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Messages - potestas

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DFRPG / Re: Magic Systems
« on: June 29, 2014, 05:11:10 PM »
Ars magica hands down best magical system ever made to portray wizards

DFRPG / question about catches
« on: June 28, 2014, 07:34:46 PM »
if you fufill the catch does that allow you to completely bypass the stress track

DFRPG / Re: i just dont see it
« on: June 26, 2014, 07:27:34 PM »
Eh. Debatable.

there in lies the problem everything is debatable, there is barely a baseline anywhere

DFRPG / i just dont see it
« on: June 26, 2014, 03:57:33 PM »
I look and read and i just dont see it. There isn't any real advantag to using sponsered magic if you can already do normal magic. You get no boost of power in the rules you get a compel if you use it. it is still limited by your own conviction. sure you maybe able to cast a certain type of spell that wouldn normally by thaumaturgy but it is still imited your abilities  a lore of 5 doesnt give you a hell of a lot of power to instant cast a block. The block might last and you might not get a headache casting it but but doesnt offer much of an advantage. And if punched through(which is likley considering the strength of the spell) it was a waste to cast. What am i missing. I also see a lot of "self sponsered" spnsered magic which seems to me bunk and just a way to be able to cast thaumaturgy fast without being compled by someone elses agenda. What am I missing? how do i creat and effect that is anywhere near as cool as some of what dresden or the winter knights could do

DFRPG / Re: the laws of magic
« on: June 25, 2014, 06:52:03 PM »
This is the only thing I'm disagreeing with you about. I kind of despise the Lawbreaker power. Being forced to change one of your Aspects is an awesome way to represent having broken a Law: it changes a fundamental part of your character, you're pushed further down the dark path you started on (compels), you get hounded by wardens (compels), and you can be better at breaking that specific Law (Invokes, occasionally utilizing Taran's Sponsor Debt method). If a player in my game were to deliberately break a Law, I would make them change an Aspect, but I definitely wouldn't force them to take the Power itself, because losing a single refresh on a wizard is devastating and usually makes the character an NPC. The gamebook posits that you "loan" him the Refresh, forcing the character to take the power for real at the next Major Milestone, but that's stopgap at best. Like I said before- I think the Power represents a character like Grevane, someone who has embraced their breaking of that Law and does so again and again, eagerly and willingly.

There's also the issue of accidental Lawbreaking and being forced to then take the power by jerk GM's. I was in a game where a wizard's apprentice used a Weapon:6, fire-element "pain-ray" (based on this) spell to take down a couple of pure mortal gunmen. Except the GM compelled the Scene aspect AFLAME or something like that to force us to get the hell out of dodge, leaving the gunmen. Afterwards, he asked her what Power she was going to replace with First Lawbreaker, saying that she had used an immense Weapon rating on pure mortals, crippling them, and subsequently left them to die. She was furious, and the game fell apart afterwards because we couldn't agree on how we should handle what happened.

I hope you understand that in this theoretical game, not playing a wizard would be moronic. Wizards are already far and away the most powerful character types by virtue of Thaumaturgy/Crafting alone. Removing the already easily-circumvented restrictions upon them will make them even more hilariously broken. If the First Law is gone, good luck with literally any mortal holding up for more than one exchange in combat with a wizard. Third and Fourth Laws gone means that any mystery immediately becomes a joke. Fifth Law means mega-minions, and even more devaluation of the murder mystery. I can't even imagine what a wizard with no Law restrictions would do to game balance.

I am game

for me wizards are supposed to be laws unto themelves, held in check by their own morality, or more powerful wizards and only if said wizard discovers what the wizard is doing. Being able to pull the answer out of a mortal mind is just as much investigation as looking for clues, you still have to find the right mortal and if another wizard or never never critter is involved getting by his spells will prove adventure enough. I want them to feel empowered, not constricted. Plus they wont know right away that the laws aren't really real, they will believe what all young wizards believe. Plus its still against the law to violate them they just have to do it without getting caugt or if caught be strong enough that the senior council doesnt want to waste resources (read wardens) enforcing the law.

Ever play a game called ars magica. excellent  game all about wizards no laws per se. very fun id love a way to make it a modern game any who thats my take i was just hoping others had something apparently not.

DFRPG / Re: the laws of magic
« on: June 25, 2014, 05:54:08 PM »
Potestas, what aspect of the Laws of Magic do like? What would you be willing to keep in your game?

I will agree with some of the other posters and say that without the laws as-is... the game would feel different tha  the Dresdenverse we know and love.

