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Messages - awb77

Pages: 1 [2]
DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: July 17, 2008, 01:20:46 AM »
hehe thanks for all the replies guys, the website is really easy to do. also as the 6' even dark haired 16 year old i feel left out

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: July 10, 2008, 05:26:06 AM »
thank you much, it is an honor to present my humble ideas. personally i'd like to see the warden one

DF Books / Re: Shirt Quotes: Buy Dresden Stuff!
« on: July 10, 2008, 02:20:00 AM »
gahh dresden is so quotable. i think something about the gruffs might be in order like bobs "you just got your ass handed to you by a nursery rhyme". or the soul thing "you mortals are always to tuchy about souls it'll grow back" or maybe like a shirt like the army ones that are just gray and say "WARDEN" on the front and "Blood Doesn't Stain The Wardens Cloak" on the back if any one can think of a better back quote about them then use it. or i like this one personally "hands off the fist of god" when he's at bianca's party if any one remebers that. ummm what else i know i got to many ideas here, maybe like a picture of one of the runes Ms. Gard uses and Monoc Securities on the back or maybe the other way around. and maybe ones that say Summer, Winter, and Wyldfae on them. oh maybe one thats like CPD on it and says Murphy on the back and "Tiny But Fierce " underneath (Sanya says this about Murphy in Small Favors) or maybe just SI on the back "when things go bump in the night" (i know it's overused but still). hmmm also maybe a shit for the Alphas. and the Za Lords Guard (with a pair of crossed box cutters and pizza or death on it) well this should be enough for now. please tell me what u think

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