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Messages - dragoonbuster

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DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Generic NPCs
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:45:42 PM »
So I was watching Breaking Bad again and the mood struck to stat out some of the main characters.

I set the PL to Feet in the Water and ignored the Pure Mortal bonus because there isn't a supernatural side to their world. Then I gave Walter a bump to Waist-Deep because I think he's been through quite a lot and deserves a bump. I gave Mike a bump to Waist-Deep because he's been around the block too. Gus is set to Submerged because he spent twenty years building his empire, and that's not including his time as a Chilean general. These stats corresponds roughly to the end of Season 4/beginning of Season 5.

Walter White
HC: Meth-Chef for the Entire Southwest
Trouble: Pride Goeth Before the Fall
OA: A Man Provides For His Family, Stage Four Lung Cancer (In Remission), Call Me...Heisenberg, I AM The Danger, You're Four Steps Ahead...I'm Twelve Steps Ahead
(click to show/hide)

Jesse Pinkman
HC: I'm A Criminal, Yo
Trouble: Everything Around Me Turns to Shit
OA: Captain Cook turned This Old Dude's Assistant; Science, Bitch!; Recovering Addict; Loyal to the End; My Cook Is As Good As Heisenberg's
(click to show/hide)

Gustavo Fring
HC: The Meth-King Of The American Southwest
Trouble: The Mexican Cartel
OA: The Former Grand Generalissimo, Owner of Los Pollos Hermanos (and more), Twenty Year Plan In The Making, Low-Key Philanthropist Alter-Ego, Always Four Steps Ahead
(click to show/hide)

Mike Ehrmantraut
HC: I'm In "Private Security"
Trouble: I'm Surrounded By Amateurs
OA: I've Seen Just About Everything You Can See In This Business, Dead-Eyed Bastard, Ex-Cop With My Own Rules, I've Got Guys, My Grand-daughter Kaylee Is My World
(click to show/hide)

Saul Goodman
HC: Albuquerque's Premier Scumbag Ambulance-Chaser
Trouble: All My Clients Are Criminals
OA: If A Lie Doesn't Work...Make It A Bigger Lie; I Always Get My Cut; Listen....Let's Talk This Out; If The Going Get's Tough, I'm Outta Here; ...There's This Guy I Helped Out Of A Pinch...
(click to show/hide)

Hank Shrader
HC: ASAC of the Albuquerque Office of the DEA
Trouble: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
OA: Real Men Don't Cry; I Survived A Hit From The Mexican Cartel; They're Minerals, Marie; A Big Mouth and a Bit of a Temper
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Breaking Bad Statblock Session
« on: August 30, 2015, 07:07:40 PM »
I've never seen Breaking Bad, but these look like solid statblocks. Might be a good idea to put them on one of the Resource Board threads.

Thanks! I'll move 'em over.

I strongly disagree with the claim that this is a house rule.  But we've been over this before and it never goes anywhere good, so I'll offer you this concession: that we can refer to such negotiations as "negotiations" instead of "concessions".

Fair enough. Rereading the section, I can see room for interpretation for how it's written. Still disagree, but that's FATE! haha

Also note that I disagree with people on the questions of "concession" versus "take-out".

That's fine, but it is important to note that's not an opinion or interpretation of rules; you're describing a house rule. The Rules as Written are clear that concessions occur before a dice roll.

I will also note, however, that it is prudent for a GM to offer concessions when they know they're about to throw out large attacks. If your PCs are getting beaten up and then you plan on throwing a Weapon 10 area attack at most of them, then the GM should pick up the dice, make an evil grin and say "This warlock is getting pretty desperate. Who knows what he might do next. Anyone want to concede?" Etc

Do you happen to remember a few examples of the symbolic links that they used so that I could have an example to model mine after?

Here are a few off the top of my head:

- Lightning rods from the Chrysler Building (Air)
- Sound of screams of pain inside Carnegie Hall
- Skull of a former mob accountant/shill for the White Court who died in 9/11 (smell; they took it from Fresh Fresh Kills New York for more info.)
- A phoenix egg from a wyldfae's fight club (Fire)
- Kidnapping (and later ritual sacrifice) of Dr. Richard Kimble, heart surgeon at New York Presbyterian Hospital for Heart (I didn't realize I copied the Fugitive character until after the fact :D )
- Kidnapping (and later sucked-up-the-lifeforce-from) of Elena, the Living Dead Girl (Face of one of New York's ANG) (Earth)

There was always at least one backup symbol they'd steal too; some of this list were actually backups. Usually the main group of NPCs went after their primary choice and a few other NPCs went for a took the PCs a while to catch on to this, and by then there were tertiary links being stolen the Bad Guys did in fact always wind up getting one of each symbol.

