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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:56:32 PM »
It implies that Necromancy is not innately Black Magic as we'd been led to believe.  Id always considered that one one of the more simlistic Laws since it was more banning a qualitative Energy rather than an Act; it banned the Method rather than the motivation.  Id taken it to mean that Necromancy was in itself a Black Magic energy that innately Tainted you (comparable to say Outsiders), and that eventually he'd pay some Price for Sue
Sir Stuart explained it I think. Ghosts and other spirits are not supposed to pierce the veil to manifest or otherwise directly effect mortals... I think part of that is that mortal choice/fate thing. But a necromancer is empowering things that go directly against that on both accounts, bringing it back through and giving it a direct tie to his own mortal magic, the ability to effect fate. Remember it's always kept alive by said summoner just like binders men. They're enabled. *we know piercing the veil gives direct negative effects to said spirits, why wouldn't it contaminate those whom they are literally connected to?
Slight tangent, I think this goes also into the positive/negative aspect of the spiritual plain. With things like the fae possessing enough pull here to mantle a host without disagreeing with said law or simply to cross over of their own will. Something not everything can do.

DF Spoilers / Re: Your guess at secret power/mantles of the Council
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:43:51 PM »
I used to think that too (Similar to that thing that time in Thomas Covenant), but this WOJ blew it out of the water for me:
The thing about that woj though, is it's connected to said powers, it makes no mention if said powers are themselves sentient... Look at the wolf belts, they channel a spirit of rage, they are literally described as an insulation. Compare that to Macfinn who's manifestation lacks any insulation between the two, creating a... 4 dimensional being metaphorically speaking. I think He can tap those powers until there is no insulation(think here of the insulation of mantles from the conscious mind) between the two
(click to show/hide)
other stuff I've talked about before... the Farmer, the Scything motion of the cattle, ect.

DF Spoilers / Re: Arthurian Myths in Dresden Files
« on: May 11, 2018, 02:19:59 PM »
Yup.  Kusanagi, which per the ghosts in GS is another name for Fidelacchius, is a myth that long predates the Crucifixion. I personally think that the only thing special about Ammorachius in terms of a reforging that Merlin did something to make it a far more durable container for the Sword-mantle than it had previously been able to find/manifest.
... Random thought, but I've ran down the are angels equivalent to outsiders path as well as noting the swords are vulnerable on the island and had the errant thought that the 'forging of Excalibur' in this instance could have been the release of a deity/angelic source from the island that shouldn't have been trapped there or was otherwise changed by a new host/release of Grace from host...
Huh, the British guy is the source of love lol? No, I doubt it but still, The angel/outsider connection when considering the forging came up with that^^ Also... it was the Sword of love wielder that was harmed there, someone trying to call out and wrest power from where it's been placed caused a hiccup in said power? O.o

DF Spoilers / Re: Arthurian Myths in Dresden Files
« on: May 11, 2018, 01:42:49 PM »
Oh God, that's such a large scope question my mind is having trouble breaking it down. Short answer is Arthurian legend is of paramount importance in the DF. It's my belief that the they are the most previous generation to ascend or change places with current immortal identities.(i.e. by mantle or subsumption)
Tangent- the gyre and the reversal of time/fate met a head in the Arthur/Hastings period were in the mortals became the god's as the 2k gyre mirrors itself not only in repetition but in the breaking down actions of 1k vs the second. The predication of the idea that Arthur has been identified with such hunter/death mythos in the pas as Gwyn ap Nudd and the idea he became perhaps EK seems reasonable to say, Merlin becoming Odin/Kringle. The deference in wisdom seen in CD's to Kringles expertise is only a small example of said relationship...
And.. it must be noted that the current inversion/incarnations are Harry and Marcone...
*the intentional collision of Celtic and Christian ideals seen in FM in  Marcone's yard cannot be ignored easily even if you can't find reason in the queen names/connections. Also the real world connection between Merlin the Wanderer and Odin..

DF Spoilers / Re: AI and Magic
« on: May 11, 2018, 01:33:43 PM »
I like that line of thought there Q,

DF Spoilers / Re: New WOJ's
« on: May 08, 2018, 07:28:46 PM »
There are wojs transcribed from them.
and those are subject a lot of the time to the whim of the transcriber. I know of at least one old video with a few gems in it largely ignored because they didn't directly relate to known subjects.... one of the original woj collection videos too. What one person would stress another would throw away as extra.

DF Spoilers / Re: Are there Shadows in DF, an Amber Question.
« on: May 05, 2018, 04:20:33 AM »
The shadows in the DF don't work precisely the same but there are certainly a shadow motif in the background of aspects of it. I think the 'shadow system' you refer to in Amber was largely overhauled into something to do with starborn and those who walk the 'paths' of said things.

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 02, 2018, 03:21:50 AM »
Peter Pan is close to Nico really lol. An Harry is totally Jack Frost to Kringles Old Man Winter.

