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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: What Would Vadderung Do?
« on: October 08, 2021, 01:56:39 PM »
I don't think Vadderung would do anything. He stood in defense of the city when the Titan offered him the opportunity to leave unmolested - that's his contribution. The generosity is Kringle's domain - he doesn't need to balance it from his other 'hat' too.

And I don't think he has any particular desire to see the masquerade pulled apart any further than it already was, or antagonize the Council by setting up a rival organization that would appear to be around Harry after they exiled him.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who will be the next Blackstaff? (If Eb dies)
« on: October 06, 2021, 01:49:40 AM »
Again foreshadowing, Thomas was always going to feed on Molly, and she was always going to let him.

The idea is to heal him, not have him beaten and clawed the rest of the way to death.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 06, 2021, 12:45:18 AM »
The Sword didn't shock Harry.  It burned him, leaving the scent of brimstone.  And it forced Harry to see through Rudolph's  eyes.

It meant to hurt him enough to bring him to his senses rather than permanently damage him, though. That's what I mean by shock.

I read the brimstone scent as from him. If he'd pulled on soulfire at that moment, he'd have been using the other 'side of the coin'.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mistakes Harry has made that will come back
« on: October 05, 2021, 06:54:14 PM »
Ehhh, the swords aren't made to intercept evil acts though. They facilitate choice. The only time I can think of them ever injuring a normal mortal is SmF, where iirc Michael shoves it through a door with a gunman on the other side(might be confabulating it with him doing the same to a Hob.. 🤔🤷‍♂️ )
For the swords to have specific sway and purpose there, as the arrival of Sanya would make it appear, then something fishy had to be going on on one end or another. Either Rudolph was innocent and the Lie itself was the abrogation of freedom, or Harry's reaction wasn't entirely on center. Which, even without specific interference the heightened magic in the air could have been driving his emotional reaction. Harry's act may have been evil, using defensive magic to kill might have been a twisting of creation itself. But Harry's human, he's allowed to error. He's allowed to accidentally burn down a building full of vampires and probably kill many of their impaired victims. Michael was right there, nobody stopped that. This situation HAD to have a quantifiable difference.

It was Death Masks where Michael killed one of the tongueless foot soldiers in the airport.

Though we can't really assume the faithsabre plays by the same rules as the physical Swords anymore - they don't HAVE a 'shock' setting. It's either use them worthily and they're supernaturally powerful, or use them wrongly and they're just metal, with their supernatural protection compromised thereafter by the act. Precedent isn't entirely useful here - all we can interpret is that a burn that shocked Harry out of doing something wrongful was considered worthy enough that the blade did anything at all. Maybe the there was something hinky about the situation that wasn't immediately clear, like someone else gave Rudolph a case of the brain scramblies to precipitate killing Murphy, or maybe the angel in the sword has latitude to do that kind of thing all the time now that this particular sword is in noncorporeal form.

I wonder if using earth to trap Rudy's feet in the asphalt and staking him out in front of the Fomor to finish him off would have generated the same response as squashing him with a shield. Arguably the latter wouldn't have violated the first law (any more than the Wardens binding someone so they can't resist a physical murder), but presumably heaven would still take a similarly dim view of it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who will be the next Blackstaff? (If Eb dies)
« on: October 01, 2021, 03:26:44 AM »
Depends whether the Blackstaff choosing the heir means the bearer, or the artefact itself.

If Eb is making the call, I don't he would want Harry to have it, because putting the staff with someone Mother Winter could order to return it to her means the end of the Blackstaff as an office of the Council, and he believes in the need for that. It would also force the fight between the WC and Harry that he doesn't want to see happen, and it's an awful lot of temptation to mix up with the Knight mantle.

If the staff is making the call, a lot depends on whether IT wants to go back to Mother Winter. I think in Changes Harry perceived that the staff wanted to be used, and for all her malice, Mother Winter seems pretty self-disciplined about rarely actually exercising direct power. If its semi-sentience extends to having more fun being used for magical war crimes on the semi-regular on earth than it would being kept on a tight leash for centuries at a time in the deep NN, it's probably going to avoid the Winter Knight like the plague, lest he return it. In that case, Carlos is probably a good call as he's in opposition to the Queens' instrument.

If it operates on a lower level without that much if>then reasoning, it's probably going to see the Winter Knight as a preferred candidate if he's nearby. And even aside from the mantle, it would like Harry because here's a guy who gets into lots of scraps and will probably use a tool of violence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Re-reading and this jumped out at me
« on: September 28, 2021, 02:20:00 PM »
It's worth noting that Chauncy described the MacFinn curse as "said to have been laid by a saint", not "was laid by a saint". He can provide incorrect rumor implied as fact, the same way propaganda actors use "a lot of people are saying" to imply there must be some fire behind the smoke.

But cursing an entire bloodline of people to become ravening homicidal monsters with no choice but to kill seems pretty far from saintly. Aside from the trail of destruction, it's also tampering with the MacFinns' free will. A sufficient power could do it, but could they do it and still be on the right side of the Almighty's graces?

