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Messages - dragoonbuster

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DFRPG / Breaking Bad Statblock Session
« on: August 16, 2015, 06:53:16 AM »
So I was watching Breaking Bad again and the mood struck to stat out some of the main characters.

I set the PL to Feet in the Water and ignored the Pure Mortal bonus because there isn't a supernatural side to their world. Then I gave Walter a bump to Waist-Deep because I think he's been through quite a lot and deserves a bump. I gave Mike a bump to Waist-Deep because he's been around the block too. Gus is set to Submerged because he spent twenty years building his empire, and that's not including his time as a Chilean general. These stats corresponds roughly to the end of Season 4/beginning of Season 5.


Walter White
HC: Meth-Chef for the Entire Southwest
Trouble: Pride Goeth Before the Fall
OA: A Man Provides For His Family, Stage Four Lung Cancer (In Remission), Call Me...Heisenberg, I AM The Danger, You're Four Steps Ahead...I'm Twelve Steps Ahead
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Jesse Pinkman
HC: I'm A Criminal, Yo
Trouble: Everything Around Me Turns to Shit
OA: Captain Cook turned This Old Dude's Assistant; Science, Bitch!; Recovering Addict; Loyal to the End; My Cook Is As Good As Heisenberg's
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Gustavo Fring
HC: The Meth-King Of The American Southwest
Trouble: The Mexican Cartel
OA: The Former Grand Generalissimo, Owner of Los Pollos Hermanos (and more), Twenty Year Plan In The Making, Low-Key Philanthropist Alter-Ego, Always Four Steps Ahead
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Mike Ehrmantraut
HC: I'm In "Private Security"
Trouble: I'm Surrounded By Amateurs
OA: I've Seen Just About Everything You Can See In This Business, Dead-Eyed Bastard, Ex-Cop With My Own Rules, I've Got Guys, My Grand-daughter Kaylee Is My World
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Saul Goodman
HC: Albuquerque's Premier Scumbag Ambulance-Chaser
Trouble: All My Clients Are Criminals
OA: If A Lie Doesn't Work...Make It A Bigger Lie; I Always Get My Cut; Listen....Let's Talk This Out; If The Going Get's Tough, I'm Outta Here; ...There's This Guy I Helped Out Of A Pinch...
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Hank Shrader
HC: ASAC of the Albuquerque Office of the DEA
Trouble: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
OA: Real Men Don't Cry; I Survived A Hit From The Mexican Cartel; They're Minerals, Marie; A Big Mouth and a Bit of a Temper
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DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 15, 2015, 10:42:02 PM »
Double post:

If people are still doing requests than I would like to see the mythological version of Cu Chulainn, and more specifically I want to see how the Warp Spasm would impact the character. Use whatever Refresh level you think is necessary.

Warp Spasm is pretty easily done with an Aspect that's used for invokes and compels.

For a little more effect, I would attach a few extra powers to Human Form. Exactly how you want to build it is pretty flexible; I'd give him a Fighting stunt or two, a boost to Strength and maybe Toughness, and call it a day. If you like the Inhuman/Supernatural/Mythic Martial Arts powers (couldn't find the link), you could give him one of those.

Cu Chulainn is the type of character I see as having a lot of FPs to work with, based on the legends. Inhuman Strength in base form and likely not much else. A few stunts, and that's it other than the spear Gáe Bulg (which I'd model with Natural Weaponry) and Warp Spasm.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 15, 2015, 09:41:49 PM »
Oh, I see.

I might actually fold that into the basic evothaum ability. It's not clear which foci and specializations you're "supposed" to use, and thaumaturgy foci are generally less impressive than evocation foci, in my experience.

Hm, you've got a good point there. In which case I think I'd keep Superior Ectomancy at -2 and give a +1 Power/Control bonus to it.

Plus I'm not thrilled with how using evocation bonuses has worked out in my games.

How's that?

