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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / Re: This I Believe
« on: April 03, 2019, 08:09:18 AM »
Interesting ideas all. I agree with a few and the rest are just as unlikely as any other theory here. I will note that Harry always talks about height so unless Cowl is magically concealing his height (which is damn impressive considering what we know of magic) is probably enough of a factor to rule out Harry. Also Harry does describe just two features of Cowls (apart from his robes and magic). His voice (distorted by magic) and that he has old scars on his arms (in Dead Beat at the climax). I have my own theory on who it is, and I think it is rather obvious but time will tell.
Merlin has been ruled out.
Vadderung might be running a game on Harry, but remember he is tempered by his benevolent side (Kringle). So I suspect it is more a Dumbledore type game - best of intentions, designed to cause maximum damage to the enemy and probably will cause Harry a whole lot of grief. Harry has always been somewhat of a tool/sacrificial lamb.

DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: April 03, 2019, 08:01:57 AM »
1. I think Mavra has been holding off for years. Sometimes as author's add new scope to a series and new rules, they can find clever plot threads to explain holes. Such as when McCoy puts a magic lock on Mavra. Quite the trick, yet rarely attempted. And not just because McCoy is Senior Council level wizard. I suspect Mavra (in that book) was not written as powerful as she became later. Numerous characters experienced power-slide over the series and she was one. She may well have had other motives to be there, indeed Cowl does state many things of importance happened there and I am sure we haven't found out anywhere near all of them.
2. As we only see things from Harry's perspective, there is no way to know whether they (Cowl and Mavra) were working together or otherwise. I also believe that there is potential to use Time Travel to explain inconsistencies - I think there is even a WOJ on it from a while back. I also think Cowl and Kumori, like Mavra, prefer to be power behind the throne/scene people. Allows them greater influence and freedom. Cowl clearly doesn't like to draw too much attention to himself, same with Mavra. Neither are Ferrovax level - who just gives zero F's.
3. I think that was explained that they were looking for an excuse for war, and a hot-headed inexperience member of the White Council was a prime target. It was not the value of Susan to the White Council, but rather her value to Harry that made her a tool. I don't believe they thought for one minute Harry would leave Susan. But even so, I think it was also Bianca flexing her muscle (under Ortega's attention). It was a test - could they act perhaps more openly without fear of consequence. And also just in general - revenge for Bianca's dead servant and humilation for the Wizard who so publicly embarrassed her. Remember in the Supernatural world, there is a big thing of respect and honour. Bianca had to restore her standing after losing it so early just after being promoted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Interesting observation about Grave Peril
« on: April 03, 2019, 07:48:00 AM »
Goof pickup kbrizzle - I wouldn't know if it was intentional but it would further show Jim's skill if he did plan it like that. Either way it makes for nice symmetry. Grave Peril is definitely one of the most significant in the series - I suspect we won't really know how much until the very end.

DF Spoilers / Nemesis and Hecate
« on: April 02, 2019, 03:34:35 AM »
JB constantly says he is a lazy writer. And it strikes me if he is going to the effort to name something, he has a good reason behind it.

Now Hecate is a MINOR goddess of the Greco-Roman Pantheon. And that is interesting because considering how powerful the Faerie queens are (which are hinted to be/or highly connected to Hecate) that gives us a few options. Option A is it is because Hecate got a lot more powerful over time, or was assisted by multiple other beings (gods). This seems most likely considering a few WOJs about why the Fae became what they are. Option B is that she was also much more than simply Hecate. And then there are a few other options I suppose based on the few theories about what gods are.

But if Nemesis (the Outsider contagion) is actually also the goddess Nemesis (and whatever else that might be) from Greco-Roman tradition that makes things interesting. Nemesis funnily enough is a goddess of balance, specifically Vengeance/Revenge. Eye for and eye may have first come from her.

Jim likes to use parallels a lot - and a nice counter to the Hecate (as the Queens) might be Nemesis. But then - wouldn't it make sense if Nemesis was not one being, but several? And who fits that description better than the Walkers. But even if they are not - Nemesis as an angry greek goddess getting revenge make some sense. Certainly one female vs another female is quite.. poetic (for want of a better word). It has a certain symmetry.

But then if that were true - where are the other gods? Jim has said some have died or faded, and some are asleep. And perhaps that is true. Hades exists but then his power apparently has not the effect it used to to have.

