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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: Marcone/Namshiel, It Seems Weird to Me...
« on: April 28, 2021, 09:27:37 PM »

  Okay,this thought hit me while reading Groinkick's post about Marcone in the time traveling thread.
On one hand not sure if it is a deep enough thought to warrant it's own thread, but on the other it would have totally hijacked the other topic, so here goes.

I guess desperate times call for desperate measures and power corrupts even the already corrupted, but it is weird that Marcone would take up a coin.  The Denarians did a number on him on Demonreach back in Small Favor.. So much so that he and Mab planned and got revenge on Nic and company in Skin Game..  So now they kiss and make up?  Or are there going to be unforeseen consequences down the road?  At the moment Namhiel is glad to be back in business with a ruthless intelligent host, and Marcone was happy to save Chicago and getting more power, but who is using whom and what is the ultimate goal?

Namshiel also was not on good terms with Nic post Arctis Tor, so it may have been part of the bargain he and Marcone made.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry will throw down with Leah - Jim
« on: April 28, 2021, 09:26:47 PM »
Let's see- what could the bargain be?

1) Give him her knowledge of the Ways when he's ready
2) Keep him alive- not only would that cover her whole Hound thing, it puts a different spin on Mab in Ghost Story- Lea's obligations are hers.
3) See to his education- which could be construed as murdering Malcolm and a deal with Justin

Now, what would be the payment?

1) Obligations to Winter because he's starborn? That has serious metaphysical weight
2) Some traditional item- his firstborn, Margaret might have lived but Lea "sucked out" what was left?
3) Novelty- never underestimate novelty to a creative spirit (even if an evil creative spirit)

Thoughts all?

DF Spoilers / Re: The Denarians are the good guys?
« on: April 26, 2021, 06:57:00 PM »
I've toyed with this idea specific to Nicodemus.

Nic is Harry's personal enemy and foil- right down to gaining a daughter in his life (Cold Days he was out of commission, in the interim she was at the Carpenter's) when Nic loses his own. Nic falls as Harry rises.

And they hate each other.

Story wise, that's made for Jim for a final teamup. Exactly what he loves.

The Denarians are not monolithic. Nic and Tessa each head groups; a few like Lasciel are generally (apparently) solo artists who only rarely play with the band.

Tessa's group may be classic evil- Jim played DnD, chaotic evil.

Nic's group appears to be lawful evil.

Mab needed a favor from Anduriel for which he loaned her Nic early in her career as Winter Queen, per WoJ. That favor is repaid in Skin Game. Mab's job is holding against Outside. Implication: Nic (at least) learns about Outside.

Mab's only been Winter Queen a millenium, tops. Nic last worked with Tessa on the Black Death. Posit: Nic stopped doing "evil" and became busy trying to stop the Apocalypse.

Alternate: Nic hosts Nemesis and is the true big bad of the series. He and Nemesis both used the same quote about apocalypse being a state of mind. In that case, Tessa becomes an ally at the end, due to knowing Nic so well.

DF Spoilers / Re: Are Fae Queens still mortals?
« on: April 21, 2021, 04:05:52 PM »
That's an interesting theory. And it fits a bit. Considering part of the whole deal with the Elves immortality was that once their physical bodies died they died for good, whereas Men got to live on in the Halls of Mandos (I think).

Men spent some time in Mandos then passed beyond.

Elves spent time in Mandos meditating upon their deeds, good and bad, and once they had repented enough, they were released by reincarnation into identical physical bodies within Valinor. So it's like a combination of Purgatory+Reincarnation.

As far as I am aware, Tolkien dithered on whether only Felagund and Glorfindel among the Exiles were re-embodied, or whether only Feanor was trapped due to Feanor's inability to repent.

In Valinor, it is implied their bodies don't suffer the diminuation they see in Middle Earth.

DF Spoilers / Re: Mirror Mirror character changes ideas
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:35:19 AM »
Like the idea of Harry gaining knowledge so he might be prepared for the future, will the knowledge transfer over? Sure the character's names will be the same but will every detail be the same? With people just the opposite of what they are now ("good character" becomes "bad character")? Also, what about the neutral people?

The point is more that Harry himself is different, plus the general lit concept of chaos theory. So anyone Harry has interacted with significantly. Maeve may be back, Slade might be Winter Knight. No Evil Bob. Butters is dead or just a coroner.

It's why I favor how he killed Bianca changing to a violation of the Accords. No duel with Ortega. No friendship with the Archive. No followup at Shed's Aquarium. No Soulfire. Lots of branches become viable or fall away when links in chains alter.

DF Spoilers / Re: Goodman Grey - Yea, Nay or in-between - And more
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:31:11 AM »
All the more reason to wrap it up, stringing his readers along for years with bread crumbs sprinkled among short stories and spin-offs that are not his best work.  Three or four well written books that finish up the series is better than ten half assed ones..

He scoped the whole series out generally when he started. I was at a signing where he mentioned he was told he was nuts and he was starting to appreciate that- right when Cold Days came out.

