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Messages - finnmckool

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DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 07:32:55 AM »
"So, in other words, its exceedingly complicated"-people seem to think so...that's why the there no more elegant solution? why is mine bad?

"and has no precedent in the system,"-No...hence the question...But hey! It's a new system! This is half the fun!

"or at least that's how you want it to be treated mechanically."-No. I just want it to do and be something very specific.

"That, or do something that has a purpose other than "wow, cool!"-Yeah, no I have listed like 3 or 4 things that makes this thing REALLY useful, outside of pure numbers. I will reiterate. It is a bar of fire you hold in your hand. So let me spell (heh) that out a bit. You can use it to cut through things. Not BLAST through, thus possibly hitting things on the other side you can't see...cut through. If you've ever played a Jedi you know how really awesome that is. Solves a LOT of problems without the fall out of explosions or burning buildings. In a sword fight, it'd be well...difficult at best to parry this weapon since it would probably ruin any straight blade that came in contact with it for any period of time.

And's FIRE. I hit you with it. You hurt bad. Maybe be on fire.  It's actually the best of several worlds. one can confiscate it. Unlike your sword. is that not insanely useful? There's a reason lightsabers rock...and it's not just the hawt glowing blade or sexy noise it makes.

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 07:01:59 AM »
Yeah, no I have read it. But, as I've mentioned earlier...while I understand the over all point I take a few exceptions.

1) Real swords are illegal in the USofA to go carrying about one's person (as is any blade longer than what is it? 4 inches? 6?) And they're not exactly concealable. It's all fine and dandy when you're an NPC like Morgan or Luccio, or a Knight of the Cross with a trait like "Protection of Divine Coincidence." But GM's like to make things difficult on PC's. "Yes, that's a fine Bastard Sword and you like quite scary with it. So much so everyone's calling the cops."

2) Why magic up a sword instead of a real one? Because I've been caught and frisked! They took me weapons! Me shiny shiny weapons...

3) This one's ON FIRE. Which makes it inherently more awesome. And no real sword is.

4) This cuts through things, not blasts through them, so it's way less dangerous to the scenery and the by-standers

5) This one IS FIRE. Swords have to go in sheaths. This one can be blown out dramatically at the end of the fight. Plus it's fire. see 3 and 4.

6) Go on. Parry it. I dare you. Make a disarming maneuver...give it a go.

I'm just sayin...I can think of berjillion occasions when a construct sword is better than a real sword. Especially when said sword isn't so much a sword as a persistent, static bar of fire that I can swing in a sword like fashion.

Now I grant there are plenty of drawbacks. It can be dispelled. It can burn me just as easy. It takes some juice to make. Hit it with water the steam will cook me pretty good too. Plus it's not invulnerable. But it's not useless either. It does things no other ONE spell anyone's named so far can do, which is go away when I want it, be there when I need it, cut through walls (as opposed to blasting through them),  parry/block things, cut through things in general, and be a sword o' fire.

DFRPG / Re: magical bug out bag
« on: July 31, 2010, 06:04:50 AM »
A wizard in my group has a spray bottle with holy water, iron powder, salt, and, my favorite...bleach. Because when all the rest of that fails...that bleach in their eyes will SUCK.

DFRPG / Re: What's in the nevernever
« on: July 31, 2010, 06:02:27 AM »
the general rule of thumb is...the less you see it on this plane of existence, the "Deeper" into the Nevernever it is, and the harder it is to find or get to. And the more difficult it is for that thing to "impact" our reality directly. Remember...the Nevernever is not a country to explore. It's a multiverse of realities where physics shifts constantly. And the deeper in you go, the stranger it gets. It may be that the deeps of the Nevernever require you to "give up your physical body" entirely. You know...die.

DFRPG / Re: A Compelling Question About Aspects
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:56:50 AM »
I completely understand everyone's maybes.

I say yes to both. But at the moment, I'm all about encouraging the accruing and spending of fate points. The more you can enforce your players acting against their best metagame interests for fate points the better. It gets them used to the system. And you. And it makes for a more insane series of events, and creative problem creating on your part (see earlier comment about amorous werebear). So if I'M on the fence? I always lean towards "You Get a Cookie"

At least until it becomes a problem. Then I CLENCH THE FIST OF GM'ING AND THEY SHALL GO WANTING! MUAHAHAHAA..sorry.

DFRPG / Re: Fear As An Attack
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:50:51 AM »
I think that's actually exactly how you do that in the book.

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:48:01 AM »
Not a whole Okay. is this where I'm breaking down? I realize I'm probably not conveying this correctly. Maybe this is where I'm going awry. It's a lightsaber. Spell. you turn it off and on. You use it for an exchange or two. Maybe the whole fight. You don't carry it with you all the time, that's part of what makes it better than a sword. that and it's made of fire ;) that's where I'm getting 14. As a construct it takes 2 to make a simple shape (it has to hold something, but it doesn't have to be anything more complicated than a cylinder. It takes some points equal to the shifts of fire you're pouring into it (and if I got that right 8 shifts gives you a Weapon 4...right?) So that's ten. You want it to hang around for more than one exhange...four shifts for construct duration.

