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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Next?
« on: August 01, 2020, 12:03:29 AM »
If Eb is Nemfected, then Harry just exposed his mind to the Outside in direct violation of the 7th law on the advice of a Nemfected individual, and we only have Eb's word that it was safe for Harry.

Perhaps the rash of continuity violations are actually Harry going mad?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Next?
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:38:15 PM »
If Starborn can be Destroyers or Saviours, it's not going to be a destiny thing, it's going to be an all-caps CHOICE.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mantles and death curses
« on: July 31, 2020, 05:37:39 PM »
I *think* it wouldn't work -- an immortal mantle holder wouldn't get to throw a death curse.

I *think* a death curse takes the burst of energy that accompanies a soul leaving for the afterlife (the burst of energy that can sometimes create a ghost) and uses it to power a magical spellform that the wizard prepares just before dying.

The "death" of an immortal shouldn't produce that burst of energy. (Although it might if they die at a conjunction, depending on how much soul they have left.)

DF Spoilers / Ethniu in Dead Beat? (Peace Talks Spoilers)
« on: July 31, 2020, 01:47:14 PM »
Did Ethniu knock the power out in Chicago way back in Dead Beat?

We've suspected that Cowl is working with/for the fomor for a long time.

And in Dead Beat, Harry says he assumes Cowl did it -- but "If you'd have asked me yesterday, I wouldn't have thought this was possible. I don't know how he did it, but... his magic is stronger than mine. And from what I saw of his technique, he's a hell of a lot more skilled, too."

Perhaps... Cowl isn't quite as omnipotent as he appears. Like Harry, he cheats and gets huge effects by leveraging friends and favors.

Further support: When Harry's talking to Mab, by the lake, we get this:
Quote from: Dead Beat
Thunder rumbled over the lake. Off in the southwest, lightning leapt from cloud to cloud.
Mab turned her head to watch. "Interesting."
"Uh. What's interesting?"
"Powers at work, preparing the way."

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Next?
« on: July 31, 2020, 11:33:32 AM »
It’s a placard, placards are used to communicate things such as “Jesus Christ, King of the Jews” and all mortal communications are down.


That leaves the placard, all we know is that it announced a message the world over which has held for two millennia, sweeping away worship of a host of other gods. Not powerful at all.

Except that the message which swept the world wasn't "Jesus of Nazareth is the King of the Jews" -- heck, that message didn't even sweep Judaism. The message that swept the world was the Good News of the resurrection -- which happened days after the last mention of the placard in the Bible.

I've been thinking the Placard is about names or mantles -- like maybe if you stuck the placard on the back of Vadderung's seat and wrote Kris Kringle on it, it would force him to switch mantles. Or maybe if you write a True Name on it, it's a much more powerful version of Harry speaking Toot-Toot's name to summon him (or Mab's, or the Erlking's...)

If it were the latter, though, I'd expect him to set up shop on the Island and try to use the placard to summon Ethniu. He could end the battle before she even gets to Chicago with her army.


DF Spoilers / Lara's First Favor [PT Spoilers]
« on: July 31, 2020, 03:22:07 AM »
Any good speculation on what Lara's first favor from Mab might have been?

A few:
  • Upgraded magical defenses at Raith Chateau
  • An introduction to Vadderung, resulting in the hiring of Freydis
  • A dopplegänger for Thomas (who is actually hanging out at the Chateau, safe behind the upgraded magical defenses)
  • Sanctuary in Winter territory for the White Court, should Chicago fall to the fomor
  • Forgiveness for the capture of the little folk back in White Night
  • A supply of sidhe bedmates to feed on
  • Help narrowing down possible sources of the leak in her organization
  • Something relevant to the Oblivion War


DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Next?
« on: July 31, 2020, 02:23:15 AM »
Where are you getting the idea that the placard is a communication device?

Is there a WoJ or something in the text, or something in the pop culture or medieval lore about that?

DF Spoilers / Where did the Snarky Wiseassery Go?
« on: July 30, 2020, 03:50:02 PM »
I've been skimming around and rereading favorite bits of other DF books for discussions, and I think I realized what's missing for me in Peace Talks that *isn't* just the fact that it's Act I of a three act novel: It's the mood.

Harry Dresden is, above all, a snarky wiseass with a heart of gold. He's the happy warrior making jokes in the face of certain doom, always ready to lighten the mood with a self-deprecatory aside, always able to laugh at himself.

Many of the greatest moments of the series revolve around this -- eating his donut and not explaining, because secrets are like wizard crack; deflating Gatekeeper's concerns by pointing at his bandaged head and saying, "Dude."; the building was on fire and it wasn't my fault; and on and on... Even in Changes, with his daughter in danger, he lightens the mood when he's showing Susan and Martin the map he made of the storage bunker.

In Peace Talks, Harry Dresden is bitter and angry all the time. The snarky wisecracks have been replaced with bitter sarcasm, the self-deprecation with self-pity and whining, and worst of all the courage to not back down has been replaced with an eagerness to do violence.

What makes it particularly weird is that he's constantly surrounded by people who are making happy snarky wisecracks, and Harry spends the whole book playing the curmudgeonly straight man for *everyone*.