Something bugs me a lot about Hecate being so powerful to split into the queens (originally 3). Hecate in the myths is a powerful yet minor goddess of magic. But she isn't anywhere near on the level of Zeus or Hades etc. So if they are dead or less powerful these days - how did she come to outrank them so massively. 

So I have a theory. It is based on several WOJs - particularly the ones about how the beings don't change, just our understanding of them.

I think the Almighty is the Almighty. But to different cultures he is/was Zeus/Brahma/Ahura Mazda/Odin/Ra etc.

And there must always be a Creator/Almighty.

The Devil then, is the Devil. Angra Mainyu/Ahriman/Surt/Ymir/Apep/Apophis/Lucifer/Set etc.

Then there are the major deities Archangels/Mothers/Thor/Hades/Poseiden/Uriel/Michael/Osiris/Shiva etc. There to help govern reality.

Then there are the minor gods. Angels/Hecate/Bast/Baldr/Agni/Queens. They carry out the orders of governance and maintain smaller parts of reality.

Dragons depending on the Dragon, can be Archangel level or minor god level.

And on and on the tree goes. But I think as powerful as any being is - mortal belief in concert is very very powerful. So it changes them, based on how we mostly perceive them. And they fear that, because it changes how they interact with us. Almighty is always the Almighty, but he can't be Zeus when interacting with us. So what is left of that belief goes on being Zeus (either fading or dying) like a discarded limb it falls off the Tree that is the Creator and becomes it's own tree or it dies. Perhaps someone even picks it up and wears it, trying to gain power or influence. That is what I think Odin is - he isn't AND is the original Odin - now that Odin is not seen as the Creator he cannot be the Almighty but he can still be that mask that interacted with the world. So he can still be Odin, just not Odin (the Almighty) unless belief allows him to be again.


DF Spoilers / Harry's Point of View
« on: March 27, 2019, 07:04:19 AM »
A recurring event in the series is Harry's universe revealing more of itself, subverting and oftentimes correcting Harry's previous assumptions.

Harry believes X, learns Y *Shock*. A recent example is when Harry learns that the Outer Gates are not metaphorical, but in fact (somewhat) literal - at least as far as Harry's brain can understand. Though in fairness, there is a reasonable argument to say those things arn't really exclusive when it comes to such things.

Often this forum loves to speculate on what those reveals might be (and I will post another thread shortly to talk about some insights I have had) so my thinking is, how much of what Harry believes is true is actually true? I think a handy way to tell is probably the further back and more deeply held the assumption is (with certain exceptions), the less likely it is in fact true.

E.g. Harry assumed Justin sent a plain old nasty demon to kill him and we learn later that it is HWWB (an Outsider - a demon on the level of an Archangel) who was running the show and wasn't really trying to kill him, but trying to have Harry learn to believe it is fundamentally right to kill and cause harm with magic (according to Harry and Leah's assessment).

So, perhaps a list is in order. What things are going to be proven to be other than what they seem?

