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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: April 26, 2012, 05:01:54 PM »
Brandon Sanderson defines Soft magic as magic that is just there, with no major explinations about it. He says in a blog post of his:

On one side of the continuum, we have books where the magic is included in order to establish a sense of wonder and give the setting a fantastical feel. Books that focus on this use of magic tend to want to indicate that men are a small, small part of the eternal and mystical workings of the universe. This gives the reader a sense of tension as they're never certain what dangersor wondersthe characters will encounter. Indeed, the characters themselves never truly know what can happen and what can't.

He also says:
The really good writers of soft magic systems very, very rarely use their magic to solve problems in their books.

OTOH, Hard magic he describes as this:

This is the side where the authors explicitly describes the rules of magic. This is done so that the reader can have the fun of feeling like they themselves are part of the magic, and so that the author can show clever twists and turns in the way the magic works. The magic itself is a character, and by showing off its laws and rules, the author is able to provide twists, worldbuilding, and characterization.
If the reader understands how the magic works, then you can use the magic (or, rather, the characters using the magic) to solve problems. In this case, it's not the magic mystically making everything better. Instead, it's the characters' wit and experience that solves the problems. Magic becomes another tooland, like any other tool, its careful application can enhance the character and the plot.

It's clear to me that my urban fantasy novel(s) are hard magic....


Author Craft / Re: The JB writing community... thank you!
« on: April 21, 2012, 12:52:20 AM »
this is a great place to be -- no ego, no sniping, all but helpful people and great discussions....


As you can tell by my Sig, my seventeeth BattleCorps story was published today. My goal of 8 stories this year is one closer to reality!  ;D

Less than a thousand for me this week -- Dad had an operation Wednesday and I have a deadline for Monday for some sourcebook material. Hope to get back to both this coming week.... :(


Author Craft / Interview with Glen Cook
« on: April 03, 2012, 11:10:54 PM »

And I spent most of the evening/night streightenig out my paranormal novel. Working on chapter 8, better than 90,000 words, but I'm going through and reworking it before I go for the finish.


Well, 7000 words across half a dozen short stories last week. It's the way I'm writing these days. The stories are all in the same universe (Battletech universe), across about twenty years of Universe time, and unconnected with each one.... ;)

Have to finish up a short piece for a BT product by next Monday. Hopefully, I can also finish the first draft of a least 2-3 stories this week. We'll see....


The MythBusters have proven that some crap can be made shiny, so keep going!  ;D


Author Craft / Re: OK how about third person Inanimate
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:31:48 PM »
It has been lots of help. I just had to kick the story back in priority... a couple of new projects jumped the line.


Don't they always?  ;D


Author Craft / Re: World Building vs. Backstory
« on: March 16, 2012, 03:30:40 PM »
Worldbuilding is everything in the world that is; backstory is how it came to be.


I'm rolling through half a dozen stories for the Battlecorps site and sent back contracts for a story and some sourcebook writing, with occasional side trips into my original Urban fantasy novel....


Cut and paste!  Instead of dropping those deleted words, dump the stack in a seperate "scraps" document on the off chance you've got a scene, bit of dialogue or image you can re-purpose or simply draw some ideas from later.

I do the exact same thing myself -- sometimes, I take parts of several scenes I've cut and pasted into another file, put them together and come up with a brand new scene


Author Craft / Re: Writing in an Existing Universe
« on: February 28, 2012, 02:35:08 AM »
I write in an exsisting universe (Battletech) and the continuity is paramount. While I have free regin over characters and plots (Within reason), I can't write anything that goes against the canon events.

Still, it's one step closer to creating  my own universe.... ;D


After a long time, back to work on Merlin's Legacy. Right now, it's finishing it, then worrying about all the changes I'm going to have to make. Still, at 90,000+ words, it's not a bad size.... ;D


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