Could even be the Fallen were behind that and framed a saint for PR against the Christianization of Ireland, and Chauncy is repeating their lie as a "said to be".

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror character changes ideas
« on: September 21, 2021, 02:33:20 PM »
Here's something I don't think anyone has mentioned.  Wizard Peabody is still alive and a member of the White Council.  Warden Morgan is probably dead and the White Council is losing the war with Red Court.

Hopefully not. It would mess Harry up way more if Molly was Morgan's apprentice, with them united in blaming Harry for Michael and Luccio dying, and fanatical about revenge.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground end scenes
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:51:48 PM »
Over time, however, Harry is getting more skilled in his decision making.  Is this him growing up, or is it part of the Winter Mantle, and Sidhe rubbing off on him?

Or Id Harry? He's not just basic feed/fight/f*** instincts. The calculation that picking up the coin kept Lasciel out of hostile hands who might use him against them was similarly astute.

DF Spoilers / Re: Will Harry change his approach to magic now?
« on: September 16, 2021, 09:02:24 PM »
I found it interesting that his request to Molly for the illusory doppelganger focus was that he didn't have the time to make it himself, not that it was outright beyond him. Seems like he's been leveling up in illusion without an opportunity to show that on page, if he wasn't overstating.

I'm hoping that maybe we see Harry working some earth magic.  He's done some pretty cool stuff with it in the past.  Also he mentioned how Morgan could horribly hurt you with it, as to not violate the laws of magic.  So in a duel with Carlos I could see the ground sucking in, and twisting, and snapping his already injured leg. 

Carlos' shield technique is energy-efficient, but he hasn't had a harsh lesson like Harry's experience with the flamethrower in what it won't block. Water / entropy shielding is great for projectiles, probably great for fire, but what's it going to do against force, electricity or cold? Granted force or cold are probably pretty predictable options Harry should stay away from if he needs to disable Carlos without killing him

The spell behind the taser chain he used on Tessa in SmF would be a good combination of nonlethal, less crippling than earth, shield-penetrating and exotic enough to be a surprise. Probably a good idea to train up on doing that without a focus.

DF Spoilers / Re: DragonCon 2021 Starborn or Star Born?
« on: September 08, 2021, 01:15:53 PM »
40% done Olympian Affair and expecting to finish Twelve Months by January? January of 2022? I wasn't expecting that kind of speed anymore.

DF Spoilers / Re: Storm Front questions and theory
« on: September 04, 2021, 08:03:34 PM »
Fortunately Harry was actually able to talk his way out of it.

Talk-ish. Blasting her with the stored sunshine had more to do with making her back down.

It's almost a shame the divergence chosen as the basis for Mirror Mirror is in the events of GP, because the 'what if' scenario if Harry had handled the first meeting with Bianca more diplomatically - say, opened by swearing on his power that he wasn't the perpetrator - is actually fascinating.

Having her not lose it and aggro on him to kickstart a grudge could actually have been a good setup for a dark timeline. If their meeting instead ended with her convinced of his innocence, them cooperating against a common enemy could have started Harry on the way to falling in with a bad crowd.

DF Spoilers / Re: A Way to Demonreach
« on: September 01, 2021, 01:43:06 AM »
From a Doylist perspective, the boat ride is usually good for framing a chapter of dialog and exposition with the narrator's companions, with the possibility of an action chapter off of being attacked in transit by hostile faeries, sea monsters, or Outsiders.

I suppose walking the Ways could substitute, but that's more likely to lean toward being attacked than talking. And Turn Coat kind of emphasized it's not smart to talk about anything sensitive in there, as anything might be listening and it's a distraction from being ready to fight anything that goes bump in the night.

DF Spoilers / Re: If Eb dies
« on: August 30, 2021, 07:45:46 PM »
Most likely, only Bonea would be able to read them as they wouldn't be in modern English and it would be older than even Bob would have experience with.

Unless a lot of it was written in cipher on purpose, why would Bob have trouble with Latin or Greek? Merlin's career wouldn't have started much more than maybe a couple hundred years BC, and the languages then aren't forgotten mysteries now.

DF Spoilers / Re: Twelve Months therapist
« on: August 30, 2021, 07:38:09 PM »
Idk, with his separation from the council, I think he'll send River Shoulders to tell him a thing or two

Yeah, I figure that was introduced as a substitute because LtW would now get in trouble for getting too close to someone the Council has excommunicated.

He's probably also not going to be very mobile to come to Harry, and Harry isn't welcome at HQ.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Dresden have been wrong about Thorned?
« on: August 26, 2021, 04:26:16 PM »
While any of the Denarians may be able to use Magic only one, other than Thorned Namshiel does, and she was taught by Namshiel.

Two, actually. Rosanna favours Hellfire, and Tessa seems to have a broader range of abilities.

Lasciel with a future host traveling back in time to attack Arctis Tor is theoretically possible to keep in mind, too, but has essentially nothing to support it.

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