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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 120 121 [122] 123 124 ... 462
DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror character changes ideas
« on: September 25, 2021, 05:48:22 PM »
Harry has used others as his sounding board, but most are either dead, alienated or Harry has outgrown them in his current need.

I don't think Harry will ever be able to fully trust Lara, that makes her a poor sounding board.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Way to Demonreach
« on: September 25, 2021, 05:46:02 PM »
Walking on the Island isn't the same as going down into the cells.  You'd need Warden permission to do that (or convince Alfred that you're trying to save his Warden), so Harry would have been required for a Nemesis plot along those lines.

We also know that the Island's defenses aren't fully up all the time.  For example, the circle in CD is only triggered at a certain level of threat.  I think that an open and monitored Way to the dock would be fine for normal levels of threat.

Harry wasn't fully in charge as of Cold Days, it wasn't until he spent a full year on the island, up until Skin Game did he learn the ins and outs of the defensive system and how to turn it on.  Going to full defensive mode is apparently something Alfred cannot do completely on his own.

DF Spoilers / Re: Name the next book! (Unofficial Fan Contest begins!)
« on: September 25, 2021, 05:42:19 PM »
Practically perfect in every way. ;)

That's "Mary Poppins!"  Hmmmm... Now that I think of it she may have a lot in common with Lara Raith. ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: A Way to Demonreach
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:18:06 PM »
The Island's full defenses aren't up continuously.  It could be that the Way near the dock is outside of the day-to-day wards.  No doubt that Harry probably could block that avenue off, but it might still be an option for getting there in general, especially for people that behave.

They weren't, but the island has been attacked since Turn Coat.. It didn't have a full time Warden at that time to fully deploy the defenses.  I got the impression in Peace Talks and Battle Ground that the island's defenses were fully employed, if they weren't and there was a way in via a Way, you'd think that Justine/HeWhoWalksBeside aka Nemesis would use it instead of trying to trick Harry into letting them in.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror character changes ideas
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:10:08 PM »
Missed someone out from your list

Chandler Prime.

Jim mentioned in the Dragoncon Q &A he will be in MM, Drakul sent him to the darkest time-line.

Chandler is an expert on history and time travel, so I expect he will be playing a Basil Exposition role, perhaps not powerful enough himself to get back, but then Harry can bring him back to the Prime timeline, which will have all sorts of ramifications, as I doubt he would see eye to eye with the White Council after experiencing a year in the darkest time-line. Indeed it may be I speculate that Chandler sets up Alt-Harry with Harry Prime to stop him and get home from what may be a decaying time-line, about to be erased by the White God before it falls to the Outsiders imperilling all of reality, a fate Harry has to avoid in the Prime timeline. Harry has connections to multiversal beings aware of their doppelgängers like Mab, and the Mother’s as well as beings like Mr Sunshine who exist across the Multiverse as a single entity. Put the two together and you have an exploration of the multiverse, the Outside and the Prime universes place guarding against the Outsiders as the best hope of winning this cycle.

I think so too, I also think Chandler once back will become Harry's backup.  It makes sense, Murphy is gone, Thomas will be out for a long time and may never return, I don't trust Lara, [she has her own agenda], Michael physically except when archangels takes a risk for him isn't up to it, and yeah, while Sanya and Butters are a great help, the Holy Knights have more to do than playing backup for Harry all of the time, so that leaves Chandler.  He has all the skills, he might be just a bit grateful to Harry for getting him home, and I doubt he will be welcomed or feel comfortable in the White Council or among his fellow Wardens.  Now he may betray Harry at some point, but I don't think so.

DF Spoilers / Re: What will Eb do?
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:02:54 PM »
Yes there is WOJ the most recent Dragon Q& A Chandler Prime meets Harry Prime in MM. If you think about it to summon Harry requires proper use of his full name, which Alt Harry knows already.

Which is the excuse to get Chandler back to his own dimension.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who will be the next Blackstaff? (If Eb dies)
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:01:37 PM »
No one, Harry takes it from Eb not necessarily upon his death and returns it to Mother Winter earning a huge favour, and removing from the White Council a major magical artefact, which allowed it to act with rank hypocrisy. Harry would see that as a win-win.

This is what I think also.

DF Spoilers / Re: Re-reading and this jumped out at me
« on: September 25, 2021, 03:00:30 PM »

Thing is, at this point given his history and service to the Almighty, I cannot see anyone who is a "saint" slapping that kind of curse on Michael.  And even if one tried, I think the Almighty would veto it.  No, in this case the silver came out because as mentioned, stainless steel would be painful if not fatal to their daughter.  Also for Sunday dinner with honored guests one breaks out the family best china and silver, which these days is inherited for the most part. Gone are the days when newly married couples get sets of sterling and fancy china as wedding gifts.. Yeah, it happens, but mostly it is inherited, that is how I got mine anyway.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 25, 2021, 02:55:31 PM »
If it's mostly about engagement, wedding, and faction issues, I think COURTING DISASTER would be perfect. 