Double post.

That's an interesting end-game, but there's one piece that seems a bit off to me: mortals are the nuclear weapons of the supernatural world.  Doing something this blatant would all but force mortal involvement on a large scale.  Now, some of that can be explained with Black Council involvement - they don't seem to care what happens to their pawns as long as they can disrupt the status quo.

I would like to add to this a bit. Good point from wyvern--but depending on what you want to do at the end, you could have the mortal world find out about the supernatural. It'd just be very different than mortals not "waking up." We're kinda reaching this point in RNYC, to the degree that there's a PC or two actively working to smooth this transition by opening people's minds to the supernatural before it's truly revealed in whole.

This actually sounds like the general idea of what I wanted to do (albeit with more planning and a finished overall plot) so thanks for summarizing it up, it really helped. I think this will help me to steer my overall idea. I was talking it over with my co-GM and we came up with the idea that the fog ritual would be masked by the accumulation over several months/years of smog and pollution around the city and pollution of the rivers as a result of White Court influence in the EPA and local natural gas corporations (this would also tie in to one of the PC's background as a pseudo-Wyldfae who is the son of an eco-friendly CEO in the area).

I realized I accidentally mixed together parts of S3 and S4. Azalea and whatnot was all S4; they didn't steal any ritual links but just caused chaos while working to set their final ritual up.

Now, Season 3--that was a trio of warlocks and their underlings/hirelings/thralls stealing links to New York and creating necromantic pools of energy. They needed a link to sight, smell, sound, taste, touch, water, earth, fire, air, spirit, mind, and soul. The end-goal was to perform a giant ritual on the Autumnal Equinox that would siphon away a large portion of power from Faerie. They would use this power to turn themselves into god-like beings, and the remaining portion to erect a Barrier around the greater New York area that was impenetrable from the mundane world or the NeverNever. Thankfully, the PCs stopped the ritual in-process.

Of course...a few weeks later, on Halloween, they woke up three years in the future, where time had been altered slightly by a different Warlock so the bad guys had actually won. That was a WHOLE other story...they got back to their time and killed the Warlock "before" he messed with time, but now some of my PCs have three years worth of memories of a war that never happened.

I tried to follow the link and I hit a brick wall, so I'll take your word on it. In summary what happened?

There's a lot to it, and some I can't say because it's still being resolved, but basically: High-tech megacorporation used as a front by thirteen warlocks to throw off Wardens/White Council spent forty years setting up a global ritual, centered in New York. They made deals with Outsiders that helped them develop more advanced technology and give them power. In NY (and the greater eastern seaboard) they worked through shells in shells in shells, though an organization called Azalea, that basically did two things: steal a bunch of metaphysical links to NY and create large pools of Outsider-based energies, all to set up their main ritual, bringing over a butt-load of Outsiders to the world. This never came to be, thankfully, as the PC's stopped them in time. They...well, they weren't very discreet towards the end of their plan, primarily because they needed to instill fear into people to further the goal. Thankfully, the local in-the-know mortals used the media to play it off as animal escapes and terrorist attacks.

This has been my biggest problem thus far haha. I'm a very structured, rules-oriented person so having to be more flexible has been a challenge. In order to counter that I'm going to try and plan on what happens if they keep it from succeeding and what they have to do to stop it if the plan does succeed. My counter to PC craziness is to just do more planning and preparation in anticipation.

Well, compels can be an excellent mechanic for this. But frankly--your plan doesn't have to be what happens. Ultimately, the goal here is to collaboratively build a story. If it screws up your plans but the story's great, then go for it! And then invent something else. I've found PCs often leave a lot of room for unintended fallout from their actions, which is great for generating more role-playing hooks.

Sounds cool to me. This is sort of similar to what happened in Season 4 on RagnarokNYC.

