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Messages - The Deposed King

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10] 11 12 ... 66
Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: March 08, 2016, 07:54:57 AM »
6k Falon III

total = 46k

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: March 07, 2016, 07:56:49 AM »

total of 40k

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: March 04, 2016, 06:15:27 AM »
31k Falon III

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: February 26, 2016, 11:05:55 AM »
13k - Falon III

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: February 04, 2016, 09:18:52 AM »
7k - Falon III

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Gamer-writing advice requested
« on: February 02, 2016, 07:16:45 AM »
When I wanted to do new and interesting I actually got old school.  I pulled out a small monsters compendium I found for the original D&D not Ad&D first, second, third or 3.5 edition but the original D&D.  My uncle was left shaking his head.  Especially once he ran into the Butts.  There were some other cool ones in there too.  Like a monster that looked like a belt and could use up to 3rd level magic to help its owner.  so long as it recognized the owner.  since it was technically a monster it could attack you if it didn't like you and it couldn't talk.

There were some cool monsters in there.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: What is your best advice for a Fan to Author panel?
« on: February 02, 2016, 07:13:07 AM »
Are you going as a fan on the panel or an author on the panel?  I guess I'm not too sure how it works.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: Did you write today?
« on: February 02, 2016, 07:11:13 AM »
Up to 6k - Falon III

And I just released a full length novel december 31st.  Sales are still going strong.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Did you write today?
« on: January 31, 2016, 05:48:46 AM »
I did!

5k - The Rising (Rise of the Witchguard book 3)

Come on guys its dead in here.  Let's pump up the volume, increase the activity and at the same time encourage ourselves to write!

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: political correctness in the writting community
« on: January 02, 2016, 10:17:40 AM »
The great thing about amazon is unless its porn, a how to make illegal weapons and substances cook book or has any spelling errors you can publish whatever you want of any size or length or lack there of and they won't take it down.  The so called 'masses' can literally vote with their feet.

So if you want to write about the lovely (yet militant) gay wales that hate jesus and want to fight whole heartedly against the patriarchy you can.  Or conversely if you wanted to write a horror that followed a rapist around as he attacked people in the greater tri-state area so he could power a portal that would open to the demon dimension and suck the city into hell you could (sick and I would vocally protest such an author but there you go).

I would just add my voice to saying that attacking someone because they have 'a' character who is like x, y or z is not only lame, its counter productive.  I mean people write about things they've never experienced before to try and tell and interesting story, or to try and imagine just what could drive these kind of people.  Alternately you might have someone writing about something near and dear to their heart or that has been burning a hole in their mind and they just have to put it on paper and get it out there or they'll go crazy.  I'm thinking victim of violence here trying to work their way through a tough patch, and maybe writing about this is their way of working through the problem.  Return combat veterans, rape victims or other people who have experienced traumatic things.  So authomatically crying foul because there's characters whose philosophy you disagree with seems to me to not only defy reality (there are any number of people I disagree with on a whole host of issues that I still have to interact with) or be a form of oppression.  (waves fingers in the air in a hypnotic fashion)-you will only think, read, see and feel the things that we (the grand poobah's of all correct thought and speech patterns) allow.

In my books in a sideways manner I address this very thing by using a not (anymore since the revolution) very controversial topic.  I have a character who often complains about the oppression he experienced under a democratic parliament (because he was simply born a royal - he didn't do anything wrong himself) and then lauds the benefits of having a strong monarchy.  I'm not getting into the whole constitutional republic versus social democracy or elephant versus donkey of our current political system.  I'm instead doing formerly corrupt Crown versus a currently corrupt Parliament.

All my characters on both sides of the issue believe in what they're doing and have reasons that they ascribe to their political belief that are heart felt and determined.  I try to do it without making universal judgements, i.e. (I am the great Author and Editor of this universe and in here if you do not believe in unicorns and gumdrops you're WRONG and EVIL)  The characters come into conflict and I show both the benefits and the ugly inconvenient truths that their side has to take ownership of.

But most importantly this is all back drop window dressing to what is mainly an action packed bugs, battleships and blaster fire epic Space Opera/Military Sci-fi.

I think if you get too excited in suppressing everything you don't agree with you'll miss oh so much.  I mean if you get too politically correct you can't have Prince Charming because in reality his father was probably a Tyrant who didn't give enough rights to the people and taxed them into the ground to pay for the great epic tournament his knights had.  And you can't have a Princess because being a princess she's part of the whole system of government that oppressed peoples rights and when they lost a war there was starvation in the streets.  Same token you can't have dragons cause they eat people and that's murder.  You can't have knights because they were all men and that's sexist.  You can't have beautiful Lady's because that's perpatrating the oppression of women.  See how they couldn't inherit and were forced to wear dresses and were cast out onto the streets or worse if they defied the social code.

Instead of fighting today's battles in the past as a social justice warrior (who probably didn't bother to research the many and varied ways that trying to force today's would be norms on a historical society without the technology to support it would blow up in your face - much like it did for many historical revolutionaries who tried and failed) and point out all the flaws of the middle ages.  Why don't we instead have heroic knights and beautiful lady's and if the boys want to swing swords and look all muscular that's fine and if the women want to be beautiful and work at gossip and court intrigue that's fine too.  Alternately if a member of the girl power movement wants to swing a sword and kick some butt and the guy wants to have soft hands and manipulate things from shadows of the court cool.  Just make sure that the girl either addresses the literal physical differences between men and women by being big and beefy and working out like crazy or else give her magic powers that give her the arm strength of a man.  Same thing for anything.  Have fun.  Just think it through.  Its like overturning the inheritance laws in the middle ages.  If you want to, go for it!  Social justice it all out and make it right.  But just remember that when it comes to farmers most women women can't push a plow for two hours, let alone a basic eight and this in a muscle powered world that when its time to plow you do so from sun up to sun down, so if the unmarried daughter inherited and none of the younger brothers stuck around everyone still on the farm is likely to starve cause they could only plant half or less of the fields and they are tax by the local lord half the produce of a fully planted farm leaving them with nothing to eat and they die.  Unless of course you have magic.  If so address and properly explain about the magic mushrooms they're planting or whatever it is.  Then you can show why its not just a forced change but one that works.

I'm digressing.  In short just write fun books that may touch upon touchy topics but aren't driven by them (unless that's your niche audience or what you love).  If you love your book, then the people reading your book are probably going to love it also.

That's my best advise.  Write what you love and don't sweat the small stuff.

The Deposed King

Author Craft / Re: A question on the publishing process
« on: January 02, 2016, 09:39:38 AM »
I self-publish via amazon so I can't help you there.  Maybe ask Panesgrey?  I know he had a book he was shopping around or goiing to be shopping around but I never did hear how it turned out.

The Deposed King

Just launched my next book on amazon!

Just launched the book on amazon yesterday.

Admiral's War Part One is live!  You can find it by following the link here and at the same time your eventual purchase will earn me a few pennies.

Hurray book 9 is finally and at long last out.

The Deposed King

116k -Admiral's War

Rough Draft to editor!

The Deposed King

109k - Admiral's War

The Deposed King

90k - Admiral's War

The Deposed king

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