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Messages - g33k

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DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: July 03, 2024, 10:00:06 PM »
Harry did, he rationalized that he wasn't doing anything wrong technically because Sue wasn't human... However did the White Council have a better answer for Cowl and Company? They didn't seem to did they.

Maybe, but they kept him on as a Warden for some time after that...
Politics -- and fear of being murdered by Rampires -- make strange bedfellows.
They needed him.

And maybe there were people arguing "keep your friends close, and your enemies closer!" and suggesting the White Council would do better to bring Harry into the wardens, where many other wardens would be routinely interacting with him... all the better to spot warlock-ism's, eh?

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: July 03, 2024, 04:24:48 PM »

  What exactly does JB say on the subject?  Where are the WOJs?

I think Mira is right, @LordDresden2 -- you're asserting quite a few things as "fact" that (as best I remember) aren't overtly stated in the books' canon or in WoJ's.

I don't think everything Jim has "implied" to be true in the Dresdenverse actually is true...  And so conclusions from implications seem dubious in the extreme.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Harry a good mentor
« on: July 03, 2024, 04:20:16 PM »
... After one year with Lea she is a force of nature in Bombshells? Against the fomor ...

Molly was also mentally/emotionally fragile, and (as an unstable mind-mage) incredibly dangerous to her friends as well as enemies.
And she was getting worse, not better, until Harry came back.

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: July 02, 2024, 09:18:22 PM »
Then, I'll say that the Council is riddled with villains, even among the highest members, because if they believe that Harry's actions are a likely long-term dark plot then they're basing it off what they would likely do in that situation ...
I don't think villains.  But a mix of extreme aversion to innovation, and blindness to changing circumstances.  Plus of course the famous (and infamously misattributed):
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
I think the White Council engages in an awful lot of that "doing nothing" part of things!

Or they're all slipping into paranoia and think every action ... is an evil trick ...
This too... even moreso.
How long was Wizard Peabody in place?  Subtly increasing peoples' suspicions; subtly increasing their fear.

Even after Peabody's explicit controls were broken, I think he had decades (maybe even a century or so?) to instill habitual thought-patterns; unconscious patterns that would be incredibly hard to break.

So yeah:  paranoia rampant?  Absolutely!

DF Spoilers / Re: Has Carlos sided with the merlin against Harry
« on: July 02, 2024, 03:59:06 PM »
The problem is the White Council has selective memory where Harry is concerned.

No one can deny that many of Harry's exploits look shady from an outside view. But they don't give him credit for the bright ones or the times that he does the right thing when it might have been wiser to step aside.

Yes, he started the war with the Red Court (Though it was more that he gave them a pretext to put their plans in motion.), but he did it to save innocents from slavery and death. He resolved the war between Winter and Summer. He stood with the KotC as the Denarians tried to start anew Black Death. He stopped Kimmler's heirs. He again stood with the KotC to prevent the corruption of the Archive. He uncovered the traitor within the Council. He destroyed the Red Court. He dealt the deciding blow to Ethniu.  These are the things that they know about but give no credit for. Saving the world in Cold Days and being literally on the side of the angels (Multiple casual interactions with Archangel Uriel come to mind.) would be more to his good but they don't know about those beyond what Harry's reported.

The thing is:  it's not the White Council's job to extend trust, to look for more-charitable explanations, to hope for the best.  They do not allow themselves to mind-probe motivations & intentions.

They go by actions and likely intentions.

Their job is to find and stop sorcerors before they do too much damage.

Picking one of your examples:

Harry showed up with Sue, heroically rescued a bunch of wardens, and went on to heroically prevent any of the Kemmlerites from finishing the Darkhallow.

But of course EvilHarry(tm) would do exactly that:  EvilHarry wouldn't want any of the other Kemmlerites to become a protogod of death-fueled vengeance.  Note that all the other Kemmlerites were also equally-avid about stoppying anyone (but themselves) from succeeding, just like Harry was!

But  Harry showed up to that party riding a 66-million-year-old necromantic monster.  You don't get that sort of power in moments (I mean, Harry literally did... but so far as the Council is concerned, you can't... so obviously Harry didn't).  What Harry did -- riding in on Sue -- proved to the council beyond all reasonable doubt that he had been secretly-studying Black Magic (to wit, Necromancy) for many years; in effect, showing that he was likely a disciple of one of Kemmler's disciples, and every bit as dangerous as any of Kemmler's disciples themselves!

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: July 02, 2024, 03:25:50 PM »
...  Nemesis would have to initiate the burn when, and only when, a WV tries to feed on her.  Which means Nemesis would have to accurately assess the mental state and intentions of every WV that touched Justine, to know whether the contact was a feeding attempt or not.  If Lara accidentally brushes Justine's arm in the course of a day, and kept her Hunger leashed (as she usually does) and gets burned anyway...

As for whether Nemesis can do that...well, yeah, maybe it can.  We don't have any definite data to say it can't.  But we also don't have any definite data in the other direction.  It's pure guesswork.

Here's where Occam's Razor cuts usefully.

Given that "feeding" is -- as you say -- explicitly at attempt to drain energy from the victim, Nemesis has NO NEED to "assess the mental state and intentions" of the whampire.

