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Messages - ClintACK

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DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« on: August 09, 2020, 12:08:35 PM »
Remember that all Harry has done is move Thomas from a prison cell *in which he was dying* to one in which he's held in stasis. If the politics are handled properly, the svartalves might owe a debt for that -- the transfer and rescue have spared them the dishonor of having Thomas die in their custody waiting for trial.

Regardless of where Thomas is, I expect the svartalves will want an emissary appointed and a hearing held to rule on the attack. That's the point at which it would be really helpful if Harry could present them with the actual culprit and evidence of what happened.

The baby is born in February/ March and to the whamps it is wrong to them , they call in Harry, and he perhaps call in Molly, and determine what is wrong, and it is that knowledge which will save Thomas. There may have been a medical reason why papa wraith killed his sons, a recessive tendency for his male offspring to become something else,  not Whamp. The baby is what Thomas could become. He is around to be asked. He may know why Justine conceived in the first place,  despite being under True Love with Thomas. Thomas consulted the family records, not his father who should know something.

Interesting. I'm struck by the possible February birthday. Thomas's birthday is Valentine's Day. Will his child share his birthday? Does it mean something?

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« on: August 08, 2020, 05:21:04 PM »
Would love to see Marcone's face when Harry makes that argument.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry Have to Come Clean?
« on: August 08, 2020, 02:08:25 PM »
I'm picturing the scene:

Etri: "Why shouldn't I kill you where you stand for robbing me of the justice I was due?"
Harry: "Duty."
Etri: "Oh, that's alright then."

Peace Talks is a whodunnit as regards Thomas, you don’t get much of a beginning because it spoils the reveal. The majority of what’s left is a beginning of the Peace Talks setup and part of the middle for both the Thomas and the PT plots. I think that it was cut prematurely,  they should have had his return to Chicago and perhaps half a dozen further chapters, but it was cut at this point because the first couple of chapters of BG contain a huge surprise for the reader, which if we have guessed isn’t going to be a surprise. So mutilation for nothing.

The problem is that a whodunnit is supposed to be a setup for a scene where our intrepid detective sits all the suspects down in the library and expounds his "Here's what happened..." complete with twists and reveals and the culprit making a break for the exit, before being hauled off to justice in an undignified manner.

We got a beautiful version of this at the end of Turn Coat.

Not so much with Peace Talks -- we still don't know who dunnit.

Thomas being "safe" in the prison isn't even a satisfying release of the mild "Is Thomas going to die?" tension, since we still don't know how far gone he is or if it will be possible to save him outside the cell.

But, I agree that it's structural issues from cutting the book. I wish they'd published "Peace Talks, Part I" and not worried so much about trying to make one sort-of-but-not-really resolved plot arc in the first book.

Checking with the Wiki the summoning circle was copper through Storm Front to Turn Coat. It was upgraded to Swartalves manufacture by changes to braided iron, silver and copper. It was used to summon various entities for info on Maggie.

Rare example of the wiki being wrong, then.

The copper/bronze circle was upgraded to silver between Death Masks and Blood Rites, when he buried Lasciel's coin. This was later upgraded to the deluxe svartalf model.

Quote from: Blood Rites, at about the 10% mark
A worktable ran down the middle of the room, and at its far end was a comparatively recent concrete patch that did not match the rest of the floor. The patch was surrounded by the summoning circle set into the stone. I'd splurged on replacing the old ring with a new one made of silver and I'd moved everything in the room as far from it as I could.

The thing I'd locked up under the circle had been quiet since the night I had sealed it into a spirit prison, but when it came to entombing a fallen angel, I was pretty sure that there was no such thing as too much caution.

Eh, I don't think anything came up that would lead Harry to mention them.

I'd have expected him to mention Lash, in passing, when introducing their daughter on screen for the first time.

And when he heard that the Genoskwa had somehow survived and made it out of Hades, I'd have expected him to think of Hannah Ascher and Lasciel's coin and wonder.

But the big one was soulfire. He's mentioned before that soulfire is particularly potent against certain creatures -- red court vampires, frequently, but also outsiders. Heck, in Cold Days he made a Walker scream in pain by hitting it with soulfire. It was a shocking omission in the fight with the corner hounds -- especially when there was an extended discussion about what magical weapons would be most effective against outsiders.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why Not Never Never for escape with Thomas?
« on: August 06, 2020, 08:49:47 PM »
Baron Marcone is being competently advised on magical defenses, by Vadderung's people if not others.

Presumably there are some defenses against the most basic method of wizardly infiltration -- and who knows where it might go. There's no reason to think it still connects to Lea's garden.

Interesting. So, assume Mab took Harry's memory of: (1) Coming to BFS to see Marcone (and Mab) at the end of Skin Game, and (2) His basement lab, as it existed post-Death Masks. (I thought it was going to be about Little Chicago, but the silver summoning ring makes an appearance much earlier in Blood Rites, where we're told he upgraded it to contain Lasciel's coin, several books earlier)

Several other things not mentioned in Peace Talks (thus, potentially erased):
  • Lasciel and Lash and Hannah Ascher
  • The fact that Bonea is his daughter -- "Ever since the new-formed spirit of intellect had coalesced inside my mind, it had grown until it was too big for the space..." Perhaps I'm reading too much into it -- but Harry doesn't seem to remember how Bonea came to be in his head.
  • Soulfire -- He doesn't ask Eb whether soulfire would be useful against the Corner Hounds, and his fire is suddenly "emerald" in color. In Skin Game he's hurling the "silver-white fire of Creation itself" -- and when he draws power into his staff making the runes glow, it's "green-white light and silvery soulfire". (And remember that he only got soulfire as a result of Lash teaching him to use hellfire...)
Combine with the inexplicable news that the Genoskwa is around, which suggests that Hannah Ascher, or at least Lasciel's coin, might have escaped as well...



