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Messages - Sitrein

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DFRPG / Re: Types of Thaumaturgy for Ritual casting
« on: January 07, 2011, 02:41:07 AM »
Yeah, I'm pretty much planning on only ever getting into combat when I have friends and just conceding every time that I don't. When I do have friends I'll hopefully have them holding people off long enough for me to be a decent support caster through Thaumaturgy. The rest of the time I can use it for interesting things outside of battle and for battle prep. Still, it all depends on the area of thaumaturgy that I'll do with ritual.

But really, if I end up doing something like pyromancer or kinetomancer, I'll just do evocation fire or force. No reason to do thaumaturgy for that as far as I can see.

DFRPG / Re: A little help here, please
« on: January 06, 2011, 03:59:38 PM »
As a book store employee where 1/4 of the people in my store play DFRPG and half play other RPGs (Hell, only two people there don't read Dresden), I recommend checking out gaming stores first but you also might check out a local Borders or Barnes and Noble. I mean, you could at least see about putting up a flyer for trying to build a gaming group or something. Being allowed to put up flyers is pretty case by case as far as whether a store will allow it but it never hurts to ask. Just mention that to play the DFRPG you're supposed to read up through Small Favor at least so it would also promote their store in that regard. Besides, if you're lucky you'll happen to talk to an employee who's trying to put together a game or wants in on a game.

DFRPG / Re: Types of Thaumaturgy for Ritual casting
« on: January 06, 2011, 02:45:12 AM »
Alright, let's liven this up. I'll post some ideas I had while at work today. I have no idea if these can even work, I didn't have books to reference and I'm a little hazy on the exact rules for thaumaturgy/ritual magic. I'll go over them tomorrow and check it out.

Some Binder Varient Basically using binding thaumaturgy as control style magic. "I'm not going to defeat you through my own force but I can lock you down to all hell while my friend wails on you," sort of thing. Again, I need to see the rules but I imagine that this would be basically doing a lot of Block actions for various things. Binding bullets to the gun so they can't fire, boots to the ground, standard life force magic being bound inside the caster creating a block to prevent the caster from casting on anything other than himself. Something like that.
Illusionist Bending light and the like to make glamors. Only thing I need to question would be if this would be restricted to visual with light manipulation or could I do sound as well? I imagine it would work pretty much just like Veils but I need to read up on those too. Also, can a ritualist do veils? I mean, I don't see why not but I wouldn't say that I'm particularly all seeing, either...
Chromiamancer That very well may be the wrong Latin prefix. I was going for color mage. Bending light and controlling darkness. I imagine one would have great battlefield control when he plunges the zone into darkness and then brings back full daylight, blinding everyone there.

Anyway, just some ideas. I'll hammer them out more and edit with some things fixed after I get some sleep. Let me know what you all think and feel free to post any of your own ideas! It's brainstorming, no such thing as a bad idea so long as you're being somewhat serious (There will be no steak-mancer!).

DFRPG / Re: Types of Thaumaturgy for Ritual casting
« on: January 05, 2011, 04:19:35 PM »
Don't forget Ritual can also be restricted to a theme. So you can have Ritual Whatevermancy and have all aspects of Thaumaturgy as long as the effect has something to do with Whatever.

Yeah. I'm considering doing something like that but those different types of whatevermancy are what I'm trying to get ideas for. Sorry If I was unclear on that. Been up all night so I might not be thinking entirely clearly.

DFRPG / Types of Thaumaturgy for Ritual casting
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:40:35 PM »
So the book gives some examples of different flavors of Thaumaturgy but what about others? Personally, I'm about to make a character with just Ritual but I'm not sure what to specialize in. I'm thinking of probably doing something primarily defensive, like wards, but with that being the only thing really special with this character, it almost seems... lame...

Any ideas for other focuses of Thaumaturgy and how would you use them?

DFRPG / Re: A dresdenfiles LARP?
« on: January 05, 2011, 11:46:11 AM »
I heard that up in Washington (state) there are some people doing a DFRPG LARP but I have no idea what they did with it or if it's any good.

