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Messages - wyvern

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DFRPG / Re: Extending Enchanted Item Effects
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:45:58 PM »
As a contrast, I'd totally allow this - at least for items that generate effects with evocation-scale durations.  (On the other hand, if the item has a thaumaturgy scale duration, a few extra exchanges isn't going to matter anyway.)

DFRPG / Re: Magical "Stunts"
« on: February 20, 2012, 04:40:57 PM »
Rapid Thaumaturgy: I'd say no to this one.  See the example of kemmlerian necromancy.  I'd use a specialized sponsored magic for this instead.

Reactive Block / Counterspell: These should probably cost you your next action, to make them in line with stunts like riposte.  On the other hand, I'd probably merge the effects - make a single stunt that lets you cast a defensive spell, whether it be block or counterspell or whatever.

Enhanced Item: I'd allow this without needing a stunt, but I can see how that could be considered a houserule.

The rest of them look ok to me.

Sinker: Supplemental doesn't have to come after primary; you can totally extend a spell you cast last round.  That's rather the normal way to do it.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: Custom Power List
« on: February 18, 2012, 07:26:21 AM »
Hm.  Not sure on the three zone range - it's good balance-wise, but it does kinda rule out shorter range effects; it means there's nothing inbetween claws vs. built in rifle.  ...I'm not sure that there's a good solution to that, though, or even if it's really a problem.

...I'm assuming the "Integrated Weaponry" upgrade referenced under "Ranged Weaponry" is a reference to "Summoned Weaponry"?

And I'm not really sure about the requirement of Imprecise needing Selective.  I can kinda see it from a game mechanics stand point, but it just feels slightly loopy from a narrative standpoint.  Then again, I suppose from a narrative standpoint, you'd never see the underlying mechanics anyway.  So... carry on.

May or may not be relevant, but a PC in a game I'm playing in just picked up a version of rune magic, defined as follows:

-2 Ritual (rune magic): a fairly broad form of ritual, with a focus on divinations (reading the runes), wards, and fate / entropy altering effects.  Its primary limit relative to full thaumaturgy is that you can't use it with symbolic connections - your magic functions through runes, not runes plus a lock of hair or whatever.  So tracking spells, death spells against someone not physically present, etc., are all right out - though, given someone present, you might be able to make a "tracking spell" that will later predict where they're going to be.

However, this is just a thematic rituals power; it's not a sponsored magic, doesn't have an agenda, doesn't allow sponsor debt, etc.

DFRPG / Re: Scions, half-breeds, and Catches
« on: February 17, 2012, 12:24:03 AM »
Can two Changelings have a Changeling kid or would it be a human?  That'd be an interesting twist... and does that mean they are more human or more fae?
Well, it depends on why they're having a kid.  Remember, the choice can be made based on actions rather than deliberate choice - so two changelings deciding to settle down and have a family?  Poof, all are human.  One of them doing this for future power & influence, or maybe even just immediate gratification?  Poof, that one's fae, and the kid is a changeling.  Grey area?  They could still be changelings, and the kid would be too, imo.  It's all wibbley wobbley; go with whatever makes the most sense for the plot, or see if any PCs want to spend fate points on declarations.

DFRPG / Re: Scions, half-breeds, and Catches
« on: February 16, 2012, 10:34:20 PM »
Hm.  Depends on a variety of factors, including the actual rebate value of the catch, metaphysical details for your particular game, etc.

For my perspective, the overall answer is "maybe".  For your specific examples, I'd say no to ordinary ghouls (I also don't think the uber-ghouls are outsider-empowered - but even if they are, there's no reason to think that would pass on to their lesser brethren), but yes to changelings, since they are inherently part fae.

Your third comment seems to about sum it up.  It's a grey area.  Opinions will, indeed, abound.  Worst comes to worst, resolve it via a compel - if accepted, PC is vulnerable to X for this scene (or this game session, or whatever seems appropriate); if bought off, not.  And then you can have fun trying to figure out why, say, only some changelings count as fae for your catch.

DFRPG / Re: Roleplaying Fae NPCs
« on: February 14, 2012, 11:09:42 PM »
Insulting it by implying it's not sidhe, perhaps?

DFRPG / Re: Using Multiple Enchanted Items At Once
« on: February 14, 2012, 06:23:16 PM »
Spend a fate point to boost the attack, balanced by a (assuming the GM agrees) self-compel that that item is unavailable for the rest of the adventure?

DFRPG / Re: Using Multiple Enchanted Items At Once
« on: February 14, 2012, 05:40:55 PM »
Indeed it does.  One of many places where YS did something... differently than I would have.  Still, the overall effect is much the same - get a few extra uses from slots, pay stress when you're using it in a less stressful scene (where you don't expect to need your full evocation potential), increase power with lore...

DFRPG / Re: Using Multiple Enchanted Items At Once
« on: February 14, 2012, 04:55:23 PM »
I'd probably just say you're confusing narrative with game mechanics - something that's trivially easy to do with this system.

So, the narrative is that he's got 12 of these things, and discharges them singly or in groups as needed.

The mechanic is that he's got one enchanted item, which initially functioned at weapon: 4, and eventually got upgraded to 5 or 6 - with either lore or increased slots.  Multiple uses?  Well, he can pay mental stress for that.

DFRPG Resource Collection / Re: In the head of Fred - Q&A with Fred Hicks
« on: February 14, 2012, 03:34:50 AM »
Odd.  I just reported that very post you linked to as something that should be moved to this sub-forum... and got an e-mail saying it was already here.  Which, either I'm delusional, or it's not?
Edit: in case of spring cleaning, adding that quote here.
Ok, here it is.

Me: How do you run sponsored magic users when it comes to lawbreaking? Since it's not their magic does it still taint them somehow?

