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Messages - Griffyn612

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DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax Identity - crazy theory
« on: July 14, 2021, 01:16:35 AM »
It's a bit confusing because Jim almost contradicts himself, then recovers. Having seen Jim get a bit confused over his own stuff a few times I'd be willing to bet that he was a bit confused then too. Which isn't to say that what he said isn't true. But it sort of contradicts other WOJ on Dragons.

The link you posted occurred a few years after those questions were answered, so being the latest information it's more likely to be true. But it seems strange that Ferro and Sirio and Pyro are both semi-divine beings in the more Asian sense of being Dragons (as in capital-D Dragons) yet also are the workers and Western Dragons...and yet there are also lower tier servant (lowercase-d) dragons who are just emissaries and workers themselves but are mostly just beasts. It just seems like too many concepts have been confused.

Myself, I think the questioner (I forget her name) confused him. I don't know where she got the idea that Ferro and Pyro were Western dragons - because prior to that video as far as I know there was no indication of that. So either she was privy to information moist fans didn't have (maybe Jim told her something) or she was confused herself and asked Jim a poor question which caused him to give a confusing answer. I don't know what the case is though.

Also, his terminology that there is only three before Michael killed one left is interesting (and further evidence of contradictory information on the death of the dragon). Could it be that there were quite a lot around at one time. Not four or five or six but perhaps a multitude?
I'm not seeing much conflict between the video and the previous comments. Maybe he said at some point that there were four and only four Big D Dragons, but I think it's just how we interpreted what he really said.

In all, there are likely a bunch of Dragons, Asian or not, that are still being Cosmic Avatars. They're doing their job.

A handful, specifically four (or five) were disgruntled workers among the other worker Dragons, and they descended to Earth in earthly forms. Those were Ferro, Sirio, Pyro, and the unnamed fourth. And possibly Lucifer.

For all we know, Dragons might be Angels, or Angels might be Dragons. The earthly Dragons might be the Dragon equivalent of the Grigori or the Fallen. (I'm not saying they're either, just the Dragon-pantheon equivalent)

So only two remaining on earth doesn't preclude others not being on alive but not on earth.

As for European vs Asian, it could be that the Four were responsible for European regions (like Grigori had specific tasks on Earth) and they kinda sorta transubstantiated, but the Asian and other Dragons kind of tsked and went about their business.


Or, be hedged his answer to avoid accusations of euro-centric mythologies being predominant in the series, and tried to give an out so as to not offend anyone.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax Identity - crazy theory
« on: July 12, 2021, 06:26:16 PM »
Titania deployed it with great effect against Ethniu and the Eye of Balor. LtW used it against the Naagloshii. Vadderung says part of the reason Demonreach Island is surrounded by water is to reduce the efficacy of magic deployed against it (or something along those lines). Black Court Vampires supposedly cannot cross running water. I think even Harry tried to cross a river to escape the Demon that the Shadowman summons.
I am unfamiliar with the video about Dragons. I had a brief look but couldn't find anything beyond when Dragons will next show up and their use as terraformers. Do you have a link?

If that's the case though that Ferro and his compatriots are merely the Western team, what are the Eastern ones up to? I thought though that there were only 3 or 4 Dragons in the whole world (not including the lower-case dragons who are merely beasts and servants created in the "image" of the big D Dragons).

Interesting follow-up idea. If the Dragons are also the guards to reality (or at least the pillars holding back the tide) what happens when they are gone? What happened after Siriothrax died I wonder, and what things have been possible with his death?

I'm linking to the Reddit post because their link jumps to the part about dragons.

In summary, he says there were three left on Earth and Michael killed one of those. Someone asks about Eastern dragons and Butcher says the Eastern dragons are doing their cosmic job, and the Western/European dragons were the disgruntled workers that got involved in mortal affairs and tied up on Earth.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax Identity - crazy theory
« on: July 12, 2021, 12:20:20 PM »
(Running) Water also has some anti-magic properties, so Hydrax or Aquax could work.

And Hydrax sounds a lot like Hydra...
Water is good, but in the series it's mostly been seen used against wizards. Have we seen it used against anyone else?

Very nice! Yes, upon rereading this I think it might just be the "ax" as the relevant suffix. I might have got a bit too excited earlier.

Salt isn't bad, or silver. But not a lot of uses of both in the series. Fire, Water, Spirit, Metal all seem to be the main ones. 
This works, as it ties back to the idea of elemental Dragons. But Harry puts the five elements as Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Spirit. The Chinese five elements are Fire, Water, Iron, Earth, Air (also meaning spirit). So it's hard to know how they fit.

Perhaps it is something like this?
Ferro: Iron
Sirio: Light/Spirit/Air
Pyro: Fire
Hydra: Water
Unknown fifth Dragon: Earth
In the video about dragons, Butcher says these are the big Western dragons, and that the Eastern dragons are off doing their job, or something to that effect. So trying to tie these to Eastern principles might be misplaced.