One idea to grease the Laws would be to create penalties for I fractions other than death. Perhaps create a 3 strikes rule for the Laws or something.

I think the entire idea is wizard killing fun. So as far as this conversation goes, i am simply making them laws like mortal laws. given suffient reason or if no one is around to tell they can be violated. I am also going to assume higher up wizards break them with impunity enforcing them simply to ensure their own power. The blackstaff breaks them with no ill effects, everyone says its the staff but there is no ingame or inbook verification of this. Moreover even if you only allow one wizard to activily defend all wizards your order would be doomed long before it reached the 20th century. So for my game they are do as I say not as I do. the older wizards are strong enough that no one will question what they do unless they go overboard. Kind of like how ancient mi thought Harry didnt have the wisdom to be a member. he didnt know enough when to not break the laws. thats how I am going ot play it anyway. more fun that way

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 22, 2014, 07:24:45 PM »
Found the quote!

so at least it fits. nicely done.

but it begs a follow up question. If mab can just decide when to create situations to end an immortal especially one under her "control" why would she need to wait for halloween? Why did she need harry to do it? espcially since it wasn't harry that did it anyway, just one of harrys weapons.(murph). This is what I mean when i wrote in another thread that a writers work is mostly contrivance, its just how well he hides it that makes his writing good or bad. the summer lady was killed by harry because JB said she was killed by Harry. Many books later we get a reason that fits the current story that justifies all the trouble JB put Harry threw to make a story called "cold Days" and doesnt invaladate all the crap JB put Harry threw in Summer Knight.

DFRPG / Re: the laws of magic
« on: June 22, 2014, 01:42:41 AM »
This is so going to end up in Law Talk.

I'm not quite sure how you managed to come to this conclusion given that Harry talks about the stain of black magic in practically every book. It's especially noted once we hit Proven Guilty and have Molly's mistakes to observe. While the White Council may not have the Laws of Magic completely accurate, they haven't just made them up as a way to limit other Wizards' power. There is a fundamental cosmic force that stains the soul of Wizards who break the Laws; it's even visible under the Sight and through a Soulgaze.

I mean, this is one of the basic facts of the Dresdenverse. Denying the stain of black magic, to me, is akin to denying thermodynamics in the real world.

the point of this thread wasn't law talk. it was how people who had already decided they didnt care for it changed it for their games. please stay on topic. If you play using the laws thats great i dont want to and I am looking for input from those who have found creative ways around them but still maintain some of the flavor of the laws.

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 22, 2014, 01:40:06 AM »
No, Harry specifically stabbed Aurora before she could reach the stone table and held her pinned to prevent her from reaching it while she died. IF she had died on it, there would be some Ice Age - sized problems to solve.

It's just that Harry is a) a Starborn, b) used Cold Iron and c) many of his cases happen around Halloween anyway.

too many assumptions starborn is in reference to outsiders so i doubt that was how he managed it, we don't know if it was halloween JB would have mentioned it but didnt, he probably hadent even thought of the concept at the time of winter knight. so we have a problem. a mortal wizard..and a not so good one. killed an immortal.I think we give JB too much credit.

DFRPG / Re: the laws of magic
« on: June 21, 2014, 08:04:13 PM »
My problem with Laws is that in the game the are assumed to be fundamental laws of reality, like Newton or gravity. Reading the novels, I always thought that they were more like laws created by a goverment (the White Council). That much I can accept and like (cops, the wardens, uphold the law and protect innocents, let's be real, you feel safer with a law that makes invading minds a criminal act). But making it a law of reality, not only has so many holes and lessens the fun, there have also been cases where it isn't so strictly adhered by powerful wizards (example Rashid and Harry, in which Rashid acknowledges Harry's need for self-defence).

MY thoughts exactly, so i was wondering if anyone had worked up a playable solution. I wanted to make it revolve around self defense or if no one sees you do it then it didn't happen. It seems bookwise its something the powerful use to keep the weak from using their power in a way the strong do. Even a weak wizards is pretty much unstoppable for brief periods of time against normals.

DFRPG / Re: Walking Conjunctions...
« on: June 21, 2014, 07:59:02 PM »
The whole issue with this though is that immortal people are basically mantles. Even with the power to kill them, you don't really kill them; the mantle immediately goes to someone else and a couple years down the line it's "Meet the new Maeve. Same as the old Maeve." In fact, if you thoroughly kill an immortal non-permanently it might take them longer to return than if you really murder the mantle's "host". And if you imprison them, you take them out much longer than in either case - potentially permanently.

