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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: Writing in an Existing Universe
« on: February 22, 2012, 06:53:51 PM »
What's the best way to go about submitting a manuscript for an existing property? I see it all the time - Star Wars, Star Trek, even videogame novels released by various authors.

To be honest? Slim and none.  :(

I don't like saying that, but its true. Tie-in properties like novels are decided upon by the people owning the IP (Intellectual Property), and they chose Authors with proven track records to write them. They are not even going to look at an unsolicitied manuscript from someone they don't known.

Take a look at almost any author who's written a tie-in novel. Most, if not all, have a solid line of novels and stories they wrote and published before they were approached to write the tie-in novel.

My advice? Write your own stories and build a proven track record. Down the road, if people think you're the right person for that Transformer Novel, they'll come to you.


Right, getting the first draft down is the hard part....

After that, rewriting, and refining....well, that's even harder... :D

But seruously -- write and worry about making it better once you have something to work with. I have a mess of short stories and two novels that are partially written just for that reason....


Author Craft / Re: Dead Names
« on: February 21, 2012, 05:42:55 PM »
A Flesh Golem, maybe?


How did you get that job *droooooooooools*

By writing a lot of stories for that I was invited to join the cabal, then fact-check products until I felt confident enough to pitch for parts of a sourcebook.

Battlecorps is the place for canon Battletech fiction, and they're always looking for good stories based in the Battletech universe. On the plus side, the universe is so detailed that the writer has to only supply the charcters and plot, On the negative side, any story submitted that passes the first hurdle has to run the gauntlet of people to check that it fits in with everything else.

See for a full explaination of the website.


Author Craft / Re: A Writer's Blog? Good Idea or Bad?
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:10:12 PM »
This article might be helpful -- just found it and thought of this thread...


I'm writing, but it short, sourcebook pieces for a gaming company -- 150 - 250 word pieces that add color to the product. It's challenging to do, and I like doing it.


Author Craft / Re: A Writer's Blog? Good Idea or Bad?
« on: February 13, 2012, 06:32:06 PM »
I have two of them -- one for Battletech,( the other ( my other writing.... ;)


Author Craft / Re: Writing gigs...
« on: February 05, 2012, 06:16:27 PM »
A lot of scripts there days are set up as Lowest common denomanator -- hot women/hunky guys, explosions, bad guys with capital B and G, and a plot that might hold together if you tilted your head to the right and squinted....

Quaility or originaity are not in most filmakers lexicon. For every original idea, there are a dozen rip-offs that try to cash in. And the accounting practices a lot of studios use would make most people's head spin.

I'll stick with story writing for now.


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: February 05, 2012, 12:07:36 AM »
As for me, I'm slowly expanding my writing fields to my own worlds, and I'm laying down the first foundations of my fist fantasy novel, and blogging about it. Just joined Bean's bar myself and I'm easing my way into the forumn.


Author Craft / Re: 50 years??? Challenges
« on: January 21, 2012, 07:31:54 PM »
I don't have one, because I've read too many books over the years. Started reading when I was very young and never stopped. There are series I hag onto, but I don't have a single author that is my favorate, just a bunch of ones who I enjoy....


Author Craft / Re: When writing, you know you are in trouble when...
« on: December 25, 2011, 12:38:32 AM »
... you can't write the first chapter. AAAGHHH! It's so frustrating! I've got my outline written, but i can't write the first freakin' chapter! Not even the first page! AGGGGGGGGH!

Then write the second chapter, and the third, and maybe the fourth. Come back to the first chapter when you feel ready for it.


Author Craft / Re: I need songs for funeral scene
« on: December 16, 2011, 08:20:46 PM »
I am wright a funeral scene. I want there to be three songs played. I already have "What A Wonderful World" by Louis Armstrong and "Over The Rainbow" By Israel Kamakawiwo'ole but I still need a third title. I want another tune that that is hauntingly beautiful. Please help I have been stuck for months on a good title. Thanks in advance.

Solo piper playing "Coming Home" or "Amazing Grace"  -- the version done by the pipes and drums of the Royal Scots Dragoon Guards is especially haunting and beautiful....


Author Craft / Re: How Do I Start As An Author?
« on: December 09, 2011, 06:00:18 PM »
Write, write, and write some more..... ;D

A lot of people (Like me) started writing fanfiction and have moved on from there. Fanfiction, while not sellable, does have the advantage of allowing the author to take established characters and situation and play around with them. I think fanfiction is a good palce to start, but YMMV.

Right now, I'm writing stories set in the Battletech Universe -- everything else has been established, so I can concentrate on plot and characters. After twenty-five years of RT existence, there's a LOT of background about the universe, its factions and technologies that I can use to create stories. From fanfiction, you see what you need when you worldbuild your own universe.

Keep notes on what you like and what you don't when you read. When you read a scene, think "How would I have written the scene?" and maybe actually rewrite it.

Read not only fiction, but non-fiction. If you are writing science fiction, read some science books to get a feel for the things you have to account for in say, FTL travel. Since you're military, you have knowledge of military matters (Chain of command, your job, TOE of your unit). If writing a story with sword play, read about it (Or even better, train in swordplay). Have a working knowledge of many areas that you think you'll need to write your story. I have a large reference section in my personal library, and the internet can help if you don't have the right books or knowledge....

and keep writing!


Author Craft / Re: Editors and submissions -- A problem?
« on: December 05, 2011, 10:05:10 PM »
The same author has a new blog post up discussing the changing relationship between agents and writers and publishers.


Author Craft / Re: NaNoWriMo warning.... it is almost October
« on: December 04, 2011, 05:36:14 PM »
I topped out at 41,919 words -- It came down to weither the NaNoWriMo, or finishing up a story for a Battlecorps anthology (And putting a few $$ into my pocket). The Battlecorps story won out....


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