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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: August 14, 2019, 12:51:47 AM »
I'm quite familiar with the Devil as a serpent, have heard the devil referenced as a dragon, but have never heard the phrase "Blood of the Dragon" used outside of a modern fantasy reference. I don't think I've ever heard of a reference to the Devil's blood even more generally.

Fair enough, can't always be sure how well versed people are in Christian theology. I suspect that the actual phrase is either one that Jim created specifically for Michael, or one that is quite uncommon and perhaps only exists in certain communities (such as the one Jim grew up in). I too found little reference to that exact phrase.

Although you will note that the full phrase that Michael uses is "Blood of the Dragon, that old Serpent" which is strikingly similar to 12:7-12 Book of Revelation. On balance of probabilities it is more likely that this is what is in reference to, as nowhere else does anyone ever use that phrase or discuss the connection between the Black Court and Dragons.

The thing is, it isn't to be taken literally. Otherwise why not use that phrase with Ferrovax in the earlier scene? Being that there is an actual capital-D Dragon in the room with them...wouldn't that make more sense?

Also if Michael really were referencing the connection to Drakul, assuming he actually knew of that connection (which only exists as WOJ, and a indirect connection that Ebenezar mentioned), why have he and Harry never discussed the origins of the Black Court before? Or Drakul for that matter? Harry (especially this early in the series) barely even knows who the Vampire Courts are (other than surface information - remember Thomas fills him in during the party). Let alone who Drakul is, which he doesn't even understand the difference between Dracula and Drakul until Ebenezar tells him 3 books later in Blood Rites.

DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: August 13, 2019, 05:52:20 AM »
The Devil is often identified as the Serpent that tempted Eve and the Dragon of Revelation.

Mikhael and the Dragon (12:7–12)
And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.
Book: Book of Revelation
Christian Bible part: New Testament

See this page for reference:


DF Spoilers / Re: Grave Peril Questions
« on: August 13, 2019, 12:57:29 AM »
After having a listen through of Grave Peril recently, I had this observation. Michael refers to Mavra as "Blood of the Dragon, that old Serpent". Dresden Wiki says that this implies that she is the spawn of Vlad Drakul.  I'm not sure where that implication comes from. Is this something Jim has talked about?

The Dresden Wiki talks about Drakul being "half-human" based on a quote from Ebenezer. Kindler, where did the concept of Drakul being something else trapped in a human body come from.  Sounds familiar. Maybe the Wiki isn't updated?

If Drakul isn't a dragon trapped in a human body, then why is Michael calling Mavra "Blood of the Dragon"?

Yeah Bad Alias is right. This isn't a in-universe reference; the phrase "Blood of the Dragon, that old Serpent" refers to the Devil. While yes this could also be a reference to both Drakul (the Dragon) and Dracula (little Dragon), considering Michael's highly catholic nature and his perchant for using old biblical phrases as curses, it is most likely that he is refering to the literal Devil (as in Satan/Lucifer). Satan/Lucifer is often referred to as the Dragon and the Serpent (as both words were somewhat interchangeable, Serpent does not always mean snake).

Michael may well be aware of Drakul and probably Dracula (as her progenitor). Although we have no actual indication of this in the series, or in WOJ. But it much more likely he was simply calling her a demon/devil and not making a literal reference to her origin as a Black Court vampire.

The concept of Drakul (not Dracula but his father) in the Dresdenverse, comes from several references in the books and WOJ. This quote best explains it from a 2015 reddit AMA.

And also what is Drakul a scion of?
Drakul wasn’t a scion of anything! He was something entirely unhuman that got trapped in human form. Dracula was his half-human child, who naturally had enormous paternal issues, and wound up creating himself as the first Black Court Vampire in an effort to win his father’s approval.
It didn’t work out so well.
2015 AMA

DF Spoilers / Drakul is the third Walker
« on: August 13, 2019, 12:18:17 AM »
I propose that it could be that Drakul is the third Walker (who might be called He Who Walks Between).

1. Drakul is something entirely unhuman that got trapped in human form. Dracula was his half-human child that wound up turning himself into the first Black Court vampire (around 600 years ago*). Ebenezar described him as "the Creature" and "Formidable. Dangerous. Cruel". Which is really something, considering all the stuff Ebenezar would have seen. Also notice the emphasis on "the".

2. The Black Court vampires are actually tainted by something hideous and unworldly. The are not of the same ilk really as other vampires (compared to Reds in the quote - see bottom of post).