Fred: Lawbreaking is still a cost of casting certain kinds of nature-violating magic. (But maybe the sponsor would be willing to shoulder that cost in exchange for some particularly vicious debt.)

I think you've said something like this in the past. Can you be a little more specific as to what you mean by that? Are you saying that you might simply ignore the event in exchange for debt, or is there a way of mechanically representing this (like the temporary powers rules or something)?

I mean the player wouldn't take the stunt at all, nor get its benefits, but its sponsor would absorb the 'hit' and consider the player to be constantly in at least 1-2 points of debt each session (since that lines up with the cost of the stunt).

Also can pure mortals pick up the Lawbreaker (seventh) power from the wrong knowledge?

I probably wouldn't play it that way, but as you've guessed, that's a taste thing.

Does it work any differently since they don't have magic, or is it kinda wasted refresh?

It'd be wasted; doubtful they could do something with it; but I see this as more a plot device thing revolving around someone unleashing a [whatever] after reading the wrong book. But Lawbreaker usually implies that the owner of said stunt is some kind of practitioner, since all implementations affect the casting of spells, not general everyday activities.

Is there any situation where you feel that dealing mental stress with magic is ok (non-lawbreaking)? An example that keeps cropping up is that of the sleep or stun spell. Would you even consider that mental stress or would you run that as physical stress?

I'd consider it more than a little boring is what. :) I mean, really, those sorts of spells are pretty deprotagonizing when shot at the PCs and are essentially "put this target completely at my mercy" (so I can slit his throat or whatever) spells when PCs use them on NPCs. Which is pretty much the definition of a "taken out" result. Working towards that via whatever stress track is fine, I imagine -- your "sleep" or "stun" spell isn't really going to be producing a result that adds up to psychological trauma. Mental stress isn't an inherent violation. Invading someone's mind is.

Another question that came up while we were talking about this was if a mortal takes domination (or a similar power) to represent a focused and refined spell (like the Alphas' transformation) would they take lawbreaking powers or do we go with "such powers are already assumed to have assessed the costs for holding such sway over another's mind."(YS241)

Yeah, that's a little tricky, since it's all in the "soft" details rather than firmly in the system details. The rationale. I'd consider doing the Lawbreaker stunt there because the rationale says this is mortal magic rather than a "creature power".

Magic maneuvers. Do they have a duration based on the spell, or whether or not they are sticky? In other words if I maneuver is the aspect going to stick around for a number of exchanges equal to the shifts I devoted to duration, or is it going to stick around for the scene or until someone does something about it?

I'd probably treat them as a scene thing. Maneuvers are so lightweight, really. Persistence primarily matters with things like blocks and such. But I have a feeling I'm breaking the rules if I say it's so (I didn't write them).

Another question is what the book is talking about when it refers to "objects that store power" for evocation. It's fairly clear on what it's talking about thematically (relics, etc) but how would you run that mechanically? Is that a plot device kind of thing or is there a specific method that one could use?

I'd start by thinking about it in terms of ritual componentry, which is largely about objects-which-are-aspects.

Do you allow aspects to influence your evocation power? As I currently understand, aspects help with a roll, which doesn't happen for power, but it seems a little odd that a source of power would help with control.

An invoked aspect is a +2, right? Apply it to anything appropriate that has a numerical rating.

Finally transformation ritual on a willing target. Do you have to still have enough shifts of power to overcome all of their consequences, or could they technically choose not to take those consequences in which case you would only have to overcome the stress track?

One might suggest that this is a concession scenario. :)

I have to ask for a little more clarification on this one for two reasons. Firstly this is a huge one on the boards. No one seems to be able to come to a consensus on shifts necessary to transform a willing target. Secondly knowing what needs to be overcome is important for determining shifts. If we use the concession scenario, then do we simply need enough shifts to pay for the transformation effect itself without dealing any stress to the target?

No, concessions are done only in the face of stress. You'd have to deal enough stress to exceed the target's stress track for it to make sense for concessions to come into play. So that's your minimum.

This confuses me a bit. If you deal enough stress to exceed their stress track, then aren't they just taken out at that point, no concessions necessary?

That's the point at which they're:

- Taking a consequence and staying in the fight, or
- Conceding (though they could take a consequence), or
- Taken out (because they cannot take a consequence)

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Gun?
« on: February 14, 2012, 01:09:36 AM »
Minimum power for an aspect from magic = 3 shifts.  Possibly plus additional shifts for duration - though, as per here, houseruling the default duration to something more than just one exchange is a very plausible houserule.

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Gun?
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:22:00 PM »
Well, generally, he'd be better off spending an aspect invoke on the attack roll.  The compel option (see the paragraph split across YS280-281) is likely to be more useful to him.  And, with 8 slots, he'd get good use out of a crafting focus item or two - for example, he could have 8 slots at power 3, or 6 slots at power 4, or 4 slots with two uses each at power 4, or, etc.  (Rules for these are on YS280)

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Gun?
« on: February 13, 2012, 08:05:53 PM »
In terms of raw damage, usually.  However, keep in mind, potion strength can be boosted by aspect invokes, accepting compels, crafting specializations or foci, or spending multiple potion slots on one bullet.  In addition, it makes it much easier to vary your attack type - for example, if you're shooting at something whose catch is fire, a normal bullet won't get to bypass the target's toughness.  (Though, of course, having the right bullet on hand will typically require a lore declaration at a difficulty set by the GM.)

DFRPG / Re: Enchanted Gun?
« on: February 13, 2012, 07:58:35 PM »
No.  It functions like a potion - so in your example, the fireball bullet would be weapon rating 3 - or, for an exploding bullet that hits an entire zone, weapon rating 1.  You would attack using your firearms skill, though.

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