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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / If I were Jim...
« on: December 06, 2018, 02:21:04 AM »
I would probably take a good look at the series and go, it has been a while ride but 22 books (plus 3 mega books) is too much. I would condense the next 6 books into 1 or 2 books, and make the capstone trilogy just one book. Then continue on with new works or prequel stuff etc.

I know it is harsh, and he has had more than enough personal woes, but it is probably the most sensible option. Take the pressure off and enjoy his life. But some closure for the fans - that won't take another 20 years would be great.

I fully respect his ambition and his will power to create his achievements over the past two decades, but another two just seems a bit ridiculous.

DF Books / If I were Jim...
« on: December 06, 2018, 02:20:32 AM »
I would probably take a good look at the series and go, it has been a while ride but 22 books (plus 3 mega books) is too much. I would condense the next 6 books into 1 or 2 books, and make the capstone trilogy just one book. Then continue on with new works or prequel stuff etc.

I know it is harsh, and he has had more than enough personal woes, but it is probably the most sensible option. Take the pressure off and enjoy his life. But some closure for the fans - that won't take another 20 years would be great.

I fully respect his ambition and his will power to create his achievements over the past two decades, but another two just seems a bit ridiculous.

DF Spoilers / Re: Random things I noticed in Proven Guilty
« on: November 18, 2018, 09:11:09 PM »
I think WOJ is everyone who knows the 4-1-1 is grabbing power and preparing. I think that Lara has finally had a peek behind the curtain and is acting accordingly.

Excellent analysis kbrizzle. Especially the 2 stories in one. That is very Jim and mark of a skilled writer.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's lack of research
« on: November 05, 2018, 04:08:49 AM »
I know. I mean obviously that is just how Jim is drawing out the story, but I guess after 20 years a few things get lost. I just think he needs to at least have a passage with Harry putting together a string diagram trying to piece it all together.

Another mystery, in Cold Days Maeve says that Mab is mad and and intends to unleash chaos and destruction not seen since the fall of Atlantis. Like I know the guy is busy, but wouldn't you go "hey, might be time to ask what happened to Atlantis" to someone who would have the true story.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry's lack of research
« on: November 05, 2018, 03:14:13 AM »
Well true. But he did want to know his past in Ghost Story. Lots of Clues in that book. But he chose to ask about his current problems - classic Dresden style. He sees a problem and goes straight at it, and think barely two moves ahead. No real sense of the long game. Which is incredibly weird for a Wizard, especially one in his forties. But then again, that is who he is.

Another mystery that hasn't been addressed from Ghost Story, for instance, is who the enemy are. When Dresden first is in Between (which we don't really know what that is), he sees an angel called Amitiel. Jack tells him that is a clue to who cheated in order to kill him. Dresden responds with actual Fallen angels, and Jack says
Not exactly. But if you want to think of it that way, it works. Sort of. What you need to know is they're the bad guys

So what the hell does that mean, pun intended. The opposition to angels should be the Fallen, and yet are not. But it is something very similar. Is he implying it was the Denarians or the Circle or something else? And I can assure you, if someone/thing was messing with my life like that, I would be pretty keen on finding out who tricked me into killing myself. But Dresden hasn't even approached that, and likely won't for some time.

The only correlation I can think of is Nemesis/The Enemy. Jack says to Harry (when referring to those that compromised his death) "You were getting in their way. They wanted you gone. They broke the law to make that happen". Rashid in Cold Days says something similar "Unwittingly or not, virtually your every action in the past few years has resulted in a series of well placed thumbs in the adversary's eye"

Harry has a lot of the information he needs to solve the puzzle, but more people on these boards have connected the dots than he has.

DF Spoilers / Harry's lack of research
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:40:16 PM »
I know we have a lot of information Harry doesn't, but it really astounds me for a guy who is meant to be a big knowledge seeker (as a Wizard) that Harry does so little. He spends so much time fighting, which is interesting, but at some point wouldn't you make a list of all the weird stuff you might need to know?

For example, one of the biggest mysteries is Harry's mother. Who she was, what she did, what she was a part of etc. Harry has been told repeatedly of her dangerous activity, her disregard of the council, her anarchist/activist nature and that she was involved with some really bad people (Lord Raith, Justin, Lea, Nicodemus, Ariana etc). But he has done almost no research into this. Why not call up Lea and say "Hey I need to know about my mother etc?"

And there are many more: What is a Starborn? Why do I have power over Outsiders? Maybe ask Mab a bit more about the Outsiders. He certainly should be having a larger chat with the Gatekeeper about all of that. Definitely some research into Kemmler would likely prove fruitful. What about asking Ebenezer about Drakul, Kincaid, how the supernatural nations hitmen work? And he really needs to read Merlin's journals, and maybe all those other ones. Which likely for plot reasons will only happen when Eb dies. How about the really weird mystic anomaly in Ghost Story where the "Shade" of Dresden is able to appear on Holy Ground, when others cannot e.g. Kravos. I think that the current theory is because Harry was not actually a "shade" but part "soul" as well. But still never explicitly answered.