3. When Jim refers to things like Mordite and Outsiders (both in the novels and in interviews - he often decribes them as "not of this world" and "the Netherworld" etc. World here meaning the universe, not merely Earth. He also often describes the magic associated with them in the same way.

4. He is one of the few beings that could take out Mab.

5. Vlad Tepes (Dracula - the son of Drakul) was the King of Walachia roughly 600 years ago. Which means Mavra likely is one of the first Black Court Vampires (even if she wasn't one of the "Elders") - they would have definitely known each other. WOJ puts Mavra's age at around 600 years old.

So I think it is reasonable to think that Drakul has a strong connection to the Outside. But why specifically is he the Walker? Because of his nature. He seems to be described in terms of Other - not the regular levels of evil and monstrous. We know he is powerful enough to beat Mab. Something else that was not on that list that was as big and scary as Mab, but also hideously deeper, was Sharkface (He Who Walks Before). And there seems to be a strange connection between Mavra, the Black Court, the Black Council/The Circle, and the Outsiders.

The obvious counter-argument to my theory is why would he sign the accords? Shouldn't he and Mab be mortal enemies?
Well my answer is this - it is because he is Between. As in Between two worlds: this one and the Netherworld. A foot in each (a common trope in mythology). Unlike his fellows (Before and Behind) he is not truly immortal any more, perhaps a little more like Vadderung. He is trapped in human form, and that makes him vulnerable. So part of his cold war with Mab is he agreed to not take open action against her. Perhaps he resents being trapped, or left, in his human body. Perhaps he likes being in the mortal world (like Vadderung) and doesn't want to lose the influence he has. The openly horrific nature of the Walkers would be intolerable to the world (I believe there is a WOJ that HWWBh is at Uriel's level, in some ways). But as a somewhat mortal with unbelievable powers, yet still vulnerable, he can be flexible enough to work with. Almost like the Wyldfae, he is his own Power. Sure, when push comes to shove he will side with his own kind. Maybe he likes Reality now that he is in it, maybe he is pissed off at the Outsiders. But one thing is for sure - he is beyond the "usual evil".

Let me know what you think!

PS here is the quote
Black Court Vamps are a different story. They’re actually tainted by something hideous and unworldly. They are driven to kill to survive. They don’t really have a lot of choice about it. They enjoy being what they are, and doing what they do. They can be sad that they don’t have someone who loves them, or upset that the world has passed them by and has changed on them, but at the end of the day, they’re basically black-hearts who occasionally pull out a few of the tattered remains of their humanity, fail to fit back into them like they used to, and get maudlin about their glory days when they could watch the sun rise.
And also what is Drakul a scion of?
Drakul wasn’t a scion of anything! He was something entirely unhuman that got trapped in human form. Dracula was his half-human child, who naturally had enormous paternal issues, and wound up creating himself as the first Black Court Vampire in an effort to win his father’s approval.
It didn’t work out so well.

2015 AMA

My only other theory is that he is the Son of the Devil (the Antichrist). Based on Blood Rites, p219. In that area Eb explains that he is the Blackstaff. He implies that Drakul is a scion (which Jim has since contradicted, see above). He is discussing that Scions are often freakishly powerful, insane malformed and monstrous, but occasionally look human. Which is how both Drakul and Kincaid look. Perhaps they are related. Kincaid (while he worked for Drakul was called the Hound of Hell or the Hellhound). One might take that to mean he is a servant of Hell. Which interestingly enough, some stories about the Antichrist mention a hellhound. It would fit that if an Archangel (Lucifer/Satan) had a child with a mortal, it would be an extraordinarily powerful scion (the most powerful Nephalim). But - as the above quote seems to contradict it (and is more recent 2015 AMA versus Blood rites in 2004) and we know Jim has retconned a lot of his original ideas - I think my first theory is more likely.

And no, I don't buy that Drakul is a Dragon. That is just too on the nose, even for Jim. It might have worked if Drakul was a scion, but he isn't anymore. I think that knowledge would be well known too - when Harry is mentioning who the Freeholding lords under the Unseelie Accord's are (White Night) when telling Murphy that he has bribed Marcone with becoming one, he mentions specifically that he has researched it and that there are two Dragons, Drakul, the Archive, the Ukrainian semi-immortal shapeshifting Guru, Vadderung. He specifically separates the Dragons from Drakul.

