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Messages - celticdm

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DFRPG / Re: Codex Alera Conversion for DFRPG
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:36:51 AM »

Inhuman Strength [–2]
Description: You are able to lift more and hit harder than the average human can, due to your connection to the earth.
Skills Affected: Might, other physical skills.
Musts: You must be connected to the earth to utilize this furycraft. Standing on a stone structure is sufficient, provide the stone touches the earth.
Improved Lifting. Whenever lifting or breaking inanimate things, you gain a +3 to your Might score.
Bruising Strength. Roll Might at +1 whenever using that skill in conjunction with grappling (YS 211). This also allows you to inflict a 2-stress hit on an opponent as a supplemental action during a grapple.
Superior Strength. Whenever using your Might to modify (YS 214) another skill, it always provides a +1 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill in question.
Hammer Blows. With attacks that depend on muscular force (Fists, thrown Weapons, etc.), you are at +2 to damage, increasing the stress dealt by two on a successful hit.

Supernatural Strength [–4]
Description: You have supernatural strength—you’re able to lift and break things you shouldn’t be able to, and people who get in your way tend to be very, very sorry.
Musts: Supernatural Strength replaces Inhuman Strength if taken. You must be connected to the earth to utilize this furycraft. Standing on a stone structure is sufficient, provide the stone touches the earth.
Skills Affected: Might, other physical skills.
Superior Lifting. Whenever lifting or breaking inanimate things, you gain a +6 to your Might score.
Bludgeoning Strength. Roll Might at +2 whenever using that skill in conjunction with grappling (see page 211). This also allows you to inflict a 3-stress hit on an opponent as a supplemental action during a grapple.
Superlative Strength. Whenever using your Might to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +2 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill
in question.
Lethal Blows. With attacks that depend on muscular force (Fists, thrown Weapons, etc.), you are at +4 to damage, increasing the stress dealt by four on a successful hit. Be careful; it’s casually easy to kill someone with a simple punch at this level.

Mythic Strength [–6]
Description: Your strength is a thing out of legend—legends that feature you.
Musts: Mythic Strength replaces Inhuman or Supernatural Strength if taken. You must be connected to the earth to utilize this furycraft. Standing on a stone structure is sufficient, provide the stone touches the earth.
Skills Affected: Might, other physical skills.
Supreme Lifting. Whenever lifting or breaking inanimate things, you gain a +12 to your Might score.
Unstoppable Strength. Roll Might at +3 whenever using that skill in conjunction with grappling (see page 211). This also allows you to inflict a 4-stress hit on an opponent as a supplemental action during a grapple.
Supreme Strength. Whenever using your Might to modify (page 214) another skill, it always provides a +3 regardless of the actual comparison of your Might score to the skill in question.
Devastating Blows. With attacks that depend on muscular force (Fists, thrown Weapons, etc.), you are at +6 to damage, increasing the stress dealt by six on a successful hit.

Description: You can sense the presense of living creatures by the pressure they put upon the ground.
Musts. You must be touching the earth.
Skills Affected: Survival
Earthsense: When touching the ground, you gain a +3 Survival checks made to locate nearby living creatures up to three zones away.

Calm Beasts [-1]
Description: You are good with animals.
Musts. You must be touching the earth.
Skills Affected: Survival
Soothe the Savage Beast. By touching an animal, you gain a +3 to Survival checks made to calm an animal thorugh the Animal Handling use of the skill. This does not apply to other uses of Animal Handling, such as training an animal.

Incite Emotion (Lust) [-1]
Description: You are able to incite lust in a target.
Skills affected: Decipt.
Emotion-Touch. If you can touch someone, you can make them feel lust. You’re able to do maneuvers at +2 to a Deceit roll that forces a lustful emotion on a target (as a temporary aspect), so long as you’re in the same zone as they are and you can physically touch them. The victim defends with their Discipline. You may be able to prevent the victim from taking other actions as well if you do this as a block (YS 210) instead of as a maneuver.
At Range [–1]. You may use this ability on targets up to one zone away without touching them.
Lasting Emotion [–1]. If you increase the refresh cost of this ability by 1, you gain the ability to do Emotion-Touch as a mental attack instead of a mere maneuver or block. If such an attack hits, you gain a +2 stress bonus on a successful hit (as though it were Weapon:2), increasing the chances of inflicting a mental consequence (and thus, a more lasting emotional state). The victim defends with his Discipline.
Potent Emotion [–1]. The Lasting Emotion upgrade is a prerequisite to this one. You get another +2 stress bonus on successful attacks as per Lasting Emotion, as though you had Weapon:4.