1. The Almighty - and his legions. To paraphrase a WOJ "The Almighty is awesome, it is all of us who are stupid...there is more crossover between the religions than all the people on this little planet know.
2. Conversely, the Devil is not what he seems (and perhaps nor are his legions). We know he has an argument with the Almighty over *something* - likely Free Will. We don't know the details of the argument. We also know Power has Purpose, not all Evil is unnecessary as uncomfortable as that might be (see: Mab).
3. Gods of the various pantheons. Probably a major subversion here - I am expecting beings who are called different things to different people. Likely the role of Gods is to be protectors, shapers and guides against demons/monsters and perhaps Outsiders.
4. Outsiders - this is probably the big one. Harry believes they are Evil (and they seem to fit that definition) however we know they "look different depending on which Universe they are trying to get into" WOJ
5. The Knights of the Blackened Denarius. Likely all have their own ends - but it seems clear that they are not always in alignment with the big D, sometimes directly counter to. And Harry likely will have to work with them at least one more time - probably fighting a bigger threat.
6. The Fae (Sidhe, Furies, Fireies etc). Seem likely that pantheons such as Norse , Greco-Roman and Egyptian poured a lot of Power into them in order to maintain influence in the world. Why they were fading, and that the Fae were chosen and less likely to fade, and the true purpose of Gods is a bit of a mystery.
7. Marcone - definitely a sort of good guy. Likely important for the end.
8. Margaret - Definitely a lot worse than Harry has imagined. Margaret's life and atrocities are probably there to sucker punch Harry like Ebenezer's sucker punch did.
9. The Circle and/or Black Council. Likely people Harry knows and trusts are involved. Maybe some double and triple agents. Likely working towards the end of everything (knowingly or unknowingly).
10. Cowl and Kumori - like Nicodemus, probably believe they are doing good. I think one group will be (but by distasteful methods and one is blind).
11. WAG - Necromancy actually serves a fundamental purpose in Creation. It is a necessary evil.
12. Arthur (Current Merlin) - probably either a lot better or worse than Harry knows.
13. Someone(s) who Harry believes are definitely Dead - are not gone
14. Harry's Starborn status - a curse more than a blessing (but centered around Choice).   
15. Kincaid is good (but his Dad is really bad) - maybe Drakul?
16. Drakul is effing terrifying. Harry is nowhere near prepared.
17. Dragons are important - their deaths have caused long-term problems
18. Not all the warriors of light are good. (Lawful Evil).
19. Universe is infinitely larger than Harry knows. We know this but it is gonna rock Harry's world.
20. Harry's kids might have a bigger role than him in the end.
21. The really big players have made moves in the background all through Harry's life (and the Files). We will see the evidence when we learn who they are and what they want.
22. Harry's problems are still small scale (the Fight is far larger than Harry knows).
23. The Merlin was a lot more than he seemed. And Harry and he will//have crossed paths.
24. It's gonna get worse before it gets better. The End Times are nigh.
25. Harry is going to be alright. He doesn't know this, but that is his destiny (after all the rubbish he will have to go through).

I have probably missed a bunch, so let me know what you think is coming that Harry doesn't know or has the wrong idea about!

DF Spoilers / Re: Can Hellfire be used without a Coin?
« on: February 24, 2019, 01:39:16 PM »
I suspect that Hellfire is a property of Lucifer, a corruption of soulfire, and that if you use it, you get it as a boon from him.  By invitation only.I will go one step further and suggest that Namshiel couldn't use  all the power actually available to the Fallen, if the Fallen were released from the coin.  The power of the fallen resembles the mantles, in that the more you use it the deeper into it you go.  The Fallen are most powerful in their alternate forms as the host gives up more of their identity.  This plays into how Jim Butcher treats the Winter Mantle.  In the battle on Demonreach Harry is fighting  the tendency to draw too much power from the mantle at the expense of his control of it.  Butters is only half right about the mantle.

Possibly at any rate, I am sure Lucifer was the first to use Hellfire at any rate. Whether another angel could have done that/could access it without Lucifer remains to be seen - I think it is more of a how you see the world type thing.
I think you are essentially right, from both a logical and doylist perspective. It makes the most sense for Butters to be only partially right. But I don't fully trust Jim any more. I think he has changed his view (in his writing) about how powerful his devices are - so I am not totally on board sadly. Bit of a cynic, me.

To be honest, I just took these to be delusion. Hellfire made Harry's magic hit harder, and the Winter Mantle really DOES make Harry stronger.
Butters just doesn't really believe it, and his denigration of the Winter Mantle helps Harry feel more like a dummy being abused by Mab and his own bad choices, which is all but a hobby of his. So Harry tries to believe it too, and as a result thinks Hannah is also duped.

I mean, Harry ran on super-slippery ice, and jumped, and whatnot. He did things that are normally physically impossible... and all without digging very deep into his Mantle, after about 1 year of practice. Imagine a Knight none too worried about his soul pushing the Mantle to its limits for a decade.

Look, I would like that. Certainly, the exposition by Butters and Harry doesn't cover everything that mantles/sources of power have been able to achieve. So I do wonder about that. Although it just as easily could be Jim didn't feel the need/forgot to tie up every loose thread with his new explanation. I am very sure if someone were to ask Jim did Harry's spells hit harder because of Hellfire, he could explain it in such a way that is was clear that it was more about making Harry more angry than anything else. You have to remember Harry has achieved incredible stuff magically when his emotions are heightened, and there does not seem to be much of a qualitative difference (apart from which emotion he is tapping into) between when he draws from Hellfire or Winter than when he just draws from his fear and anger (like the scene where he killed all those Red Court vampires). Especially when Soulfire spells are clearly very different to any magic he can simply do under pressure - they make his spells more "pure".