DFRPG / Re: White court feedings
« on: January 05, 2011, 08:43:38 AM »
Possibly, but it would depend upon if they can feed off of multiple targets, or have to concentrate on one.  Given their malicious nature though, I think it for them it would be like licking the seasoning off of every item at the buffet, with a nibble here and there... compared to sitting down to a steak dinner and finishing it off.  With both Red and White courts, "just enough" isn't enough, there seems to be a psychological need to actually kill, to feed off of one victim until they die.  We've seen it with Bianca and the Reds who didn't bother taking just enough blood to meet their needs unless they had some other use for the cattle, we've seen it with Lara's crew as well.  Maybe the kill gives them a bigger juice, maybe they just get off on it, but I think they'll generally prefer to ride their victims all the way down when they can.

The kill does give bigger juice according to the novels. The whole "Drinking Deeply" thing. I mean, sure, no one's going to say that Skavis aren't going to like hanging around these places, they'd likely be very tasty, but while sating yourself or even filling up on hors d'oeuvres might be nice once in a while, I don't think anyone would want to live like that.
White Knight Spoiler:
(click to show/hide)

DFRPG / Re: Rate the ritual flavor, please.
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:53:32 AM »
Isn't there some rule (maybe I'm thinking of original FATE here), about being able to fork over a fate point in order to have monologue space? I'm thinking it would only apply to PC's.

I've never played original FATE but dear god I LIKE that idea! That's actually really awesome. I think I'll use it. maybe 1 fate point buys you 3-5 minutes of real world time to monologue/explain what's happening while you monologue. If you run over, cough up an extra fate point or risk being interrupted.

DFRPG / Re: Focused Practitioner vs Wizard
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:50:14 AM »
Just pointing out, right now they can use refinement for enchanted items/foci. Are you saying you disagree with that part as well?

Just read back over everything involved to make sure I didn't miss anything and it turns out I did. Sorry about that. Right so they can use refinement for focus items and enchanted items. There's currently an argument over if you can even have FI/EI without channeling/thaumaturgy but I'd just say yes. As a DM, saying no would be kind of a dick move, imo. But still, my point about them taking it to boost their ability in that 1 area stands. Obviously not everyone would but their's no real reason why one couldn't.

DFRPG / Re: Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: January 05, 2011, 02:38:16 AM »
This is an attitude that bothers me. Why should it cost anything? If it's a normal sword in all respects but disguise then we could compare it to a cane sword. Mechanically they are the same thing and the cane sword costs nothing but maybe a resouces roll or a character justification so why should the light sword cost anything? For that matter it's costing the caster a enchanted item slot already. If it costs more than the cane sword then the players are going to decide that the cane sword is easier and then you've lost a cool touch that would add to the flavor of the game for no good reason.

Because the books lead us to believe that this sort of thing is hard. They also lend toward the idea that using magic to emulate something else has few benefits. Most of the time it's something that could just as easily have been done another way, without magic, but the magic provides a sort of convenience.

Take Harry's tracking spell vs Murphy just actually investigating. Most of the time, IF Harry has something of whatever he's tracking, he can get something - though never exact and often it's a bit of a pain leading him in straight lines with complete disregard for landscaping and the like while only tracking in 2 dimensions so if it's above or below, he's mostly sunk. This MIGHT save Harry time but then he might not have anything of what he's trying to track or it may be pointing to a spot in a skyscraper with a hefty basement (possibly Undertown) and thus leave him searching 30+ floors while people are wondering, "What are you doing in my building?"

Murphy on the other hand doing investigation might ask the right someone the right questions in the first 5 minutes or find a notepad with directions scribbled onto it or something like that and be done long before Dresden, if Dresden can even cast the spell, or she might really have nothing to go off of.

Magic to emulate something else, such as skills, powers or items, don't necessarily do anything that emulated thing can't and, in fact, usually will just be another way to do the same thing. Creating an item, continuing with the sword analogy, out of pure anything, be it light, ice, ectoplasm, force, fire, or anything else would be somewhat difficult in and of itself. Holding it together through a fight would be even harder. You would almost certainly need a hilt to hold, whether as a foci for control or as an enchanted item specifically for this task. It seems to me that an enchanted item, while less universally useful, would be considerably more useful for this specific task, seeing as that's their purpose.