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 15, 2015, 02:42:43 AM »
As for Superior Ectomancy, I'd only charge 1 Refresh for ectomantic evothaum. It's not as powerful as ghost-themed Channelling, after all.

Agreed, and I charged another one for being able to use your foci for evocation and as catch-all Power/Discipline instead of offensive/defensive only. That might be a bit powerful, and maybe you should make them choose offense/defense.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 14, 2015, 01:41:57 AM »
There are no special rules for ancestor spirits as far as I know. Presumably you'd handle them with normal thaumaturgy effects. 7 shifts of Lore skill substitution gets some ancestor ghost to give you Epic-quality information about Lore, and so on.

And IIRC Ghost Speaker lets you contact ghosts the same way you contact living humans, so that's an option.

If you want to summon them and have them fight for you, you might find this and this useful.

I'd handle this the same way, minus the summoning rules.

If you have an ancestor spirit like Sir Stuart, make it an Aspect you can invoke. AS far as multiple ones, I'd say it's possible but unlikely, given the nature of how ghosts are created and stick around in Dresden...of course, a sort of "Spirit Council of Elders" is a really cool concept.  If you have refresh to burn you could make them an Item of Power.

Instead of Summoning Rules, I note that Mort gets tired when he directs ghosts on-the-fly and the prevalence of thaumaturgic-level magic with the speed/method of Evocation. This tells me that you can pretty easily model what he does as Ritual: Ectomancy, and Superior Ectomancy, effectively using "Ectomancy" as an evocation element in combat. Availability of ghosts to do this is handled simply with compels.

Spinning off the idea of a "Spirit Council of Elders," here's how I might build a "21st Century Shaman" ectomancer at Chest-Deep:

HC: 21st Century Shaman
Trouble: Still An Outcast In Society

- I HAVE to Listen to My Elders
- The Old Ways Aren't The Only Ways, But I Still Keep A Beard
- Last of the True Ainu Shamans
- I Named Him Smokey

+4 Conviction, Lore, Discipline
+3 Endurance, Survival, Athletics
+2 Stealth, Fists, Alertness
+1 Presence, Rapport, Scholarship

-2 Ritual: Ectomancy
-2 Superior Ectomancy: You may perform Ectomantic rituals with the speeds and methods of evocation, and your focus items for rituals may be used in conjunction with this, substituting Complexity bonuses for Power.
 -1 Item of Power: Ancestor Spirits
   +1 One Time Discount: It can be found and scattered, but its purpose isn't obvious to everyone, and it isn't carried around.
   -0 It Is What It Is: A shrine in his home housing seven carved sticks that act as vessels for his relatives, who offer guidance and wisdom.
   -0 Unbreakable
   -1 Guide My Hand (He may use the powers in Guide My Hand after praying and speaking with his ancestors for guidance at the shrine.)
   -1 Occultist: Spirit Beings (Kamuy)
-1 Item of Power: Smokey the Bear Spirit
   +0 One Time Discount
   -0 It Is What It Is: A bear spirit invisible to all but those who can see ghosts.
   -0 Unbreakable
   -0 Wizard's Constitution
   -1 Echoes of the Beast: Bears

Focus Items:
Elm Staff: +1 Ectomancy Control

Enchanted Items
- 2 potion slots

Starting Refresh: 8
Refresh Spent: -6
Remaining Refresh: 2

DFRPG / Re: Skill Columns
« on: August 13, 2015, 12:08:11 AM »
I find It really depends on the GM, though.  Some GM's have a minimum 3 shift threshold for maneuvers/declarations.  I find this, generally, makes having skills under 3 useless - or, at least, almost never worth it.

Not to derail the thread, the "3 is minimum for everything" isn't correct per RAW...The book suggests 3 as a minimum for maneuvers with Evocation...that's it. Everything else should be based on what's appropriate, how difficult the maneuver is based on the Adjective ladder, etc. Often, thanks to what players tend to attempt with maneuvers, this becomes three or higher.