But yes totally agree it doesn't cover everything. Butter's hasn't seen much of the crazy strength stuff - but then again, he would hardly need to. The explanation for Harry lifting 800lbs is mostly that having a crap load of adrenaline in his system and without the natural limits of pain, exhaustion and fear the human body is quite capable of pushing past it's normal limits. The running better on ice could be less physical and more mental than it appears (for instance, if it made his decision making and logic predicting parts of his brain run faster, more efficiently with less error he could naturally achieve that - half the reason we fall and run into things is our brains predictive functions are not accurate or quick enough).

Fcrate - that was the idea originally. Unfortunately we have seen very little evidence of that. I disliked the explanation too - but I think Jim went to the effort of writing that scene, so he was trying to get a point across to us. He could return to his original idea any time but we will just have to wait and see.

Snark Knight - Interesting thoughts. I think so too, it plays into the whole selfish vibe that the villains of the series have. My theory is the Fallen are unable to use Soulfire per se, as they are no longer connected to Heaven, and also perhaps because they have no desire to create anything original. Only destoy.                                                                           

If my recollection (and interpretation) is correct, Jim has quibbled about this.

What do you mean? The WOJs I was referring mostly talk in the broader sense by Uber-powerful beings. Not really someone at Harry's level.

How is killing someone with magic violating the Laws of Reality more than say, blowing up the building? To me, both seem equally "impossible", if you want to apply, let's call it "atheist" way of thinking (as in, "Magic does not exist!") and equally possible otherwise.

I think I've read somewhere, that it's the "slippery slope", that's a problem, evil (be it killing, or manipulating minds, or other stuff) gets easier, and eventually you find yourself a warlock (like with the guy who was executed early on in "Proven Guilty", or like how Harry explains why messing with people's minds using magic is said slippery slope, also in "Proven Guilty").

Plus (I think) it only seems to apply to humans for some reason - in "Changes", Harry flattened probably at least a few dozen of Blood Court vampires (by the end, when he did the gravity trick), without, as far as I can tell, any mental consequences.

Not sure why it is more violating myself, that is more or less what Jim has written though. He made 7 very specific Laws for his reality, though oddly not specific enough (why it matters more when magic affects mortals than others). I think Mr Death has it right though, there is likely a spiritual element to why it is considered more of a major violation. I could probably wax lyrical about how messing with Time is such a messed up idea in the first place, or necromancy but I think the most straightforward answer is because that's how Jim has written it. He has created a magical system that means certain actions, certain elements have specific properties (i.e. dark magic) that make them intrinsically worse than regular magic. After all, Wizards don't seem to go any madder for burning buildings or using thaumaturgy than outright killing another Mortal or breaking into their minds. I think the main key is that Mortals are special, they have Free Will and so can write their own destinies (should they so choose). Subverting their minds takes away their choice, as does murder, rewriting time etc. This changes the universe (unmaking whole alternate universes etc). A big hint is when Harry talks to the Angel of Death and it challenges him that who is it to unmake choice and all it's possibilities by intervening with Father Forthill's incumbent death.

I think Dark magic has addictive, drug like qualities for some as-yet unexplained reason (likely to do with its source).

The way I understand it is that Laws 1-5 have the slippery slope problem, while Laws 6-7 are the "No! You'll break the universe!" laws.

All of it is addictive - pretty sure it's all considered Dark Magic. Though I do agree that the major laws e.g. Time, Necromancy and reaching Outside are all of a distinctively more terrible to Reality quality - but I am sure we will not know until we understand why it all came about in the first place.

DF Spoilers / Re: Can Hellfire be used without a Coin?
« on: February 22, 2019, 04:04:02 AM »
The frustrating thing with the later books is Jim took the soft approach - the dumbo's feather approach - on a lot of his power ups. In Skin Games Harry talks about how Lasciel isn't making Hannah Ascher any more powerful really, she just stirs up her passion (which Fire magic comes from) which makes Hannah think she is more powerful.

Same with the pretty weak explanation from Butters about how the Winter Mantle doesn't make Harry any stronger really, it just dulls his pain and gives him more access to his more primal self and makes it more easy to use Ice magic.