Bare in mind that yes, having it be MORE than just a sword is certainly something that you could do - later. Also bare in mind that Dresden is a 10 refresh character in Storm Front and by now... Well... Not to give spoilers I'm just going to say it's safe to say that by 12 books and a lot of short stories in he's probably around 20 refresh. Further, all he is really, is a wizard. He's not crossing templates with shapeshifter or taking an assload of stunts or finding faith, etc. So that's 20 refresh of I-Am-Wizard working complex magics in CREATIVE WAYS. With him even pointing out that it's not necessarily purely about power but creativity. He might have a spell or enchanted item meant to do one thing but, by being the bloody genius that he is, he can use it creatively to achieve a slightly different result.

Given that, sure a 15-20 refresh character wanting to give the sword extra abilities in the form of pure weapon skill, sure. Take refinement and pump in extra item slots. But bare in mind, Weapon:4+ is on par with grenades, RPGs, and other heavy battlefield weaponry. Every single point in this game is hefty. so going from weapon 3 to weapon 4 is substantial. That means that if you get so much as 1 shift of success, you've taken out any goons without toughness or hulking size.

Now, if they wanted to leave it as just a sword, casting a spell off the sword through evocation mid-battle in some creative manner or even pumping item slots in to allow it to do this standard or something, then I could see it as being able to do something that a sword couldn't that would certainly be cool. Let's say it's the light sword where it's pretty much focused light, right? Ignoring physics for the most part here for the sake of awesome, let's say the battle isn't going well and no super awesome sword is about to let our heroes win. They need to run. They see that. Our hero of light might be able to get away without a problem but his friends (maybe one is injured) are likely to be taken out before they get a chance to offer their concession due to initiative passes not being in their favor. Maybe the hero will, instead of conceding right away, instead cast a spell to release his sword destructively (the makeshift manner might have fallout which could damage the hilt, thus giving the hero reason to repair it with this new use in mind). Mechanically it would be an evocation spell against the previous spell holding the sword together. Say the sword's been in use for a bit, you might be able to make declarations to give you bonuses on the roll. Now if you succeed (and I would say that any fallout, predetermined as going to the hilt, would be as if you took it as backlash and thus allow the spell to succeed, just this once) then take a free action to yell a warning to your party before the held light in the blade of the sword bursts forth blinding everyone who wasn't covering their eyes. This might be an attack or more likely a simple maneuver granting the aspect "Blinded" which, when those baddies try and hurt your friends before they can run, you pass tags and make them more likely to live. Your creative use of your enchanted weapon (that is currently really nothing more than a sword mechanically) just saved the party.

Past that, if you're really needing it to be more useful, say it acts as a really good flashlight.

DFRPG / Re: Focused Practitioner vs Wizard
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:43:30 PM »
I was just talking with my boss at work today about this very thing (I work in a bookstore. We're all geeks). We both agree that the mechanics on this are flawed according to the books. FPs SHOULD be able to take refinement. According to the novels, some people's gifts of magic simply don't allow them to be full fledged wizards. Wizards have more power and options but they spread that power across all those options. Now, yes, a wizard is likely going to beat a FP in a duel because of the options, but foci aside, just using the one area of magic that the FP has access to? There's no reason that the FP wouldn't be able to hold his own or win, depending. Sure, he/she might not have the formal training of the wizard but all they do is that one area of magic. They would, over enough time, know that area of magic absurdly well if they wanted to.

No, the refinement shouldn't be able to be used for foci/enchanted items but powering up their one area of magic? Hell yeah.

DFRPG / Re: Silly Character Concepts
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:34:29 PM »
Anyone else got perfectly good character concepts that are unusable due to excessive mirth/really bad puns?


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG Mechanics With A Twist: Help Needed
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:30:52 PM »
bare in mind that the Nevernever is more than just Summer and Winter. There are literally infinite realms out there so you can quite simply make your own world. Say characters wound up getting tossed through a rift into another world (somewhere in the Nevernever) and now must try and find their way back.