(click to show/hide)

Fear is a prison. But when you combine it with secrets, it becomes especially toxic, vicious. It puts us all into solitary, unable to hear one another clearly.
That's Harry, in this book. He's tired and sick and afraid to trust anyone, even the people he loves. And it makes him bitter and angry.

I miss the Happy Warrior.

Hoping this is part of the setup to Harry learning what he really, really needs to learn from River Shoulders and/or LTW.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 30, 2020, 01:03:39 PM »
If it ends with Thomas and the baby safe and Hunger-free, as a result of a Bargain, Harry will be mad that he was out of the loop, but not at all displeased.

The key moment for Harry-Mab relations, I think, is when he asks her to trust him and she does. The next step will be Mab actually telling him what her endgame goal is and trusting him to work towards it, rather than trying to strongarm and manipulate him into doing it -- and I think we could see that in some aspect of Battle Ground. There are tons of small plots going on surrounding the big thing (which itself is just a distraction for what's happening at the Outer Gates) -- I'd bet there's one that could be handled quickly if Mab were to simply tell Harry her goal and point him in the right direction.

(My current working theory is that the Lara-Mab-Marcone plot is designed to smoke out the Nemfected and other traitors among the Accords signatories. I'd imagine lots of suspects being fed information or put in what looks like a pivotal position, so they'll be tempted to betray the alliance and expose themselves.)

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 30, 2020, 11:36:57 AM »
The Svartalves seem to be insane when it comes to duty and balancing the scales. If Harry did wrong them, on his own recognizance, they wouldn't let it go because they fear Mab. In this case, though, their obsession should lead them to target all their vengeance on Lara, if they know that Harry was formally working for her to repay a favor.

We're told Etri is "what amounted to a head of state" and "the heaviest hitter [Harry] knew of among his people", but he's also described as "the head of the svartalf embassy". That's not a description you'd give to a king.

I do think there's something of a setup going on, but I'd be shocked if it ends up with Harry freed from Winter. In Peace Talks he manages to become even more entangled with Winter, owing a new favor to the Winter Lady. And his public behavior during the peace talks will have isolated him even more than usual, confirming everyone's suspicions -- from acting the part of Mab's thug with the too-blatant-not-to-be-a-setup sidhe fiddler to sexually assaulting a valkyrie right there on the dance floor in true Lloyd Slate fashion; from being so jumpy he almost attacks Strength-of-a-River-in-his-Shoulders at the buffet line to being seen having sex with the White Queen; and worst of all when the peace talks collapsed into brutal violence with einherjaren gunned down in the great hall and Mab drop-kicked through multiple walls, Harry was completely AWOL. His one assignment from the wardens was security, and when they needed security the most, he wasn't there.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror Next?
« on: July 30, 2020, 05:23:23 AM »
I'd guess Harry will have a heck of a lot of regrets following Battle Ground.

Mirror Mirror could be like It's a Wonderful Life -- Harry's chance to see how much worse it could have been.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 30, 2020, 05:11:03 AM »
Etri isn't the king of all svartalves, though, is he? He's just the head of the svartalf embassy in Chicago -- so, more equivalent to Bianca in Grave Peril than to the Red King.

We're told repeatedly that no one messes with the svartalves, and we've never seen them lose a fight. "Froggy" in Bombshells had Molly handily outclassed and Etri casually starts hacking pieces off him and submerges him in the floor without bothering to wait for security. Compare that to the difficulty Marcone had with Mag in Even Hand. Molly (in Bombshells) and Harry (in Peace Talks) both point out that even the norse gods never got into a fight with the svartalves. It's possible that their reputation is undeserved, but did you notice the stockpiles of vehicles and weapons when they were taking Harry to see Thomas? Shades of Vadderung's armory.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 30, 2020, 01:41:08 AM »
Re: Harry being protected by the threat of White Council vengeance...

When he was dead for a year or so, did the White Council investigate at all?

DF Spoilers / Re: What is Lara's problem? [PT Spoilers!]
« on: July 29, 2020, 10:26:00 PM »
Re: Lara and favors...

That was really suspicious. It makes me think she and Mab are in cahoots, likely with Marcone as well (the gaping security flaw and using Harry's lab as the prison cell are pretty big cluebats). Lara got three favors, perhaps with an understanding about what she'd be using them for?

And remember that the introduction really did pay off -- she might have sweet-talked Christos without it, but Harry vouched for her to Etri and that seemed to make a difference.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Eb is 100% correct about everything?
« on: July 29, 2020, 10:21:08 PM »
Being Winter Knight wouldn't make him less of an outlaw to the White Council, it would just make him a politically-untouchable outlaw.

Compare to Hannah Asher, the warden-killing warlock. If the Denarians were still Accord members, she'd still be a warlock and an outlaw even after she took up Lasciel's coin. She'd just be a trickier political issue.

I think the "outlaw" issue for Eb is that he's the White Council's hitman. If the White Council decided that taking out Harry Dresden was more important than not offending Mab, Eb's the one they'd task with doing it. And it's dredging up his painful memories of the days after Harry was arrested for Justin's murder.

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