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Messages - Griffyn612

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DF Spoilers / Re: Jim on character vs character
« on: July 31, 2021, 12:30:37 AM »
Why?  They needed to get inside her defenses, that seems a perfect way.  Ever hear of the Trojan Horse?

Perhaps, but that is what was needed ultimately to get the job done.
A better alternative would have been for Odin to trigger the spell as soon as she took it. Then she would have been weakened just as more big guns arrived and could have overwhelmed her.

But waiting to do it also afforded her the opportunity to use it in ways she didn't. She could have struck Odin or Erlking or Titania with it right after she took it, and she might have ended them. And then things would have been worse off.

I see the use of the defense spell as reactionary rather than proactive strategy. But I could be wrong.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim on character vs character
« on: July 29, 2021, 09:34:25 PM »
Alright I agree with you, however I do believe Odin has backup plans for backup plans incase he failed, and it was for her to take his weapon as her own, and for him to use it against her.
I'll totally buy that Odin had a spell on his gear to protect it from being used by others. But giving up your weapon in battle to weaken the enemy seems like a stretch.

Letting her use it to take out nameless fighters, Hendricks, McCoy, Cristos, Listens, River, Butters, and disarm Sanya all so Lara could pop her in the back of the head seems like overkill. Especially when the same command given at the moment Marcone shot her in the face, or Sanya was cutting her up, would have afforded the same opportunity without waiting for everyone else to fall in battle.

I mean, sure, maybe he had the Doctor Strange foresight to see the one way it could play out as a win. But that just seems like a stretch.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim on character vs character
« on: July 28, 2021, 01:22:51 AM »
I don't think anyone was pulling punches. The Eye was a threat to the laws of reality itself. Newtonian chaos was about to break out on Earth. There was no do-over for this. There was no going back to the benches to figure out what to do next.

I don't see the big guns playing five-rounded Russian roulette with reality so Harry could have a big moment.

DF Spoilers / Re: Did the FBI Agent's soulgaze look into the future?
« on: July 27, 2021, 01:39:39 AM »
He might have just seen fire and demons surrounding Harry, and assumed Harry was commanding them or working for them. Or he saw the remnants of Behind in Harry's aura, like the junkie did.

DF Spoilers / Re: Sidhe vs Lyrics [Cold Days Spoilers]
« on: July 25, 2021, 09:43:50 PM »
Oh they do  ;D

But this is only a specific verse. A lot of them come from times when heroic poetry and elegy and most poetry was actually sung.

Also I do not think figures of speech are always forbidden and a threat I does not have to be fulfilled if someone changes his mind genuinely.
Have we ever seen a Sidhe speak with hyperbole or exaggeration?

DF Spoilers / Re: Sidhe vs Lyrics [Cold Days Spoilers]
« on: July 25, 2021, 07:35:14 PM »
I don’t see why not. Not all singing is lying and some of it might be magic.
The Sidhe are so literal that I don't know if they could sing something like "These boots are made for walking, and that's just what they'll do, one of these days these boots are gonna to walk all over you" if they're not wearing boots that they intend to use to curb stomp someone.

DF Spoilers / Sidhe vs Lyrics [Cold Days Spoilers]
« on: July 24, 2021, 07:14:48 PM »
Can Molly sing along with music anymore? Can any Sidhe sing lyrics that aren't true for them?

I think there was an orchestra in Cold Days, but no chorus.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gregor?
« on: July 24, 2021, 07:11:58 PM »
I think I read something about him being eaten by the dragon, but I have no idea about the source.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twisty Fae Logic; Molly Versus Lara
« on: July 21, 2021, 10:14:37 PM »
Harry should currently have True Love protection. That should theoretically last. Mab might be counting on that to keep her Knight from slipping under Lara's thumb.

I'd be more worried about Wamps trying to have Harry seduced to weaken his protection, or kill him to avoid the alliance.

As for Molly, who's to say she isn't beginning to move past her affection for Harry? Her offense in BG might have been more friendly indignation than romantic jealousy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresdenverse Wishful Thinking - Locations
« on: July 18, 2021, 05:52:03 PM »
I would think some waterworks would be an excellent low-side-damage kind of duelling spot. The Niagara Falls, or if Harry has to face a water mage, maybe the Dutch 'Afsluitdijk' for being associated with murdering a sea (don't tell me that wouldn't help the not-water-mage).
Collateral damage to a dam is generally quite the opposite of casualty-mitigating for anyone living down-river.
I could see a short story with Carlos and Listens, where Carlos learns that the largest dams in America are used to shelter the dormant Elder Thunderbirds. And somebody trying to cause chaos tries to destroy a dam to wake one, which would cause massive power shortages and turbulent weather.

