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Messages - g33k

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DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 28, 2024, 08:57:04 PM »
I think Molly was doing everything she could to hide her talent from Charity.  Seeing as she described to Harry (in Proven Guilty) that she pulled up a vail on her own without previous instruction must have made it much easier to keep her talent hidden.

Minor difference of opinion here, but I don’t think it was Charity not seeing the signs that her daughter was developing magical talent as much as it was Charity not wanting to believe that her daughter would develop the talent combined with Molly keeping the secret to herself ... 

Speaking as a parent:   one becomes very adept at spotting your kids' BS.
Not perfect -- never 100% perfect -- but IME kids fool their parents less than they think they do.

I think it was both, and in roughly equal measure:  Molly working really hard to hide it, and Charity not wanting to face it.  Molly provided just enough "plausible deniability" that Charity could convince herself "nothing magical" was happening... despite the fact that Charity herself had a background of being a tween/teen becoming magical under parental disapproval, i.e. personal experience of exactly what Molly was going through.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 28, 2024, 08:49:57 PM »
Yes, but also not leveling with Harry up front from the beginning of her husband's friendship with him,  of her own background.  Instead she treated Harry as if he were a corrupting influence on her children.  I think it was out of ignorance, fear, and misplaced thinking that magical talent is somehow evil in of itself that guided her.  As forbidden fruit,  Harry's talent and exploits became even more attractive to Molly, for many of the wrong reasons..

I think you're more or less correct, but you seem to be judging Charity's all-too-human failings quite harshly.

"Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live."
As Harry notes, modern scholarship puts gives us a *MUCH* more nuanced understanding of this verse.
But from what we understand of Charity's upbringing... that's probably how she felt about the matter.

Her background with magic was something she was ashamed of.  She never really took any time to really think about it, come to a deeper understanding.  She felt a reflexive dread, and shied away from addressing the issue, doing the emotional work that her own background would have required, if she were to address the issue rationally.

And, just as a practical matter:  as Charity noted, most of Michael's serious injuries came from the few occasions he worked with Harry.  How could she see Harry (and "wizardly" pursuits) in anything other than a horrible light?

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 28, 2024, 07:38:40 PM »
You beat me. This feels much closer to 100% than before, lol.
Specifically, it feels 10% closer.

/snark (*)

(*) -- ahhh, who th'hell am I kidding?  You'll stop my snark when you pull the keyboard from my cold, dead fingers...

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:59:53 PM »
... That contradicts what Jim said before, about the potential for life.
Also:  can you provide a cite?
Not that I doubt you, but I'd like to go read it for more context, other clues, etc.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:58:05 PM »
We don't know though, we know that the Knights of the Winter Court have a very hard time.  Though that maybe a point of view.. It also isn't a picnic for the Ladies of ether Court, again depends on perspective I suppose.. Since we've had no new Queens, Mothers, or Others on page anyway, we don't know if they also have had problems adjusting to their new power or their power i.e. the mantle adjusting to them..
Bob's testimony is that within (IIRC) 10ish years, the Winter Ladymantle will largely override the will of the bearer.  "Welcome to the new Maeve, just like the old Maeve," he says.

I think we are seeing some signs that Molly is being more resilient than that... but only some signs (I cannot imagine pre-Mantle Molly exacting a price of any sort to do protective spellwork for Harry (as just one example)), with Winter Law remaining inviolable.

Agreed that the WK-mantle is "tough" on the Knights.  But I think that's largely a matter of Winter being inherently harsh & brutal; I expect the SK-mantle gets its way more with gentle pressure, continuous sensuality, temptations of all sorts.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:47:18 PM »
... however I still think a lot, I mean A LOT, of this could have been avoided if Charity faced up to what she was, and that that power could be passed on ...
Oh, absolutely!
But, y'know... all part of being human.  We all have weaknesses, blind spots; truths we cannot face.

And Mab retains  j-u-s-t  enough humanity to recognize (at least most of) those, and know how best to exploit them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:42:24 PM »
... After Ghost Story and Cold Days, he regularly visited the Svartalves, so if he had it, it was frequently removed ...
We know that -- as of the end of Ghost Story -- Thomas & Justine regularly removed the protection (or, if the theory of a Nemesis-fueled pseudo-protection is correct:  Justine pretended to remove a protection that was never there).

Does seem kind of odd to anyone else that Thomas would be regularly visiting the Svartalves to sate his Hunger, when he & Justine have a very-workable solution at home...?

