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Messages - Mira

Pages: 1 ... 117 118 [119] 120 121 ... 463
DF Spoilers / Re: Kill Molly Carpenter
« on: October 07, 2021, 10:55:35 AM »
There is no way to destroy Molly Carpenter, nothing that could rid her of her humanity in short order.  Mab still has traces a thousand years after the fact. So unless it can be parsed differently it means kill the Winter Lady. And considering that Mab is planning for her death in battle this is a fraught statement. She effectively says that it may be better to  be without a Queen and a Lady.

If you're a Star Trek fanatic you can see some similarities between the episode "Where No Man Has Gone Before" and this.

Outside of the glowing eyes?  I really don't, crossing the galactic boundary, both Harry and Molly made that choice, Harry more overtly, Molly, less so, but she continued to train under "Auntie Lea."
Acquire godlike powers, some would say as wizards both had them before the mantles, so far neither is corrupted by them, it is a struggle though and been close.  One wants to stop the other because one believes that he or she is a god? Not yet... Struggle with their mantles is the closest to that show.. Oh and did you hear Captain Kirk at age 90 is in space!!!  ;D

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 07, 2021, 10:47:18 AM »
And he has previously been custodian of the sword of Faith and a blackened Denarius at the same time, as well as an original Star Wars poster.

Yeah, he lost a small fortune when that burned up.. But then again condition is everything..

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 07, 2021, 10:45:07 AM »
Now there's a word picture that I can go to bed on.  Rudolph craps Brimstone. Who knew?

He does appear to be possessed doesn't he? 8)  Also crapping when you think you are about to be killed in an unpleasant way is a natural biological function....  It doesn't exactly give him the odor of sanctity when you think about it, so crapping brimstone fits.... ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Who will be the next Blackstaff? (If Eb dies)
« on: October 07, 2021, 10:43:40 AM »
Thomas is story meat kept in a freezer till needed by the exigency of the story. Butters learns magic and gets the Blackstaff. And maybe Granny Winter.

Yeah, but he has to cure her of spitting first... ::)

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 06, 2021, 10:06:41 PM »
I thought as much. But why would being burned by the sword produce the smell of sulphur?


DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 06, 2021, 07:16:18 PM »
Everyone knows Blackstaff McCoy. Unless Mother Winter hasn't heard it. She Knows! Just because she "lost it" past tense doesn't mean it wasn't found and just not recovered. Like when Mab just knows the whole story with few clues... intellectus.

Maybe not, she doesn't get around since she lost it, remember how hard it was for her when Harry summoned her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kill Molly Carpenter
« on: October 06, 2021, 05:27:35 PM »
I am suspicious about that loosing your soul thing, it might be a very human-centric way of interpreting what is happening. Molly feels the importance of what she is doing, it is not a so called "bullshit" job. She might get a ot of satisfaction out of it.

But at some point she had to decide if immortality is worth giving up her immortal soul... I think at some point Mab had to make that choice and doesn't think Molly is up to that yet.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 06, 2021, 05:24:50 PM »
Mother Winter doesn't know where her staff is in the way Harry doesn't know where the eye is. She hasn't looked for it.

She may have looked for it, but cannot find it..  It could be as cantankerous as she is, it was taken
away for the sake of mankind.  Not quite the same as Harry, he doesn't want to know, because he wanted to the Marcone and the other members of the Accords that he doesn't know.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Cassius death curse in effect already?
« on: October 06, 2021, 02:37:22 PM »

After the movie is over, the trainers, chefs and drug dealers have all left (or alternatively the Fallen Angel). I can't keep up that level of fitness anymore.  But, I've learned a ton and with some effort I can keep it up at least to a degree.  Maybe I can't be as fit as I was with those true professionals guiding me each step of the way, but I'm a great deal more fit than I was before they came and left.

It doesn't work that way, I think the text is pretty clear on that.  Say you are thirty when you take up the coin, you physically stay thirty as long as you host the coin.  Give up the coin say when you are ninety, your body reverts to a ninety year old body.  It doesn't happen all at once, as in instantly but over several months your body will eventually become what ever age it is supposed to be.  That is what was happening to Cassius, no amount of exercise and diet is going to stop it.  Perhaps for a while, but a ninety year old body has it's limitations.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Cassius death curse in effect already?
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:29:49 PM »
Marcone is not noted as having a major magical gift, and I don’t think a Denarian can make a gift larger, but they can focus it. The Shapeshifting is part of the Denarian power set, it is part of their powers but require a human to access it.

Marcone shouldn’t have been able to undertake the magic that he did, he simply couldn’t supply the level of power and no matter the level of focus he couldn’t make up for that. Somehow Marcone and Namshiel have figured a cheat, Marcone has perhaps taken another practitioners magic as the Nightmare did to Harry, or several practitioners building it up bit by bit.

Perhaps Marcone purchased it, a free will transaction acceptable to Namshiels free will limitations, Namshiel would know which talents were useful and could be fit together to make a more powerful whole he could train up. That would be very Marcone, buying his way to more power and would certainly appeal to a magic nerd like Namshiel, as it may be a novel solution to his reliance upon Nick providing suitably qualified hosts

I agree, I also think this is something Marcone worked up to over the last few years.  If Namshiel's Shadow was in his head, much like Lasciel's Shadow was in Harry's head, he could have been taken step by step as to how to get the most mileage once he actually accepted the coin.  Face it, Marcone has been lusting for that kind of power ever since Harry blasted the doors off his club back in Storm Front.

