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Messages - Wicked Woodpecker of West

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DF Spoilers / Re: When did LtW join the White Council?
« on: November 11, 2020, 10:28:00 PM »
Harry is not dignified and high on coke enough to be Sherlock.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:45:52 PM »
Until I see it on the books, I won't believe it.

Distrust of WOJ. I like it.

It's a pretty convenient ward, if a ward it is.  Thomas banged his way through Dead Beat. That should have killed it. Yet by White Knight despite the fact that Thomas has been doing every "she" he comes in contact with, it means not one wit.

Thomas can fuck off his own ward, but it's not like ward of Justine is like ultimately dependent of his own. So Justine can stay faithful and keep True Love ward around. An anyway - if they go intimate it can be rebuilt for them both who knows how fast. After all Thomas was not burned by own True Love, but by Justine's - otherwise his own True Love would kill her.

Jim Butler was only 33 when Blood Rites came out.

Maybe that's why he changed his mind. (Or maybe because he decided it's kinda stupid considering anti-Skavis and anti-Malvora defenses are way way different.)

But then...

I think Jim came up with the idea, it fit perfectly into the story he was writing at the time and went with it.  Ignoring that one can have sex without love, one can be raped, one can truly love without sex, one can even be unfaithful for a lot of complicated reasons and still truly love one person, which as the series has gone on variations of these scenarios create problems for the story line.   And yes, it is possible that Harry still truly loves both Susan and Murphy though both are dead, and always will... So is he still protected?

With all those exceptions and stuff - somehow this original in many ways mechanical variant of protection were less baffling than going with true love in like philosophy area. But yeah I think ultimately reason for it was to estabilish way out for Inari, and way to torture Thomas a bit.
(Although I think sex without love as not-working was estabilished anyway).

I think true love is not enough, it is magic after all. It has to be confirmed with words or ceremony.

Ritualism. But then would Murphy/Dresden work on Lara?

I think we are overthinking it. It's a convenient thing for literature, it has not need to be related with real life. And since book 1 JB established that in his world, sexual relationships are super powerful and magic related. So, perhaps we can accept the mechanics of True Love as he wants them to be?

I generally agree. My problem in a long run is not connected that much to True Love being problematic concept - but rather than overall it makes mechanics of white vampires bit wonky. Fear-feeders are repelled by true courage, despair-feeders are repelled by true hope - but here we have convoluted wards of intimacy lasting for 7 years which seems to work quite differently. It irks my OCD and love of patterns in a bad way.
If there was no Skavis or Malvora - or if they all were sex-vampires I would care bit less.

DF Spoilers / Re: Would You Be Shocked If....
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:17:16 PM »
of Peace talks, while not impossible, it is highly unlikely that he got her pregnant.  Thomas says that White Court Vamps are for the most part sterile... Possible he is the exception because of who is mother was, but is it likely?  He says they were using birth control.. Failure? Possible, but how likely added to the probable low sperm count for Thomas?  Justine was lying about using it? Very likely, but at the same time if Thomas was right about himself, still an outside chance.

Possible. Then while whampires are rarely fertile, they are fertile often enough for Lord Raith to concieve multiple daughters and sons, so not that sterile. I mean they pass their vampirism to biological progeny.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Talk To Me..." Had Carlos Already Drank the Kool-Aid?
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:13:28 PM »

I'm not sure she can. The short story this happened in had a couple instances of her trying to talk to Carlos about Winter stuff, and being unable to say anything other than pickup lines. Harry asked some things about how she's doing with the job in SG and she said she couldn't tell him, literally, despite him being the Knight.

Any sort of meaningful apology to Carlos would require an explanation of why the mantle forced her to attack him. That seems like a more serious Winter secret than anything she wanted to say earlier and was blocked from, so she probably cannot speak about it.

Dunno really. If one of basic qualities of Winter Lady a big secret. Is it even... possible for it to be a secret. It's like Maiden, Mother, Crone mythology - any wizard with decent knowledge would get it. If so... that's really weird.

Now of course Immortal dies in Halloween secret somehow is kept top secret, which also I consider with lot of doubt.

DF Spoilers / Re: When did LtW join the White Council?
« on: November 11, 2020, 08:05:57 PM »
You know, I do not even need for him to get a result.
But I want to know he is really, really trying - and failing, because either prices is too high, or theoreticall allies keeps him obfuscated and gaslighted. And it can even stronger push his wizard paranoia.

