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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: What's Up With Marcone?
« on: April 04, 2018, 09:57:50 PM »
I figure it has to do with some sort of Momentum and the actual span of Living Human Memory (which should include all the long-lived magic users, even Binder).  Hercules likely landed on the Hulk more because it was un-anchored at the time, rather than popular opinion being strong enough to change Current Mantle-holders.  Otherwise Santa would look more like his current Coca-Cola inspired pop image rather than the Sword-wielding viking hunter we met.
Landed on the Hulk due to the Hulk having what in common with Herc before[/] said anchorage? He'd not be the Hulk to become the Hulk if you see what I mean?

DF Spoilers / Re: Previous Warden theory
« on: April 04, 2018, 09:54:44 PM »
Halloween Eve, ie. October 30th, so one day too early for that to be a factor.
I mean, they were stopping him from completing a Hallow according to Luccio in WW1, and I imagine he kept trying to accend.

DF Spoilers / Re: What's Up With Marcone?
« on: April 04, 2018, 06:40:41 PM »
Plus besides green the comparison is pretty spot on, berserker warrior known for sometimes uncontrollable bloodlust. Your thinking popular view, but if popular view were most important Mab would have changed into Elsa by now, or the fairie would at least have drifted from the originals....

besides, this is all a huge misunderstanding. immaterial, but iirc Jim said, "Hulk" no definitive article by placing 'the' before it.... combine this with what we know about Greek Gods trying to stay relevant by Wrestling and we simply have a case of mistaken Hulkity. Baldor is probably the Macho Man too.

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: April 03, 2018, 02:19:14 AM »
Lets examine that in conjunction with Griff's assertion Starborn exist in all timelines.
First, i'm going to limit it right now, to DF verses only. Then take what JB said about the NN surrounding only earth in 'this' reality and apply it to the DF verse proper. Stars are ergo outside of reality, the masks of those things are known and worn on earth, imo if the thing itself is whole, a whole star, then it's more or less an angel class being, ergo immutable by Nemesis(whom is then off our star/shadow, only able to effect what stand inside our light, Angels are outside of space/time to view it. Harry, starborn, of the stars, but mortal, mutable himself, can effect both sides as you 'cant' protect from yourself') So reality surrounds earth and those things outside of reality pierce into it in various guises depending on which reality it is, also why Outsiders look different but Uriel actually looks the same in all realities, he is the star, he went from mortal starborn to immortal star simultaneously. Basically overwriting it's old form the same way the fallen now think they are the originals but Lasciels 'closest to true form' is a 2k yr old Greek woman..
Anyway, what was I talking about?

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: April 03, 2018, 02:09:20 AM »
Jim has said that Thomas was born on Valentine's day because the universe has a sense of humor.  Literally nothing has suggested that Thomas is also a Starborn other than that Mab said she could take him, and even that was said to put pressure on Harry.

Plus neither the equinox or solstice come anywhere near Halloween.
sorry I misspoke
The 4 cross-quarter days fall between equinoxes and solstices. Halloween is the spookiest one – derived from a sacred festival of ancient Celts and Druids – coming as days grow short and nights long in the Northern Hemisphere.
Halloween in the DF is specifically a time of ending, cross that with Harrys affinity for Death, endings and Winter(which is all over the place), Elaine's spring birthday and her connotations to Summer and her more nature bound elements in casting AND then take Thomas's very specific birthday and the fact he's basically become addicted to feeding on Love via only satisfied by Justine, more or less becoming an addict to a poison, like a drinker, that poison being love. Annnd then maybe you start to realize not all starborn are the same? That maybe they are as varied as say... the stars in the sky?

Another one that has that potential 'good man who saved fallen mother' make up is Molly whom I could point out as a real likely canidate for being Mab's star reborn as she directly effected how Fearbringer was formed in reality and was trained to use fear without breaking the laws by Lea before becoming a winter canidate(or as a result of said training/mirror alignment Mmm?)
But your right literally nothing is outright stated about much of anything in the DF, instead it's left to us, quite intentionally, to fill in the Lacuna.
(click to show/hide)
It's not that hard to do really.... and this is why I was looking for someone to talk to on the level, not listen to what we already know for sure. Iff'n I wanted that I have the books, yea?

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: April 03, 2018, 12:01:49 AM »
and knowing full well Thomas was born on Valentines day we should have long ago sloughed off the idea Halloween is important for 'starborn' or the unique date, again, as Elaine was born in spring, and she is the only case we know of as a certain maybe. But also add in the fact Mab would take Thomas and it makes me think he has the same potential as Harry to be a potent Weapon vs Outsiders...  Also comparing Elaine to Harry the thing that happens at Halloween iirc is the equinox, and the same in the summer with Elaine i'd bet so their birthdays co-align with Winter and Summer, Harry the Wintery Side and Elaine the Summery. It's an intentional balance done between the two.