That's the whole point of the existence of Demonreach; trapping immortals.

I think i have spoilers i here and I dont know how to do that thing so dont read if you dont want to know stuff

This whole mantle thing has really bent the dresden world. We have the new knight of the cross saying its just the person but he doesnt feel pain. We have mantles dropping left and right in the last two books. I mean really is mab a diety or is she just some gal who became mab. Maybe we got this whole mantle thing messed up or JB messed up with bringing it in. It has to be more then just "in your head" the jewish knight is wrong. one slate was  drug addict with not an ounce of juice. His mantle gave him magic strength speed and endurance. With that one example we know hes wrong. so its nore. I dont think you can just take the mantle once a person has it or once mab realized slate betrayed her she could have yanked it back, it didn't happen and the story continued. you might say she was distracted but at the end she let slate keep the mantle until Harry was ready to take it up. I think "mantle" is just a term JB is using to discuss the kind of power his characters possess. Its not something that can be slipped off and on, or is easily tradeable. Which begs the question why is Aurora even dead. Last time I checked it wasnt halloween when they duked it out. The only time immortals can die is halloween. So why is she dead.

DFRPG / Re: the laws of magic
« on: June 21, 2014, 07:21:51 PM »
I don't understand.

Even modestly enforced people are Lawbreakers? How so?

I think most people follow the example of the novels and anything Harry gets by with, the PCs can get by with.

i'll be more blunt. I dont like the laws of magic, there a nice story telling device for JB, but they suck for gaming (my opinion) I want to keep them for the story telling, but not as a rules that hamper what can be done. I dont care if you invade the mind of a human, wizards can or could always do this and if you cant your not much of a wizard. Wizards could always transform people into other shapes its a staple of being a wizard. But alas the rules of magic in the dresden world say nay you cant or the all powerful wardens will stomp all over you. so basically you are a wizard but you cant do anything that normal story wizards can do. Its JB world so he gets to write it how he wants. I dont have to agree or play it that way except....i dont want to divorce myself completely from the universe. So my game will not worry about the "rules" but to be a dresden universe they have to play  part. So my question was actually simple if you agree that the rules hamper the fun of playing a wizard but dont want to completely divorce yourself from the dresden universe, how do you do it?

DFRPG / Re: magica immunity
« on: June 21, 2014, 06:35:09 PM »
I dunno about that. If a fire spell was real fire, it'd mess you up almost as badly as the person you use it on.

You might want to look at the Immunity Power on the wiki.

i did its not bad.

DFRPG / the laws of magic
« on: June 21, 2014, 05:20:12 PM »
has anyone modified or eliminated them to facilitate better game play? If you did modify them how? I think they are needed to enjoy the game in a dresden sort of way but if they are enforced even modestly most of your wizards will be wanted by the wardens. How have you modified them. If you havent and dont think they should be please don't respond; this is a thread for those that have or have thought about decent ways to balance it better.

DFRPG / Re: magica immunity
« on: June 20, 2014, 10:01:51 PM »
Magic circles are weird, and the level of block immunity that comes with stress immunity is up to the GM. Pretty much everyone would let Lord Raith walk through a wall of magical fire, I think, but a wall of conjured stone might be another story.

As for the original question, don't think about it too hard. When you get right down to it, throwing fireballs doesn't actually make sense. Being immune to fireballs if and only if they were created magically doesn't make much sense either, but it doesn't have to.

I've always thought it weird to have "magic resistence" (unless one of my toons had it). Once fire is conjured its conjured its there it real and it burns regardless of the source. magic is like reality alteration. just because reality hs been altered doesnt make it anyless real. The room use to be filled with air now its fire. That is the new with it. :) how do you become immune to a 5 ton s of conjured stone when it drops on you. if you were in the never never maybe magic resistence works cause it breaks the spell that holds the never never earth together. But in the real world conjured stone isn't necessarily from the never never. It has a more "real" quality, its effect linger after the spell is cast. I dont know really just tossing stuff out.

Physical immunity is too much for -8 since it makes you immune to everything. Maybe if each thing is costed out seperatly or if you have immunity to physical mean just kinetic force. Bullets, cars pure physical spells. But fire electricity and cold et are different and need to be spelled out as well. Immunity to magic would also have to be spelled out. Immune to illusions for -2, immunity to mental control -2, ect. immunity to harm would cover everything but i have no idea what that would cost.

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