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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: WHO impregnated Justine?
« on: August 04, 2020, 01:32:43 AM »
I think you got that backwards. Thomas's protection doesn't need to be broken for him to feed. Justine's does for him to feed on Justine.

I think Thomas cheating breaks the protection on Justine, because it's no longer requited True Love, in some sense. It doesn't quite fit with the mechanical soul-energy version of things Bob describes, but it seems to work. (Mechanical version: Their souls rub together in an intimate, unselfish expression of TrueLove and the mixture in each soul makes the soul-energy poison to WCVs if they try to consume it -- Nothing in that explains mechanistically how one party cheating could "unpoison" the other's soul energy...)

And Thomas having sex with other women means he can eat less of Justine's soul, which is a win for both of them.

DF Spoilers / Re: WHO impregnated Justine?
« on: August 03, 2020, 11:14:41 PM »
Answer 1: See the end of Ghost Story. Justine's brilliant solution is: She brings home a woman for Thomas. By "cheating" on Justine, Thomas breaks the TrueLove(TM) protection. Then Justine shows the young woman the door and Thomas and Justine have sex, with a very, very quick roll away and absolutely no burst-into-flame cuddling at the end.

Answer 2: Perhaps Etri is the dad? Where were Etri and Justine in Bombshells, while Molly and Andi were cracking the case? Perhaps that was Thomas's motive?

DF Spoilers / Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« on: August 03, 2020, 10:17:44 PM »
Sue 2.0 -- now with a Soulfire skeleton.

Mouse -- he's a guardian foo dog, taking his strength from the Wards of the home he guards. When Harry moves into the BFS castle with the impressive wards carved into every stone... his power jumps to an entirely new level. (And he gains a love interest -- Childs' bomb-sniffing german shepherd! But will she turn out to be a chienne fatale, or is it true love? Are there half-foo scion puppies in our future?)

Tilly -- head of an entirely new federal law enforcement agency.

Rudolph -- wins election as Chicago's District Attorney on an anti-supernatural platform

Mac -- with the Paranetters livestream reporting on the Chicago Incident going international (Live from MacAnally's Pub) his ale gains worldwide distribution.

Maggie -- discovers she has not one, not two, but three Fairy Godmothers -- just like Cinderella! And Santa is Real!!

Gedwig -- after mass casualties, after the inevitable Nemesis-induced betrayal, Gedwig is left as head of the Svartalves in Chicago, much to Harry's displeasure

Hendricks + Chandler both defend their Dissertations and start insisting that everyone call them Dr. -- Harry makes lame Dr. Who jokes until they stop.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Eb the Bad Guy?
« on: August 03, 2020, 12:02:27 PM »
Part of what bothered me the most about Peace Talks was that it seemed like most of the book happened off screen, which was annoying. I'm just hoping Jim got his desire to experiment out of his system and now goes back to writing like he had the previous books since they all work so much better.

I think we're going to find that a number of the "deleted scenes" -- like the wardens' meeting before the talks -- will be where various parties discussed the distractions and misdirections. Like in Skin Game, when we got Harry's meeting with Kringle out of sequence, so we could enjoy the reveal.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why does Ferrovax care?
« on: August 03, 2020, 11:57:25 AM »
As a side-note, why is someone of Ferro's scale attending Bianca's ball at all?  If I send a birthday party invitation to the queen of England, I don't expect her to actually show up.  Does he just like gold that much?
He probably had a feeling something important was going to happen and he wanted to see it.

This. My current hunch is that Ferrovax's presence can be taken as a harbinger of doom.

In Grave Peril, he watched the corruption of Winter, which started with Lea accepting the athame; he watched the onset of a war that would decimate the White Council of Wizards and end the Red Court of Vampires; he almost got to see a Sword of the Cross "unmade"; and he almost got to see Mavra sacrifice of a practitioner with Cassandra's Tears after weeks of preparatory work weakening the Veil.

We still have no idea what that was supposed to accomplish, when it was the whole point of 90% of the work the bad guys did in the book. Bianca and/or Mavra got greedy and tried to introduce the Sword to the ritual, at the last minute, and turned the whole thing into a debacle. (Was that *why* Lea brought the Sword? She made a bargain that got her more power (unfortunately, tainted power) and ended up wrecking Mavra's little ritual at the same time -- how very like a fairy bargain!)

Theory: Mavra and Cowl were doing necromancy experiments, trying to redevelop Kemmler's breakthrough. If Harry hadn't been there to disrupt things, they would have pulled Lydia's ghost through the veil and eaten it -- and perhaps managed to siphon through the ghosts of the human victims of the vampire feast as well. It was a test of the soul-siphon effect that goes critical in a darkhallow. Dead Beat was the result when Grevane almost got his hands on the Word and Cowl had to move up his timeline.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« on: August 02, 2020, 11:14:02 AM »
I'm expecting the White Council meeting to go quite a bit differently than Harry expects.