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: April 02, 2018, 12:00:58 AM »
Starborn theory:

One of the prerequisites of being a starborn is that the individual has to be born in every existing splinterverse.  They might die at different times, but at their beginning, they carry the potential to influence every version of reality.
I'd agree with the result but i'm not sure about the method of getting there?

DF Spoilers / Re: Previous Warden theory
« on: April 01, 2018, 11:34:37 PM »
Time is a perspective apparently. Remember Woj Dante Algera(?)'s father was the previous GK? Dante's inferno was written 14th century iirc? the timeline for him being a previous GK son is way off considering current GK's mortal existence. But if we're only perceiving previous realities as part of our history I could see the sliding scale mushing in such a way(oh.... and outsiders used to be demons!!!)

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: April 01, 2018, 03:37:47 AM »
Yea you can probably keep that to yourself guy, instead of intentionally dumping some negativity here.

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: March 31, 2018, 11:28:41 PM »
Well in that spirit, lets try starborn. So starborn happen at 'conjunctions' in space time right?
We have Mab reference Time as Him concluding a chronos connection and Lea confirms that the "echo's of creation still reverberate in the memory of the universe.
 Combine the two and the idea that stars themselves are conjunctions in spacetime, defined by the big bang/breaking of Chronos, both proven events per above^, become much more palatable yes?
throw in the odd greek connection to eight visible 'celestial bodies' visible from earth and we have our general line up of usual suspects to be reborn with influence inside our own 'star'/existence.
and that easily sets up outsiders as the shadows between the stars, as the voids of existence, the things that used to be there. Anyone else see it> any reason I should modify it with something?(which will of course draw out other things I can think of that support this in ways)

DF Books / Re: Storm Front - Possibly Anduriel in the elevator?
« on: March 31, 2018, 08:03:34 PM »
I think it was just the foreshadowing of the weirdness to come. not a fallen angle having no reason to pay attention to him.
If you recall in DM Nico had very specific intelligence on Dresden, and he did know his mother so 'no reason' is suspect too.

DF Spoilers / Re: Swords and Ancestry
« on: March 31, 2018, 07:53:41 PM »
Somehow I wonder more about little Harry... if not for a sword for the unique trait of being literally named after Harry Dresden. In a world were naming is of extreme import to name someone for someone seems to have dire consequences... least when that someone is fricken Harry Dresden. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: March 31, 2018, 07:51:36 PM »
Ah..haha, no, Grevane does not work with corpsetaker lol.
An idk if you can say you've done enough theorizing, you've certainly plumbed the depths of your current perspective theories, but that's a narrow width compared to the broad range of views. That's why I read and try to justify, or negate theories here.(to myself mostly) Cause they should either open my own perspective larger, ergo creating a larger pool from which to theorize, or show me what's not there to springboard from.
Your own crazy Murphy=Mab theory made me realize a couple things for instance, one which was more or less confirmed by a fellow urban fantasy author/nerdgasm by.

DF Spoilers / Re: Call for help
« on: March 30, 2018, 11:32:29 PM »

Just post your theories.  They'll be picked apart, as is the norm.

Happy theorizing.
lmao, i'm sure, but that might not give me what I needs anymore... back in the day, a long, long time ago in a forum far, far away, we had more.... active minds for discussion. I mean, we have the same minds, but like mine some here are hibernating currently lol and others here have lost their way. Some of my favorite people to bounce idea's off of now take the "i'm tired of fan crack theory" path and don't show up at all, which is ironic as fu*& since they are generally the originators of said crack theory being a thing.
(wanna get real technical it's the same RL effect I've been studying in conjunction with the idea of Nemesis. That of Force Majore: Decay. Characterized by a build up of a constructed formation, even if just a thought form, into a set pattern that resonates in a way that begins to slough off idea's that are counter intuitive to it's current formation. Where-in, the pattern becomes stuck, stagnant and eventually breaks down when lacking the ability to diversify and adapt. But always is there that cancerous build up before the end transforming it into something it wasn't supposed to be... This pattern btw, can be applied everywhere, but an easy example would of course be Rome)

DF Spoilers / Call for help
« on: March 30, 2018, 06:10:08 AM »
Was wondering if anyone here would like to help me delve deeper into my theories by pointing out things that need structured, questions that come up or other organization. Would need the ability to suspend disbelief in idea's not your own, ability to organize large bodies of information and abstract conceptualization.(so you can understand me lmao) Plan is for irregular intervals of work until I can get some steam going again... I lost a year of my time to video games when I finally bought a ps4(they announced a 5th the next day, go figure...) and am need of help getting on point again..

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