Obviously GMs can run their games the way they want, but given the way skills work in this game and the RAW descriptions of setting difficulties, I personally find that to be a bad way to run things.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« on: August 12, 2015, 01:45:58 AM »
At this rate, you might want to just model the IoP-on-the-go thing as Modular Abilities, possibly with a little modification.

DFRPG / Re: Item of Power Cost
« on: August 10, 2015, 11:49:34 PM »
Sweet, thanks for the replies.  Did anyone ever come up with an in game use for the iron gloves?

Not in our game. Our Scion doesn't have Mjolnir, as Thor still carries it. He has his own IoP hammer, but it doesn't have the same history as Thor's and therefore doesn't need special gloves. The only reason Thor needed them, as I understand it, is because Mjolnir's handle was forged too short thanks to Loki-in-the-form-of-a-gadfly biting Brokkr in the eye during forging.

If you were interested in the gloves, you could consider them "part" of the hammer, and therefore if you don't have the gloves the hammer can't be used. Alternatively, you could attach the gloves as a Limitation to the hammer if your table/GM is okay with it.

DFRPG / Re: Item of Power Cost
« on: August 10, 2015, 10:28:52 PM »
You're not the first to have this idea. This is from the wiki:

Description: Thor's wolf-hide belt. Doubles its wearer's strength.
Musts: You must have an aspect related to your possession of this item.
Skills Affected: Might, Fists, Weapons
[-0] It Is What It Is. It's a belt. Pretty stylish.
[-0] Unbreakable. As an Item of Power, this item cannot be broken except with certain powerful magical rituals.
[+1] One-Time Discount. A belt isn't exactly hard to hide.
[-2] Twofold Strength. Megingjoro increases its wearer's strength. As long as the wearer maintains physical contact with Megingjoro, increase that wearer's strength by one step. (Normal strength becomes Inhuman, Inhuman becomes Supernatural, etc.)

and I think the approach shown here is a good one.

This is what we did for the exact same scenario you laid out, cetra02, for a PC over at RagnarokNYC who is a Scion of Thor. It has worked out well.

DFRPG / Re: Item of Power Cost
« on: August 10, 2015, 09:38:13 PM »
Just the difference in cost, -2.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Sponsored Magic Master List
« on: August 07, 2015, 09:49:48 PM »
It does remove the need to take Consequences, yes. It's why it's priced at [-5]. Is it still too unbalancing?

Actually, I have a question about the whole "fake high concept" thing for Power-granting rituals- what if your High Concept already fits the powers you're granting yourself?

I don't see why not.

My two cents, at that price and considering it's an IoP--so it can  be taken away from you--it's balanced enough.

DFRPG / Re: Soulfire Power, -1 refresh?
« on: July 31, 2015, 11:08:18 PM »
That sounds like how the Greek government does math.  At the end of the day, you still only have 4 stress boxes... which means three usable stress since filling the last box takes you out.

Filling the last box of your stress track doesn't take you out, either...exceeding it does. I would second Cadd's advice and review the stress rules.

DFRPG / Re: Soulfire Power, -1 refresh?
« on: July 31, 2015, 10:36:45 PM »
Maybe I'm missing something, but how does 2 more stress boxes translate into 7 stress?

Because each stress box adds onto the previous one. A 3rd stress box corresponds to 3 available stress, and 4th is worth 4 available stress--so combined, that's 7 stress.

DFRPG / Re: Kemmlerian necromancy and death curses...
« on: July 24, 2015, 04:02:39 AM »
I don't think I would measure death curses in shifts. To me, that's something highly significant, it's a plot device more than anything. So I would treat it as such. Killing a player character with a death curse is boring and I would probably just say that the dying character just can't do that. Well, unless it's a player sacrificing themselves to kill the big bad, but not the other way around. Instead, I would go for something more dramatic.

