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Messages - kbrizzle

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DF Spoilers / Ramírez & Lara Raith soulgaze
« on: June 26, 2019, 06:09:15 PM »
While re-listening to White Night again, an interesting bit jumped out at me. After Harry & Ramírez arrive at Chateau Raith, Lara starts playing up the ‘come hither’, & focuses it on Ramírez, who responds by pointing a concealed knife at Lara’s throat & telling her that he’s not food. This leads to them getting into a soulgaze. I’ve paraphrased the convo below:


“Both of them stared, eyes widening & then shuddered. Lara took a small step back from Ramírez with her breathing slightly quickened. (Harry looks at her chest)
“If you meant to dissuade me, you haven’t” Lara says.
“Not you”.. it wasn’t to dissuade you” responds Ramírez in a rough voice.

“Wise for one so young. I advise you young wizard, not to hesitate so long to act should another approach you as I did” says Lara. (She then goes on about how attractive virgins are to Whamps).
Harry asks Ramírez a little later when they are alone, “You saw what was inside her?”
Ramírez shudders & responds  “That pale thing, her eyes. She was getting more turned on & it was looking more like it’s eyes.... her word is good, I saw that much”

What do you guys think Lara & Ramírez are talking about?

I find it hard to believe that any jury would convict someone of even 2nd degree murder in the Cassius situation...

Let’s go through the events here - the ‘victim’ (Cassius) had just spent the last few minutes cutting the ‘murderer’s’ chest open & was just about to kill him when he was interrupted by a 3rd party (Butters). The victim then breaks the 3rd party’s nose & tries to kill him with the same knife. The murderer’s dog is able to intervene & kill the ‘victim’ while protecting its master.

There is no way to prove that Cassius wouldn’t have been able to get back to up & finish what he’d started - perhaps he would’ve been able to get the drop on Mouse (unlikely) or perhaps he would re-attempt this at a later date, given that’s exactly what Cassius was doing here (after the events of DM).

We only know that Harry gave the order to Mouse to kill Cassius because he expressly tells us so, why would he do this in a hypothetical court of law where he is being ‘accused’ of murder? Before Mouse managed to get his mouth around Cassius’ throat, Cassius was winning the fights against both Harry & Butters... Cassius was in better shape than either of them at that point & was planning on killing both if not for Mouse, who as a dog would be legally & morally venerated for protecting its owner, even if such an attack was fatal to the ‘victim’...

All of Harry’s ‘murders’ would probably count as justifiable homicides (especially if he could get a Sidhe lawyer) - including that of Corpsetaker in DB. Like Harry tells Sarissa in CD, the only 2 people he’s killed in cold blood were Susan & Lloyd Slate. Given that Susan’s body likely vanished after the Ramps were exterminated as a species, I doubt any mortal authority would be able to prove anything there (no body, almost impossible to prove the crime) & Lloyd Slate was murdered in the NN - well out of any mortal police’s jurisdiction & in full compliance/ being forced to do it by the ruler of that nation (Mab).

So I really don’t agree with the assessments of Harry being a ‘murderer’ according to American law. The legal definition of murder is just that, a legal definition - extenuating circumstances are always considered in such cases.

DF Spoilers / Re: Fate of the original Merlin
« on: June 10, 2019, 08:22:49 PM »
I agree. The fact that the runes make one more of what they are kinda lend credence to the theory that Harry will one day perform a Darkhallow on Demonreach but will need help in his fight against the sheer amount of black magic that would be unleashed from such a spell - it probably is what will keep Harry as Harry & not a crazed necro-god.

DF Spoilers / Re: Persephone in the DV
« on: June 10, 2019, 08:20:19 PM »
Fair enough although I’m unsure if JB was aware of this switch as well. My point in this thread is that Persephone dictated the climate in Ancient Greece & given Hades’ crown of mordite, I wonder what this tells us about the defense of the Outer Gates before the Norse.

Additionally the Marcone: Hades, both being lords of different Underworlds similarity is not exactly subtle, I wonder if JB is foreshadowing something. Marcone is sleeping with Demeter, where as Hades seemed to have a more antagonistic relationship with the Greek goddess who is Persephone’s mother.

To be honest, I believe that Harry is correct in keeping info from people on the lower rungs of power in the DV. It is not his fault that they (Susan, Kim etc) are independent & proud - they certainly deserve most of the blame for explicitly doing things Harry tells them not to - & they pay for it. They do this because being a go-getter in the mortal world has worked out for them, but the supernatural world plays by different rules where one’s power level generally unlocks appropriately dangerous knowledge. Kim & Susan don’t understand this - Murphy is more situationally aware from her police work & I don’t recall Molly getting hurt from Harry withholding info (he hurts her unintentionally). Blaming Harry for this removes his agency, not theirs.

