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DFRPG / Re: Worm rules subset for DFRPG
« on: November 11, 2013, 08:20:24 PM »
Sanctaphrax -> For sure!  There's been a lot posted in the thread that has made me rethink a lot of things so I'm working on them. After I've gotten some momentum in the PBP games I'm playing in I'd like to run a Worm PBP game (lower Refresh than the recruitment thread already there, more Undersiders-level for the PC's).

Trade-Off -> I agree Accuracy is better than damage by itself. But read the ability again, it's so poorly worded because I tried to fix that by not letting it apply to damage (I feel like Wizard's focus items need this limit as well).  Trade Off is a concept from Mutants & Masterminds (an RPG designed for the superhero genre).  I think a base rule that characters decide in character creation might fit better (that's how M&M does it) instead of a power.  I feel it's necessary for characters like Scrub, who have heavy hitter blasts but at the cost of accuracy.  Also, Ingenue's power and Noelle's clones probably had some version of this.

Narphoenix When I was thinking of Guide My Hand for Thinkers, I was thinking primarily of Tattletale.  She uses her power to simulate Empathy/Rapport (social attacks, reading someone), Burglary checks (opening a vault), Alertness (keep track of Imp) just of the top of my head.  I feel like other Thinkers are similarly versatile, with Accord able to use Craftsmanship, 'Alertness' (discovering Skitter's trap in his interlude) and Resources (gaming the stock market).  I know it doesn't apply for all of them, but my goal is to have a couple of different Base Powers for characters within the various archetypes.

However, I might be thinking of everything in reverse.  It might be better to make a list of Character Archetypes with just a few custom powers added.

PirateJack -> That sounds like a great idea.  I had considered Channel for some Evokers, but Sponsored Magic really fits a lot of characters.  And not just Shakers - with how versatile a power Taylor has, for instance, Sponsored Magic might be a good representation for her.  Her limit of needing bugs around might represent the mental stress her abilities cost (or maybe a separate Stress track like Hunger uses) - along with a 'Rote Mastery' or similar feat to allow Taylor to use her usual abilities more effectively.

DFRPG / Re: Mechanical help... Minor Talent
« on: November 02, 2013, 07:00:32 PM »
Cool power, sounds like an interesting premise to a character!

I'd peg it as Supernatural Sense [-1] myself, as it's very limited.

DFRPG / Re: Statting Up Worm Characters
« on: November 02, 2013, 06:17:06 PM »
Contessa and the Siberian both look frightening, excellent job!

Small nitpicks, Contessa's Guide My Hand needs to have an upgrade as the book version doesn't allow it to be used for attacks or maneuevers.

As for the serial itself, holy %^$% a Glaistig Uaine chapter :-)

What would it take to stat her up?  People were discussing it earlier, before we had more information about her.  A version of Projection with Modular Abilities seems about right (at one time, it was probably Variable Abilities, but she has so many spirits collected she probably has one for any occasion.  If she doesn't, she prolly should get a compel with a Fate point).

Edit - My attempt at Grant Powers (it needs to be worded better, but this is the basic idea).


Grant Powers [-2]: Touching a person allows you to grant them some or all of your powers for the scene.  If they are unwilling, you must succeed a Fists vs. their Athletics to affect them. Only one person can benefit from a particular one of your powers at a time (see below).
    [+2]: Power Genie: Only someone else can benefit from some of your powers, not yourself.  When you select this, you must declare which powers it effects.
    [-1]: Share Powers: An additional person can benefit from the same power.  This may be taken multiple times, using the progression table*.
    [-1]: Extended Duration: At the cost of a Fate Point, Grant Powers lasts for an entire session.  At anytime you can use an action to ‘rescind’ the powers you’ve granted.

*I don't think table quite exists, but it would look like the Time Progression people.  A minute = a person, a couple minutes = 5 people, 15 minutes = 15 people, etc...)

I hope this will help with characters like Othala and the mob boss who grants the electrical touch/invulnerability power sets, but also perhaps Null and Clockblocker (I'm working on statting him out, allowing him to grant Total Immunity to others with the limitations of requiring an action to activate and freezing whoever 'benefits' from it for a random amount of time).

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DFRPG / Re: Statting Up Worm Characters
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:21:49 AM »
Long time lurker here, first time poster in this thread :-).  You guys got me addicted to Worm about a month ago, and just in time for it to end! ;_;  Fantastic job detailing the characters, I've enjoyed all the conversions.