DF Spoilers / Re: Kill Molly Carpenter
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:24:12 PM »
"Mollys story is not a happy one" imagine if he said the opposite, what could do more to take out tension from the story than reassurance that Molly's story will have a happy ending.

Ok lots of things could, but you get the point.

It has never been a happy one, Molly has a purpose now, but is she happy with her job?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mother Winter Blackstaff Back
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:22:11 PM »

  Yeah,  I think if Mother Winter wanted her stick back, she'd get it.  Here's a thought, Mother Summer, Mab, and Titania know perfectly well that Eb has it, but are not telling Mother Winter.

Why? Because they have determined that it is most effective where it presently is.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 06, 2021, 03:25:17 AM »
It meant to hurt him enough to bring him to his senses rather than permanently damage him, though. That's what I mean by shock.

Exactly, and from Harry's reaction and continued shame because of that burn, it straightened him out totally. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 05, 2021, 07:13:04 PM »

Though we can't really assume the faithsabre plays by the same rules as the physical Swords anymore - they don't HAVE a 'shock' setting. It's either use them worthily and they're supernaturally powerful, or use them wrongly and they're just metal, with their supernatural protection compromised thereafter by the act. Precedent isn't entirely useful here - all we can interpret is that a burn that shocked Harry out of doing something wrongful was considered worthy enough that the blade did anything at all. Maybe the there was something hinky about the situation that wasn't immediately clear, like someone else gave Rudolph a case of the brain scramblies to precipitate killing Murphy, or maybe the angel in the sword has latitude to do that kind of thing all the time now that this particular sword is in noncorporeal form.

If a Sword is misused, not only do they become just metal as Murphy found out, they break very easily.  A light saber isn't the same obviously, it burned Harry, so it felt he needed to feel the pain as a warning, but at the same time it seemed to know there were mitigating circumstances involved, i.e. the murder of Murphy before Harry's eyes and all the other pressures he'd been under, so it didn't burn his arm off or worse.  The angel in the Sword is most likely like Andriel, in that it knows everything that is going on and responds accordingly.

I wonder if using earth to trap Rudy's feet in the asphalt and staking him out in front of the Fomor to finish him off would have generated the same response as squashing him with a shield. Arguably the latter wouldn't have violated the first law (any more than the Wardens binding someone so they can't resist a physical murder), but presumably heaven would still take a similarly dim view of it.

I don't think the Laws of Magic and Heaven's Laws are exactly the same.  Yeah, "Thou Shalt Not Kill" works for both, but the first has the addendum, "with magic."  Heaven's Law doesn't specify method, just no killing at all... Humans have twisted both to make exceptions, like in defense etc..

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Cassius death curse in effect already?
« on: October 05, 2021, 03:58:43 PM »

My point is that the Alphas are proof that you don't need a coin.  I think that Alphas could turn into giant demon bears or grape apes -- just like Listens to Wind -- if they worked on it.  The Alphas are working on other stuff, just not grape apes, according to them.  Frankly, why would they?  wolves are almost ideal predators if you have a pack.  Grey proved to me that giant demon bears are not that practical.

Yes, but not everyone can become an Alpha, there is some other stuff going on as well.  If you don't have that pre-existing talent, without a coin, I don't think it is going to happen.  I think the bigger question is why do you think you need to turn into anything with the power and strength that comes with it?  That is the temptation, Nic is very careful to match potential hosts with their coins, he had good reasons to match Lasciel with Harry.

Harry could learn to speak all sorts of languages too -- if he worked on it -- I can't be bothered to learn Spanish, not because of an lack of use for it, but because I'm too lazy.  But, I'd take a Matrix download of Spanish in a heartbeat.

Yes, if he worked at it, but then again how many people teach conversational Etruscan these days?  Yes, with Lasciel's help Harry could and was able to understand the Ghouls.
In short, the temptation of the Coin is NOT the skills or the power per se, it's that they get to skip the hardship of EARNING those skills.  Hellfire might be the one exception.  You might not be able to channel Hellfire without that demonic bargain, whether express or implicit. 

No, reread the conversations between Lasciel and Harry, even after he mastered Hell Fire etc., she was tempting him with more power.. It isn't about earning those skills, Harry already had a pretty good fire spell, he had learned and earned it, Hell Fire really wasn't a short cut for him at all.
In short, Marcone could become a Senior Council level wizard -- but he doesn't have the six hundred years of life and hard work it would take.  A Coin is a great short cut, so he gives into the temptation.  His further temptation is that if he could do X in a decade, what could he do with infinity?  I'm sure Namshiel TELLS him that if he ever gave the coin up, he couldn't do X anymore.  If Marcone believes him, then he won't be able to do X.  But, personally, I think it's a lie.  Once you learn to tie your shoes, magically speaking, you can. 

No, you pretty much lose whatever skill you got with the bargain.  Look as Cassius, first things first, when he gave up his coin, he started to age rather rapidly to whatever his real age was.

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