Really Jim could just read this board or one of FB groups, write down theories good and bad, and just make Dresden consider all of them, and make mad graphs

DF Spoilers / Re: "Talk To Me..." Had Carlos Already Drank the Kool-Aid?
« on: November 10, 2020, 07:02:16 PM »
It's clear from PT/BG that neither Carlos told Dresden about it, nor Molly tried to dunno apologize for incident.
It's possible Carlos reported to White Council - which could be a reason they are now quite harsh on Dresden - his warlock apprentice turned Sidhe and ripped their Warden to shreds

DF Spoilers / Re: New questions that come from PT and BF
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:59:19 PM »
Reason of Winter being most powerful force around. But they serve as guardians of Outer Gates for about millenium IIRC and Faerie Courts are definitely older.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:57:07 PM »
True love is the magical mechanism that establishes the protection, just like casting a ward. And like a ward it remains until broken or taken down.

But then why it's enough to be really brave to burn Malvora out :P

Having sex with your True Love at a later time rebuilds the ward. I imagine Thomas and Justine had to refrain from body contact very shorty after completing the act as the ward came back up.

Problem with this is - WOJ states sex is not necessary to estabilish ward.

DF Spoilers / Re: When did LtW join the White Council?
« on: November 10, 2020, 06:55:14 PM »
Yeah, well, someone keeps throwing distractions in his face...

Once per year!

He built LC. He's done multiple iterations of his wards and tools. He took on an apprentice. He built a bug out retreat. He's obviously increased his level of understanding about the abilities of Demonreach. He's honed his personal skills. He also created and supported the Paranet. He made a living using his craft.

Indeed - but it's all self-improvement, not pro-active stance against some Big Bad Conspiracy - or Conspiracies - he is concious about since Dead Beat, and in fact Blood Rites where his mother's lover/murderer use the same Outsider Walker as his master should ring the bell.
At least since Dead Beat he should seriously delve in investigation - and there are multiple sources that could be used. Vast array of supernatural forces, spirits, and even muggle specialists.

Could be - but even that deserved more resolution than we've got.

DF Spoilers / Re: When did LtW join the White Council?
« on: November 10, 2020, 05:31:00 PM »
True, to a certain degree, but it is hard to connect dots that you have no access to, or know about.

Fandom connected many dots - while having only access to Dresden's internal monologue. And we are like nerdy noobs not Wizards of White Council.
And it's not even than he had not managed to find much - it's like - we don't see him even trying, not being pro-active at all.

DF Spoilers / Re: "Talk To Me..." Had Carlos Already Drank the Kool-Aid?
« on: November 10, 2020, 05:25:59 PM »
Indeed, I've been wondering that as well, and I can think of none.  Yes, we are told that most of the younger Wardens look up to Harry and agree with him on many counts, but nothing about secrets shared with Harry.

I'd say Carlos as young Warden has bit less secrets usually.
I mean he barely graduated when we meet him, and then in White Night already Dresden is quite obviously hiding information

Well in theory change happened between Changes and Cold Days, and what sort of ripped Thomas out of whampire life was Dresden's death.
In "Changes" he is theoretically on bad guy side still, he even is bit selfish and goes full to Dresden help after he realises he is threatened by curse as well.

If Thomas was Nemfected and did it as part of a plan, but was hurt too much and was not able to use his Awesome Walker Powers before getting stuck in coffin, I'd way way prefer it.

Basically rather than one Justine make it live five people influenced by bilocating Walker - making this Xanatos Gambit more believable.

DF Spoilers / Re: Anyone else... disappointed? [PT/BG spoilers]
« on: November 09, 2020, 07:28:25 PM »
Yeah, I've always had trouble with it as well.  It never was clear and it has been debated a bunch over the years.  What constitutes true love?  Supposedly just touching a wedding ring of a someone who has true love protection can burn, or a flower touched and given in true love.  Yet getting raped can destroy the protection? Yes, we've gone around and around on that one.  It makes no sense.  Does it come down to being unfaithful?  You can get drunk and have a one night stand, still truly love someone else, but your protection is gone.   Did Justine have sex with the woman she brought home because she loved her?  Or so the protection would be erased and she an Thomas could have sex?  Or more to the point, was she motivated by her true love for Thomas to do it so they could consummate their relationship, which you'd think would seal not destroy the whole protection thing. Or was Justine infested with Nemesis as of Ghost Story and wanted to destroy her protection so she could eventually get pregnant to set up other events?

I mean even if Justine's having sex with this lass would destroy protection, shouldn't it return like in 5 minutes after she moved to Thomas, assuming they were still in True Love. Now this conundrum thankfully was sort of explained as Nemesis trick, which makes it more digestible for me.
Because really as only scene with Thomas in "Ghost Story" it was lame.

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