Between this thread and the PBP Recruitment one I was intrigued about converting Worm over to the DFRPG.  I didn't want to derail the topic of this thread (actually statting out the characters vs working on base rules for running a campaign in the 'verse) so I started my own thread:,39553.msg1946061.html#msg1946061

 I hope you all chime in with your thoughts/opinions, thanks!

DFRPG / Character Archetypes
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:15:41 AM »

Character Archetypes: Sponsored Capes, Rogues, Villains, Cauldron Capes, PRT

DFRPG / Powers
« on: October 29, 2013, 09:12:20 AM »
Heavily WIP.

"Mover, Shaker,
   Brute and Breaker.
Master, Tinker,
   Blaster and Thinker,
Striker, Changer,
   Trump and Stranger."

Many of the most common powers in Worm have Trade-Offs, Limitations and Variable Powers built in (see above).  Everyone seems to have something unique about their power.


Flight, Supernatural or Mythic Speed, Teleportation.
Ex: Velocity has Supernatural Speed tied to Trade-Off.  He gets more accurate punches but doesn't deal as much damage.
Oni Lee has Teleportation with Additional Effect, tied to a power that creates his clones (Incite Defensive Effect, perhaps?).


Modified Demesne Power, allows aspects to be placed on the terrain via Declaration, attacks, defense, blocks, and borders as upgrades.


Supernatural/Mythic versions of Strength/Toughness/Recovery, some variants of Physical Immunity.  Often times The Catch for such a power will be Power Nullifcation for a simple [-0].

Ex: Weld probably has Supernatural Toughness and at least Inhuman Strength and Recovery.
Alexandria is probably a munchkin with Mythic Toughness + Undying (the Catch: Strangulation) along with Supernatural Strength, Speed, and a boat load of other powers.


Breaker: A hodgepodged category of powers (along with Trump).  Often self-transformation abilities that don’t drastically change one’s own form.
    Size Abilities, Amorphous Form, etc...

Ex: Fenja/Menja have Gargantuan Size (Hulking Size's big brother) with the ability to turn it On/Off.


Master:  Whole big rules subset, WIP.  The following are just my notes:

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Tinker: Tinkers have a version of Thaumaturgy focused on Crafting.  It uses Scholarship/Capes for control/complexity and they often have lots of enchanted items.  Refresh spent on Refinement for Specialization or extra item slots is common.  Power suits or a signature device/weapon are often Items of Power.  Often, someone else can use a Tinker's device even if it's not made for that with a good Scholarship roll (= to the complexity of the device).


Blaster: Incite Effect, often with Power Immunity.  Oftentimes Blasters will have Trade-Offs and other small powers (Super Senses and the like).

Ex: Legend has Incite Effect with Trade-Off/Choice and Super Senses for his superior sight along with Flight and some Inhuman abilities.


Thinkers: Thinkers probably use a re-skinned Guide My Hand ability as a base, substituting Mental Stress for FP's to use their abilities.  Particular Thinkers will take Inexplicable Knowledge (the wiki), a re-skinned Sacred Guardian (DFRPG:OW from Mouse), "5 seconds ahead" (DFRPG:OW from Abby) Skilled, Jack of All Trades, and Modular Abilities (for Stunts).


Striker: See Blaster, but short-ranged!  A lot of Natural Weapon (wiki) powers fall here as well.  Some powers use Fists over Conviction/Discipline.


Changer: WIP


Trump: There's a large variety of abilities under this category.  Often times these powers will affect other capes/powers.

Grant Power to Others [-2] - (Can’t grant self [-0]).  Range by touch (default).
    [-X] Common Limit - Duration
    [+X] Increased targets (use progression table)

Power Nullification [-X] - Similar to counterspelling rules, often with Power Specialization to get that edge in.
   [-X] Common Limit - Range
   [+X] Area


Stranger: Powers allow the cape to use Stealth in more tangible defensive ways.  Characters with Super Senses should get a bonus to Alertness rolls vs. Strangers = to the Refresh they spent on their ability.

[-1]: Allows you to make Stealth check without needing concealment (Invisibility)
[-1]: Blocks on yourself vs. Alertness ().  Doesn’t affect area attacks (?  Similar to Incite Defensive Effect).