"Was my host psychically assaulted during that contact" is a very simple test; that test + an automatic "if so, burn whoever attempted the assault" both seem well within the power of a Walker.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 30, 2024, 05:00:02 PM »
... or if the writing gives that impression it becomes a matter of which do you believe?
If the writing is ambiguous, then it clearly becomes a case of "believe whatever you prefer to believe," with a side of "please don't present preferences as if they were facts" and topped with speculation as to whether Jim just got sloppy there, in his unclarity... or if the ambiguity is intentional (either he wanted to obscure the truth, or he wanted to hold his options open for future storytelling uses, or etc).

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 30, 2024, 04:53:34 PM »
... And since he hasn't had sexual contact since, no reason why he still wouldn't be protected ...
We don't know that.
The protection may not survive the death of the loved one; or it may... afaik neither WoJ nor canon stories have spoken to the matter.

... Yeah, Michael would know, one of his angels would have told him, who knows Charity may have been a redemption project all along ...

I'm sure Charity's redemption was part of "the plan all along," but also I'm sure the angels would not have told Michael:  directly contravening mortal free will (such as violating a deep dark secret) is one of the things that Angels Do Not Do.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 30, 2024, 03:08:00 AM »
... I don't think Charity hid that from Michael ...
I am quite certain that she did.
She was desperate that Harry not tell Michael, or anyone else in her family.
Later -- driving Michael & Molly home from the warehouse where Harry managed to get the Doom levied -- Michael wondered how Molly could have wound up with magic, begins to ask about heritibility, and Harry has to fast-talk Michael to hide Charity's secret.

Now... Michael isn't a stupid man; when it comes to matters supernatural, he is in fact quite clued-in.  It's entirely-possible that he realized how important it was to Charity not to have to admit to Michael that she has been a wicked sorceress, and he allowed Charity & Harry to think he hadn't seen through the deception.  Or not.

But if he knows -- Charity isn't the one who told Michael.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 30, 2024, 02:58:40 AM »
I think you got that backwards, according to Eb in Blood Rites, and I believe what Lash says as well, somewhere Margaret met Malcolm, fell in love, then had the "courage" to leave Lord Raith.
The dresdenfiles wiki -- which is not a guaranteed-correct resource, but AFAIK overwhelmingly more correct than not  in  simple matters of fact -- says Margaret left Papa Raith and met Malcolm sometime during the following year.
" ... When her son was about five, she escaped Lord Raith, abandoning Thomas to the mercy of his father, who had killed all his other sons. The next year[5], she met Malcolm Dresden."

The (moderately official, and usually very acurate) DF timeline says Maggie left Raith before she met Malcolm.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 30, 2024, 02:22:29 AM »
... Or what if Harry has no protection now, it is because what he and Murphy felt for one another wasn't really true love? ...
We know Harry was protected during Peace Talks -- he burned Lara (surprising them both).

AFAIK, we don't know anything about after Rudy killed Murphy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 28, 2024, 10:04:44 PM »
... IIRC, JB has said that one of Margaret's motives for getting entangled with LR in the first place was that she wanted some supersex ...
My own memory is otherwise:  it wasn't part of her motivation to start the affair, but supersex just kinda happens when you're involved with whampires.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 28, 2024, 09:50:13 PM »
... With Margaret and Malcolm I think it is implied that they were protected from Lord Raith somehow, probably by true love, but again there is no clear evidence in the book. One can just assume ...
I think Margaret probably had a very good idea what sorts of magical resources Papa Raith had available; whampire's I think can have minor magical gifts, but cannot be very-potent as wizards (not nearly at the White Council level!).

One of the things Harry has stressed (repeatedly) is:  when a WC Wizard knows what they face, they can often prepare an overwhelming counter to that.

Add to that:  Margaret LaFey may have had bargains in place to prevent being tracked; if not, she likely arranged them ASAP after leaving Papa Raith!  And we know (from Turn Coat, where Morgan bargained with the fae for this) how the Fae can & will make somebody untraceable; I expect Lea (and certainly Mab!) can do the same as Morgan got from Summer.

DF Spoilers / Re: Have there been any . . .
« on: June 28, 2024, 09:34:43 PM »
I'm fairly confident that at one time, Margaret absolutely would have considered herself to be a chessmistress, even as people like Lord Raith and Heaven only knows who else were pulling her strings and pushing her buttons ...
I dunno, I think she saw herself more in the "loner" role, rebelling against the "system."

Not a player in the game, which would have made her part of the system.

Later, I think she came to the realization that she just didn't have enough power, a lone WCWizard, to make the changes she wanted... so she started making alliances, started "playing the game."  Even then, I don't think she saw herself as a master-manipulator "chessmistress" sort of player.

Trying to become the mother of the Starbabe was, I think, her Big Move.

Ironically, the "main" effort (with Lord Raith + Arianna Ortega + likely others (so far AFAIK unnamed)) didn't work out; at least, I've been presuming the "Starbabe" plan was what Maggie was trying to recruit Ebenezer for, that fateful party where Arianna noticed Eb & Maggie "fighting like family."

But then she abandoned that plan & those allies, ran away, fell in love with Malcolm Dresden... and then had a Starbabe.  I'm sure that part of her was cursing the ironies of Fate-or-whatever.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry is a Dad...Again..😳
« on: June 28, 2024, 09:06:40 PM »
...  Nemesis would have to do more than make Thomas believe it, it would have to be able to produce the burn when a WV tries to feed, to maintain such a deception.
This hardly seems insurmountable.

Nemesis is a Walker, one of the most-powerful of all Outsiders.

If Justine is Nemfected, it hardly seems outside Nemesis' power to create some burns when a whampire touches her.

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