DF Spoilers / Re: What does Kringle know that Nicodemus doesn't?
« on: August 12, 2019, 06:05:21 AM »
Well that could be true - he might know some secret or truth that Nicodemus couldn't know (for example, how Nicodemus meets his end. Or perhaps the really cheesy "Love always wins", in the more supernatural way).

But I think there are two more obvious possibilities. Or at least possibilities that would be in conjunction.

1. He has access to (a) certain pool(s) of information that Nicodemus does not;
2. He knew what was about to happen to Nicodemus (as in by the end of Skin Game).

All are possible. But no. 2 is the nicest fit in many ways, both from a story telling perspective (consider this conversation happens before most of the events of the book) and from a world-centred way.

Consider this - WOJ is that Vadderung is the kinda guy who knows what you will do a year before you do, and makes his moves a week before you do. His level of foresight and planning is beyond most. Only when something/someone of equal foresight, planning and skill do counter-moves do things get all Monday Night Nitro as everyone's planning cancels out. He probably was pretty certain about Mab, Hades and Marcone's game on Nicodemus. He "knew" pretty much what was about to happen to him. I think he was foreshadowing the ending. Which is not to say he doesn't have other resources that Nicodemus does not have access to, but I think that foreshadowing the ending fits best with that scene.

KurtinStGeorge, it seemed like he was getting annoyed with the other male (Daniel someone) writer early on. About 3 and a half minutes into the first video he is already displaying signs of disagreement and annoyance. But yeah it certainly is obvious in the Q&A - by the time we get there he is clearly in almost complete opposition. Which mostly seemed fair enough, although as Jim acknowledged it was a bit combative for a writers panel.

To my mind though, that disagreement in ideas and strategies is where those talks are best. Because it shows there is no "right way" - it is up to you and what works for you and for your fanbase niche. You get to the really interesting ideas (the things the writers are really passionate about) during those more energetic debates, y'know friction creates fire type of thing. I suppose he could have been less obviously annoyed but quite a few times I sympathized!

DF Spoilers / Re: I Realized Something About Outsiders
« on: June 04, 2019, 01:19:31 AM »
It's a good idea. I believe it has been floated before in some fashion, somewhere in the boards.

Consider this then: Black Court Vampires CANNOT cross a threshold uninvited, full stop. I suspect this is to do with how far removed they are from mortals, and more likely, the source of their creation (Drakul, via Dracula).

But yes, the analogy that creation is our home and not the Outsiders, and therefore that is why all mortal dwellings are protected in that way against the Supernatural.

However, as a counter - Bob states in one of the earlier books (It might have been Blood Rites but I am uncertain) that one of the few beings that could flat stick cross a threshold and still have enough power to torture someone with magic is an Old One, or a "hoary old god". I suspect upper level Outsiders (even the Walkers perhaps) could do so too, considering the fact that it appears higher-tier, multi-reality spanning beings (Angels, and especially Archangels) seem to have no issue crossing threshold or magical circles.

Which leads me to my point about magical circles also being in the same boat, to a degree, as threshold. I think it is all tied up in Choice and Free Will (the emphasis on Will is important, as that is how you make a circle actually work or any act of magic really). The Freedom is most important also, but you can have restricted or compromised Will whereas Freedom cannot be on its own, as it indicates there must be some level of Will (even in the supernatural and immortals - WOJ on that).

Exartiem, very interesting idea about how they must borrow power. I suspect its less about Power, and more about Choice. Outsiders seem to be able to provide Power to mortals and supernaturals, and some measure of Freedom to Immortals (who traditionally by their nature are limited in their Choice). The Outsiders are very similar to the Void Walkers (etc) in DnD/WoW. The curious thing with Void Walkers is they have enormous amounts of power, but are constantly losing it in when they are inside the universe. I think the Outsiders have a similar issue. When they are invited in, it give the the ability to employ their Power. They are given a level of Choice. Without it, they would be either very limited or perhaps completely unable to act and impose their Will. Which is why they can only be summoned via MORTAL magic. Immortals do not have the unlimited, truly Free Will that mortals in the Dresdenverse seem to have. Perhaps they borrow the body of the summoner, and their soul (granting access to their ability to Choose). Perhaps not, we can really only speculate on the mechanics...although He Who Walks Behind did possess (Madge? the main Witch) in Blood Rites, in order to act in the Universe. So we have partially seen how an Outsider summoning works.