Bit of a cop out, especially considering the opposite side seem to get an actual power up (e.g. Fix gets fire magic, where previously he couldn't use fire magic. Also when Harry uses Soulfire in more complex ways it really boosts the efficiency of his spells and achieves much more exceptional results). Seems like Jim did a retcon of his previous ideas for one reason or another...

Exartiem - I don't think that is true exactly. Dark magic in the Dresden Files seems to have an inherently "evil" quality beyond the intention or mindset of the user. If that were not the case, as you say, then anyone with a complex moral compass could avoid the adverse affects the dark magic has on users. Bear in mind most people do not think of themselves or their actions as "evil" even if the majority thinks they are. In the Dresden Universe there does seem to be an absolute moral authority defining "good" and "evil" regardless on how one might think about the moral quality of an action.

Interestingly, this is partly because of what Harry BELIEVES. There is a WOJ about how magic essentially is Will combined with Power, and with enough of both you could reshape reality completely. Which is essentially what any magic user does, they are subverting their Will over the natural world, and using their Power to fund the change.

As their is a whole thing about how magic is what you believe, I think Harry is rather limited by his own beliefs, and could accomplish far more if he understood that. He might not have the Power to back it up, but he might still be able to achieve more unusual results.

Essentially the WOJ is anytime he can't figure a good enough explanation for why magic works with physics, he has the Nevernever as his cheat card.

I also believe this is why you go mad/have to be mad to mess with time, kill with magic etc. You have to believe in complete violations of the Laws of Reality.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nemesis WAG
« on: February 07, 2019, 06:53:35 AM »
Mildly incoherent this morning, but in the interest of random gibbering. 

Quite fine! I do it all the time! Helps get the ideas out.

Jim has given us some hints of the structure.  Model the Never Never like fluid in a pipe.  The water doesn't move at the surface of the pipe.  The Never Never is the water touching the pipe. The boundary between Creation and everything outside it.  The further away from the pipe wall the more stable reality.(evidenced by time being variable in the Never Never)

Really curious about this - do you have know where the quotes are on Nevernever structure? If I understand you correctly (the Water is the NN, the Pipe is Outside? And what is the Reality/Universe in that example?

Given that the Sidhe don't have free will they aren't part of the multiverse.  Humans only thank you.  Human reality is like a tree with many branches.  Each new branch representing a choice, but not all choices.  Only important ones.(Vadderung in Cold Days referencing his model of temporal inertia)  The Mothers can see the tree grow and branch.(Cold Days referencing Harry learning of the Adversary)

I think I understand your view, as explained in your follow up post, that most Fae (being quite mortal) could exist in several realities but the really powerful Fae (like the Mothers) are so powerful that is unlikely there is more than one (which is why they can "see" all the branches of Creation). Though I have a theory that Immortals might only have just one of themselves - but we will see.

Why do the Outsiders want in?  Who knows.  But it could be more about opposition to the Creator rather than any property of Creation.  Jealousy maybe?  Or maybe they are a property of the void, anti Creation.  Model this as entropy with the Outsiders representing the Heat Death of the Universe.(Empty night.  If Jim loves physics, then as the universe expands there comes a point where there would be no stars to be seen in the night sky) 

Sorry for going on :(

No no, going on is good. Gave us lots to discuss! Quite so - it could be about opposition to the Creator, in fact I think in all cases that is highly likely. The question is why. I believe it because Creation itself makes them uncomfortable, or in outright pain. Jim has hinted at this - see the WOJ on Reality being noisy and loud. They (for want of a better word) ARE natural. They are not synthetic. They may represent Chaos/Disorder/Anti-life but that is what they ARE. Their sole reason for existing. Like a swarm of locust or a plague - but sentient. And as the current thinking is starting to go towards that EVERYTHING has a form of "consciousness" (on a massive spectrum of complexity - humans are highly complex, an atom is very low complexity etc) that would actually make a lot of sense.

The Heat Death theory as Empty Night is interesting. I always interpreted Empty Night as dissolution of reality; non-existence (no stars, no matter, no energy, no time, no anything at all). Which again I think has been hinted at in the books. Mother Summer says that should the Outsiders get in everything stops, and Vadderung says something similar about the Sleepers being released. Also the fact that when the Mothers are discussing the new branches appearing, the idea that even the Destroyer (MW) would prefer bright futures to Empty Night suggests that even Death and Destruction would be irrelevant. In such an event - as Time would be rendered meaningless - it would be as though nothing had ever existed or would ever exist. Creation ending would be a pretty crazy event - scientifically speaking, let alone magically/spiritually.

