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Messages - lilylis

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Bob's personality isnt truly his, its  reflection of his owner.  Compare that to the archive ; who has a different but much larger database.

Bob a reflection of Harry's personality? I know that's mentioned multiple times but it just doesn't seem true to me.  Where Bob is all sex fiend...interested in "boobs" and porn. Harry seems much too gentlemanly for that.

Where is this idea that Mab thinks always logically?  We've seen, even in the most recent book, that Mab can let her decisions be made on an emotional basis.  It's why she had Harry do the job, instead of herself.

It is the nature of winter and its mantles to be more logical and summer to be more emotional.... it is not an always kind of thing or so it seems... Mother Summer hinted at this...and Mab herself claims she was once human.  Harry figured it out himself after speaking with Mother Summer that Mab has a mother's emotions and cannot kill her own daughter although it needed doing....hence her command to Harry. But typically, Winter's Mantle influences toward logic rather than emotions IIRC.


Not only will Harry succeed in retaining who he is rather than the Winter Mantle taking that away from him, but his use of Soulfire while the Winter Knight will Reforge the
so what Mantles does Harry wear/Job descriptions does he hold?
  • White Council Member (card carrying, the paperwork for his re-admittance has been filed)
  • Vanilla Warden Regional Commander
  • Sword of The Cross Custodian x2 (currently proxied out to Murph, his Robin)
  • Host to some unidentified "parasite"
  • Mortal Soulfire Wielder
  • Starborn (Whatever that means)
  • The Warden of Demonreach
  • Winter Knight

Perhaps not mantles of power in themselves but definitely power-ups of a sort....Harry is the initiating founder of the Paranetters in the was his idea...and they are one of his groups of allies who although not individually very powerful do become of source of information to him and his other allies...and knowledge is power.

This is also similar to being ZA Lord and his relationship to Toot and his team of wylde fae dewdrop faeries & pixies. Whether through bribery... they are allies and in a sense a powerup of others often overlook.

Every ally or group of allies he collects in essence gives Harry a boost of some sort.... whether they are a magical Foo Dog, a group of shapeshifing human/werewolfs, the knights of the cross, an archangel, Big Foot & Son, or shoemaking elves....etc   

I suspect all Harry's allies will come into play for the BAT as well as the mantles of power he has been collecting.

second, is it possible for someone to be both knight of winter and the cross at the same time?
As Mother Summer says: 'anything is possible'.  I would like to think the Winter Knight could also wield a sword of the cross. After all Harry needs a sword of his own.

The Wardens are not the entirety of the White Council ... but they probably are the most visible portion.

Harry wasn't a warden in Fool Moon although he was considered a council member....he didn't work for them or get a paycheck yet.

there is a woj that say harry just better at  using his magic more efficiently now than at the begging   exculiding soulfire
 in storm front he had to put way more magic to cover his mistakes so to speek  training molly made him better a the refining his abiltys
Refining his abilities makes him stronger.  There are the books themselves that show Harry working out to be more physically in martial arts with Murphy...etc.... 

Since you don't include the link to the could be outdated, you know.

Still...I think what is actually shown in the story should supercede woj...since writers sometimes forget what they've written.  :o

  harrys  no more stong  in changes  as he was in storm front he just better at using his magic
I disagree with that. Harry has had several power ups since SF.  He has worked out more physically and with his magic...he also now has Soul Fire and is a fare hand at magic he never could use before...thanks to training an apprentice. He is a much stronger man and wizard...and now he also has the mantle of WK...which happened in Changes.

Ok, I found the reference. Its in ch 30 of FM-Denton and Harry are talking about how the belts have led the FBI agents to kill people and they sent Harry after the lycanthropes. Denton says 'After the deaths (the people the FBI agents killed the month before), I was warned about a governing body. A sort of magic police. The White Council. That you worked for them.'.  So Denton was given the belts and killed people. Then someone warned him about the WC. Assuming he wasnt being helped by 2 unrelated people, whoever helped him was not hands off. Therefore, if it was Cowl, he shouldve known more then he did in DB.

Perhaps. But Harry wasn't all that powerful in Fool Moon or in Storm Front for that matter. In Storm Front...he didn't even use magic to take down Victor Sells. As for Fool Moon, sure  he knew about Harry...but not why the WC was so worried about Harry...he just didn't see Harry's strengths.... even in SK... Harry was just lucky and a little bit smart.  He didn't really take on the Summer Lady...he just bribed alot of dewdrop fae to do it.

Yeah, I thought of something similar...still I think we should keep it in mind.


As you said Cenphx, Cowl says in DB that he wants to see why Harry makes the wardens so nervous. Wouldn't he have known if he had been involved involved in the events of SF and FM? Even if you don't think that the events of SF and FM don't demonstrate that, I think he would have chosen a different choice of words.

Cowl could have set things in motion in SF and FM and then just stepped back not monitoring the events that closely....moving on to other trouble making. The purpose was to stir things up between around the borders of the NN. He could accomplish that even if someone stopped those involved after a bit. As Cowl, he probably suspected the Wardens would eventually get involved....he didn't have to keep track that closely.

Luccio as a suspect …Could it explain why Mab sent the hobs to the train station in SmF-were they after Luccio, not the Archive?
  I have wondered about/suspected both Elaine and Luccio at various times in the Dresden series. I'm just not certain about either wizard. However,  if Luccio was indeed guilty then Rashid would seem to be a  accomplice and Im not willing to accept that possibility...but then that would be the ultimate treachery.
As for the hobs, Mab more or less admits to Harry that she sent the hobs for the Archive 

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: December 17, 2012, 06:24:28 PM »
I will create one anyway.  ;D

Works for me...

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: December 17, 2012, 05:15:04 PM »
 thanks. Ill take a look and decide.

DF Spoilers / Re: Request help for finding recent topics here!
« on: December 17, 2012, 04:08:40 AM »
Is there a thread already out there discussing how Aurora got infected by Nemesis as it seems she must have been....and whether it could have been Elaine doing the infecting? 

It is a WAG of mine and I'm not sure if someone has already have it before I take the time to expound on it....wonder if it is already out there.  :-\

DF Reference Collection / Re: The identity of the Mothers [CD spoilers]
« on: December 12, 2012, 05:09:39 AM »
The idea of old gods stepping down or turning into something different was mentioned several times in CD, and the series as well. Maybe two of the three fates became mother Summer and Winter because that is what they were needed to be. It could be that there is no third anymore, for one reason or another.
or perhaps the third just went wylde?   ;)

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