[-1]: Can attack and ‘restealth’ as a supplemental action.
[-1]: When you stealth, others forget you if they fail an Alertness check.
[-1]: Ignores even Supernatural Senses (they don't get the standard bonus)


Next: Character Archetypes

DFRPG / Worm rules subset for DFRPG
« on: October 29, 2013, 08:30:58 AM »


This thread is inspired by two others, the first is of course the work of Sanctaphrax and others in the 'Statting Up Worm Characters' thread.  I blame y'all for me catching the Worm bite.  The second was the Worm PBP game thread.  While I haven't fully read the latter, it made me think about how I'd port over the Worm universe into the DFRPG.  At first glance, Blasters/Strikers/Bruisers/Movers seem easy enough, using the core DFRPG + powers others have created.  In the end though, I felt we needed a lot of custom rules.  A lot of the following is theory crafting and not yet properly worded to be used for rules, my main goal right now is to get people brainstorming about a base subsystem for Worm


Goals for the System:
1) Have something usable when someone wants to run a DFRPG in the Worm universe!
2) Have character archetypes/trees based off of the twelve types of powers in the universe.
3) Keep true to the moderately rules-light nature of the DFRPG.


Worm-based House Rules:
1) Compared to the DFRPG, I imagine most Worm Characters will have higher refresh compared to skill points than the current DFRPG categories (There's a good number of 20 skill point, 12 refresh characters running around, for instance).

2) That said, there's probably a Powers based ability like the following:

Skilled [-1]: Gain 3 points worth of skills.  You may take this ability multiple times.  Skills may not go over your Skill Cap and this power doesn't affect how well you use Powers.
    Jack of All Trades [-1]: Get a +1 bonus to skills that are Mediocre or Average for you.  You may take this multiple times, each time increasing the highest category this effects.

Ex: A character like Viktor might have taken Skilled and Jack of All Trades a few times, with an aspect called "Psychic Vampire" which lets him invoke it for effect to deny opponents uses of their skill checks or for the GM to Tag it saying Viktor doesn't have that skill available at a critical juncture).  He possibly has a Modular or Variable ability that grants him access to different stunts..

3) ‘Capes’ replaces ‘Lore’ (Tinker, who use a version of Thaumaturgy Crafting generally have to understand how powers work to replicate them)

4) Powers require a character to have two Aspects - one related to their Trigger Event and another for their Powers (either of these might be rolled up in a particular character's High Concept or Trouble).  A Secondary Trigger Event requires a third aspect to be required.  A character's base (unmodified) ‘Discipline’ or ‘Conviction’ (higher of the two) governs the use of most powers. 

5) Characters should be able to use fate points to stunt off a Variable Abilityrelated to their power spontaneously in a combat.  Taylor, Panacea and other characters do this frequently.


Common Stunts/Powers:  Some powers are more common than others.  Inhuman Strength/Speed/Toughness/Recovery and Super Senses all seem to be common powers along with:

Power Immunity [-1]: Immune to one's own powers, or very very similar powers. (Exception: Tinkers)
    Wide Coverage [-1]: Immune to powers similar to ones own (all fire attacks for Sundancer, this is weak and probably should allow an additional Mild Consequence of the appropriate category)
Power Specialization [-1]: +1 to all rolls concerning your powers.
    Extra Strength Passenger [-1]: Additional +1 to all rolls concerning your powers.

Common Add-Ons to Powers: These can be added on to virtually any other power

On/Off Switch [-1]: Works on powers that are normally always on (Size powers, Living dead, etc...)
Additional Effect [-1]: Ties one power to another (Teleport + Duplication, Oni Lee) - similar to the Incite Effects add on.  (If too strong, may require a supplemental action).
Variable Ability [-1]: Can sub power for a lesser mode (Taylor substitutes her Master power for Incite Effect offensive maneuver).
Trade-Off [-0]: Permanent +X to attack, -X to stress on an attack power (or vice versa) where X = 1-3.
    (For the more accurate version of the stunt, if the attack succeeds by X or less, it doesn't inflict additional stress.)
    Choice [-1] Can choose which modification (or neither) when using the ability.
Grant Power to Others [-2/-0]: See Trumps, below

Common Drawbacks:
Requires Juice [-1]: Take a mental stress every time you use this power.
Doesn’t Turn Off [-0]: On powers that you normally control - this is more of a Trouble or Aspect than an actual modification.


Next: The Twelve Types of Capes.

DFRPG / Re: Crossroads Demon Stats?
« on: August 07, 2013, 07:55:23 AM »
Thanks for the replies everyone!  The reason I wanted to stat up a Crossroads Demon is because one will interact with a PC soon.  I wanted stats mainly so I could run a social encounter between the two.  I doubt the PC will want to strike a soul trading deal at first, but I'm sure a few NPCs will over the course of the campaign.