I admit I didn't read the entire description, but read about half and skimmed the rest, and saw your summary. Seems sound, just be flexible with the PCs. I've found players are pretty ingenious when it comes to ruining your NPC's plans.

My only question: why House Vakarian instead of Skavis, since they're already established as feeding off despair?

DFRPG / Re: Looking for ideas for the grande finale.
« on: August 19, 2015, 06:10:32 PM »
What sort of clues could I feed to my players without going all deus ex machina (they can be sometimes a bit oblivious)?

Well, they've been investigating, right? So, maybe they find a location or three that is most likely where the Bad Guys will deliver their poison. Is it through the water supply? Etc.

Could someone in the organization have a change of heart and flip? They might approach the PCs and give them some knowledge before the Bad Guys show up to take out the turncoat.

Some obscure bit of knowledge or some rumor makes the PCs stumble onto something. Maybe one of the PCs with Contacts hears about the theft of some shipment of strange "something"--that seems random to steal to the mundane, but someone In-The-Know might recognize it as an important ingredient in a magic poison potion.

Give the PCs the why--maybe they can backtrack to the who.

Just don't forget, your PCs skills are independent of the players' ability to use them to their fullest. By which I mean, if you've got someone rolling Intimidation to interrogate a suspect, the player doesn't necessarily have to ask all the right questions--the PC would know what to ask....what useful information they get should be based on the rolls. Don't force your players to be experts in things they're not.

What would make an interesting finale, other than the classical Meet Evil & Fight Until She Dies?

Add more obstacles. Make them make choices--save the cheerleader or go for the warlock and save thousands? Split up the PCs and put one group into a death-trap they have to get out of. Reveal a twist where a PC's ally was really with the Bad Guys the whole time! All of these are compels, of course.

Or my personal favorite: the Bad Guy isn't the actual Bad Guy. Who is the warlock working for? Because Mr. Boss is there too, ensuring the plan goes off right!

How would a strong spiritmancer defend herself, or what kind of defences in general (like wards etc)?
By "spiritmancy" I'm assuming you mean ectomancy or necromancy, given their plan? Ghost sentries, zombie guards, thralls, wards, supernatural guards, etc. Hi-tech traps? Etc.

Don't set them up alone against the PCs or you're going to have a short finale. Goons, goons, and more goons.

What sort of novel applications for spiritmancy are there?
Read the books. There's a lot of things shown there. Calling ghosts into yourself to make you stronger, faster, more skilled--that's my favorite use of ectomancy in the books.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 18, 2015, 04:04:41 AM »
Isn't he supposed to be really good at jumping? I vaguely remember something about a "salmon leap".

If I were you I'd drop Fists, give him a stunt to attack unarmed with Might, and raise Athletics to Superb. Maybe add in a jumping stunt or Power too. You can probably do without Footwork if you do that.

I didn't see any "salmon leap" but I am definitely no expert. Those are all good optimizations.

I dunno about this. Stuff like Barbed Death should usually be Compel-based. And while 1 Refresh for +2 stress is fine by me, 2 Refresh for +4 stress seems a bit iffy.

As for Ritual Throw, I'm really not sure how to judge it. But it seems worryingly strong.

NPCs get to have powers that PCs don't. I'd never give this to a PC. It's definitely overpowered.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 17, 2015, 09:46:23 PM »
Double post. Edited the IoP above, some. Then I decided to give a shot towards a full char build for the original NPC concept:

If people are still doing requests than I would like to see the mythological version of Cu Chulainn, and more specifically I want to see how the Warp Spasm would impact the character. Use whatever Refresh level you think is necessary.

Hard to judge Power Level of the great heroes of the Ulster age, but given the legends of him killing hundreds of men on his own, etc...I'm going with Scuba Diving.
Scuba Diving (45 skill points, 17 refresh, skill cap fantastic)
You're one of the best in the world at what you do. Faerie Queens, Vampire Kings, and Senior Council members know who you are.