Maybe it's just that -- as with Connie Barrowill & Irwin Pounder -- a powerful nonhuman is simply a method he's using to eat deeply & satisfy the Hunger without killing a mortal.  But still, something "feels off" to me, in this.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:29:42 PM »
... If I remember correctly, Justine started to be herself again in White Night, when she lead Harry and Carlos to the Raith Deeps. This would also have been the time when she and Thomas started being together again...
If I recall correctly:
 - That was the first time we saw her "being herself again" onscreen, but her self-report was that it had been happening for a while (and she displayed lots of broad awareness of the larger situation, just as if she had largely been compos mentis for a good long time)
 - She wasn't yet being with Thomas, but said she expected she'd be able "to go back to her lord" soon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 27, 2024, 08:21:46 PM »
... That contradicts what Jim said before, about the potential for life.
This is a very interesting point.
Did Jim mess up?  Or has he dropped a clue?
Or just changed his mind, and retcon'ed the "true love" protection to include same-sex couples?

Maybe  future stories will reveal things; or maybe someone could ask a pointed question during an AMA or other Q&A event.

Or maybe we'll wonder 'til the very end, because Jim's an Evil Bastad(tm).

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 26, 2024, 05:21:47 PM »
If they were truly in love, then they wanted to be faithful to each other ...
I think the more's of the Whampires -- even whampires in love -- are very different around the issue of being "faithful."  It's literally a matter of eating, of survival.

... And though it wouldn't be very difficult to arrange, it would still be a pain to have to find a third every time they wanted to have sex ...
I'm pretty sure it'd be *incredibly* easy for them to set up.
The White Court is chock-full of willing -- in fact, eager! -- mortal partners.  $$$ is not an object for them, either.  Set up a an apartment next door with 3-4 clued-in models, and most of the time at least one of them is literally just 30 seconds away.

... They probably did know that this was a solution but didn't want to resort to it.
That seems unlikely, tbh.  OTOH, I don't have a "likely" seeming alternative to offer.

I don't remember the random jogger ...
Very early-on in... I don't actually remember which story.  It's while Thomas is living with Harry.

But:  Harry comes home grouchy, and a cute girl comes out of the shower.  Harry says something biting, the girl snaps back... then concludes that Harry is just Thomas' (gay) lover, being jealous.  She calls Thomas "very naughty" or somesuch.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 26, 2024, 05:00:15 PM »
Since we know that some can be worn, it's safer to believe that others can be also. Unless you have evidence that states that these mantles are special. They very well could be, but in absence of the statement of a special case, then we should apply the general rule.
Agreed; the Queenmantles are *incredibly* powerful, but can be worn by humans.
I don't think any of them (other than the Mothers) will be tougher to handle.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab Roade with the conquerer
« on: June 26, 2024, 07:05:47 AM »
It's been a bit on this thread, but it might be relevant to note that Rome technically survived in the eastern empire for another thousand years...
They claimed the Roman mantle; so did Germany, later, with the "Holy Roman Empire."
But I think Jim when Jim said "the fall of Rome" he did mean "the fall of Rome," and wasn't weaseling anything.

This leaves plenty of ambiguity, of either the "I'm not telllling you!" sort of intentionally hiding surprises, or "meh, it's ancient history I never saw the need to pin down" sort (or some of each).

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 26, 2024, 06:48:23 AM »
Justine's protections continued even after Thomas was sexually active with others; there were both quick flings (e.g. the jogger he brought back while rooming with Harry) and longer-term but less intense occasions as "Toe-moss" the hairdresser.  Thomas' faithfulness doesn't impact Justine's protection.

Presumably, after intimacy with Justine but before he engaged in any sort of erotic intimacy with another party, Thomas himself was protected from other whampires' feeding on (or touching) him. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 26, 2024, 03:22:26 AM »
I know Mab likes to lay that as a guilt trip on Harry, and he is willing to let himself be guilted.  However I think Molly's situation had more to do with Charity willingly blinding herself to her daughter's awakening talent ...
I'm pretty sure Mab tasked Lea (whose schtick is abusively "inspiring" the talented) with making sure Molly went down the Left-Hand path.

We can be absolutely certain that Mab knew of Michael & Harry's close friendship, and would therefore educate herself about Michael's family; realized one or more of the early-born Carpenter kids would have a decent shot at being gifted.  Mab may have had ways to make that more-likely, or even certain.

Whatever:  she wanted levers upon Harry, and she got them.  Levers of obligation, of guilt, of covert desire (and thus more guilt).

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months stuck?
« on: June 23, 2024, 08:20:46 PM »
... Do you (collective you, not only g33k) know if Jim is writing something else, like a short story, right now?
I don't know of any; but I don't know he's not, either.
I believe  he has been relatively busy this past Spring, doing conventions & similar events.

I don't feel an urgent need to figure out why he's writing apparently-slowly... though it'd be very nice to be reassured that this slowdown is transient (ideally, that it's over and his pace is picking up again)!  It's nice to see at least some progress, though... 58% today!

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