Only wild speculation beyond that.

But what if Mab and Marcone collected those coins for nefarious purposes, and had them with them at the end of Skin Game. Might they have worried that between them Harry and Molly might have been able to sense that?

Thorned Namshiel's coin went missing during another weird "Mab, Marcone, and the Denarians" adventure in Small Favor.

Wild and crazy theory: Marcone has three Denarians owing him favors -- the Genoskwa for the rescue, plus the new hosts of Lasciel and Namshiel for giving them the coins.

Wilder theory: Lara has Lasciel's coin. The first favor was erasing all memory of Lasciel from Harry's mind. This could explain Lara's "off" behavior through the book -- and Thomas could have made a bargain with Lasciel -- or even taken up a coin as part of such a bargain.

Even wilder guess: Marcone's had Namshiel's coin for well over a year now. Did *he* take up the coin? Did he give it to Hendricks (beard=evil!)? Did he give it to Childs? (Or did he give it to Mab, who wanted vengeance on the fallen angel that used hellfire on Arctis Tor, in return for a ton of help building his Barony -- hence the supernatural bank and hosting the Peace Talks...)

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 08:36:45 PM »
There were more that Harry never mentioned, and that didn't speak up when Marcone was calling on each power to help defend Chicago?

(I think you may be right -- it just took me two re-reads to notice the one sentence that might support that idea. It's definitely not the feel the book gave on the first reading.)

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 06:03:34 PM »
I'm just surprised we didn't see representatives of some oddball groups that Harry can barely identify because they primarily hangout on mountaintops or in rainforests. We wouldn't even need details, just a throw-away joke about the Cantina Scene from Starwars.

It just makes the Supernatural Dresdenverse feel very, very small to think that we've already met every significant nation -- and there are only a handful of them.

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 12:50:20 PM »
I wonder if the Erlking would take offense at that. I'm thinking of the arguments the Eebs made to him in Changes, and his responses.

Then again, Vadderung knows him quite well (or at least Kringle does) and might have a better idea (or have discussed it with him first, which would only be polite).

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 10:33:24 AM »
If successful in the Defence of Chicago, and after what happened to Nudd, several other previously reluctant nations may decide to join, Wild Fae and others.

If it is considered a good fight the Goblins might join. That would keep everyone on their toes. I suspect Marcone would get on with them famously though.

I'm pretty sure that's Mab's endgame -- this is all about tightening up the Accords into a victorious military alliance (victorious over the Fomor) so that she can call on them in a few years when the truly massive every-666-years Outsider Apocalypse comes.

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 01:42:27 AM »
I insist the Ukrainian was there, he is that good.

Pretending to be Etri?

DF Spoilers / Re: Number of participants at the peace talks (spoilers)
« on: August 05, 2020, 12:23:47 AM »
Who's missing?

Who isn't missing? There's one vampire court. One clan of ghouls. One wildfae embassy, since it happens to be in Chicago anyway. The two fairy courts. The wizards. Marcone, as host, and four other freeholding lords: Vadderung, Ferrovax, the Archive, and the Naga from the Ghoul-Goblin comic.

Who are missing: the other 5 remaining vampire courts; every other ghoul clan in the world; the rest of the wildfae (like Erlking and the Tylwyth Teg); the Venatori Umbrorum; the other sixteen freeholding lords. (We're told in White Night that there are about twenty total, pre-Marcone.)

Who else is missing: Anyone or anything from any continent other than North America. Even the White Council of Wizards sent its three North American Senior Council members and its four North American Wardens (plus Christos and Chandler). Vadderung's an exception, being European, but since Marcone is sort-of his protege, it makes sense that he'd show.

My theory: This isn't really a pan-Accords meeting. It's Marcone's party, and he got everyone with an interest in Chicago to show up, except the Tylwyth Teg (who were dealing with a sudden leadership vacuum). Drakul has no interest what goes on way across the ocean. Ditto the Ukrainian shapeshifting guru. And the Jade Court. And the Kenku. And the Miksani. And the Leyshiye. And the Rakshasa. And the Loa. And the wacky Lemur-folk of Madagascar. And so on and so on...

One weird line in the book -- when Harry makes Carlos's warden cape flap around as a distraction, we're told: "Several dozen security teams bolted for their primaries..." This is odd, since we've only been told of fifteen or so "primaries" if we're counting Etri and Evanna as two, Mab and Molly as two, and all four Senior Councilors as individuals.

So... perhaps there are twenty or thirty other delegations around, and we just weren't told about it?

DF Spoilers / Re: Unexpected Power Ups Following Battle Ground
« on: August 04, 2020, 12:55:57 PM »
The idea that Gedwig (the svartalf Harry likes least) is the one infected by Nemesis is impossible. It contradicts the Butcher's First Law: Harry's suffering tends towards the maximum.

It's the flip side of one svartalf dying -- and *of course* it's the one that has game night and play dates with Harry and Maggie.

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