Also, just a note, I prefer the translation of the ríastrad of "Torque" to "Warp Spasm", because based on the description of what happens to him it sounds like his whole body is being twisted. Anyway:

Name: Cú Chulainn
High Concept: Ulster Champion
Trouble: Destined For A Short But Famous Life
Other Aspects: Culann's Hound, Born With the Ríastrad, Trained By Scáthach, Champion of the Cattle Raid of Cooley and Bricriu's Feast

+6 Might, Weapons
+5 Endurance, Fists
+4 Presence, Intimidation
+3 Athletics, Rapport
+2 Survival, Conviction, Discipline
+1 Scholarship, Lore, Stealth

Stunts: -2
- Footwork (Weapons)
- Riposte

Powers: -7
-2 Inhuman Strength
-2 Inhuman Toughness
-2 Inhuman Recovery
+3 The Catch: Consuming Dog Meat
+1 Human Form: Ríastrad/Torque/Warp Spasm
-2 Supernatural Toughness (Ríastrad form)
-2 Supernatural Strength (Ríastrad form)
-1 IoP: Gáe Bulg (Trained By Scáthach)
   [-0] It Is What It Is: A magical barbed "belly spear", Weapon: 3
   [-0] Indestructable
   [+2] Rebate
   [+1] Barbed Death: If this weapon is used to take an opponent out, it always kills.
   [-1] True Aim
   [-2] Legendary Weapon: This weapons attacks inflict +4 Weapon Damage
   [-1] Ritual Throw: The Gáe Bulg is intended to be thrown ritually from the space between the big and second toe for maximum effect, and only used as a last resort, as it invariably kills all but the toughest opponents. You must invoke this IoP's Aspect for effect when throwing it. When this weapon strikes, it must be cut out of the target with a supplemental action before it can be used again (if the victim manages to survive the initial throw, 4 shifts or more worth of consequences must be taken/inflicted to remove the weapon). All Ritual Throws with the Gáe Bulg are made at +4 to strike.

Starting Refresh: 17
Refresh Spent: 9
Final Refresh: 8

I had a player who focused heavily on evocation attacks. As a result, their evothaum ended up better than their actual thaumaturgy. It was kinda weird in play, and made an extremely-powerful character even stronger.

That is kinda weird. I'm thinking that I like this approach the most:
- if your evothaum opens up new possibilities for an evocation element you use, then it can make sense to allow evocation Specializations and Foci to apply.
- if your evothaum doesn't really fit into an evocation element you use, then you should use Thaumaturgy specializations and foci....but you pick whether they apply as offensive or defensive foci for the purposes of evocation

When I have OP spellcasters I've found I just have to up my own game as a GM. Perfect? Nah, but oh well. I look at 'em like a challenge now. And if they scene-steal too much, talk to them honestly about the role of the spotlight.

DFRPG / Re: Request A Character
« on: August 17, 2015, 04:56:37 AM »
I don't know much about this guy, but why would you use Natural Weaponry to represent a spear? Wouldn't an IoP or an item with an Aspect be more appropriate?

Yeah--case of poor abbreviation. I'd set it up like this:

Rebate +2
It Is What It Is: Weapon 3 spear -0
Never Far from Reach -1
Selective Area Weaponry -2
True Aim -1

EDIT: Added True Aim and corrected Selective Area Weaponry costs.

DFRPG / Re: Aspects as effects
« on: August 16, 2015, 09:16:39 PM »
One thing to remember is that not everything makes a good aspect. Sure, you could roll fists to give someone the aspect "pinned", but then what? If you don't follow this up with a grapple, the aspect will probably be gone as soon as do something again, unless that something is making sure the other guy is still "pinned". Fights are messy and quick.

Lot of good advice here. I think the quote above sums it up well.

Also, like some have recommended, this is probably better as a Block, particularly because it's against a group of people and not a single target. Note that "+2 power per zone" is a house-rule for maneuvers, and that the rules define maneuvers as either targeted against one opponent or scene-wide, for the same case. No mention of zones is made, actually.

Maneuvers and Blocks get interchanged easily. To tell which one is the right one to choose: are you trying to prevent something from happening, or are you trying to create an advantage? The first is a Block, the second is  a Maneuver. I find most of the time that question helps.

DFRPG / Re: Breaking Bad Statblock Session
« on: August 16, 2015, 08:59:11 PM »
These are great. The aspects are spot on and, while they could be a bit more original, the stunts fit the characters very well. Could probably do with giving Walt a Deceit stunt for hiding his moonlighting as Heisenberg, though.


I am most happy about Jesse's High Concept. The stunts could definitely be taylored a bit more.

Good suggestion for Walt. I also figure he makes a bunch of scholarship maneuvers and declarations that help with his cover.

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