Bad Alias is pretty right, not all possible realities yet exist, depending on how many choices are currently available to mortals. Even though Fae can't do such a thing perhaps (as their will is not entirely Free, like Angels - which Jim have said have a measure of Free Will, enough to rebel anyway) I wonder whether the River People and Big Foots/Yetis etc choices affect Creation in the same way as humans.

It's too confusing to explain in a direct fashion so, consider seven branches where the Red Cap exists.  He's needed to fight at the Gates.  How many Redcaps answer the call and show up at the Gate?  All seven?  If there is only one gate, that is the question you're left to answer. 

Jim has hinted at something like this with Toot Toot.  When he needs to know Russian, he knows Russian.

I think your premise might be false there...I think there is more than Outer Gate (bear in mind Harry just saw one Gate) and they are called the Outer Gates plural. So I think each parallel version of Winter/defenders of Gates exist in each reality separately. So if the Red Cap is to defend the Gate, he defends his Universes, not Spider Man's or an alternate Harry Dresden timeline. Think on the fact that Jim and several characters have reminded Harry that within the Contiuum of parallel Earth's/Universes that Spider-Man, Star Wars and Alternate Harry Dresden all exist within Jim's multiverse. Jim even once made a joke (with a wink) that who would write several novels in separate Universes and actually secretly have them all connected in the same Multiverse (btw this is not uncommon, many writers have done this, and this story smacks of when he talks of how he created the Dresden Files when he didn't realise how crazy it was to write a massive 20-something book series).

Where did you get that hint on Toot? Very interesting info there if true. I think we can safely assume the Adversary did not get every Aurora as there would be still an nemfected mantle in play. Aurora's human self (assuming she was a scion or mortal who received the mantle, and not like Toot or Leah and comes from the original stock) is not multiverse spanning. That is impossible by the nature of Free Will - you cannot create choice if you exist in all possible choices all at once. I agree that mostly your choices are made well before you choose them (the same discussion around consciousness also discussed how it is likely that most of our "thinking" is actually done like computers do - in back of house systems that are far faster and more efficient than our consciousness, and so our choices are made long before we realise even in the moment, let alone in advance. It is our illusion of being self aware that creates the problem here) which is our advantage over the humble atom or even a mouse - we can be aware of what we are thinking and doing and change. That in itself is very significant - and how you might "cross the road" as you put it.

And yes your post did make sense - I found it very intriguing.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Arthurian Connection
« on: February 07, 2019, 06:13:48 AM »
Bad Alias that's a good insight into his inspiration, so thank you for that.

Sort of the other way round though - Christianity when it traveled across the sea borrowed and converted stories from English and Norse mythology, though of course it did end up going both ways in the end.

Which I totally respect Jim for doing btw (not using religion he isn't comfortable handling). But I think he could also get educated too. There is a wide world of information and honestly so many people from various faiths that would be happy to walk you through. He has already touched on Rakasha Raja - and in all honesty I wouldn't mind finding out what else goes on in the rest of Dresden's Earth. There are more places than Chicago, let alone America. Not everything significant would happen there - it just doesn't add up.

But I was more getting at the fact that from a philosophical and historical point of view, it is highly interesting the connections that exist. Jim has clearly done his homework so I am sure he has something very special that will link them together - and I think that bears further reflection and deliberation on. I cannot wait till we get to the deep stuff and pull the camera out further.

DF Spoilers / Re: Our
« on: February 07, 2019, 05:24:13 AM »
It unlikely, the way I see it (unless Jim is severely rewriting mythology, or just got it very wrong) that anyone but Mother Winter could be either Skuld or Atropos. Which I understand the issue, because the youngest of the triple goddess should be Skuld (i.e one of the Ladies) but clearly the mantle fits better in Mother Winter's Death Aspect.

Here is my interpretation. We see the Queens as separate - because we view the world through Harry's limited human perception. However the "truth" could be that ALL of the Winter Queens are Winter (of which Mother Winter is the least human) and ALL Queens of Faerie total up to something greater...there is every chance that Mother Summer's use of "our" included ALL Queens of Faerie. The Name of such a being might well be Fate, Gaia, God or something else that Jim has dug up/created. I think this is why Harry is partly wrong/stupid because he only see's the Mother's linked, not all the Queens adding up to something greater than the some of their parts.