DFRPG / Re: Codex Alera Conversion for DFRPG
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:35:46 AM »

Basic Healing [-2]
Description: You can command the power of a water fury into a body in order to heal injuries or sickness.
Musts:  Requires the affected area to be submerged in water.
Skills Affected: Scholarship.
Home Remedies. Make a scholarship check at +2. If you succeed with enough shifts to equal the target’s physical stress boxes plus a number of shifts relative to the physical consequence you are treating, you can downgrade that consequence one level. Mild consequences treated in this fashion are cleared away. You can increase your check by by one for every increase to the time increment above the default of a few minutes. You may increase your check result after the roll by inflicting mental or physical consequences upon yourself, earning an increase equal to the number of boxes relative to the consequence. Consequences earned in this fashion cannot by furycrafted away and must heal naturally.

Advanced Healing [-4]
Description: Your command of watercraft for medical purposes is impressive to all who take notice.
Musts:  This ability replaces Basic Healing. Requires the affected area to be submerged in water.
Skills Affected: Scholarship.
Strong Medicine. Make a scholarship check at +4. If you succeed with enough shifts to equal the target’s physical stress boxes plus a number of shifts relative to the physical consequence you are treating, you can downgrade that consequence one level. Mild consequences treated in this fashion are cleared away. You can increase your check by by one for every increase to the time increment above the default of a few minutes. You may increase your check result after the roll by inflicting mental or physical consequences upon yourself, earning an increase equal to the number of boxes relative to the consequence. Consequences earned in this fashion cannot by furycrafted away and must heal naturally.
Fast Recovery. Out of combat, you may recover from physical consequences as if they were
one level lower in severity. So, you recover from moderate consequences as though they
were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of
a subsequent scene.
Shrug It Off. In combat, once per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequence (YS 203) as a supplemental action (YS 213).

Expert Healing [-4]
Description: Your medical watercrafting is renowned, and you can heal nearly any injury short of death itself.
Musts:  This ability replaces Basic Healing. You can treat an injury that is not submerged in water at a -2 penalty to your Scholarship check.
Skills Affected: Scholarship.
Surgical Precision. Make a scholarship check at +6. If you succeed with enough shifts to equal the target’s physical stress boxes plus a number of shifts relative to the physical consequence you are treating, you can downgrade that consequence one level. Mild consequences treated in this fashion are cleared away. You can increase your check by by one for every increase to the time increment above the default of a few minutes. You may increase your check result after the roll by inflicting mental or physical consequences upon yourself, earning an increase equal to the number of boxes relative to the consequence. Consequences earned in this fashion cannot by furycrafted away and must heal naturally.
Faster Recovery. Out of combat, you may recover from physical consequences as if they were two levels lower in severity. So, you recover from severe consequences as though they were mild, etc. Consequences reduced below mild are always removed by the beginning of a subsequent scene.
It’s Nothing. Twice per scene, you may clear away a mild physical consequence (YS 203) as a supplemental action (YS 213).