This all begs the bigger question of why almost every supernatural being is somewhat hampered by thresholds and circles, etc. Where does magic really come from? What is the origin of all these supernatural beings? Perhaps it is more connected to the Outsiders than we are led to believe. 

DF Spoilers / Re: Nemesis and Hecate
« on: May 23, 2019, 11:48:33 PM »
Hank, the tiers are rather broad I grant you - but they had to be as we only have a few distinct cosmic power levels in the Dresdenverse (Creator, Archangel/Major God, Minor God etc). I am not sure what you mean about the Creator gods not being peers to each other or a monotheistic different times in history, ancient mythologies were the dominant religion of certain regions. I will grant you there has never been the scale of worship to the Abrahamic God, but that is a factor of population growth more than increased levels of worship (indeed, religious belief is shrinking in most parts of the world).

Exartiem, I wasn't really arguing that Hecate was only the three Queens of Unseelie. She was likely a being that was three parts, then split again and became six parts (Summer and Winter). Why she had to split into Summer and Winter is unknown, but I wonder if it was because the fae were already seasonal based, and in order to become a part of them that was required?

I do agree that it is no mere coincidence that Nemesis (the Outsider, the Adversary) shares the name as another minor greek goddess, when Hecate seems to be the ruler of fae. Maybe she was the first infected. Maybe Nemesis and Hecate were powerful Witches who ruled like gods in Atlantis, a la Hellboy. Maybe it will be like the Chronciles of Amber and there is a Prime/Base reality that all the powerful gods etc come from, which is where Hecate and Nemesis come from except Hecate joined the DV version of the Courts of Chaos.

I certainly expect Jim to pull a fast one on us.

DF Spoilers / Re: Another Cowl Theory
« on: May 04, 2019, 12:33:36 AM »
Would it be, though? I mean, Kumori as Elaine would be awful for him, sure, but Justin as Cowl...actually might make him feel quite a bit better about himself. It would, after all, confirm that Harry had never broken the Laws of magic. That doesn't seem like it would be a torment to him--quite the opposite.

Yes I think it would hit hard. He thought he got rid of his initial nightmare (Justin) but he has been "alive/around" all along, manipulating Harry's life from behind the scenes and basically responsible for a lot of Harry's misfortune. I think that would be pretty emotional stuff. Elaine is an old wound - I think it would sting a lot. But I think if it were those two as Cowl and Kumori, the way it would have most impact is if when they reveal their identities they actually have a convincing, even necessary "Join Us" plan. If Harry realised he might be wrong, I think that would really shatter him. 

Well actually, it might confirm that he didn't break the first law initially - but it doesn't rule him out of breaking the other laws. He definitely used Necromancy (which while he didn't break law technically - I am not sure the after affects will care much), he also quite likely killed some humans during his battle with Bianca (which he won't look into because he is scared of what he might find).

ClintACK, while you are correct on Mother Winter probably loving a whole bunch of death and destruction for an Ascension ritual, I think in this particular case she would have been a bit mad. Necromancy (true Necromancy) may have it's origins in the Outside. This would make it almost anti-death (which the natural destroyer might take issue with - after all she is like the seasons, everything must die in due course so new life can grow. Everything existing forever is antithesis to her nature). I also think that if it were Eb, he would absorb the power of the Blackstaff into the ritual if he could - and Mother Winter wouldn't exactly be thrilled by such a loss to her power.

I think the Gatekeeper is unlikely purely on the fact he has worked with fae and Outsiders for a thousand years - he could have taken godly power long ago and didn't, so why now? Also after the Darkhallow - both Eb and the Gatekeeper are active. Cowl took a little longer too come back as he was blown to bits. So the timing doesn't work.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justin is alive. Justin is Cowl. THEORY
« on: May 04, 2019, 12:18:16 AM »
Hmm, I will do some more looking and do some analysis if I find it. Otherwise I will play devil's advocate to my own theory and write a Simon WAG myself.

Oooh yes, I like that WAG. It makes a lot of sense, especially from a balancing point of view. I really hope we get some more info on all this soon.