I do understand that all will be revealed in time, plots need to form there own way. But surely you would ask more of these questions as it seems to affect just about everything you do?

Anyone got any other areas Harry should be researching?

DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung former Gatekeeper.
« on: November 04, 2018, 11:27:39 PM »
And also to add to your eight, LaFortier/Christos, Kemmler/Cowl, Kemmler/Grevane, Kemmler/Corpsetaker. Can't remember any others of significance off the top of my head.

The more I read stuff about Christos, the more I remember how he is such a likely candidate for Black Council/Circle. Could be Cowl, but I suspect they are just playing on the same team.

Oh yes, the Odin/Harry parallels are strong. I do wonder if Jim is setting something up, even if Harry doesn't = Odin. I think he has set up a few things like scars on purpose. Considering what we know about Vadderung and his foresight and planning, likely none of Harry's encounters with him were not pre-planned, even if Harry thinks they were. And Vadderung would definitely know of their connection. I am sure he has kept an eye on Merlin's bloodline and his line of apprentices, no doubt. Not to mention all the other reasons he has shown an interest in Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung former Gatekeeper.
« on: November 04, 2018, 07:24:27 AM »
Bad Alias, the theory could still be true that Odin, Merlin and Harry are related (assuming Merlin isn't TT Harry or the Harry isn't Odin etc.) I mean they could all be the same guy, some have proposed. But if they are all separate individuals and they did all teach their blood relatives it could work. But we have no confirmation of any of this so it is all wild speculation.

All we do know is Odin taught Merlin and Merlin teachings have passed down the line, presumably to Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Madeline Raith and Christos
« on: November 03, 2018, 05:05:08 AM »
Yeah I think KurtinStGeorge is right, Arjan. Peabody has been dead for too long, if you were gonna reveal it was him he has had ample time to do it. And the whole Egypt thing is a big mystery.

Some Black Council/Circle activity is definitely based there. There was some dark stuff in that Ghoul/Goblin series based there. And there was that massive destruction of the communications centre there where a senior regional commander (warden) was captured. Such a significant threat the Senior Council went out to fight. And of course as Morris says, the second step of the journey to Chichen Itza was a definitely a clue.

He has done a fair amount of foundational work around Egypt. I suspect he has something planned.

Morris - definitely could be a far future thing, especially if you buy into the GUMCT theory that is floating around. I think it was Serack's big cosmology/mythology of the universe. And quite a good one. Could indeed be that the Giza Necropolis Nevernever part is future/past or another universe. He has left the door open on it.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rashid the Gatekeeper, Intellectus, Foresight.
« on: November 03, 2018, 04:56:12 AM »
Haha well how about that. Bone-fire...bon fire. Makes a lot of sense. Especially as in many myths and stories, burning the bones is a way to destroy the spirit. Perhaps that was the intention?

Haha Good on you, well maybe you can offer to ghost-write a few novels for him then! Certainly you'll have to get him to tell you the ending before you go. At the current rate though Jim might not outlast the series either! 25 years till the BAT at current rate, who knows how long those will take - he keeps saying they are each going to be enormous!

DF Spoilers / Re: Grey Council Identities
« on: November 03, 2018, 04:46:41 AM »
Maz - What is that WOJ? Interesting bit of info. I think if you look at Vampires as a whole, they are all connected a to Outsiders, quite a bit more than your average nasty. Perhaps that is where their origins lie. Certainly strong links were between the Reds and Outsiders, both direct and implied. The White's also have some very strange links, but also both direct and implied.

I think it is no accident that vampires are one of the main villains of the series.

Mavra is not only the only Black Court senior official, she is the only one left from before the destruction of her Court. All the others we have seen have been her progeny.

Not sure if who's statement you are confused by..but if you are referring to mine I will explain. As I see it, I am not saying she is on the Grey Council - alllawyersarewizards said that. But it isn't impossible, just unlikely (especially considering Eb's apparent loathing of them and Drakul). But I do think that Mavra might not be completely controlled by the Outsiders, and she isn't necessarily working with the Circle and/or Black Council (which may be the same), or Cowl for that matter (who definitely is from the Circle, and possibly the Black Council). I think she is being exploited by the Outsiders, just like an angry animal, and they nudge her into helping them directly or indirectly. But I suspect her main purpose is to bring down those that ruined the Black Court and perhaps try and restore it again.

Arjan - Just pick whoever you like. I just wanted a list at the top. I suppose I could make it different groups and force people to pick which 6 they thought were most likely... I will have a look at a few possibilities and see if that helps.

DF Spoilers / Re: Some exposition I may have missed.
« on: November 03, 2018, 04:34:22 AM »
Thanks Mr Death. I will admit that likely means a set of bones was found, and in all probability was Justin. Even if Justin had a spare skeleton or two lying around I am sure the White Council could tell one from another if they really wanted to. Worth remembering that many on the Council knew who Harry was, and was meant to be before he joined the Council. We still don't know many details apart from the fact he is a "Starborn" whatever that means. So likely the White Council took a special interest in a Starborn breaking the laws.