Something I do for rewards (to give a more dnd adventurous feel) with one of my players' characters (bounty hunter) is I assess how big the bounty should be roughly in terms of a resources number based roughly off of the resources table (YS322). When the player gets the bounty he can keep track of it in terms of individual points.

He recently got a Great (+4) bounty and thus he has 4 points of resources on top of his normal resources that he can add to his resource rolls (either for declarations, buying things, bribes, etc). He can divide this down to any whole number and use just that on the roll or use it all. Either way, once it's used for ANY reason, that bonus is gone and he can't use it again.

But yeah, you might try something like that. Toss them into a dungeon like setting in the nevernever or even a simply more medieval world and have them fight and explore their way out. Assess the loot they find in terms of IoPs and resources and tada!

DFRPG / Re: How do you create a familiar?
« on: January 04, 2011, 02:04:35 PM »
Without reading all the comments, it sounds like you don't want an animal companion or anything so much as something inside yourself in which case I'd say just take Echoes of the Beast. That would fully represent the spirit animal mechanically. As for story, make it an aspect and then just RP it. Only thing to be careful of is the player getting bonuses from Echoes and then fating extra bonuses from the aspect allowing him to get +3. Sure, it's at the cost of the fate and you can compel it against him but I would only worry about him being able to pull out legendary+ rolls due to, say, 3-5 in a skill, +1-3 from echoes/aspect and then rolling. Just saying that it could instantly halt certain things you had planned.

Example being their animal giving alertness and you planning on ambushing the party for story purposes but being unable to get passed the character's legendary+ alertness. You now have to improvise your story. This shouldn't be too much of an issue for a seasoned DM but with this system being as new as it is and not everyone being seasoned DMs, yeah it can really derail a session.

If you do want to avoid the aspect then just take Echoes and rp the rest without the aspect. Simple.

DFRPG / Re: Idea for an Enchanted Item/Item of Power
« on: January 04, 2011, 01:55:58 PM »
I'm just too tired to read any replies to the initial post right now but all the same, in my group something similar has come up. I have a player who has channeling (evocation later in the game as her character grows) and would like to eventually have a sword of pure... something. Light, I think? Sounds dumb but then think of light sabers and it becomes a bit more sexy. Anyway, I've already told her I'd make it have to be a VERY complex spell that, to hold together a construct of that sort mentally while fighting with it and blocking attacks with it (so it being wailed upon) and it hurting others but not her... yeah, not likely to ever happen with just pure evocation. Not realistically.

However, if she wanted to put together an enchanted item once she gets thaumaturgy/evocation then that would be different. I'm thinking a sword hilt or something that she would hold and then it would be something like at the cost of a fate point she could summon it once per scene or something. It's a little while down the road so I have time to hammer out the details but still. It should definitely be something that COSTS to use and have little going for it that a regular sword doesn't. Main thing would be that you could bring it past security unnoticed or walk around town with it (usually, at least).

While the lightsaber example is one thing (I would probably never allow it to cut through anything without pumping stupid amounts of end game power into it - instead having it act like a normal sword), this can be done with any element. Fire, treating the burn damage as a weapon:2 or 3 to stand in place of the sword's normal damage. Blocking would work more or less like normal, just say that instead of actually blocking/parrying with your flame sword you just make the opponent worry about getting burned... a lot...

Water could form ice from the air and if you want you can fudge the physics here or you can have it draw the water from the air in the zone thus placing the aspect "Arid" on the zone and giving everyone 1 free tag or no free tags. This would last for a couple rounds as the surrounding air compensated for this.

Earth would probably just be holding the hilt to the ground (with the part where the blade should be actually flat on the ground) and when you withdraw it you draw out the earth from right there leaving a very thin but deep hole.

Air and Spirit/Force would be similar with air being really compressed air, binding it in with your will as more of a baton than a sword.

Either way, these could vary a bit but all come down to the same basic thing where it's a weapon 2-3 that can be used once per scene or so at the cost of a fate point.

I would never allow the conjuring of a gun or any sort of more complex weapon. I mean hell, you can HEX a gun. You expect that to be formed of ectoplasm, let alone any other material? Not likely...

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