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Messages - trboturtle

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Merlin's Courtship is currently at 95K, and projected at 125K right now...


Author Craft / Re: Making Life Hard for your Characters
« on: February 18, 2013, 08:50:14 PM »
As an amateur writer, the hardest thing I have to do in writing a story is creating pain, sorrow, tragedy and misery for my main characters. I think I'm too softhearted sometimes. Has anyone else had this problem?

Without pain, sorrow, tragedy and misery for your main characters, there isn't much of a story.... ;)

Seriously, almost all stories have a conflict, be it internal, external. or both. It can be a minor conflict ("Should I eat that last piece of cake?") or major ("Mom! There's a couple of hundred aliens outside and they looked Pissed!") The conflict shouldn't be quick or simple to solve until the story's climax.

And your characters are going to have to go through emotional turmoil trying to resolve the conflict. They are goign to feel pain, they are going to be in turmoil, have emotional lows and sorrows --- that's part of life, and your characters need to reflect that.


Author Craft / Re: Book Cover Costs
« on: February 08, 2013, 01:50:39 AM »
I've seen quotes for anywhere between $200-$300, some higher than that. You have to make sure there's enough room for everything else (title, your name, any taglines) on the cover.


I have a cold..... :'(

Between the cough, the running nose, and the out of it feeling, I can't think enough to do any writing.... :-[ :(


Author Craft / Re: Author In Progress
« on: January 20, 2013, 02:12:41 AM »
I have written several short stories (which I promptly lost, or as I say "I hid them for future creative inspiration") I enjoy writing, though it takes a long time to write or type ((not that I write or type slow but I have to get the right feeling from it) which means I write once and revise twenty or fifty times). I am still learning of course they say that you never stop learning. Hopefully I will have more time to write during the summer after I finish my senior year of high school.  :P Then college will start... ::)

Welcome to the loony bin!  ;D

Grab a seat in any discussion and enjoy yourself!


12,000+ words for the week on several projects, so small asdvances on several different stories and novels.....


Author Craft / Re: Crying Uncle?
« on: January 11, 2013, 09:50:01 PM »
Heroes learn to push past their limits -- that is why they are heroes. It doesn't matter how many times they get knocked down, or are pushed past their limits, they ALWAYS get and continue doing what they are supposed to do. (If they didn't, the bad guys would win....)

Heroes are pushed past their limits all the time -- the fact that they reach down inside themselves and continue on is what makes them heroes. They may not be the same person they were before, (most are not) but the very fact they don't stay down is a sure sign of being a hero.


Author Craft / Re: MS Word
« on: January 11, 2013, 03:08:12 AM »
I use Wordperfect, and have done so for years. Very rarely have problems with it.....


Author Craft / Re: Beta Reader Services
« on: January 03, 2013, 04:33:29 PM »
First thing I would do is start with friends and people you know. Ask them to read it and see what they think of it. Be careful of anything you have to pay money for, as there are a lot of rip-off artist out there.


I don't hate you... you just really annoy me... I am stuck with not having time to write
above comment made me cry  :'(

Well, Since I don't have job or school, I have plenty of time and energy to crack down on writing, something I should have done thirty years ago. (Yes, I am older than you might think) So many stories I need to write....

You just worry about school and doing well in that -- write when you can and put your soul into it.

If I had a time machine, I would go back in time and kick my earlier me's ass very hard and give him an earful of what I should have and what I shouldn't done. Writing time will come, but some things need to be taken care of first....


Cracked 80,000 words on the novel I started for NaNoWriMo....Might actually finish this one, then I can go back and finish the first two novels in the series!  ;D


The book I started for the NaNoWriMo events is now over 68,000 words. Let's see if I can hit 75,000 words before Christmas....


Author Craft / Re: Wondering if you all would have an interset in something
« on: December 08, 2012, 03:49:00 AM »
I have several books on firearms which I refer to when I need to.


Final word count for my NaNoWriMo project on this date: 57,856 words (by the offical NaNoWriMo word counter --- my WP counter has a lower number...)


Well, I cracked the NaNoWriNo! 53,000 words and counting!

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