1) Only two Senior Councilors will be present: The Merlin and Ancient Mai. (Gatekeeper is unavoidably busy elsewhere -- dealing with the massive Outsider assault on reality.)
2) Ancient Mai will defend Harry. She'll relate how outraged she was at his behavior in Turn Coat; and how his wild-and-rebellious exterior concealed a well-layered plot that uncovered Peabody's treachery; she'll spin a generous version of Changes, in which he becomes Winter Knight as a way to end the war he started; and she'll talk about how a Foo Dog fights beside him, along with Knights of the Sword, and how he's been seen wielding soulfire (like by LTW in Turn Coat).
3) This sets loose a flood of "Harry saved my cat once" stories -- over the years, lots of non-militant wizards have recommended him to friends of friends who had monster problems, and he's always come through.
(See: the prom episode in Buffy the Vampire Slayer.)
4) Messenger arrives with word of Ethniu's disruption of the Peace Talks, and the need for backup.
5) The Merlin moves to adjourn the meeting until later.
6) Ancient Mai objects. Closing statement: "When you hear of the Last Titan rising from the sea to destroy a city, how does it make you feel to know that Harry Dresden is there?"
7) Harry's status as a wizard is confirmed by general acclaim before the meeting adjourns.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 02, 2020, 01:38:42 AM »
Sure, but is Ethniu's goal to accomplish something on Earth while Mab is distracted by the attack at the Gates? Or is her goal to distract Mab so that the Outsiders can breach the Gates and end reality?

I'm assuming it's the former, but then it's unclear what she actually wants to accomplish.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 02, 2020, 12:45:09 AM »
It's not clear, yet, what Ethniu's actual objective is, other than discrediting Mab.

The idea that the fomor might just rile up humanity and then retreat back into the sea to laugh while the mortal world panics and hunts down ghouls and vampires is a graphic image that Vadderung and Ferrovax put out there to get the panicking Accords delegates to come together. It's not necessarily Ethniu's plan.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 01, 2020, 11:36:43 PM »
But I guess what I'm wondering is... if they've got someone as powerful as Ethniu on their side, why weren't the Fomor always a major political power?

Perhaps the mass-kidnapped minor talents were sacrifices to wake Ethniu up?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mantles and death curses
« on: August 01, 2020, 09:36:17 PM »
Yeah... and yet, she was still able to veil herself and take incriminating pictures. And mind control a vampire-doppleganger-equivalent through the whole fight.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mantles and death curses
« on: August 01, 2020, 08:36:32 PM »
Eb was a bit sketchy all around in Blood Rites.

I mean, why the heck do you put the White Council's heaviest hitter on wheelman duty?

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 01, 2020, 06:20:57 PM »
I definitely expect to see Sue, but I doubt even Mab will have planned for that. :)

I'd love to see what happens if Harry uses soulfire to stabilize Sue -- I'm thinking he might get a permanent T-rex mount. I'm suddenly wondering how deep Lake Michigan gets between Chicago and Demonreach...

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 01, 2020, 05:01:53 PM »
And in Battle Ground, Ethniu will learn that she's been handily outmaneuvered.

Lots of wild speculation:
  • Mab is at the Outer Gates. Lea is "standing in" for Mab at the Peace Talks, in disguise. (I didn't notice a single mention of Chicago having unseasonably cold weather -- which we've always gotten before, when Mab's in town.)
  • Similarly, the Gatekeeper is at the Outer Gates, while someone pretends to be him at the White Council meeting that Harry is missing.
  • Molly's brought a small army of Leshiye (shapeshifting wood fae) into Chicago disguised as mortals and using mortal transport, so as not to alert the fomor.
  • Vadderung has a much larger force in reserve than he's letting on.
  • The Svartalves brought in a bunch of reinforcement from other enclaves, in reaction to the assassination attempt.
  • Lara's new magical security is hiding a much larger force than she's letting on -- both vampires and mercenaries (Monoc or mortal or both).
  • The Archive is ready to give Harry Ethniu's true name, as a part of her Oblivion War Purpose.
  • Harry's got access to Weapons that the fomor have no way of realizing he has, thanks to Mab's last big scheme.

Unfortunately, a bunch of heavyweights are going to come in on the other side, too -- Drakul, Mavra, Cowl, Evil Bob, the Genoskwa, Shagnasty...

And I've got no idea which side Titania and the Erlking will be on. If Titania is compromised or just still angry at Harry and Mab, who knows what she might do.

DF Spoilers / Re: [PT Spoilers] Why Wait?
« on: August 01, 2020, 03:30:07 PM »
Flip the question around.

She's a multi-thousand-year-old immortal -- what's the rush?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mantles and death curses
« on: August 01, 2020, 03:22:43 AM »
Of course, we've learned that the soul is actually just a chunk of magical energy, too. So, perhaps wizards who cast death curses are actually consuming their own souls to cast the spell and ending up in oblivion, rather than moving on to the afterlife.

(We know that oblivion is possible, because in Ghost Story that was the risk Harry was facing.)

Not sure what to make of Eb's comment that Mavra might be able to throw one... No idea how BCVs work.

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