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Messages - HappyDaze

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DFRPG / WCVs and the Catch
« on: September 02, 2010, 05:20:15 AM »
How often does the WCVs' version of the Catch really come up in play?  As I've read it from the novels, it only applies when the WCV is attempting to feed (in terms of the RPG, using Emotion Vampire).  So how often will this really apply in game to limit a WCV's Inhuman Recovery (or Supernatural Recovery for an advanced WCV)?

DFRPG / Re: Faeries and Languages
« on: August 31, 2010, 09:06:15 PM »
If every fae can do it, then it is simply a part of their high concept and no refresh cost really needs to be applied (but could be, if you wish).  I'd be one of the few times they get to use it beneficially since almost all other uses seem to be restrictions on them.

I've got an urge to fill the brute role in my group, and with this game and setting, that hasn't really been covered by any of the starring roles (PCs) of the novels (unless I really missed it).  So the idea my friend and I have been rattling around involves a Jotun-Blooded Scion (yeah, a Norse half-giant of the frosty persuasion).  Largely (heh) the frost aspect will only show up in the Catch (the guy is still flesh and blood, not made of ice or anything of the sort).  Here is the list of powers being considered:

Hulking Size [-2]
Human Form [+1]*
Supernatural Strength [-4]
The Catch: Fire [+3]
Inhuman Recovery [-2]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]

* Supernatural Strength and Supernatural Toughness are limited to Inhuman Strength and Inhuman Toughness while in Human Form and Hulking Size is unavailable.

In his giant form, the Jotun-Blooded Scion has Endurance 4 with Hulking Size and Supernatural Toughness.  This creates the following physical stress track:


In Human Form, this creates the following physical stress track:


Can someone shed a little light on how stress translates across the switch from giant-size to human-size?  The book covers it a bit, but I'm not really sure I'm getting it.  Do the #5 and #6 boxes temporarily drop off and the #7 & #8 boxes now slide over?

Lastly, the value of the the Catch seems reasonable to me, but I wanted to check with what others might think.  Since this is a somewhat obscure creature but it still features in myths, I figured that the +1 for being in a library would go with the +2 for nearly everyone being able to get fire for a sum of +3.  This prices it at the same value as Cold Iron, but my own feeling is that Cold Iron should perhaps be a +4 considering how well-known the Fae weakness is and how easily available steel tends to be in the modern world, so...

And, for the optimizers out there, yes, I do realize that I gain nothing by having the Human Form reduce my Strength and Toughness levels from Supernatural to Inhuman.  This is being done for theme as well as to bypass a GM-imposed 'soft ban' on PCs having Supernatural or Mythic levels of Speed, Strength, Recovery, or Toughness.  He's OK with me having them, but only in my hulked-out 12' form since that has a number of drawbacks to go with it.

DFRPG / Faeries and Languages
« on: August 31, 2010, 04:24:09 PM »
Toot speaks and understands Russian.  He never learned Russian, he doesn't 'know' Russian, he just does it.  It's quite clearly that simple...

Except for the inevitable question that arises when a player would like a similar ability.  Is this "Tongues" ability fairly pointed as a -1 Refresh Power?  Is this a natural capability of all Fae, or only of certain ones?  If it's a Fae ability, is it a specialized use of Glamours?

DFRPG / Re: Council entrance exams and becoming a warden...or not
« on: August 29, 2010, 03:21:47 AM »
Since the word drafted is used, it might be that the Wardens only push it during wartime.

DFRPG / Re: Can True Fae be player characters?
« on: August 28, 2010, 05:01:31 AM »
After reading the posts here - and most were really helpful - I took a long look at this paragraph:

That said, the situation is often grey and not clear-cut. There are those few who are part mortal and part monster: vampires who struggle to fight their hungers and do the right thing; werewolves who chose lycanthropy to get the strength to defend their community; wizards who accept help from dark sources, but hope to restrain the urges that threaten to engulf them. Choice is the overwhelming theme of these individuals’ lives. Will they retain their humanity or will they become monsters? And is there any way that those who are now monsters can perhaps regain some degree of humanity, some capacity for choice? (YS11)

There is also this:

At some point, a changeling must Choose whether to become totally fae or totally mortal. If they go fae, they get all the powers of their type, but lose a lot of their free will. If they go mortal, they lose a lot of their inborn powers, but retain free will and mortal agency. (OW41)

Note that is says "a lot of their free will" rather than all free will, and we seem to have an option for something that is almost a true fae but still appears playable.  This helps me to flesh out a concept even further - a Changeling that made the final choice and went with his faerie nature, but finds that he still possesses some measure of free will (Refresh > 0).  This doesn't free the character from the limitations of the fae as noted in Our World, but I'd imagine such a character following his fae nature - but attempting to guide his actions within the greater limits of it - should be as playable as a WCV.

DFRPG / Can True Fae be player characters?
« on: August 27, 2010, 01:24:03 PM »
If I want a True Fae (rather than a Changeling) as a PC and my character still has a Refresh > 0, is there any mechanical or in-game reason that I could not do so?   I know the GM can always declare certain things off limits, but I'm more asking if there's anything inherent to such 'monsters' that would make them unplayable when they still have positive Refresh (and the degree of free will that comes with it).

DFRPG / Re: Starting a Game in Seattle Area
« on: August 19, 2010, 06:35:51 AM »
I'm down in Tacoma myself (near JBLM), so if anyone knows of a game on the southern end of Seattle - or wants to put one together, please throw me a message.

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