My take is that very pure things of reality are bad for things of the never-never, and the dragons are like pillars of reality. They are the avatars of things that dangerous to the supernatural, and are therefore different from them, and also a guard against them.

And almost all the guards are dead...

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 10, 2021, 02:22:07 AM »
Power within the Dresden Files is just like real life in that it isn't one thing.  One person can be powerful because of money, another because of fame, another because of fighting ability, and another because of firepower.  The list goes on.

The Black Court is the strongest of the Houses in pure brute force, and magical capabilities.  These qualities made them formidable to be sure, and feared, and hated by many.  As strong as they are, they have major flaws. 

1. They are deathly vulnerable to things that aren't difficult to obtain. 
2. It is virtually impossible for them to blend in with humanity.
3. They are devoid of kindness, honesty, or trustworthiness.  They have no real friends or allies.
4.  Although they are capable of intelligence, and cunning, it isn't a defining quality of the species.

The White Court is not on their level with regards to brute force, and magical power, but they are very dangerous.  As I mentioned earlier, there is more than one route to power.  The White Court uses intelligence, guile, misdirection, manipulation, political connections, and wealth. 

The White Court could never have faced the Black Court in a head to head fight, but they didn't need to.  They took sensitive information about the Black Court's exploits and made it very public.  Then all they had to do was sit back and watch as all the people who hated, and feared the Black Court hunted them down.

The White Court brought them down without ever putting themselves into harms way. 

A good comparison would be Winter Knight Harry Dresden vs vanilla mortal John Marcone.  Sure Harry could absolutely destroy Marcone, but Marcone wouldn't face him directly.  He'd have someone pick Harry off from 500 yards with a 50 cal. 

So the White Court might be underpowered in some ways vs the Black Court, but who's on the run, hiding, and facing extinction?
We're basically agreed. What the Wamps lack in raw power and ability, they make up for with other resources. I have no problem acknowledging that Titans are more powerful than wizards, and also acknowledging that Harry beat a Titan when armed with the right resources.

But the Blamps' greatest weakness isn't garlic or holy water or sunlight, or even that they don't play well with each other or others. It's their age, and the time it takes for one to gain enough power and influence to enact change.

We've seen the same thing with wizards and Ramps. The elders are slow to adapt to new ideas.

If a modern human could be turned into a Blamp and given enough power and authority to enact change, then they'd be terrifying.

I expect we might see just that in the near future with Yoshimo, Wild Bill, and/or Chandler. If modern wizards with power and experience fighting a modern war with modern weapons are given authority in Drakul's ranks, then we could see a formidable Blamp army in the near future.

Blamps with enchanted cloaks that holy water rolls off of like blood off Warden cloaks. Wind charms created by Dark Yoshimo that keep a breeze blowing around Blamps to prevent garlic from hitting them full on. Renfields trained by camp kaboom veteran Wild Bill, covered in body armor and modern weapons and working like a military unit to protect high value assets, or crossing thresholds to drag victims out of their homes.

That's assuming the Blamps haven't been stockpiling items touched by True Love from their victims to use in an assault against the Wamps when they're ready. Imagine them collecting souvenirs and testing them on a captured Wamp for a hundred years.

Given the right mindset, the Blamps can be just as resourceful as the Wamps.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 09, 2021, 02:47:33 AM »
Wamps don't have Blamp weaknesses. Holy water, garlic- religious symbols are probably out, but that's it. Conflict isn't about arm wrestling matches.
Conflict is about what people bring to the fight.

If it's a battle where they're expecting Blamps, then Wamps can bring supplies. Garlic smoke bombs and holy water pistols might come in handy.

Likewise, Blamps can wear a wetsuit and avoid contact with most of that.  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 08, 2021, 06:46:03 PM »
I'm thinking when Lara was reduced to a barely animate skeleton and devoured Madelaine. That's a hellacious amount of damage to take and be visibly healing from.

A strong, fully-fed White seems to have Wolverine-like healing- at first. When sufficiently injured, they go feral, and also feed indiscriminately. Don't underestimate that.
I think they're very formidable against humans and average wizards. But against a Blamp, that they presumably can't whammy or feed from? That exceed their raw strength, can also take massive damage, and can feed from them? Not as formidable.

Ramps seem like wimps, so I'm not going to argue against a Wamp taking one on. But unless the Wamp is specifically geared up to take on one, I don't see your average Wamp taking out your average Blamp.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 08, 2021, 04:16:09 PM »
We don't know the relative power of the various House heads. Whites can feed most easily, though- don't underestimate their throwing down in a street and then sprinting through a dance club before coming back for round 2. And their supernatural healing isn't to be underestimated.