I figure if the PC somehow wins the conflict (which should be incredibly hard), they can get a decent deal from the Demon - information or a useful trinket at the cost of some debt but without their soul on the line.  That said, if I can semi-accurately model Crossroads Demons with DFRPG stats I'd be pretty stoked!  Here's my shot, after reading your advice, researching some, and a bit o' brainstorming:

Crossroads Demon
High Concept: Demonic Genie
Aspects: Devil with the Details / An Offer That Can’t Be Refused / Sweet Lies & Half-Truths / Crossroads Contract

Superb (+5): Deceit, Empathy
Great (+4): Presence, Rapport, Resources
Good (+3): Conviction, Intimidation, Lore
Fair (+2): Alertness, Athletics, Discipline
Average (+1): Endurance, Fists, Might

Honest Lies (Deceit)
Paragon of Sin (Conviction), as per Tower of Faith
Read the Surface (Empathy)

Crossroads Contract (Item of Power) [-0]
Sponsor (The Crossroads)*
Sponsored Magic (The Crossroads) [-4]
Supernatural Toughness [-4]
   The Catch [+3] - Holy Objects and the like. (+1 for Rarity/+2 because it's well known)
Swift Transition [-2]

Focii: Varies - This may be a quill, ruby red lipstick or similar (+2 Control/+1 Complexity to Wish Granting spells).
1 Enchanted Item (Power 3, Ex: Love Potion that applies 'Lust' aspect to a target)

Refresh: 0 (10-10)

Physical OOO(OOOO), Armor 2 / Mental OOOO, Armor 1 / Social OOOO, Armor 1


Sponsored Magic (the Crossroads):
In the Supernatural universe, the wish granting that Crossroads Demons do is a matter of spellcasting, instead of an innate ability, which limits what they can do**.  Crossroads Magic mainly centers around Thaumaturgy (Mostly Entropy and Wish Granting), sometimes done at Evocation speed.
Extra Benefits: See Below

Crossroads Contract (Item of Power) [-0]
It is What It Is [-0]: A metaphysical contract between a Crossroads Demon and the oathgiver.
Unbreakable [-0]: Only a Crossroads Demon or its boss can destroy a Contract.
One-Time Discount [+0]: Having no physical form to interact with, it offers no discount.
Sponsor (The Crossroads) [-0]: As per the power, but it may only be used to fulfill the bargain*



With these stats, a Crossroads Demon has a variety of options to fulfill their client's needs.  For a client who wants money or an object, the Crossroads Demon can make a Resources roll (at +4, plus some additional aspect Tags via Sponsorship to get what they need).  If they want a task done, either acting on the client's behalf (murdering someone with magic) or providing an Enchanted Item (like a Potion of Love) might suffice.

For those who wants a little more, a Contract might be what they need - as it is an Item of Power the character is required to change/add an Aspect representing the deal which seems appropriate. For instance, if the client wanted to play Guitar better, they take the contract, add 'Bargain - Demonic Guitar Skills' and can now use their new Sponsor ship to take a debt and get a free tag on Performance rolls.  Suddenly, they're a whole step more talented - if they were at +2/+3 (journeyman or professional capacity) they're now +4/+5 (veteran or masterful capacity) or if sent above that, they're now skirting the boundaries of human capacity.

Now, if the client wants something fantastic, like powers - that can be done via Sponsored Magic.  As an Extra Benefit of the power, a Crossroads Demon can cast a spell akin to a Wizard's Deathcurse, using the willling client's life force to fuel the spell.  The client doesn't pay the usual price of death instantly, but exactly 1 year later at which point the Demon will come collecting.

Besides that, the Stunts are there to make social encounters with them tough, unfair even (with Paragon of Sin, I imagine they recite to themselves some sort of Infernal Salesman Creed instead of a prayer).  They should be able to have an idea of what their client wants and how desperately they want it (Read the Surface).  And any time they can a Crossroads Demon should fulfill their end of the bargain with as little heavy lifting as possible (Honest Lies).

Supernatural Toughness is just a standard demon power, but Swift Transition is especially useful for just avoiding combat altogether (as long as they're caught in a Devil's Trap or similar!)