Their are many, many versions of the Triumverate in many religions and mythologies. Triple Goddess of Wicca, Brahmic Trinity, Devi Trinity, Catholic Trinity, Greek Fates, Norse Norns, Egyptian Ra and many others. I have long wondered if sum of the Queens represents all of that.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Arthurian Connection
« on: February 06, 2019, 11:39:21 AM »
Right you are Avernite - I have corrected it to say Artemis. No idea why I put Demeter...perhaps alliteration. The Summer connection is interesting...I will muse on that. I have always wondered how other Deities in the Greco-Roman pantheon factored in against Hecate. In most traditions Hecate is the daughter of Atlas (the Titan) and is nowhere near as powerful (might wise) as Hades or Zeus. Not sure how she would compare to Artemis but I imagine similarly ranked. Which is confusing considering the enormous might of all six Queens of Faerie. Though I admit in some versions Hecate had influence over the Underworld, Sea and Sky as a gift for helping the Olympians during the Titanomachy (Titan war).  Hades seems only to rank in at about Mab's level...maybe higher, maybe not (he seems to have less influence in this age, by his own admission). I seem to remember an old WAG about Hecate being the one who split herself, and that perhaps a number of gods (whose influence in the world was waning) poured much of their power into the Queens.

Yeah it is a bit of a mess - but there are some strong connections, especially the Elaine one that really tells me I am close to whatever Jim's plan for her is.

DF Spoilers / The Arthurian Connection
« on: February 06, 2019, 07:27:52 AM »
There are many links the the Arthurian myths in the Dresden Files, and not merely the traditional myths but the many retellings and adaptations.  I am just throwing thoughts out of my head to work them out here - and will clean this up soon.

There are several archetypes/roles in the Arthurian Legend:

The Rightful King - Arthur. In Dresdenverse, this would be a likely someone like Michael, though Arthur is probably more fallible. Interestingly, as the story became more Christianized the idea that Arthur became "Rightful" rather like God/Jesus being the true King. This is important. Marcone is also a candidate - though that would be quite dark.
The Wizard/Druid - Merlin. Clearly this is Harry, he is not meant to rule but to be a part of events. Now obviously there is/was an "original" Merlin who began the White Council and changed the world, and excluding Time Travel and working with the fact that he is dead, Harry Dresden is clearly being lined up for this role.
The Enemy - Morgan(a) Le Fay. Again, clearly already exists/ed in DV but assuming she is dead the current candidates are not so easy. A few candidates stand out: Elaine (assuming she is evil), Kemmler (bear with me - the evil Wizard behind everything), an unknown threat.
The Weapon - Mordred. His whole purpose is to be the weapon that kills the rightful king. Nothing like the power of patricide. Harry could fit this role, as he has often been described as a weapon and used as such. Also possibly Marcone, though he feels a bit old for the role.  However, more likely this will be something out of left field - maybe like a future apprentice of Harry's/child (for a guy who doesn't get much, he sure seems to keep having kids!)
The Knights of the Round Table - Clearly the Knights of the Cross fulfill this role.

Nimue, the Lady of the Lake is a central and important figure. She is Lancelot's fairy godmother. She is notable for giving Arthur Excalibur and giving Lancelot the Holy Grail. She refused to give Merlin all her love until he taught her all his secrets, and then she locked him away (originally either beneath a stone or in a hawthorn tree - pay attention, in DV Dresden gets stung with a hawthorn dart during Cold Days and there are several significant stones (Stone Table, Stone Statues etc). In other versions it is an invisible tower or a cave (Demonreach - and yes I know Jim says it isn't Merlin in the crystal, doesn't mean he isn't down in there). Here is where it get interesting! The goddess Diana (Artemis) is Nimue (also known as Vivenne)'s godmother and Nimue's father is...the god Dionysus (Bacchus)! Interestingly, the Lake she is associated with is sometimes considered the Lake of Diana in Sicily - where Queen Diana (who was worshiped as a goddess) was murdered. This is where Lancelot du Lac (of the Lake) was raised. In some versions - Morgan Le Fay is Nimue too residing in a town named Ninniane (one of the names of the Lady of the Lake). In the Hellboy comics, Nimue was locked away and arises to supplant Hecate as Queen of the Witches. She is the Queen of Blood and takes up the mantle of the Morrigan and leads an army of legendary and folkloric beings. In the 80s novel "The Mists of Avalon" the Lady of the Lake and Merlin are offices in the pagan heirachy, Merlin is a young druid and Lady of the Lake is the ruling priestess of Avalon. Multiple characters hold the mantle of Lady of the Lake including Morgan Le Fay, Vivienne, Niniane and Nimue.