Agreed, Haru:

Except the power you can throw into a death curse is measured in shifts.

It's far less interesting, to me, to throw a 30-shift attack (or whatever) at players than it is to work with them to come up with what happens to them when they're slammed with a Death Curse. Plus you have to pause play to do the math for the Curse, and then the math to stop it...that's a lot of not playing.

The numbers are there to make some sense of the game, not define it...that's what the narrative is for. If you don't want to do things by the don't have to.

I've had...I think 4 different PCs take a Death Curse at one time or another. Only one took a straight blast to the dome in terms of shifts, and it was by far the least interesting and least memorable of all of them. Losing an eye, having an arm burned to a cinder, being cursed to never find satisfaction in life, those are interesting and fun. Other than the one instance of "blasted in the face," I worked with my players to come up with something that made sense given the narrative and their opponent that they thought would be fun, and they took an Extreme Consequence (at least) that was the "effect" of the death curse. And those have resulted in some great character development and RP for it. In Harry's case with DIE ALONE, I wouldn't fill his Extreme Slot for that but I'd have him change an aspect to fit the curse.

Death Curses are a big deal and don't happen every time a practitioner is killed, have to have a second's time, know you're about to die, and Harry implies you've got to be trained to actually pull one off, as in Wizard-level training. Those enemies don't show up all the time to start with, and when they do, they're often the Megalomaniacal Bad Guy who doesn't believe they could ever lose to some meddling kids, and that darn mutt! So when the time comes for a real Death Curtse, they should be plot devices. Every time one goes off in the books, it's a rather serious event--and a plot device. Even Simon Petrovitch's Death Curse is one....the dead Red Court don't make a practical difference at the PC (Harry) level--but they play a part in spurring on a Compel to throw Harry into another crazy adventure. One of my favorite developments in the entire series was
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So my opinion is forget X shifts and just come up with something reasonable that will drive more good story because of it.

Now, to answer the question of how to Block something like that? Well, in practical terms, I'm not sure you really can. A Death Curse isn't something you can do if you're Taken Out--you have to do it, effectively, as a Concession. I guess it's possible to set up a giant block ahead of time in anticipation of the Bad Guy shooting off a Death Curse, but that seems far-fetched and unlikely...if you could do that, why didn't you just shut down his power completely from the get-go and avoid the fight and possibility of a Death Curse?

So if you're the one trying to stop the Death Curse-as-Concession, you have no mechanical way to stop it, practically, in my eyes--but you can bargain with the GM, as always. And that's where, if keeping the guy alive would be a big deal to the story or the PCs, "Cool! Let's figure something out..." And then we come up with a way to allow you to stop or block the Death Curse by invoking your HC and taking a consequence or three in exchange.

Maybe you do a cold-blooded takeout like when
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and take a Moderate-Severe Mental [Am I A Murderer?] consequence, for example. For the necromantic "stop him from reaching Death" style prevention you specified, maybe your PC starts thinking he's above the Laws of Nature/Magic and starts skirting the edge of Lawbreaking more, and you take a Mental Consequence or change an aspect to represent that. (I don't know the PC well enough to make a specific call, but I think you get my point?)

Whatever exactly should (a) be a Big Deal when someone uses or tries to use a Death Curse and (b) create some effect that drives/creates more interesting story.

My opinion on this is:

- NPCs can do mental evocations no problem, if it's appropriate for them to do so. They're NPCs.
- PCs can enter mental conflict or create mental contests using thaumaturgy or an appropriately themed Ritual power.
- PCs cannot use mental evocations without an appropriate Aspect, magical theme/focus, and a Superior Psychomancy power or related that gives them Psychomancy with the speeds and method of Evocation

Mental magic is supposed to be freakin' scary, even for wizards facing it, and they are likely the most equipped to deal with it. I try to use it against PCs somewhat sparingly and to make it fairly terrifying.

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