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Messages - RodimusGT

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Author Craft / Re: Types of Magic
« on: March 21, 2011, 01:24:56 PM »
I found this site very useful for your post. Check it out if you haven't seen it already

Awesome advise Q thank you.  :D

But what if the bar man is an axe weilding maniac in real life?  ;D

I have my characters ready for the most part, I'm forming the branches of baddies, friends, random extras, but the one thing I have left to decide on is where to place my story location wise. I would definately like to place it close to a city.

I was going to place in my own city, but is there any unspoken advice about using the city you live next to? If not I think it would be the easiest route, as doing research would be very simple for streets and places that my character would visit.

Now once you have the location down, what do you do about the stores, shops, and food places? For example if I wanted my characters to go to a bar to have a few drinks is it recommended that I create one rather than use a real location?

Author Craft / Re: What is the rule in using pop culture referances?
« on: March 16, 2011, 06:19:40 PM »
Well technically Transformers are Aliens  :P

I was referring to the guy being called a prime, where the character thought of the leader "Optimus Prime", who transforms into a truck.

Hehe, I'm not using this quote like I said before, but apparently I need to work on my sarcastic pop culture referance sentences  ;D

Author Craft / Re: What is the rule in using pop culture referances?
« on: March 16, 2011, 03:43:51 PM »
I'm not actually using that quote in any of my works  ;)

I just thought it up to give an example of my question, but I do see what you're saying. Make sure its something that was a wide angle of understanding for all ages and not something that is only aimed towards one crowd. Thanks  ;D

Author Craft / Re: What is the rule in using pop culture referances?
« on: March 16, 2011, 02:53:34 PM »
Thanks for the input!

The Transformers television series is what I was referring to ^^ Just incase you were wondering lol

Author Craft / What is the rule in using pop culture referances?
« on: March 16, 2011, 01:12:40 PM »
I see JB do it every now and then in the DV, and I see it on certain TV shows as well, but what is the rule of that? To what degree can you make a referance to something that's not your own work and not get in trouble for it. For example:

"You are not human, you come from an Alien race known as the Primes."
"Ooooh okay, and can I transform into something? How would that work anyway? Would I have to break my bones and reorganize them?"

Now is using that considered all well and good? Or would that be a no no?

Author Craft / Re: How Unique if at all should my Characters name be?
« on: March 16, 2011, 11:33:29 AM »
Well the setting is going to be a modern day supernatural tale, and the hero is raised by normal folk but he's going to find out he was part of a magical race that died out thousands of years ago.

I wanted to go with the last name Moriarty. I know I know. Sherlock Holmes arch nemesis, but the name has power IMO.

I just don't know at what point is using a popular name not a good idea. I haven't come across that many fictional characters with the name, my character isn't a brilliant professor or evil in anyway.

You could look at JB and JK Rowling and say hey they both have wizard characters named Harry WTF? But each series and character is vastly different in terms of abilities and personality, so is it okay to go with a name that's been used?

Author Craft / How Unique if at all should my Characters name be?
« on: March 15, 2011, 07:10:11 PM »
Should I try and come up with a name that is rare?

I picked one name and searched it on google and got like 4 million links back haha!

Author Craft / Re: To Make my Hero Supernatural or Not? O.o
« on: March 15, 2011, 05:16:11 PM »
Awesome points guys thanks a lot for the help.

I think I might try to take it to a middle ground. Make the character have an ability, but make it limited or one that really doesn't have an offensive side to it, at least not in the beginning.

Author Craft / To Make my Hero Supernatural or Not? O.o
« on: March 15, 2011, 12:55:41 PM »
Okay so last night I was brainstorming an idea, and I came up with something that excites me! Without giving too much away or putting any ideas on the board I thought up a tale of three people who all had different abilities, and I even came up with abilities that weren't the common type (wizard, vampire, werewolf, etc.)

It would be a first person view through my main character, who I wanted to be a sort of young, geeky guy who turned out to be somewhat like an unorthodox sherlock holmes.

But now I'm questioning myself as to whether I should give him powers at all? Here's my arguement:

Giving him an ability: I love reading novels where the hero has powers of some sort. If Harry Dresden were a regular man I would still enjoy the series but the fact that he's a wizard just makes the story a hell of a lot more fun. With my hero using abilties it leaves him able to battle with other supernatural forces and not be completely outmatch and outgunned all the time. I did plan on this book being a supernatural world of sorts. I also feel like giving him an ability would allow him to grow over the course of the series(assuming it was succesful)

Not giving him an ability: Even though I love reading about heroes with powers, one of the reasons I love heroes like Batman and detectives like Sherlock is because they have the ability to thwart the bad guy without any abilities. I think it can make the story richer if you have a supernatural force going head to head with your hero and he has to defeat him with wits and skill.

So, any opinions are appreciated. I was going to start a rough draft of the first chapter to see where it takes me but I'm stuck on what to do about my hero. I planned on him having a power of his own but I feel maybe the story would be more suspenseful without one? Thanks guys!

I don't even know how many words I'm typing out a day. I'm not even typing every day. I know a lot of people say when you have problems consistantly writing your story then maybe it's not the best you can come up with. For me this isn't true. I actually just find it hard to sit down and write. Ideas and my imagination aren't a problem I have pretty much 6 different genre's of novels lined up to work on. It's just doing the actual work. Being a guy who grew up watching tv and playing video games it gets tough sitting in front of a blank screen and trying to type out a literary story. So far I think I'm doing pretty well though. I've chosen the story to focus on and I've written five chapters so far! Gotta keep chugging!

Awesome feedback! Thanks again guys. Assuming I stick to first person I definately would agree that one person per chapter is the best way to go. I was kind of thinking each chapter could be called "John Smith and the something something". Next chapter, if it dealt with another character could be, "Jane Smith and whosey whatsit".

Star you make a real good point about making sure each voice is unique, thanks for that. I'll probably take your advice and write a page or two in both formats and see which works for me best.

Thanks for the quick responses guys! This helped a lot.

I feel like I should just write that story in third person, then I can have access to a lot of different characters' POV, but I feel my talent is with first.

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