Most of the arguments I’ve read in this thread seem to focus on Harry not going out of his way to explain the rules & dangers of the supernatural world appropriately to the noob ladies in his life, but I disagree - no one is forcing Kim to build a circle that Harry would have trouble with or Susan to come to Bianca’s shindig where Harry is unsure he’ll make it out alive -they made these decisions with his express disapproval. Additionally I don’t think for a second that if Harry turned them down, they wouldn’t have looked elsewhere (more dangerous places) for that info which might’ve worked out even worse for them. I don’t understand the commenters who think that without Harry, Kim & Susan wouldn’t have figured out a way to dabble in the supernatural world. They are smart, dogged & connected enough to make this happen regardless of Harry - he just made it easier since he’s a good person.

It’s kinda like abortion or teen sex - whether you agree or disagree about the morality of the acts, it’s not going to dissuade the determined from going through with it even if they’re aware of the dangers.

DF Spoilers / Re: Malcolm's murder
« on: June 10, 2019, 03:13:11 AM »
Sure, maybe Lea passively condones Justin’s behavior if she knows about it but it’s pretty clear that Justin was running his own game - whether it was against Outsiders is another issue entirely. Perhaps it was & that’s why Lea trusted him enough to raise Harry?

Perhaps Lea felt like 16 year old Harry could take on Justin because he had just vanquished an Outsider - WoJ is that she basically just gave him confidence? Unlikely, but I think Lea was herself curious about how Harry was able to achieve this which is why she specifically asked about this - perhaps she wanted to see the Starborn in action?

I do like the idea that Lea interfered in the duel to allow Harry to win - explaining the lack of a death curse from Justin (surprised him maybe?) - and that’s why she’s not too curious about that fight. It would also make sense in a Sidhe way that she then sends Elaine to Summer to balance out the fact that Winter has its own designs for the Starborn Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Fate of the original Merlin
« on: June 10, 2019, 03:01:53 AM »
I took the fact that runes on Demonreach are for an ascension ritual to mean that in case of apocalypse, the Warden of the island would perform a Darkhallow on the island & absorb the prisoners to become powerful enough to deal with the universe-ending threat.

That being said, it doesn’t negate the point @Snark Knight is making, although personally I’d like to see Merlin in action as a mortal wizard & not as a genius loci.

DF Spoilers / Re: Malcolm's murder
« on: June 07, 2019, 08:56:56 PM »
@KurtinStGeorge & morriswalters
My only issue with this scenario is why Lea would view Justin as the right person to teach Harry? He was never known as a teacher - no other former apprentices are mentioned (aside from Elaine). Additionally there is strong evidence that he was walking on the left-hand path - witnessed by his keeping Bob & likely summoning HWWB to track Harry after his thralling attempt fails. Sure, Lea could’ve been wrong, but I believe Harry says in GS that Lea had always kept an eye over him even when he was younger, so wouldn’t she be keeping a very close eye on what all Justin is upto?

I think it much more likely that Justin & Simon (so Cowl) got some knowledge (perhaps because he & Maggie were ‘friendly’ or through a demon like Chauncey) that there were 2 Starborns in mundane orphanages around the country ripe for the plucking. His goal seems to have been to round them up, train them, emotionally manipulate them & then enthrall them into his personal service.

I’m also a little unsure of why Lea thinks Harry can go back & defeat Justin as a 16 year old.


I think that one of the central themes of the series, a leitmotif even, is agency & free will. Kim freely made a decision to do something that her ‘teacher’ disagreed with - she is an adult & nearly Harry’s age, so I don’t agree at all that she has no agency.... I mean isn’t it Kim’s fault for doing this?? Clearly she was going to do it regardless of what Harry said, so I don’t see why Harry gets the blame for her death.

She freely made the choice to perform the ritual binding circle, even when Harry tells her she isn’t up to it. Your argument is that Harry should’ve somehow known that Kim was going to defy him with disastrous consequences & that he should interfere with a freely made decision by another who doesn’t really want his help beyond a few “theoretical” questions.

If your answer is that yes he should’ve abrogated her free will because he feels like she is in danger - note how Murphy responds every time he does this - it is her decision to be involved & not Harry’s. Harry also keeps a fair amount of secrets from Murphy, especially in the early books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Malcolm's murder
« on: June 07, 2019, 03:38:23 AM »
I would say that it is definitely likely that Malcolm was murdered - this is why he is able to interact with Harry in his dreams occasionally. In DB, Malcolm specifically says that he is able to speak to Harry because “others have crossed the line”.

To me this says that Malcolm was likely killed by someone evil (like Denarian) - the smile on his face is reminiscent of Shiro. And he likely knows Uriel & maybe even works for him.

