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Messages - rientelfon

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DFRPG / Re: Dresden Combat Example
« on: August 01, 2016, 04:27:43 PM »
After reading through the rules and such again, I suppose I could have handled things slightly different for the WK that definitely would have provided some more danger.

The WK can defend against a Maneuver as free action, so the WK could have attacked after the Wiz's attempt at a maneuver.
As for the Fire Attack, I am not sure, but I probably could have said this did not apply for his Catch, and with his Stunt + Inhuman Toughness, he would have just suffered 6 Physical Stress and no consequences, which would have allowed another attack against the Wiz.

So, all in all 2 more attacks would have probably been enough to take the Wiz down considering the surprise attack already suffered.

DFRPG / Dresden Combat Example
« on: August 01, 2016, 02:59:07 PM »
Hey everyone,

So, I hosted my second session for the Dresden RPG and in this one there were several fight scenes which involves a Wizard, Ghoul, Winter Knight, Pure Mortal, and an Emissary.

I would like some clarification to understand if I handled these properly because I was shocked the way things turned out. Provided below is the combat that I am seeking clarification.

Example #1
Wizard (referred to from here on out as Wiz) vs. Winter Knight (referred to from here on out as WK)

Builds for the Characters:
Wiz - Evocation (Fire +1 Control) (-3); Thaumaturgy (-3); The Sight (-1); Soulgaze (-1), Wizard's Constitution (-0) - Total Refresh -7
WK - Inhuman Toughness/Speed/Strength (-6); Master Swordsman Stunt (-1); Unseelie Magic (-4); Marked by Power (-1); Catch (Cold Iron) (+2);  Trained to Ignore Lesser Pain Stunt (-1) - Total Refresh - 11

The Wiz was asleep in their apartment (and having no wards or threshold), the WK slipped in and got a surprise attack against the Wiz doing 11 stress right off the bat which I ruled he suffered a severe consequence of "Broken Jaw" and a minor consequence of "Black Eye".

The Wiz threw an Air spell to create a powerful wind barrier holding back the WK against the wall using 5 Shifts (Conviction 5, Discipline 4) and rolled a Great (+4) on his control, he took the backlash and totaling 2 Mental Stress. This put I ruled a Maneuver and gave him the Aspect of "Pinned Against Wall".

The WK rolled a Might check and I factored in his Inhuman Strength and resulted in a Fantastic (+6), which I allowed to negate the maneuver and that was his turn for the round.

The Wiz threw a Fireball Spell at the WK this time since he saw that the WK was not slowing down and put another 5 Shifts (Conviction 5, Discipline 4+1) and rolled a Fantastic (+6). The WK rolled his Athletics with an Average (+1). I ruled that the WK took 10 Shifts of Physical Stress, which had him suffer a Sever Consequence of "On Fire" and with his Stunt and Inhuman Toughness shrugged off the rest of the 4 remaining shifts.

The WK used his Sponsored Magic to kill the fire and that ended his turn.

The Wiz threw another Air Spell with 5 Shifts (Conviction 5, Discipline 4) and rolled an Epic (+7). The WK rolled his Athletics and got a Fair (+2). I ruled that the WK took 10 shifts of damage and decided that the WK was not going to win, so he dropped falling unconscious.

End Example #1

Damage Tally:
Wiz - 3 Physical Stress, 3 Mental Stress; 1 Minor Consequence "Black Eye"; 1 Severe Consequence "Broken Jaw"
WK - 6 Physical Stress; 1 Severe Consequence "3rd Degree Burns"

It just seems that the WK should have been able to handle the Wizard on some level, but maybe I am misunderstanding Refresh values.

Thanks in advance  8)

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Mental Attacks & Thaumaturgy Attack Spells
« on: July 29, 2016, 09:06:57 PM »
Hey Nerhesi,

I think the example Sleep spell provided by Ulfgeir is not a Mental Attack, but rather a Physical attack that can result in a "sleep" outcome. As for attacking Mentally, I do believe that this should strictly be something involving Thaumaturgy and possibly would fall under Biomancy.

Thanks in advance.

DFRPG / Re: Wizard build for Feet in the Water help
« on: July 29, 2016, 05:46:21 PM »
The main difference between Thaumaturgy/Ritual and Evocation/Channeling is training. Ritual is devoted to 1 type of Thaumaturgy (Biomancy, necromancy, conjuration, etc) vs. Thaumaturgy includes all aspects. Channeling is a specialization in 1 particular element instead of the 3 you get from Evocation. You also don't get the built in Specialization Bonus provided by taking the full blown abilities (Thaumaturgy/Evocation). I also got the 2 confused, I made an edit to my original post, sorry about that. :)

DFRPG / Re: Wizard build for Feet in the Water help
« on: July 29, 2016, 05:32:25 PM »
Hey Razgrizi,

You can start out with Ritual instead of Thaumaturgy and Channeling instead of Evocation with no Sight or Soulgaze or Wizard's Constitution. You can also just go with a Sorcerer Template, which is mentioned in a sidebar in YS regarding "Apprentice Wizards". But as of RAW there is no "Wizard" that is lower level.

As for making a Brawler Spellcaster that does not sling spells, I would suggest they take Ritual revolving around Biomancy so they can improve their physical statistics and take maybe a stunt or 2 regarding Fists/Weapons to help make them a much better fighter, but still cast spells


DFRPG / Re: Refinement Question
« on: July 29, 2016, 05:18:24 PM »
Hey Cadd,

Ok, I thought that was the case. Thanks for clarifying.

Thanks  :)

DFRPG / Refinement Question
« on: July 29, 2016, 03:44:49 PM »
Hey everyone,

First "real" question I have regarding the Dresden File RPG system, which I am digging by the way!

Let's say you have a wizard with the following build:
Evocation - Elements (Fire, Water, Spirit) - Specialization: Power (Water +1)

Later, the wizard takes a Refinement and chooses the Specialization Bonus for Evocation and has the following:
Specialization: Power (Fire +1, Water +1) Control (Water +1)

Later, that same wizard takes another Refinement and chooses the Specialization Bonus for Evocation again and has the following:
Specialization: Power (Fire +2, Water +1) Control (Fire +2, Water +1)

Later, that same wizard takes another Refinement and chooses the Specialization Bonus for Evocation again and has the following:
Specialization: Power (Spirit +3, Fire +2, Water +1) Control (Spirit +3, Fire +2, Water +1)

Are these valid?

Thanks in advance!  8)

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