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Messages - trboturtle

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Author Craft / Re: Writing villains
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:08:57 AM »
I see it this way -- evil has a goal and will do anything to acheive that goal, Need to seige a city and kill everyone inside? Evil does it. Need a super weapon and the only person who can create the weapons don't want to have anything to do with you? Grab his daughter and give him the orders. A little old lady between you and a fortune? A shove down the stairs.

In short, Evil will do anything it can to do its thing. Most heroes have some sort of line they won't step over. Evil had only the restrictions that have been palced upon by someone with grater power than them and even then, Evil is looking for loopholes (Reason why Lawyers are mistaken for being all evil (Actually only 99% of lawyers are evil -- the other 1% are shoved into political office where they can do little harm...))

Inshort, evil is power without much restraint (For the most part) Good have some rules to follow, even if they are flexable...


Author Craft / Re: How Do I Start As An Author?
« on: July 19, 2012, 02:48:35 AM »
If you want advice, go here: When/if you want to start writing as a business...


Author Craft / Re: Why do you Write?
« on: July 10, 2012, 02:00:44 AM »
I write because I read.....

A good story takes me away -- away from my wories, my frustration, and the other things that I don't want to think about. And I realized that I could do the same thing when I write. I can pour some of the negative emotion into characters and situation, and joy too.

From that, I felt the need to write. First with pen and paper, then a typewriter, then a computer. Fanfiction at first, but I've grown to start creating my own universes my own worlds to explore.

I realize that in some way I'm passing the gift on to someone else -- to take them away from their own worries and stress. ANd if I can do that, I've done my job...


Author Craft / Re: Favorite names you've seen used recently?
« on: July 10, 2012, 01:49:46 AM »
I'm curious:  is "Longmire" pronounced as though it's English or French?

English -- the same way you say "Long" and "mire"....

I agree Meg -- he's a heck of character and they've already have a second season ordered.... :D


I am writing, but the project is an unusal one....

Did some work for a gaming product. The Battletech gaming universe has just finished up a massive war that had battles across a thousand lights years, and hundreds of planets, with massive armies beating the crap out of each other.  ;D

Anyway, I mentioned in an email to the assistant Line developer (He who was supervising the gaming project) that there was war theaters where little was know about. So he said, "Why don't you choose an area that we didn't do enough of and write a product?"

A challenge....

I said okay, so now I have a project that the first draft is due 15 August.The thing is, little was written about this theater, so instead of saying "look here," I have to create the background of the conflict, based on a dozen small notes, items from a dozen line products, and my imagination....

I am having a BLAST!!!  ;D ;D ;D ;D


Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:40:43 AM » is always looking for writers -- Of course, you have to really know the Battletech universe and the fiction style they're looking for. But if you have both, and can write a good story, they're always looking for new writers (THat's how I got started... ;D)

Author Craft / Re: Hi i am new and an aspiring author
« on: July 02, 2012, 12:34:03 AM »
Well, I come by my mispelling naturally -- I'm just a crappy speller.... ;D

Jass, welcome to this little group of writers we have hiding here. We're a friendly group, willing to help each other out. Out of respect for Jim, we don't post our writing here, but otherwise, we discuss just about everything involved with writing. Any question and someone will answer them.... 8)

Again Welcome!


Author Craft / Good advice Blog post
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:34:05 PM »

Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 28, 2012, 06:29:49 PM »
There are several things to remember:

1) Most fanfiction is written for enjoyment of the writer and a few others and will never reach the quality of "professional" writing.

2) There is a lot of crap disguised as fanfiction out there and sometimes you want to scream in frustration as the writer has no idea about what they're doing.

3) If you see that an anime fanfiction is rated as a lemon, that means it has SSC and is NSFW.

4) There is WAY too much Dragonball (37,145), Inuyasha (103,915), and Naruto (304,210) fanfiction stories out there (Numbers from  ;D


Author Craft / Re: Fanfiction: Is It Real Writing?
« on: June 28, 2012, 03:00:43 AM »
Speaking as someone who started with Fanfiction, it's a way to get a handle on the writing without having to worldbuild your own universe. I prefer to stick as close as I could to the source, but there are plenty of AUs out there, some are okay, others are "Why bother? Just change the names and it's an original story!"

Started with anime, moved into Battletech fanfiction, then into writing Battletech and getting paid for it. I've learn alot about writing during this time and I building my own original world in an Urban fantasy setting and have two half-written novels and a short story done. But it was fanfiction where I started, and if I find something in fanfiction worth reading, I will read it.

There's one website that has managed to take bits of many anime, scifi, and comics and creating its own universe. I mean where else can you read about Utena Tenjo fight a Bajorian Jedi knight in a rose duel, cheered on by a teenage Bobo Fett and The Teeen Titians' Koriand'r..... ;D


Author Craft / Re: Very nebulous idea...
« on: June 23, 2012, 02:19:28 PM »
It sounds like each house of magic would have a guild-like set up -- Apprentice, journeyman, master setup, in which the person is trained to use their magic. The stronger the person's magic, the higer they rise in the house/guild.


Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 01, 2012, 04:58:21 PM »
::) shecky  ::) :P ;D

Hey, I'm with Shecky -- only I would use TWO magazines or a SPAS-12 shotgun..... ;) :D


Author Craft / Re: Are Readers Growing Tired of New Urban Fantasy?
« on: June 01, 2012, 12:30:23 AM »
What's really funny is I wrote a scene with a giant spider in my UF novel....

As for Spiders, I'm so bad, that I've never been able to watch the movie "Eight Legged Freaks" for more than five minutes and if spiders are on the screen , I am gone!


Well, been working on part of a gaming sourcebook that's behind schedule and instead of one writer, it's been split up among several other writers (Including me). We've got only a couple of weeks to get it all done....


Author Craft / Re: Writing gigs...
« on: May 10, 2012, 11:39:55 PM »
Stumbled across this from Michael Stackpole's Twitter feed....


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