Yeah, let me reiterate...I don't want the guy to have a LITERAL lightsaber, or a PHYSICAL sword. I want him to freeze a bar of the one Luccio shoots, and swing it like a bat. As a spell. I can live with tying it to some sort of physical focus so it's tethered to a "hilt" but it's really not a magic sword, or a fire blast. See? this is why I thought it more complicated than just an "evocation attack with fire." I'm looking for something that is both evocation/ritual, or between. Or something.

On what Gruff was saying...don't feel shy about getting nasty either. I threw a Raw Head and Bloody Bones at my crew. They killed it quite handily. But I didn't just use the template, I chucked some extra toughness on that mother. Nothing scares a player like a baddy that keeps getting up when you knock it down. Even if they're clobbering it, they feel like they're fighting for their lives.

The point is, don't feel shy about tossing in some extra powers on your monster. Up that refresh all you like. They're monsters. They don't have refresh caps. That super ghoul not super enough? Up his strength, speed and toughness. Which their mouths all go dry when their wizard puts him through a wall and he runs back out only slightly inconvenienced. Is that fae not scary enough? Give it wings. Nothing's worse than wings. It's adding a whole new axis to the fight that the players can't access (axis access-heeehee). Plus it opens up tactical possibilities for everyone. More dynamic fight. "Claws" are good too. Nobody likes those.

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:27:50 AM »
Look at it this way: I'm making a bowl. That holds fire. That's not strictly evocation. It "durates"

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 05:25:55 AM »
Sure. If it's evocation. But if it's a ritual? A construct is not evocation. It is NOT conviction=discipline. That's what I'm saying. I can't mix the two?

And don't forget set dressing that's bad in ways not covered by rules. Like by-standers! Oh sure you COULD use your turn to smite that ghoul but then THOSE three over there are going to eat those nuns.

And don't forget set dressing that's bad in ways that ARE covered by rules. Like collapsing buildings! Putting your characters on a timer really limits their options and forces them to think creatively while at the same time making them poop themselves. Fire's good.

Tactics, tactics, tactics. Your villains aren't dumb are they? Good! Then you've got a week to plan and they a moment to react. Without getting into spoiler specifics I'm reminded of a bad guy who trapped good guys with his big boat on their small boat on a big lake, with a lot of stat-killing smog, a lot of ghoul minions, a lot of machine gun fire, and a lot of innocent by-standers. Sure our heroes got out of it, but fighting was a delaying tactic to GTFO.

Just make sure you're not the sick GM who only leaves room for ONE solution...leave it open ended and they'll surprise you with "third options" or "option c's" as I like to call'em

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 31, 2010, 02:56:14 AM »
So I think I got what I need. It's like casting two spells at once really. One's a construct to hold the fire into a shape that you can grab and swing. This is a straight complexity roll that's going to be roughly a 2 for the simple construct + shifts for duration + shifts for weapon rating. Done. Conviction is weapon rating, the discipline has to necessarily be higher. So for a Weapon 4: it's what? an 8 conviction? and a 14 discipline for say...two turns? Is that about right?

And you know...I hadn't considered the first law implications but on the other hand, it's no different from other magic that way.

About GMPC's. This is just an NPC who is "in charge." He's never around. He doesn't go adventuring with them. He's the Warden so he knows stuff they need to know. But he's a complete "PC" because if ever someone else runs the game I've got a character. Cuz he's cool. And I thought it'd be a neat-o speedo spell to pull out, and if it's kosher then I can do it later as a PC (GM willing). No, he's not a party member. He's why the Avengers assemble, and he's the guy that actually knows stuff since three party members are new to town and the fourth just never gave a damn until today. So no worries about his breaky-ness.

DFRPG / Re: Fists, Armed stunt, character help
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:37:41 AM »
MMmmmm yeah...I can't see why you'd NEEEEED athleticism for fists. Fists is, after all, it's own skill, and athleticism is, necessarily, separate. Yeah. That makes total sense.

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 30, 2010, 07:04:56 AM »
I think my greater problem is things are about MORE than the power you're summoning. It's about complexity. Harry talks about the difference all the time. And complexity is a discipline roll. So why would there not be a greater discipline to do something that has lots of non-numbers related advantages, but nothing to do with it's strength? It's duration. It's bending physics to your will. Why wouldn't that be a slightly higher discipline roll? Seems reasonable and in the rules and I'm talking crazy here so why not?

DFRPG / Re: The Lightsaber Spell.. :o ::)
« on: July 30, 2010, 06:59:17 AM »
Honestly I just want a cool spell for the Warden GMPC to pull out of his pocket to make the players poop a littler. You know.. R-E-S-P-E-C-T. But you know players, they see YOU do it, they'll say, "My what a fine idea." Therefore...I need to know how. So maybe not an item of power...but an enchanted item, like a focus or what not that the spell is rote-tastically tied to. Because this isn't about bringing Star Wars into Dresden...Star Wars is a mythos that exists here, and this guy is gonna see that idea and go..."You know...I can DO that. I THINK I can do that. Don't know why I COULDN'T do that." Because I really do see awesome logistical applications to that. It's a fire beam spell (a la Luccio) with WAY less potential for collateral damage. It cuts through things instead of BLASTING through them. And like I a duel...go on. Parry it.

And the deflecting thing is all in the user's reflexes, and has little to do with the weapon. Which raises an interesting point. Most people don't try and deflect fire spells with fire because who shoots a bullet at a bullet? But if you have this thing in your hand that persists and is MADE of ball baseball...there goes less property damage.

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