DF Spoilers / Re: Another Cowl Theory
« on: May 01, 2019, 12:20:37 AM »

See my other response to your post about Justin vs Simon as a candidate. Just wanted to add that while the fact that Simon being older would explain how strong he was...Harry honestly had no idea just how powerful Eb or even Leah was. He even said that Eb had only hit him in practice rounds. Now I think for the drama of the scene, that exposition by Harry was necessary. However we must remember that Eb blew the top of El Castillio with a word, and also caused Krakatoa, Tunguska etc. Seriously, had Eb hit Harry properly Harry would have died. Especially as some punk in training, let alone by the time he gets to Dead Beat. Leah slaughtered two Lord of the Outer Night in a moment. They were taken off guard, but I really think Harry had never properly dueled either of them and so his claim was misleading. Not to mention that while Harry may have fought Justin in earnest, he lost twice and we have no idea how he won the third round. Harry doesn't even talk about it. So I find a lot of Harry's earlier power rankings more than a little dubious. In saying that, Cowl is still likely seriously strong. JB wrote that scene to showcase Cowl so I imagine he was trying to show him a serious threat. So he may be stronger than the others, in fact we have almost never seen him go all out on assault. Every time he has been defeated it was almost just dumb luck while he was distracted.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justin is alive. Justin is Cowl. THEORY
« on: May 01, 2019, 12:11:27 AM »

A good argument definitely, and one I had let pass perhaps too easily. I will certainly agree it is possible that Simon is Cowl - the fact is JB could write however he wishes, and he could change his mind from his plan or invent a new character. Simon for me is a close second for Cowl, as you rightly point out there are inconsistencies with his mannerisms and language that would be odd for Justin. But doesn't rule him out mind you either. We don't know why Cowl despises Kemmler so and we don't know what the relationship between them was, we don't know how he came to learn Necromancy or how he is so much more dangerous than the other two, how Cowl is so much more involved with the bad guys behind the scenes, and we don't know how he knew about Bob (that alone says a lot about who he is).

I would love someone to point me in the direction of a good Simon WAG, if anyone knows where it is. I certainly think TT Harry is the least likely btw. I do hope we find out soon though who he is...or at least get a few more strong hints. I do think we need a few reveals at this stage of the series.

You are quite correct about the effect of the Darkhallow, though it was about being more than a mere immortal but about being a God. Harry keeps referring to whoever gets the Darkhallow as a junior-league god (without a frame of reference for what a major-league god is...TWG? Zeus? Mab even says how whoever holds the power will gain more power than in the history of the human race - which puts them above any mortal who became an immortal/monster/god which is fair amount of power right there.)

Also my theory about Cowl's motives for becoming a immortal Necromantic god (see: Nagash) is less about ruling a world of the undead (although perhaps becoming this new dark god would corrupt him...) but more about make all mortals into immortals, which I imagine means they would lose their souls/free will eventually. This would aid the aims of the Outsiders and the Old Ones. After a few descriptions of Necromancy, especially Capiocorpus', I believe that also reinforces the argument the Necromancy is a power from Outside, where as magic comes from Inside. Which might explain all the odd connections betweent the Necromancers and Outsiders.

DF Spoilers / Re: Justin is alive. Justin is Cowl. THEORY
« on: April 28, 2019, 12:05:17 PM »
Morriswalters, even if he were on fire he could have thrown a death curse. Harry has made it clear that it is extremely unwise to kill a wizard unless you do it so quickly and effectively that they cannot formulate a spell OR they are so disconnected from reality to believe that death doesn't hold for them (Grevane). Even if Justin was burning (the man who first taught Harry how to block pain, mind you) I think he could still have pulled off a death curse through sheer will.

As for Simon - apart from the fact that he was a far more powerful and experienced combat Wizard than Harry, and the fact his specialty was Earth magic (and a bunch of other reasons) - it just makes more sense. There are more arguments for Justin, than Simon. As for the Darkhallow, remember that in Dead Beat Cowl makes it clear he is only doing it to stop the other Necromancers, that he believes Kemmler was a madman and that he and the other Heirs of Kemmler have been searching for Kemmler's books for sometime now. I also believe, even if Cowl is Justin and had Bob all that time, he wasn't yet mad enough to become a dark god let alone deal with Evil Bob. Not only that, as I said earlier there were still many pieces to the puzzle for that Ascension that hadn't been found until Dead Beat (not just the Word of Kemmler).

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Justin have been betrayed?
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:45:06 AM »
Sorry to double post.

