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Messages - Ghsdkgb

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DFRPG / Re: Scions, half-breeds, and Catches
« on: February 16, 2012, 11:28:44 PM »
How about this: if the scion or changeling uses any of his supernatural powers for an attack, the catch is met. If not, then not.

Most of the supernatural powers are just claws and teeth, though.

I kind of like the idea of buying it off with a compel, personally. Though how that'd work long-term is iffy; maybe I'll just give him a fate point every time these guys come up, if we agree to let them satisfy the Catch? After all, if they satisfy it now, there's no reason they wouldn't in the future.

DFRPG / Scions, half-breeds, and Catches
« on: February 16, 2012, 09:25:51 PM »
Let's say I have a character with Inhuman Toughness or Recovery, and their Catch is a certain breed of creature (like Outsiders or Fae or Demons or whatever)

Would a Scion or Changeling fulfill that catch? Like, if it's Outsiders (which fan theories indicate the Uber-ghouls from White Night presumably are), would ordinary Ghouls fill it? Or if it's Fae, would a Changeling fill it?

It's kind of a gray area, and a current point of contention in our campaign. Opinions abound!

DFRPG / Re: Romero-Style Zombies
« on: February 07, 2012, 08:54:18 PM »
I threw some together once that basically had 0 in all stats and 10 stress boxes. Seemed to fit just fine.

DFRPG / Re: 6 possible locations for your next campaign:
« on: December 31, 2011, 12:14:31 AM »
I feel like that guy who brings a flower to a girl he likes only to have some other dude walk up with like six bouquets.

DFRPG / 6 possible locations for your next campaign:
« on: December 29, 2011, 05:24:38 PM »


I think, with a little creativity, any of these could be fantastic.

DFRPG / Surprise attacks, how do they work?
« on: December 19, 2011, 06:15:14 PM »
Not an ambush; that's pretty self-explanatory. But let's say I have two groups having a heated discussion, and one guy from one group chooses to just up and throw a fireball, or pull his gun and shoot, Indy-style.

Is his attack rolled against the defender's Alertness? Or Alertness to get a defense roll, and then Athletics as normal?

How does combat resolve after that? Everyone goes into the attack order as normal, including the original aggressor (with the first "round" basically being the one surprise attack, and second round follows Alertness order as normal)?

This is the way that makes most sense to me, but I'd like to hear where I might be wrong.

DFRPG / Re: Question about "Weapons"(Attacking) vs "Weapons"(defending)
« on: November 16, 2011, 05:12:26 AM »
It makes sense, thinking about it. You use your Weapons as a parry, effectively, which means basically the same as a dodge. If you meet, that means the weapon strikes, but just barely. So the same rules as dodging should still apply.

DFRPG / Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« on: November 14, 2011, 02:02:37 AM »
That's actually a really interesting idea to run as sort of background noise. Come up with some innocuous Theme related to traffic and the roads, then mention during several stories the increasing amounts of construction. Play it up as flavour, and occasionally make it interfere with getting somewhere on time.

Then spring a major story involving whatever it is being kept in/out of the church. As soon as they understand the nature of the protection circle, the players will suddenly realize that you've been building up toward this for several stories.

That's AWESOME!!

DFRPG / Are there rules for things like splash damage?
« on: November 11, 2011, 07:34:34 PM »
I know there's spray weapons, where you basically split your weapon roll into two rolls to hit two targets. But what about things like hand grenades or holy water balloons? If it's big enough, it should have a better chance of hitting the target even if the initial throw misses, right? Especially if they're standing near a wall you can splash off of or if you hit the ground at their feet.

Is there anything in the rules or pre-homebrewed that allows for this?

DFRPG / Re: Clarification on a Thaumaturgic attack, please?
« on: November 10, 2011, 05:24:06 PM »
That's the way evocation works, but not thaumaturgy. In thaumaturgy the power of the spell is the only thing that matters. So using this example you put eight power in, then they defend for five then take three stress, The end.

Damn. Alrighty, then. Thanks!

DFRPG / Clarification on a Thaumaturgic attack, please?
« on: November 10, 2011, 04:33:07 PM »
Okay, let's say I'm trying a sleep spell. I have +2 Lore, I'm able to put a scene together to give me an Aspect to tag, and I take a Moderate Consequence of "Exhausted", giving me a total of +8 shifts of power to put into the spell. Correct so far?

I have Conviction of +3 and Discipline of +4. This means I can put no more than 3 shifts of power into casting per turn, right? And I roll each turn at a +4? So I'd have to roll at a +3 difficulty the first two times, and then the third time at a +2, to get the spell to go off properly in the minimal time. Correct so far?

Okay, so let's say I roll a total +2 the first time. I can take Fallout, which means that the whole spell fails, or take 1 Mental stress as Backlash to keep going. Yes? Okay, let's say I do that.

The second time, I get a +5. Whee! So what happens to the extra 2 shifts in this case? Are they just gone? Or can I put them towards future power of the spell?

The third time, I only need a +2, but I end up with a +1 (stupid dice). This means I have to take the extra 1 Mental stress or lose the spell. Now, is it possible I could roll over my extra +2 from the second roll to prevent the backlash? Or do I have to reach each roll independently? Is there any way to get extra shifts of power at this point, like I can with Evocation? Or am I pretty much stuck with 8 or nothing?

Okay, let's say I get exactly 8 and the spell hits. They then roll a Discipline defense at a +8 difficulty to resist the spell, right? And then, let's say they get +5. They then take 3 mental stress for the difference and then 8 more from the original power I put into the spell?

Want to make sure I have all this right. Thanks!

DFRPG / Re: There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« on: November 09, 2011, 08:06:55 PM »
That's exactly where my first thought was, built to contain something.

I'd kind of like it to be a multi-purpose church, though. Keeps things out while it's keeping things in. And serves as a ritual base.

DFRPG / There's a church in my DFRPG town built in a giant circle
« on: November 09, 2011, 07:28:29 PM »

No other streets in the town are circular like that. And the only thing on that block in the center is a big church.

There's GOTTA be something cool I can do with this. Ideas?

DFRPG / Re: Questions regarding Foci
« on: October 20, 2011, 10:21:17 PM »
IIIII think I get it now. So I get 2 slots, which I can spend on a +2 or two +1s. If I have a Lore of +a billion, doesn't matter, I can't get any more than that. If I take Refinement for +4, though, I can pour all that into one for a +6 or have two +3s, but only if my Lore supports it.


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