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Messages - gojj

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DFRPG / Re: Body armor
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:22:31 PM »
I agree with one exception. If a character had an extremely high craftsmanship, resources, and scholarship they could plausibly (given time) construct some kind of prototype armor that has an armor value of three, ask for some military quality armor if they have very high contacts with some connection to the military, or buy some off the black market. But it would probably come with an aspect like "Illegal for civilians" or something like that. It would be difficult but I don't think a pure mortal sporting armor 3 is completely out of the question.

DFRPG / Re: Rewarding your Emissary
« on: July 27, 2011, 07:18:03 PM »
I gave my Autumn Knight a cloak with Inhuman Toughness and Inhuman Recovery to reflect the strength of nature and it's ability to recover from nearly anything given time. The Catch is Spring Court magic (+0 because it's so rare) but it can be researched by someone with the right materials so the catch gives +1, then the one-time discount is another +2, so the grand total is a pretty nifty Item of Power for only one refresh. You could easily put these on a sword (either one handed (W 2) or two-handed (W 3)), if you like these. Or if you want a more offensive weapon you could switch Recovery for Toughness. In my opinion nearly any enchantments can be justified given enough imagination and/or a lenient GM. You could also add a refresh or two to add an enchantment like (+2 damage vs. Fae) or a variation of the True Aim on the Sword of the Cross.

DFRPG / Re: Question about armor
« on: July 27, 2011, 03:10:38 PM »
While I agree with most of what you are saying (the emphasis on stress not damage makes more sense then what I said), I think that the weapon value of weapons refers directly to their lethality. Personally, ,I'd be more freaked out by someone holding a pistol (W2) than a Claymore (W3). Or maybe it's a combination of the two. But yes, like you said, if you have gotten shot a few times wearing a Kevlar vest and even if you were never "hit" (damaged), you'd still be soar and growing increasingly exhausted, a.k.a more stressed. I was just focusing more on the G aspect of RPG, I keep forgetting that it's the R and P that make this game so much more in depth (and in my opinion more fun) than games where your character's personality pretty much doesn't matter and you're just killing everything in the room.

DFRPG / Re: Question about armor
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:07:05 AM »
In Scenario 2 Dresden would deal 4 damage because he still rolled four higher. Damage = (skill+roll+weapon damage) - (skill+roll+armor). Of course aspects can add or reduce damage and you won't deal any damage at all if you miss in the first place.

Ok, I'm giving my Knight one or two items of power. the quick reason is that because the Autom court is so few those that still fly it's banner will need to be strong to survive, so when my character was knighted he was given these (or rather these items were enchanted for him) by his sponsor.

Since he was a rancher and spent most of his life on the prairie he is given a duster and a gun. I'm giving the duster (I'm calling it Barkskin Duster) Inhuman Toughness (Catch is spring magic, but can be researched so it gets a +1) and Inhuman Recovery. However I am having trouble with the Item of Power rule that states that the item can only be used in certain circumstances, i.e Sword of the Cross can only be swung selflessly. Would the duster only protect me against the faeries of the other courts, or maybe only when those attacking me are aware of who I am and seek to harm me as a way of further weakening the Autumn Court. Any suggestions? Thanks again for your input guys.

The sponsor would be the King/Queen or Lady/Lord of the Autumn Court. I have skirted around saying who that is because to be honest I am not sure. I don't have a very extensive knowledge of the Fae (one of the reasons I posted here so that those who do know about them could point out flaws). I have heard suggestions that the Erlking may have been at least a significant player in the Autumn Court, but I am not sure. Maybe for our campaign my GM and I will make someone up, or maybe just refer to him/her as Queen or King Autumn for the time being, it's cheesy I know. I agree that as a whole Autumn and Spring can to very little to disrupt the status quo on a global scale (at least for the time being) and I like your idea of the Fae themselves switching courts. This may be stretching it (oh who am I kidding, it's a huge leap) but maybe Mab and Titana themselves have a kind of split personality. When she leads Winter Mab is cold, harsh, basically the Mab we all know and love, but when she leads Autumn Mab loses some of her icy demeanor and becomes more, wild I guess. Embraces the randomness of air instead of ice, forgets about death and focuses on the hunt (still death, but it has a clear meaning and is not necessarily destructive). Thanks for your input. (Btw it wasn't till your post that I realized that Titana is the Titana from A Midsummer's Night dream, I thought it was just a coincidence).

@bobjob: I made sure to combine Summer and Winter themes as well as add two new ones: Summer: Wildness, Growth. Winter: Wildness, Decay. New: Hunt, Air. I am unsure about hunt though, I was inspired by the Erlking but I open to new suggestions on this one (or any other of the five). I fiddled with adding some quasi-demonic thing in there due to Halloween being in Fall, but decided against it.

A quick search through old topics tells me that this concept has been done before and been discussed before, however the most recent topic is about a month old and I did not wish to resurrect an old topic (typically frowned upon on most boards). I have moderate experience with the Dresden RPG, I have never GM'ed but I have played enough to be confident with the rules and now want to make a more conflicted character, my first one was a Changling whose sole goal was essentially to survive, he was not beholden to anyone. I have decided on a Knight of the Fairy Court but we already had a Summer Knight (from a previous campaign) in the city and most other characters hated the Winter Court, so a Winter Knight was basically out. I then decided on attempting to make an Autumn Knight and here is where I stand right now.

I gave him Aseelie (liked the name more then Adseelie, to each his own I guess) magic which consists of: Wildness, Decay, Growth, Hunting, and Air. I took aspects from Summer and Winter as you can see and I feel these embodies Fall fairly well. I liked the idea of Fall and Spring being the more transitional of the four Courts but I wasn't fond of the idea that the two were wiped out and now in hiding. I decided to put a twist on it that yes, they were wiped out, but they are by no means hiding. Just like how scientists are discovering how the Earth may be going through "seasons" spanning millions of years (polarity shifting, average temperature rising and falling), so did the four courts. Whenever the Earth began too shift, the Autumn and Spring courts rose in power and every time the Earth stabilized the Summer and Winter rose to power. Now with the talk of global warming (not trying to spark a political/ecological debate) I'm thinking that maybe it's time for the Spring and Autumn Courts to be gaining power again and cast down the Summer and Winter Courts. Whether these transitions are peaceful (the fae recognize it's part of a cycle and accept it) or violent (the courts try desperately to fight off the steady advance of Mother Nature) I haven't decided.

Anywho my character is an Autumn Knight (in out campaigns there are more than one Knight per court as to not limit players wanting to create them) sent to check on the Winter Court as (whoever is the head of Autumn Court) suspects them of attempting to harness some powerful magic to stop the advance of said nature and maintain power, perhaps hopefully allowing Summer to fade so they are uncontested.

I apologize for the long post and if I made any grave errors concerning the Dresden-verse I apologize, like I said I have only moderate experience. I may have to drastically change the story of the Autumn court if my GM doesn't like the whole shift in power thing but I would like some feedback/suggestions from the much more experienced and seasoned folks here on the forums, both about the balance of power thing and my picks for the Autumn's Sponsored Magic in general.

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