DF Spoilers / Re: Shapeshifting and size-changing
« on: May 01, 2018, 11:14:55 PM »
That was my image as well, but admittedly I defaulted there because that's how the Animorph books I read as a kid explained it (I think they called it Z-space or something).
Same reason lol. But considering how ways work on resonance with the opener and the ability to create personal sanctums on the other side seen from typical ghosts to Lea's garden it seems a reasonable hypotheses.
Also Z-space was based off of early science into 'warp drive', but it's becoming more applicable now.

DF Spoilers / Re: Shapeshifting and size-changing
« on: May 01, 2018, 09:07:40 AM »
So is it explained how someone gets smaller, like when LTW turned himself in to a bird when he was fighting the Naagloshii?  I mean it's one thing to add mass by grabbing some ectoplasm from the nevernever and magically animating it as part of your chosen form, but how do they do it in reverse?  That seems problematic to me.
No, but I hypothesize that it basically becomes part of the NN around the person's aura/ their personal sanctum on the other side to slough off parts of themselves without truly separating.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mantles only connected to the Sacrificial stone?
« on: April 27, 2018, 05:48:31 PM »
I would not immediately disagree, however Woj that most Mantles have been around since the beginning complicates things a bit if you don't consider the source of said mantles, specifically those whose source is known, are directly broken down pieces of the Mothers greater power.
Their are a few ways to attempt to broach and reconcile the subject though, mostly dependent on some leveraging of facts vs theory....
First if you consider woj angels are too... and I forget the precise wording now but whole for Nemesis to mess with, with the idea Angels are Celestial stars and we are on the star 'Gaia' in a cabbalistic manor, giving us a direct shadow of our own reality and then point out MW and indeed the broken down portions in the Queen and Lady are brought inside reality in order to create a balance, which takes it away from our Dark Star/Planetoid.(astrologically and scientifically named Nemesis...)  Then consider what Nemesis CAN mess with has consistently been mantles that exist inside our Star and source directly from the alloy of balance between and you could say all the mantles we know of are broken down pieces of the identity of our own reality/star made manifest genus loci style. And certain angels we have seen are those who came from the stars to earth and formed a true avatar or otherwise overwrote the star via starborn effect, becoming it in truth. (Hence Uriel's dual existence and ability to transubstantiate, as his own self)

Or.. We could take the "mantle of power" literally and point out every being we know of that is a Mantle is also... while not necessarily not the original being, as Cat Sith is, But Not an original representation for said power, or holder of said positioning.(some divergence here from Eldest Mantles to every other Mantle, Eldest Mantles imo apply the 9 psyche's of the consciousness and disperse them, giving that mythical shadow/devil inside us all a barrier between it and the queens, which are just another barrier of course) So those things sacrificed or otherwise killed that are connected to reality become positions of power, where-in the spirit of said being does not pass with it's consciousness as it's somehow stopped from fusing into an afterlife existence.... Which may cause such disembodied beings as outsiders? things not tied to Mantle form can still try to effect reality, but it's less structured in it's attempted possession and it's inherent results... fyi reality champions choice, and Mantles don't take conscious choice away, they restructure it based on your own choices, while making the mantle replace your ID, But notice despite it all Molly is still able to choose as far as within the mantles authority? Looking for a new source of fighters was quite an elective choice... I theorize it has to do with the mantle changing as it subsumes your soul/identity into it.
Other stuff... what were we talking about again?

DF Spoilers / Re: Shapeshifting and size-changing
« on: April 24, 2018, 10:46:31 PM »
From what I understood, the Bear is an actual sized animal(check out the size of the one that terrorized Japan in early 1900's, minibus indeed) where as Harry immediately knew from the size of an otherwise normal race horse that he basically just expanded upon what was there to create more mass for it?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirrors
« on: April 23, 2018, 08:19:22 PM »
Terribly wrong, you are what you eat, doing a Hallow and remaining entirely yourself is nigh impossible i'd bet. Your eating a bunch of spirits.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new, bigger pistol for Harry
« on: April 23, 2018, 04:10:44 PM »
CD proved Guns work against the biggest supernatural powers actually. Just get them on mortal earth and splatter their brains.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirrors
« on: April 22, 2018, 07:56:30 PM »
I think the innocence being talked about were the people infected, but not turned who died.  Only the younger once's survived I believe.
Think then on the years they actually lived vs us normals, they owed Father Cronos a debt just as the denarians do, he collects. Dresden didn't 'take' anything from them except a curse they were fighting they're whole existence, acceptance of the curse and it's fringe benefits is one step closer to acceptance of the benefits of Rampirism. Notice the exact attitude of the one person whose had a problem with the fate of the fellowship? If any of them cared it would have been in the same vein of selfishness... considering they devoted their existence to fighting the Ramps I don't believe for one second any one of them was not ready and willing to die for their cause.

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