You and me both! ;)   I really do not see any good that will come out of a union between Harry and Lara, and that may be what Mab is counting on.

DF Spoilers / Re: Name the next book! (Unofficial Fan Contest begins!)
« on: September 25, 2021, 02:53:22 PM »

  Well, as first up to the plate so to speak I'm for "Courting Disaster."   I think that is how it is going to be in more ways than one. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: September 24, 2021, 02:39:36 PM »
"One day I hope God will forgive me for giving birth to the idea that came next.  Because I never will.  I knew how angry she was.  I knew how afraid she was.  Her child was about to die only inches beyond her reach, and what I did to her was as good as murder".....

Sounds like he made a deliberate decision here.  Hey could have thought of something else, but he chose this.

Or once again it is Harry's conscience beating himself up overly, even though he did all he could at the time to save both her and their daughter.   They were losing the fight, Maggie was about to die, so what did Harry do? Told Susan the truth about Martin.  He may call that murder, but it wasn't, Susan still had a choice whether or not to tear Martin's throat out, she knew it would complete her change.  Heck it may have happened anyway the moment Maggie's throat was cut, and there wouldn't have been anyone or anything to stop her turning.

 Susan's final words..
"Help me please, save her please.."  Um, at that point killing the Red King wasn't going to happen, in spite of all his efforts, their daughter's throat was about to be cut.... Once that happened, Harry was dead, Maggie was dead, Eb was dead, and Susan would be a vamp.. Another way to save their daughter?  I don't think so, Holy Knights, powerful Fae, Odin, the Black Staff and others of the Grey Council fighting to stop it from happening, and they were still losing, Maggie's throat was still about to be cut by the Red King.. Also hate to get technical here, but when Harry did cut Susan's throat, she was no longer Susan, she was the youngest Red Court Vamp.  So he didn't murder Susan, he murdered the youngest Red Court Vamp, if she was still Susan the spell reversal wouldn't have worked.   So like we see in Christmas Eve., Harry beats himself up with woulda, shoulda, coulda, when in truth he did the best he could and it wasn't enough.  Even though it was the only way to save little Maggie, and her mother was no longer a human at the point that he killed her, still hurts and will always hurt, so he beats himself up.. But did he really have another option?  No, is the answer.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Way to Demonreach
« on: September 24, 2021, 03:08:59 AM »

 Actually when you think about it, when it's defenses are fully up as presumedly they are now that the island has a Warden again, there shouldn't be any Ways open to Demonreach.  Because a Way that can be easily opened leaves the island vulnerable to invasion.  When Rashid and Peabody used it, the defenses were not fully engaged, yeah, Harry had just become Warden, but he had no clue he that he was or what it meant.  Still even then the one Way wasn't easily used.  So Alfred might be able to give Harry a special key for travel through it now, but I bet that Way is now closed even to Rashid. 

DF Spoilers / Re: White Council Top Members
« on: September 23, 2021, 11:13:07 PM »
Yep, it was around when they showed Bill's and Yoshimo's bodies.  Harry was intentionally spared, and Carlos was next on the chopping bloc

Mavra says a lot of things, that doesn't mean it will go her way.   It still was a draw, and as Listens to Wind says, that's a win..

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: September 23, 2021, 08:50:13 PM »
Harry cut her throat.  I don't see any text where he said to Susan. Is this what you want? He didn't say here's my plan. Are you all in? He primed her and aimed her at Martin and pulled the trigger on her emotionally.

You can call it pulling the trigger on her emotionally, or you can say he showed her the truth.  When she realized that Martin was pulling the double cross and her little girl was going to die because of it, it pissed her off and she proceeded to rip his throat out as most loving mothers would. 

Then Harry explains to her as she is turning why the Red King wanted to kill Maggie, further explained that as the youngest vamp, she could kill all of them with her death.  Susan is conflicted some as she is turning, then she looks at her daughter, she tells Harry she doesn't think she can do it.

Then she says to Harry; page 419 Changes
Susan looked back at me,her eyes streaming with tears.  "Harry, help me,"she whispered.  "Save her please."

At that point, there was only one way to save little Maggie, they both knew it... Yes, she was telling him to cut her throat, it was the only way.

DF Spoilers / Re: White Council Top Members
« on: September 23, 2021, 08:35:38 PM »
Harry survived because he was for Drakul.  Mavra could have killed Dresden in an instant.  He was helpless.  He wouldn't have faired any better if Mavra wanted to kill him like the others.

Huh?  I don't remember Harry being "for" Drakul..  Harry fared better because when he sneezed huge iron anvils fell out of the sky..  Then again as Listens to Wind said, if you fight these kinds of creatures to a draw, it is a win..

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