Well, that's my best shot for now!  Comments, critiques, and suggestions are welcome.  I'm sure a lot of fine-tuning can be done here :-)

DFRPG / Crossroads Demon Stats?
« on: August 06, 2013, 06:56:55 AM »
Has anyone ever tried statting up a Crossroad Demon (ala Supernatural and other myths)? I feel like their deals would be somewhat of a GM Fiat nature but am curious how people have statted them up overall.

DFRPG / Re: Limits of Evocation?
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:55:03 AM »
Channeling (Biomancy) seems like a legitimate choice to me, the elements presented in the book are simply the Classic Elements that most North American/Western European wizards use.  Some Asian Wizards (like Ancient Mai) most likely consider Wood and Metal to be separate elements.  There might not even be a need to upgrade to Evocation if this fits all the character wants to do.

Those effects seem just fine to me, they're really just all descriptors :-).  Some of the character's spells will probably be Discipline vs. Endurance instead of Athletics like most physical evocations. 

I have a Blood Sorcerer BBEG in my game who uses Biomancy.  They might not fit your player's character, but here's some of her Rote spells:

'Thousand Cuts’ Type: Biomancy Maneuver / Power (6+): ‘Bloodied’ sticky Aspect
   Control: Endurance (+3) or higher avoids / Target: All targets seen in 1 zone
   Duration: One Action / Opposed By: Target’s Endurance skill, magical blocks

‘Exsanguinate’ Type: Biomancy Evocation / Power (6+): 6 Shifts (+1 if ‘Bloodied’) [Because of her Blood Drinker power]
   Control: Discipline to Attack / Target: Target in sight
   Duration: One action / Opposed By: Target’s Endurance skill, magical blocks
   Notes: Caster can use this to fulfill their Blood Drinker ‘Taste of Death’ ability if they kill their target.
- Meant to be a 1 -> 2 Combo with the first spell.

‘Immortality’ Type: Biomancy Block / Power (9): Block Strength 7
   Control: N/A (Tag + Incurs 1 Debt) / Target: Self / Duration: 3 Exchanges
- With this rote active, anytime the caster is hit their body mends the wound immediately - unless the attack is greater than 7.

DFRPG / Re: Son of Zeus
« on: July 24, 2013, 06:40:00 AM »
Awesome character concept!  I'd definitely go with either 'Lighting Bolts' (Breath Weapon) or Channel (Air) along with Marked by Power, Inhuman Strength, and Inhuman Toughness (Probably 'The Catch - True Magic' or similar for +1) for a total of -6.

Breath Weapon seems like the easiest way to do 'Lightning Bolts', but Channeling (Air) definitely gives you the most options.

The main advantage in taking Breath Weapon is you just need a high Weapons score.  In melee you benefit from your Inhuman Strength and you have a ranged option with Breath Weapon (I don't think Inhuman Strength would apply for a Refresh 8 game, but it might be worth asking your GM).  You could probably take Stunts to increase the range by a Zone ('Good Arm' Weapons stunt), +1 to hit or damage, and/or possibly give you the ability to make it an area attack .

Channeling (Air) on the other hand requires you to have either Fists or Weapons to really take advantage of Inhuman Strength, along with decent Conviction/Discipline and probably 1 or 2 points in Lore.  On the plus side, you get Enchanted Item Slots, which could be used to boost your Power/Control or be used for magic items/potions/whatever.  And of course, you take at least 1 Mental Stress each Lightning Bolt.  And of course, you can get a ton more damage when you need to, having the option to attack multiple targets/an area.

Good luck with whichever way you choose.  When you finish writing him up, please post him here so we can see how he turned out! xD

DFRPG / Re: Maneuvers
« on: July 24, 2013, 05:52:26 AM »
To my understanding, a player can Maneuever someone 'Prone' but it won't stop them from moving by itself - that's definitely a Block action.

That player can tag 'Prone' in rolls where it makes sense (like attacking them) - if the aspect is fragile it'll just fall off but if it's sticky you can continue to tag it for the duration.  But if they want their maneuver to keep their enemy on the ground they have to attempt to Compel them (at the cost of 1 Fate point), but if their opponent pays one back they can take actions like moving with no extra hassle.  If they end up moving and the player cared for accuracy they may want to change the wording of the placed aspect to 'Dazed' or 'Off Balance' or similar.

The book gives a similar example with 'Blinding' on page 208.  All it does is create an aspect that can be tagged, if the player wants it to do more they can compel what they want to happen, with the GM's/group's permission (more on pg. 107).

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