In Dresdenverse who is the Lady of the Lake? - Leanansidhe seems a bit on the nose, so it leaves a few options to who the original was. Mab (when she was Lady) is possible, she would have been quite young as that would have predated Hasting by several hundred years. It is possible that Morgan Le Fay literally held the Mantle of the Lady of the Lake (whatever that mantle actually is) and either gave it up or died - and so have several other beings. Perhaps the mantle is one of the six queens, perhaps something else. Perhaps Nemesis the Greek Goddess is "Nemesis" and Hecate is the six Queens of Faerie and everything is just them having a shit fight...Nemesis is "Outsider Nemesis" is Nimue, uniting the formor and intends to supplant Hecate, who are the Queens of Faerie.

Other interesting connections

Elaine Mallory - Interestingly close to the Summer Court, shares a name with Thomas Malory (who wrote Le Morte d'Arthur - which the myth of King Arthur is based), candidate for being Kumori. Could she be the Morgan Le Fay archetype? Interestingly, as she was Arthur's half sister and also the mother of his bastard son and killer Mordred, considering my theory that Harry and Elaine are half sisters her candidacy gets stronger. Also is the name of the DAUGHTER of the Fisher King. The WOUNDED KING'S name is Pellehan (named Pellam of Listeneise) in Malory's Arthur, the Fisher King is Pelles. Pelles tricks Lancelot into sleeping with his daughter Elaine, in order to sire Galahad (the perfect Knight). WTF!!

John Marcone - Not much known, pretty powerful and successful person - made more headway in someways than Harry ever has (all the more significant because he is vanilla). Could have been an excellent Monarch in ages past.

Ramirez - Feels like a Gawain (always a brotherly role with Arthur)
Butters - Probably Sir Gareth the Lovely Hands - knight of the kitchen.
Thomas - Lancelot. Hands down. Definitely mister steal your girl.

Who is the Fisher King - the heart of Western Civilisation? This is so significant I am not sure what even to say...In some versions this King lives in a castle with his son (but they are both the Fisher King - very Father and the Son) relying on the Grail for sustenance. He bleeds from a wound in his thigh (this is very Jesus). In some versions, the wound was caused by the Spear of Longinus. In others, the Spear is used by Galahad to heal him. In Joseph of Arimathea (the man who caught the blood in the Cup making it the Holy Grail) the "Rich Fisher" is called Bron (Bran is sometimes an original spelling). Bran the Blessed in Celtic Mythology has a cauldron that can resurrect the dead. Very interesting considering the Saviour returns to life. King Arthur actually retrieves that Cauldron in one story.

Also what is the weird connections between Christianity, Greek Mythology, Irish Mythology and Arthurian legend? Strongly exists in the real world, and in DV seems even more connected. Obviously all part of Western Culture the past few millennia but still. Greek Gods connected to fae, connected to Wizards and Druids, connected the Grails and Christ, connected to Tuatha de Danaan. It just goes round like a pretzel!

Wow this really got away from me. I am gonna tidy this up.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nemesis WAG
« on: February 06, 2019, 05:51:02 AM »
True enough I think that Nemesis predates Creation - regardless of whether Nemesis is a Creator-level being or something only "merely" as powerful as one of the Walkers.

My theory is that the Outsiders hate Creation/Inside because it forces them to be partly real - as opposed to being spread the non-being in some semi-gestalt fashion that existing in non-existence might be. I think that is very painful and uncomfortable to Things that are not used to being real at all - and that pissed the Outside off. I do not believe they have what we understand as a Hive Mind - but I think something similar that still allows for individual personalities - and represents itself differently depending on which reality it is trying to get into.

And yes you are correct, there is just the one Outside attacking the continuum of possible realities i.e. Creation/Inside. I think that is mostly explained by that quote I linked you from Jim saying Outsiders look different depending on which Reality they are attacking. I think you can infer then that it is just the one group - similar to the Void in WoW or Abyss demons in DnD.

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