Watersending [-1]
Description: You can communicate long distances through connected tributaries of water.
Musts: This furycraft requires an interconnection of water between yourself and your intended subject.
Watersending. While touching a body of water, speak the name of the subject you are trying to communicate with. Make a discipline check. If you achieve enough shifts to reach your intended target and they recieve your sending, then your form and voice will appear in the water before them, and vice versa. One success is sufficient to communicate across a mile, six successes to communicate across the breadth of the entire realm. You gain a +2 bonus for knowing where the intended subject is, and another +2 if they know your location as well. You gain another +2 if you both have a sympathetic bond, such as shared blood or two linked items, or coins made from the same ingot of metal. You can take a -1 penalty to have your form physically manifest on the receiving end. You may increase your check by inflicting mental or physical consequences upon yourself, earning an increase equal to the number of boxes relative to the consequence. Consequences earned in this fashion cannot by furycrafted away and must heal naturally.
Waterlistening. While touching a body of water, you can observe a sending being sent through it. If you do not make the discipline check to watersend yourself, then your observation will go unnoticed by any parties in volved in the communication.

Read Emotion [-1]
Description: You can sense the emotions of others, whether you wish to or not.
Skills Effected: Empathy.
Insightful Notice: You gain a bonus to Empathy checks made to read people equal to the amount of refresh spent in water-based furycraft, to a maximum bonus of 4.
Emotional Assault: When in the presence of large crowds or small groups of people experiencing strong emotions, you must make a discipline check to avoid taking mental stress. The GM will make a mental attack roll against you, using the intensity and scope of emotion you are facing as if it were a skill. As with any conflict, you may suffer consequences (YS 203) or be taken out (where “taken out” may mean total collapse, insanity, heart attack…take your pick, as appropriate to the encounter. See YS 203). The GM will gain additional attacks for every increased increment of time the encounter continues past a few minutes.

   One person in acute emotional distress, agitation, or excitement: +2
   One person in severe pain,  provocation, or passion: +4
   One person experiencing extreme duress, hysteria, or frenzy: +6
   More than one person: +1
   2-5: +2
   5-10: +3
10-20: +4
   20-50: +5
   50-100: +6
   100-200: +7
   200-500: +8
   and so on...

Mimic Form [–2]
Description: You are able to mimic the appearance of another, given the chance to observer and preferably interact with the subject to be impersonated.
Skills Affected: Deceit, others.
Musts: You must cover the part of your body you are changing with water. You must spend a few minutes each day refreshing this power to keep it active long-term.
Take Form. You may take on the form, voice, and other seemings of another individual, provided you have had the chance to study them. You roll Deceit at +4 to fool others if your mimicked appearance is close to perfect; the bonus decreases significantly if you have spent little or no time with your subject.

Youthful Exuberance [-0]
Description: You appear as a younger version of yourself.
   Notes: This ability is largely cosmetic and does not affect game mechanics. You appear to be approximately half your age (this does not hide effects of puberty).

DFRPG / Codex Alera Conversion for DFRPG
« on: February 10, 2012, 07:34:33 AM »

Alright, so in trying to introduce a friend’s wife to the joys of roleplaying, we were discussing the pros and cons of various rule-systems vis-a-vis their simplicity and lower learning curve for a newbie. The consensus was that DFRPG is slightly more complicated than the base NWOD rules, but easier than D20 systems like D&D 3.5 or 4th ed. We then moved on to adaptability, specifically how easily the DFRPG rules could be used for other familiar settings, such as Firefly, Conan, Ghostbusters, what have you. At this point, Friend says to Friend’s wife, “Yeah, we could probably play a game set in Codex Alera.”

Then my eyes got all shiney. This works especially well, since all three of us have read CA (I just finished my third time through recently). But this would require converting some DFRPG powers over to fit the furycrafting mechanics, since I don’t wait to wait for a published version at the moment. We’re sticking to furycraft at the moment, if the campaign gains some momentum we might look into rules for other races but for now we’re sticking to Alerans.

Now I heard that there was already a thread on this subject, but I couldn’t find it, so I’m starting a new one.

Here’s what I’ve got after a week of thinking and drafting. I would love comments on balance (should cost more or less refresh, should be split into more powers, should be combined, etc). But before commenting, please read all of the way through and read my comments after the power list, as I may address your concern.

All Alerans start with General Furycraft and at least one point of furycraft in a specific element.

General Furycraft
Description: As an Aleran, you have at least the slightest bit of strength in all six elements; this allows you to command furylamps on or off, utilize the earth furies of causeways, and otherwise interact with unbound fury-tech.

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