APG - really interesting, I had totally forgotten there was a third final duel after Harry was defeated in the second. Well that back my point up even bloody stronger - Harry didn't win even after being prepared. He lost and was captured. It was only after he somehow broke free and got the jump on Justin (and saved Bob) that he won. How very interesting. And yes, the Dark Ritual were Harry had to drink blood and was being Enthralled may have effected him permanently, whether he is aware of it is something else.

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Justin have been betrayed?
« on: April 10, 2019, 11:40:46 AM »
It is logical that Justin was stronger - he is older. Harry is 16, Justin may have been anywhere between 50 and 70 (remember, wizards age slow). Justin was a Wardern. Out of however many White Council wizards, there are only approximately (+/- 10%) 200 Wardens. Not a damn lot, which is why they would only choose the strongest, most skilled Wizards (assuming they have the talent for Evocations). The oldest Wardens are between 100 and 200 years old (if Luccio and Morgan are anything to go by; remember when it comes to Wizards age tends to denote seniority). So likely not many older than them. Justin as a senior Warden (trained by one of the strongest Wizards in the world, Simon Pietrovitch) is not going to be some slouch. If Harry is top-40 at 25 (!), even for a prodigy he still is not going to surpass everyone. Justin has had plenty of time to grow and get strong, magically speaking. So assuming Harry is stronger than 2/3 of the Wardens, there are still going to be a fair few stronger - the old guard. Of which Justin was likely one. So is Justin going to be number 200, or is he going to be somewhere near the top? I think it is pretty obvious.

Justin doesn't have to be super powerful to be more powerful than Harry. Now while several Wizards have commented on Harry's magical muscle (point of order: it would help if they mentioned how they calculated magical muscle), it especially looks good because he is so young. But despite all his muscle, he isn't good at using it. Especially in the earlier books, Harry mentions this several times. So at 16, he is going to have awful energy efficiency. Which compared to a highly trained wizard soldier/police, who has been around and gathering power for several decades (think of how much better Harry is at magical combat after only 2 decades) even a 16 year old prodigy with some help from Leah (which remember, was just Dumbo's feather) is going to be nowhere near Justin's power. Think Mayweather vs 16 year old. It isn't a contest, even if the kid is naturally talented.

Just because he lived with Eb does not mean he really understood what Eb's limits where - he was only just learning the basics then (the equivalent of completing his final years of highschool). He may have some understanding about magic limits in general, but time and time again he is astonished and surprised by some part of magic that he had no idea about or didn't believe was possible.

So, what JB actually said when discussing Senior Council power sources was that they each have hidden deals/power sources that they don't tell each other about. Which makes a lot of sense, considering they have had centuries to accumulate power. But they arn't just "in case of emergency". Harry being the White Knight doesn't just stop when he doesn't need it. The same would apply. Which is not to say they don't have hidden nukes for when the shit hits the fan, but JB was answering a question about hidden power sources.

What I think about Senior Council displays of magic is irrelevant; it is Harry who found them incredible. The Merlin and the Gatekeeper stopping an army of Outsiders and Ramps with a single ward was considered amazing. The Merlin communicating his battle plan and restoring order in a split second was considered exceptional. Ebenezar's entire list of achievements (Krakatoa, Tunguska, killing Ortega with a satellite etc not to mention with a word destroying the top of El Castille at Chichen Itza and wiping out those mercenaries). La Fortier (I think) using illusion magic on an entire nation (that one was from JB). Simon's Death Curse leveling the Red Court's army at Archangel. Listen's-to-Wind duel with the Shagnasty (and he could have gone harder). Hannah Ascher's most incredible piece of magic was protecting herself from Fire in the Underworld. Followed up by her blowtorch spell. Not exactly in the same league.

Well, even if Justin never taught Harry offensive magic, that would have made Harry even weaker. Perhaps Leah taught him a lesson or two, perhaps not. But he had literally never fought anyone with magic before. Strangely enough though, even if Harry says that he worked out how to fight HWWBH pretty quickly. Either way Harry was still in a load of trouble.

Lots of assumptions, not a lot of proof. We do not know how Harry and Justin dueled or if Justin would have even fought Harry and smashed at his shield. But if we follow your theory, Justin is injured by Harry's surprise attack. Why doesn't he use his Warden blade or shoot him or use a magical device on him? Why not control the fire himself? Justin was skilled enough to do such a thing (remember how he sets his hand ablaze) yet Harry's magic overwhelmed him? As I said before - if Justin wanted to win that duel, he should have. The only real possibility is that he never intended to win in the first place, with all the implications that come with that. 

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