With Carlos and Listens both being water mages, it would work well. And it could be some therapy for a Carlos after everything he's been through.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresdenverse Wishful Thinking - Locations
« on: July 18, 2021, 04:25:19 AM »
This one is obvious in any white council centered book.
I'm sure we'll be seeing it again, but will it remain in one piece? Harry's visited it a number of times now and it's survived, unlike almost everywhere else he's been.  :P

Vlad the Impaler's castle.  I see Dresden needing to go there for either a ritual, or to retrieve something that's still there.  Something to do with either the Black Court or Drakul himself.

I think it would be cool if either he did something that showed the past, or he saw a flashback to the location to see that there is a lot more to the history of the place.
Going to the old place of power for the "founder" of the Black Court sounds like it might be dangerous, but also a good place to gather intel on the Blamps.

Oh that is awesome.  I could see it as a location for a duel where both people choose magic.  They are on the roof with the empty circle between them.
Yeah the inside is very cool too, but likely too small for a big duel, and the roof might be difficult to navigate for two combatants. But it being used as an entrapment or summoning site for a number of wizards to take on something in the inner circle, with them taking the high ground on the roof, might work well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresdenverse Wishful Thinking - Locations
« on: July 18, 2021, 04:19:01 AM »

Name: Novomalyn Castle
Location: Town of Novomalyn, Ukraine
Founded: ~1392
Founder: Svidrigaylo Jagiello, younger brother of the Grand Duke of Lithuania.
Purpose: Tower of a castle.

Dresdenverse Relevance:
Ruins of a pentagonal tower in the Ukraine sounds like a place where magic might have been done in the past.

DF Spoilers / Re: Dresdenverse Wishful Thinking - Locations
« on: July 18, 2021, 04:01:31 AM »

Name: Lazzaretto of Ancona
Location: Ancona, Italy
Founded: 1733
Founder: Pope Clement XII
Purpose: Quarantine facility

Dresdenverse Relevance:
Another pentagonal building commissioned by a Pope. The reason for it being pentagonal is unknown, but it was built in a man-made Island in the water. It has a well in the center.

Like the Villa, it's now used by the public, so it's current use for anything magical seems unlikely. But it being a secure facility for quarantine could have made an association with the never-never to interesting places related to containment.

DF Spoilers / Dresdenverse Wishful Thinking - Locations
« on: July 17, 2021, 09:07:52 PM »
I'm starting a thread to share real-world locations we'd like to see in the Dresdenverse, either visited or mentioned.

First up, Villa Farnese


Name: Villa Farnese
Location: Town of Caprarola, Italy
Founded: ~1530 (fortress); ~1559 (villa)
Founder: Cardinal Alessandro Farnese, the future Pope Paul III
Purpose: Initially a pentagonal fortress; later made into a private Villa; currently state-owned and open to the public.

Dresdenverse Relevance:
It's a pentagonal fortress with a circular core. Along with the U.S. Pentagon, it seems like an ideal structure to contain something (or someone). Not to mention founded by a future Pope? Clearly the Church wanted something secured there.

That it's open to the public now makes it seem like whatever or whomever was there isn't there anymore, or the original purpose was forgotten. Maybe they're hiding it in plain sight, and visitors are unlikely to impact its functionality.

It's not located in Tuscany, otherwise I'd say a tie to the White Court might be apt. Perhaps the Church was done with it and the White Court acquired it secretly using the state as a front.

DF Spoilers / Re: About Titania
« on: July 14, 2021, 03:44:50 AM »
I would imagine there's a lot of fine print in the contracts between the Sidhe and others. To the point that Titania might not have to account for everything Mab does; she might only have to account for Mab, the other Queens, and the subjects of Winter.

For example, the Erlking shows up in service to Winter in Proven Guilty. He might have an Agreement with Mab to act in defense of Winter against non-Sidhe invaders. A similar agreement might be in place for him to help Summer. But he wouldn't necessarily get involved if Summer tried to invade Winter, or vice versa. Maybe he didn't get involved in Summer Knight because that was internal politics, and he's explicitly excluded from that.

The same could be true for all contracts with other factions. Mab can have a deal with Anduriel, which has nothing to do with Sidhe politics, but there could be a clause that is enforced by Word that Mab will not ask him to involve himself in politics, and he won't involve himself in politics.

That way Mab can have a larger power structure to call on to fight the war against the Outside, but Titania doesn't have to match all of it.

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