DF Spoilers / Persephone in the DV
« on: June 07, 2019, 03:28:00 AM »
I hadn’t given much thought to the discussion between Harry & Marcone at the end of WN after the battle in the Raith Deeps where Harry likens Marcone to Hades & Helen Beckett/ Demeter’s comatose daughter to Persephone, until SG.

In SG, we learn that Hades did not kidnap Persephone but rather it was voluntary & required Hecate’s help in fooling Persephone’s mother Demeter for a few months so the couple could enjoy their honeymoon. Moreover, Marcone’s bank was considered to be a place that had enough in common with Hades’ realm to open a Way, further strengthening the Marcone:Hades point made in WN.

Additionally, Persephone in Classical Greek mythology has some odd connections to Hecate. Given that Hecate is the triple goddess, Persephone is known in some tales to be the youngest/ maiden aspect of the triple goddess. She is also responsible for the seasons in Ancient Greece - the 6 months she was down in Hades’ realm was Winter, where as the 6 months she was on earth were considered Summer.

What do you guys think this means? Especially for Beckitt’s daughter?

DF Spoilers / Re: Who really killed Margaret McCoy Dresden
« on: June 07, 2019, 03:17:16 AM »
@Bad Alias
They can only monitor, not interfere so long as everyone is playing by the rules. There is free will after all for mortals (as we see when Uriel refuses to help Harry get Maggie Jr back or fix his broken back in Changes).

We know that Uriel can only interfere when someone from the other side has broken a rule - perhaps Anduriel did so in killing Maggie which allowed Uriel to act. Perhaps Lea/ Mab are able to act because Harry is Lea’s godson & she has a sworn duty to protect him.

Sending Harry to an orphanage is likely Lea or Mab’s doing since it strikes me as a little heartless from Uriel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Nemesis and Hecate
« on: June 07, 2019, 03:07:28 AM »
One of my WAGs is that the creation of the Fae is supposed to to supplant the old gods. The Fae do not require belief, but awareness as Bad Alias points out - this is easier to accomplish than belief, especially in an increasingly technological world. As long as people are aware the Fae exist, they will remain powerful enough to guard the Gates.

If an old god was created by the beliefs of its followers, we know (from WoJ) that the Fae were created out of a Darkhallow-like ritual. Therefore the Fae do not need to channel the choices/ beliefs of mortals into power - their power is from a different source.

Additionally, one of the other names Harry calls MW (which she agrees are true) is Skuld - the youngest of the 3 chief Norns (Norse Fates) who also functions as a Valkyrie. Here is an interesting bit about the 3 chief Norns from Wikipedia:
It appears from Völuspá and Vafþrúðnismál that the three main norns were not originally goddesses but giantesses (Jotuns), and that their arrival ended the early days of bliss for the gods, but that they come for the good of mankind.
Völuspá relates that three giantesses of huge might are reported to have arrived to the gods from Jotunheim

Since we know the Jotun were the previous guardians at the gate, this creates some interesting connections between the Fae & Odin.

I’ve also recently read an article on classical antiquity that describes the Greek goddess Themis - a Titan older than Zeus as a goddess of judgement & balancer of scales (seems like a good guess as to the Mother’s name). She is sometimes known as the mother of the Greek Fates (Atropos is one of them) with Zeus as the father.

Additionally, there were 3 aspects to Themis (like a proto-triple goddess):
  • Themis: goddess of justice
  • Nemesis: goddess of retribution
  • Eleos: goddess of redemption

Saying that Harry is responsible for the death of Kirby is a bit like saying he is also responsible for HWWB killing the gas station attendant when Harry was 16....

I agree with @nadia, Mira & Bad Alias - Harry’s lack of sharing knowledge has not yet been the sole reason anyone dies in the series so far. In each of the deaths, there is definitely more culpability from the victims (less so in Kirby’s case granted) or the perpetrators. If anything, Harry’s withholding info is a smaller piece of the mosiac that explains the deaths of the 3 people being discussed, but it is in no way the sole or most important piece. 

That Harry feels it is does not make it so - as has been pointed out by Michael, Harry (like the WC) is sometimes arrogant to the point of idiocy. Just because Harry could have theoretically prevented something (with 20/20 hindsight), he feels like he should have done so & blames himself for not doing it. This is not rational....

I was under the impression that it was the Athame that Mab did not want Lea to have - she has probably known about Harry’s debt for decades... I believe this was the point of gifting the Nfected dagger to Lea - she would be forced to give it/ trade it to Mab as a way to maintain the Winter power hierarchy.

However, 2 things ruined this plan:
  • Lea as a Winter Fae is power-hungry by nature. She had her own designs for the athame (to end that which stalks us all) & tried to hold on as long as possible
  • Mab realizes after the unusual death of Ronald Reuel that a BC plan is afoot but her WK will be useless in doing anything, so she realizes that Harry’s debt is currently more useful to her than the athame

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