And we don't know the Whites couldn't handle the Blacks- the Whites used humanity as a cat's paw. Preference doesn't mean incapability.
Between Peace Talks and Battle Ground, I was left with the impression that Harry was close to raw strength with Lara, and yet he was like a child in Mavra's grip. I'm sure Lara is stronger going all out, but it still seemed like WK and WCV were on one tier, and BCV was on another.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 08, 2021, 04:02:30 PM »
As I recall she had several ladies with her, and I bet one doesn't onto Lara's kick ass team unless you can really kick ass.
Sure, I bet there's a dozen members of the family that are well fed and well trained. But those same high-level Wamps were broken like toys by Shaggy in TC. In their place of power. Across their threshold, and whatever wards they had in place.

Likewise, Eb could have taken Lara out at the end. The Wamps are formidable up close with humans that they can whammy or enemies they can beat to a pulp. But their top tier against top tier wizards isn't a fair fight, much less anyone else with power.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 08, 2021, 12:03:42 PM »
I don't know, that flying drop kick that Lara delivered to the back of Ethinu's head to pop the eye from her head was pretty wicked and powerful.  I wouldn't underestimate them.
She's the Queen, arguably the most powerful and well-fed Wamp there is. Others aren't going to have her power.

The Wamps are formidable politically and against humans, but against almost anything else, they're on even terms or below. It took publishing a book and arming the masses with knowledge to exterminate most of the Blamps. If someone paid Shagnasty enough, he'd wipe out the Wamps on his own in a month.

DF Spoilers / Re: The White Court is Underpowered
« on: July 07, 2021, 03:46:25 AM »
Yes, however, this is only taking into account recent events. Before, when the White King actually in charge, he didn't have many of the connections Lara has (or none that I know of). Just look at the old muscle Harry called them Barbies/Ken Dolls. They were immediately upgraded to much more threatening and intelligent individuals after Lara took over. Lara has made the W Court the powerful force it is today, not W Court powers (yes, powers may have helped, but as the book says, W Court sex slaves made bad tools).
That was during Harry's lifetime, though. Raith had stopped feeding upon his birth, and was preserving the tank. We can assume there weren't huge changes in his behavior so as to go unnoticed, but it seems likely he couldn't do all the things he could have previously done.

DF Spoilers / Re: Ferrovax Identity - crazy theory
« on: July 07, 2021, 02:30:04 AM »
The suffix for the Dragons isn't just -vax. It's also -thrax, like in Siriothrax. It could be that the true suffix is the shared -ax, which has a meaning as a suffix.

-āx (genitive -ācis); third-declension one-termination suffix

used to form adjectives expressing a tendency or inclination to the action of the root verb; -ish, -y
audeō (“I dare”) > audāx (“bold”)
edō (“I eat”) > edāx (“gluttonous, voracious”)
loquor (“I talk”) > loquāx (“talkative”)
pugnō (“I fight”) > pugnāx (“combative, fond of fighting”)

As for the names, Ferro is Latin, whereas Pyro and Sirio are Greek. Collectively they could be Light, Fire, and Iron, as others have said.

We know Light, particularly sunlight, can kill some supernatural things. So can Fire, and so can Iron.

So what's the fourth vulnerability for the supernatural world? That might help us identify the nature of the fourth.

I doubt it's faith, hope, or love, as those seem to fall under specific purviews.

Salt, maybe? How do we feel about Salivax/Salithrax or Alavax/Alathrax, keeping it to Latin or Greek?

Silver? Argentivax/Argentithrax or Asimivqx/Asimithrax?

DF Spoilers / Re: Old topic probably, but...question
« on: July 04, 2021, 05:45:36 PM »
Crossover method is easy. Bob established that every universe is out there somewhere in the never-never, just really far away. Even Spider-Man.

So Harry can get anywhere, and it can be via mistake using his mom's amulet and ruby.

As for what series, I'd like to see him with Doctor Who. His murphyonic field messing with the TARDIS and sonic screwdriver, Who breaking the law against time travel, Molly there flirting with the doctor only to realize she's found the only other man in existence that will never actually be with her... Lots of potential for hijinks.

DF Spoilers / Re: Denarian Host Compatibility Survey
« on: July 04, 2021, 05:28:55 PM »
So no takers yet on the idea of Mister taking up Dierdre's coin, regrowing his tail, and in battle form having nine razor sharp whip-tails on his razor sharp steel haired body, to have a fight scene between him and Nemesith?

DF Spoilers / Denarian Host Compatibility Survey
« on: July 03, 2021, 10:04:12 PM »
Simple question.

If yes, what coin and Fallen would you want to see him with? What would his battle form be?

If no, then that's boring, but okay.

DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone and Nicodemus allies?
« on: June 27, 2021, 10:38:11 PM »
Because she did not do it when he was weakest after escaping Hades but seemed to have forgotten everything and were very cosy together attacking the carpenters who they obviously blamed for everything.
I guess I could buy that. But in my reading I guess I assumed Nico came out and blamed Harry for her death, and she didn't know for sure at the time who all to blame, so she went for the mortal.

They didn't get along before this, so my guess was that she'd kill him for it later. But maybe not.

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