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Messages - Shecky

Pages: 1 ... 7 8 [9] 10 11 ... 143
Jersey, could you post a link? I can't find that mentioned anywhere.

DF Reference Collection / Re: Dresden Files: Series Timeline
« on: February 28, 2013, 06:41:40 PM »
Nice one!  Thanks!

Not to mention appropriate to a certain person we know. :)

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Archive a Member's posts?
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:57:22 PM »
That I couldn't tell you; mine's the only way I know.

Site Suggestions & Support / Re: Archive a Member's posts?
« on: February 28, 2013, 02:27:24 PM »
Go to the "See posts" link on the member's profile page. Save each page as an offline webpage. It's what I do for my PMs when they start to pile up.

Would it be practical for me to make a backup of Jim' posts (and possibly the interviews) in the curator's section? Or would it be better to make it on a different site? I've got enough free time to make a backup.

That's your call, brother; whatever you think best. I'm just here to keep the electric fence going. :)

Um, guys? We have a limited staff, all of whom have actual lives they have to deal with outside the forum. "I don't suppose there could be more of an effort to back up WOJ" kind of sounds like our people are sitting on their private beach, sipping martinis spiced with the tears of deprived forumgoers. ;)

In all seriousness, if you see a WoJ, please provide link and/or text (preferably both if possible, but we know that's not always the case) here:,43.0.html

It's a group effort between our lovely WoJ experts and the community, y'know? We do appreciate any help you're willing to give in making sure everything shows up on the radar. :)

There is no longer a Touchy Topics subforum, so I can't advise to move it there, and simply moving it behind a spoiler tag doesn't change it from being in the Touchy Topics field. It might have been better to make the opening post broader, such as "Make sure the character's dialogue and internal monologue are consistent with his/her situation", without referring to broad stereotypes. But the moment for that is past, so all that's left is either 1) to drop the subject entirely or 2) be very, very careful with how it develops. You have to admit that stating openly that character X is poorly written because "I've never heard a man/woman talk that way" looks and quacks a lot like sexism. I can't think that it was your intent, but since gender roles are a hot-button issue for a number of forumgoers here (not to mention people in general), that button can get inadvertently pressed awfully easily.

... which is part of the reason Touchy Topics were defined and placed off-limits here in the first place: too often, those hot buttons got pressed and people had powerful emotional reactions that led to completely avoidable dust-ups. Deliberate or otherwise, it really doesn't matter in the end—we've placed maintaining the peace in here in everyone's hands. So, you can certainly proceed if you wish, but please do be careful in guiding this thread's direction.

For what it's worth, words fundamentally do still mean what they mean once you strip a lot of stereotyped "conventions" from them. I'm a straight male, happy and completely at ease with it, yet I can see a guy like Matt Bomer and feel perfectly accurate and appropriate in describing him as "beautiful". Because, dammit, the jerk is. Makes me bullfrog-green with jealousy that some other guy can be that damned gorgeous while I got not one gene in that direction. XD In fact, the lingo you're describing as "not done" may simply belong to the also-stereotyped group of self-proclaimed "man's men", which is a fairly sexist direction to take right out of the gate, anyway.

So, to repeat, if you want to continue with this thread, it's certainly okay; just be aware how close the subject matter and the direction of the conversation are to the borders with TT, and self-monitor accordingly. Sound good?

This is pushing uncomfortably close to a discussion of sexism, and as such is edging into Touchy Topics. Probably best to steer away unless there is a good purpose in bringing it up.

There is what is considered to be a feminine way of writing and a masculine way of writing even outside of even word choice. There's grammar and sentence structure too. But some men do write what might be considered femininely and some females do write what may be considered in a masculine fashion.

I think this is more a function of genre standards + assumptions than of an actual gender-related style.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2013 Schedule
« on: February 10, 2013, 04:16:00 AM »
Shecky you LIE I have SEEN and HEARD it, but I will admit it was hard to do so over my own squeeing!

See? You didn't actually hear it. I stand by my statement.

Very recently, a select group of fantasy authors anonymously submitted short pieces for a test: a bank of readers were supposed to decide based on the writing whether the author was male or female. Result? The guesses were only as accurate as a random choice between A or B. Random, people.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2013 Schedule
« on: February 08, 2013, 05:08:07 PM »
I do not squee.

... where other people can hear me.

Author Craft / Re: Facebook to promote one's work?
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:24:02 AM »
If you want an excellent example of social-media "self-branding" by an author, check out Myke Cole. The guy lives by Wordmaker's statement of "you are your brand" - he maintains a constant, highly interactive, consistently pleasant and professional presence on the big-name social-networking sites.

Author Craft / Re: Book Cover Costs
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:20:12 AM »
In fact, that's really low for a professional artist; it's on the low end of a day's wages for regularly-employed people.

Calendar Event Discussion / Re: Jim's 2013 Schedule
« on: February 08, 2013, 11:17:37 AM »
*deleted because not-a-real-squee-but-anyway*

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