subject of telling her parents: "I will," she said with a bit too much instant assurance. "You know. When I find a way to bring it up." Perhaps she means this literally as well -- she can't just bring up the subject and tell them, without some sort of pretext or bargain or way to make it her duty to tell them.

In Peace Talks, Harry cuts off her explanation fo why she hasn't told them, assuming that he understands. What if he doesn't? What if her explanation was going to be that it could harm the cause of Winter to have Michael angry, and she literally can't take that risk without a benefit to Winter to balance the scales. Through the rest of the conversation, she says things like: "I can't," (italics in the orignal), "It hurts," "I can't," "I can't," and "I can't ask you to do that."

Remember that she can't lie. When she says that she can't do something, we should assume that she's being completely literal.

It's a horrific conversation when you parse it that way -- she's weeping and begging him to help her and he just thinks she needs a hug and some emotional support.

DF Spoilers / The Eyes Have It
« on: July 28, 2020, 05:42:49 PM »
They say history never repeats, but it rhymes.

We've now got a large number of important characters in the Dresdenfiles who have lost an eye and gained power thereby.

The classic Odin image of a scar running through the empty socket is even echoed in the scar Harry Dresden gets over his right eye from the Naagloshi fight: "I had two beautiful scars, though, one running down through my right eyebrow, skipping my eye, and continuing for an inch or so on my cheekbone..." (Turn Coat) -- although Dresden hasn't actually lost an eye... yet.

  • Rashid, the Gatekeeper: "One of his eyes was dark. The other had a pair of horrible old silver scars running through it, from his hairline down to his jaw. The injury had to have ruined his natural eye. It had been replaces with something that looked like a stainless-steel ball bearing." (Turn Coat) Here, we see him use the eye to somehow harness his Foresight in a safe manner or let him calculate future probabilities or something. Later, in Cold Days, we get to see that the eye is made of the substance of the Outer Gates and helps to detect Nemesis, making it possible for the Gatekeeper to do his job.
  • Donar Vadderung, CEO of Monoc: "A black cloth patch over the other eye combined with a vertical scar similar to my own..." We've never seen under the eyepatch (although, interestingly, Kringle has two normal eyes...), but the legend is that Odin sacrificed his eye for Wisdom. And he talks about having excellent foresight, when he meets Harry in a room made of stainless steel (just like Rashid's eye *appeared* to be).
  • Ethniu, Last Titan, Daughter of Balor: "One of her eyes was a crystalline emerald green. The other... On that perfect bronze face, the mutilation of her eye stood out like a gallows in a public park. The orbital ridges around the socket were covered in white, granite-like scars, as if the biggest ugliest cat you'd ever seen had scratched it out. It wasn't sunken, though the lid was closed. That mangled eye bulged ever so slightly, as if it had been meant for a being considerably larger than she was."

    Of course, she didn't get foresight or wisdom, but rather a WMD.

Did I miss any?

Do we think Harry's going to lose that right eye at some point? Perhaps in a rematch with the Naagloshi in Battle Ground?

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