I do think that it doesn't rule out Justin being active from beyond the grave, post-death if you will. Whether as a Ghost, resurrected human or body switch or some other spooky thing. But it likely rules out him flat out surviving the duel.

In saying all that - a fair few things in those early books had not been ironed out and have been retconned or contradicted since (both large and small details). Hopefully Jim reveals it before the BAT.

DF Spoilers / Re: Inconsistancy in Skin Game?
« on: November 02, 2018, 04:47:51 AM »
Snark Knight do you know where that interview is about some apparent continuity errors being hints of a deeper clue? I would love to see that. It certainly would be a neat way to fix a few problems.

DF Spoilers / Re: Rashid the Gatekeeper, Intellectus, Foresight.
« on: November 02, 2018, 04:45:13 AM »
Oh I agree with that. Very unreliable narrator. Sometimes he says stuff which we are to take as fact, some stuff is Harry being "limited" or "just his perspective" etc. But no way to know which is which. Not helped by the fact Jim has retconned and readjusted ideas more than a few times, which is totally his right to do, just makes it hard to follow and theorize lol. Yes partly it is because Jim enjoys torturing us too, but a fair amount is just inconsistency and rejigging.

A perfect example the immortal problem. He basically says you can kill X, but they will reform. Except not most of them. And true killing of them only results in their mantle being transferred or absorbed, which can only be done at certain places in space and time. So the only real way to eradicate an immortal is to kill it at one of those places, and then either absorb the energy or wage a consistent and focused campaign a la the Ventors and wipe them from human memory. Which makes absolutely no sense. Because SO MANY BEINGS existed before humans existed, reality existed for BILLIONS of years without mortals just fine. Why would mortal choice make such an impact?

My only conclusion is Jim is treating the Nevernever like the Immaterium/Realm of Chaos in Warhammer (the idea being that all the emotions and thoughts of mortals have a psychic presence and create gods/monsters/etc). Love JB but sometimes these things really get my goat lol

I agree that the trilogy will reveal a lot about Merlin and how he is connected to it all - but not sure it will be the basis of the whole trilogy. Also pretty sure banefire isn't related to hell/soulfire. It may be magical, but likely he is simply describing a fire that will be a "bane" to the evils in Demonreach. Which as we know, regular old fire is strong enough to hurt and disrupt magical beings and so the banefire would disperse them for a while but then they would reform and end the world. Hell/soulfire seems to be more to do we the nature of power itself than merely fire. Fire is almost a metaphor for what it really is - which is pure energy. The rawest form, from which presumably the Almighty created Reality. Think of it more as the foundation for energy itself.

I think when the Oblivion war is successful those being don't merely go dormant...they are locked outside in Oblivion. They cannot be Real any longer as they are not in Reality. So not really sure it is related to the Sleepers and the beings under Demonreach...which are more like caged prisoners than banished ones. I am not saying it won't make an appearance in the later series, but not in that way I suspect.

If he goes that way though and Harry is TT Merlin and Bonea is the Archive etc it would be interesting. And I think there are enough threads in the series that you could create that story with. Not sure if that is his plans, but he has that door open at any rate.

DF Spoilers / Re: Vadderung former Gatekeeper.
« on: November 02, 2018, 04:25:57 AM »
Not sure that all of them became Fae, but I certainly think most of the Gods and Spirits helped create/empower them for varying reasons. I have long thought that the purpose of the polytheistic gods (in the DV) is to protect and guide humanity against the monsters. Why monsters and demons exist is another thing but it wouldn't surprise me if the Outsiders have something to do with it.

The Vadderung = former wizard does make a lot of sense. I certainly think he was a wizard before even the predecessors to the White Council, when magic allowed you a lot more leeway.

I have never heard the theory he is Thor upgraded...but it sort of makes sense with his name...I don't know if it fits the series well though. It could be that JB just liked the name enough to ignore some of it's subtleties. Who knows though? It always takes me back to that WOJ that the Being never changes, just how we perceive them. Part of the Free Will thing I'd guess.

My theory is Vadderung takes more direct action than Uriel and provides direct muscle and advice for the fight, while Uriel is restricted and bound to act as a balance to whatever evil does. Vadderung has more freedom to act because he's Mortal, and finds the idea of it awesome as per WOJ.

Yeah I think that is pretty right. I suspect that it is largely to do with the scope of their activities. Vadderung likes to be very hands on, at the micro level (relative to Uriel). Whereas Uriel is focussed on a multi-universe scale conflict. He has to look at the bigger picture, even if he would like not to. In fact he actually has been stepping in a lot more as the series goes on. So much for being the quiet one, we have literally never had any of the others around (that we know of). Minor hint of Raphael and a mention of Michael. Curious.

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