DF Spoilers / Re: Crazy theory... Mavra is on the Gray Council
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:25:04 AM »
Myself, I think they are about the overturn of the old order without full knowledge of what that order is for- with a few nihilists and anarchists tossed in.

Take the Outer Gates. Wizards like Eb know what Outsiders are, but do they know that the Winter Court is responsible for keeping them outside the Outer Gates, or do they just think the Gates are "shut" instead of being a citadel under constant siege. If they have that misapprehension about the Gates- that there is no need for them to be defended- then there would be much question of the Accords.

I've brought this up before, but why the Accorded nations? It makes the most sense to me if they are a mix of B-string and heirs to Winter's duties on the Gates. With the human population exploding, Red or Black Courts could take over manning duties, for instance. I've mentioned before too that I am partial to the idea that vampirism "plugs into" the port Outsiders would need, making vampires immune to direct control by Outsiders (Though not willing participation).

So what is the Black Council for? Is it a wizard-centric organization that takes the passivity of the White Council as unacceptable? Is it a union of beings looking to overturn the old order to forge a new Accords in ignorance of the threat to reality? Is it a collection of Nemesis pawns- or some combination of all of these?

Hints in the series indicate there's some kind of astral cycle that at some point, only starborn can do something, and it's a time of change- so maybe it's those planning ahead on the cycle. Maybe it's no more than a temporary union of disparate players aiming to control starborn.

The distinction between Gray Council and Black Council is based on Harry's trust of Eb- if I recall correctly, a careful parse of Changes reads that the Council showed, and also Vadderung showed, but that doesn't mean they showed together. If they messed with Kukulkan, or otherwise were traceable to the success of the Red Court, they eliminated that evidence by backing Harry.

DF Spoilers / Re: Are Fae Queens still mortals?
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:12:23 AM »
Yeah I'm not disputing that. The main difference between the Elves of the First Age and those later is those of the First Age came from Valinor, they had the power and were beings of both worlds. It's why Galadriel is so strong, and Glorfindel. Later Elves, those born in Middle Earth didn't have that same might. Glorfindel had killed Balrogs but Legolas Greenleaf never could have done such a task. Yes, they were all able to be killed but there is an intrinsic difference between them. Elves that are of two worlds, and Elves that are far more just of Middle Earth.

Contributing to the tangent: I think it's a matter of potential. Elves who dwelt in Valinor are fully actualized, with all of their spiritual potential realized. Elves born in Middle Earth have to deal with the one-two-three of being born in eroding bodies, having to develop their potential themselves, and being more generations removed from the beginning.

I've long wondered if the total "spirit" of all elves is flat- that elves give of their own fea to have children, inherently making children less than their parents- with the exception of Feanor, who consumed all of his mother plus his share of his father.

DF Spoilers / Re: How do you see MM Harry being buffed?
« on: April 21, 2021, 05:08:53 AM »
There's another choice Harry made that has some really great story potential, and that's what he did to Bianca.

He didn't turn tail, he didn't start a war where the White Council was in violation of the Acccords, he found a third path- empowering her already-slain victims (already across her threshold) using the thinning of the veil she'd helped build- so it was Red Court vs. White Council only.

There's also his choice to take Michael as his second to the party.

I really like that it was his empowering her victims, versus striking her himself, that caused the divergence.

DF Spoilers / Re: Excalibur in Mirror Mirror
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:59:11 PM »
The Swords aren't on loan. They are there in partnership with the Knight and always aware of how they being used. Mavra didn't try to use the Sword at the party, she just traded it to Bianca. It was vulnerable because it wasn't in the possession of a Knight and could be broken but I highly doubt it could be corrupted.

Depends on how they work. Does the Angel loan its Grace to the blade?

DF Spoilers / Re: Crazy theory... Mavra is on the Gray Council
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:55:09 PM »
Vadderung is committed to defending this reality against the outsiders and removing the red court was a major blow against the outsiders. This was too important. Besides Mab and Uriel were also involved.

He was protecting the old order against the red court.

Right. But we don't know what the Black Council is *for*. The Red Court, amongst other things, is the cutout

DF Spoilers / Re: Could Eldest Gruff be a mortal Wizard?
« on: April 19, 2021, 07:54:13 PM »

"The Mantle of Eldest is an important one among the Fae..."

Cat Sith was Eldest Malk, if I recall correctly. Harry confronted Eldest Fetch/Phobophage thing.

Eldest Gruff would by implication be a gruff.
Unless Changelings count. Or there's something special about Gruffs.

DF Spoilers / Re: Crazy theory... Mavra is on the Gray Council
« on: April 19, 2021, 06:28:25 PM »
Vadderung's a practical guy and a gambler. His target might be overturning the old order

DF Spoilers / Re: Crazy theory... Mavra is on the Gray Council
« on: April 19, 2021, 06:16:43 PM »
I've long played with the idea the Grey Council are the Black Council- Eb going full "burn it all down!" when Maggie died is consistent.

Which would make Cowl a member

DF Spoilers / Re: Gray Council (again) roster.
« on: April 19, 2021, 06:14:36 PM »
If Langtree is involved, kicking Harry out of the Council makes him a Disavowed asset for the Grey Council.

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