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Messages - Sanctaphrax

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DFRPG / Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« on: May 23, 2019, 04:48:42 AM »
Do you think I should just have this as a 1-refresh upgrade to the easy evocations power that says "you can incorporate weapons into your earth evocations done with this power and get their weapons value"?

I guess that would at least be worth testing out.

I still don't think any of this really addresses the issue of Warden optimality though.

DFRPG / Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:57:19 AM »
To expand on what I said a few posts back, I think all these Power concepts are likely to fail because the basic problem has been mis-identified.

The game doesn't need ways to represent using magic to be better at mundane fighting. It has a million of those.

The thing that all this is meant to address is that having high Weapons and Evocation is generally a bad idea optimization-wise. And that puts Wardens in a weird place. To deal with that, you'll want a different approach.

That said... Morgan was reportedly a SERIOUS badass with a blade.  So that should be represented SOMEHOW ...

Great or Superb Weapons and an appropriate Aspect covers that.

But this isn't standard spellcasting; it's the easy evocations power, you can just use it with your fists or with a weapon.

Power writeup that I can see doesn't say anything about that. Says that you can cast without stress, not that you can cast with the easy evocations rules.

Could you elaborate? This sounds really interesting!

There's not much to say; I never did anything to develop the idea.

...What about adding half the power bonus? I agree with you that I don't want to have wizards outdoing everyone else at everything, but I'm still trying to figure out a way to represent earth magic as looking like really good mundane combat.

It already can look like really good mundane combat. Completely by the book.

Or what if the stunt/power allowed you to make earth magic maneuvers related to combat as a supplemental action without the usual supplemental action and without taking stress?

No way. A free Aspect every round is crazy strong.

DFRPG / Re: Harry's pain-blocking stunt
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:50:32 AM »
If you want to do it right, you should probably do it simply. Complexity is generally bad.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: May 23, 2019, 02:31:11 AM »
I'm not sure why you'd want to use such a system over the existing system of maneuvers for small temporary changes and take-outs for large lasting ones.

DFRPG / Re: Harry's pain-blocking stunt
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:43:27 PM »
I don't know what you mean by "erode your ability to use this Power".

And honestly, the whole things sounds overcomplicated and fiddly.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:41:48 PM »
No. It'd still let you turn an opponent into an ally, or a non-threat, automatically and with a single action.

DFRPG / Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:39:34 PM »
A normal wizard might have to choose between whether to use his stress boxes to attack or defend -- with this stunt, they're free to put up an enormous Block against all attacks, then attack at their leisure for free.

Potentially worrisome. Still think it's worse than just throwing nukes though. Especially when you take enchanted items into account.

I realize that you'll probably just think that this makes the power more problematic, but you really should be able to use this power for defense and maneuvers when appropriate, not just attack.

Okay, that makes it worse. I don't think that's a good idea.

That was kind of my point. If Breath Weapon is the game's model for a "free" magic attack, this proposed stunt blows it out of the water.

It's not the game's model for a free magic attack at all. It's the game's model for an unarmed armed attack. And this requires more arms than anything else; it combines weapon reliance with focus reliance.

And of course, Breath Weapon is already a very questionable way to spend your Refresh, optimization-wise.

But the majority of the time, the players are going to have them, while other stunts that add +1 to attack or +2 to stress tend to have more narrow applications than just, "Have the weapon you're probably going to have most of the time."

I think it's totally appropriate for combat stunts in general to apply "probably most of the time". If a player takes a stunt that gives them +2 stress against black court vampires and their minions, in a game that's about hunting black court vampires, or a player takes Target-Rich Environment in a solo game, I think that's totally working as intended.

That's right, you don't -- thing is, there's a problem when a 6-refresh Pure Mortal is able to trounce monsters that, in canon, give full-fledged-wizard Harry consistent trouble.

I actually think it's good that Harry punches below his weight. He starts at Submerged and rises fast; him being comparatively bad at fighting means we can realistically have Harry-like stories at the normal power levels.

I thought that if you rolled a 10 or whatever for your attack, that was the value your target had to beat to avoid the attack. In this case, wouldn't that be conviction + power?

You roll Discipline + control to control / aim spells. Conviction + power is used to draw the shifts of power that fuel the spell.

Actually, would allowing stunt bonuses to stack help to fix the problem of wizards being so much better at combat than other characters?

It's an open question whether wizards even need nerfing. If they do, though, I don't think that's a good way to address it. A game where the swordsman has five semi-overlapping +1-to-hit stunts seems like a pain in the neck.

If you want a quick and easy Wizard nerf, say that enchanted item blocks require an action to activate.

Because it doesn't replicate what I'm trying to replicate. I had considered designing this power to allow wizards to add their earth power bonus to their weapons/fists skill, but the original point of posting this was to resolve the problem of "making wizards have high weapons/fists skills is unoptimized" while still allowing Morgan-type characters to run around with swords and stuff.

I don't think this is a question of replicating anything. It's a question of rebalancing the game. Morgan is already represented very cleanly by the rules, he's just not spending his skill points efficiently.

With that in mind, I don't think adding a custom Power to the game is likely to be a good solution to your problem.

One idea I've toyed with: compress Discipline and Conviction into Will. Instead of using Discipline + Conviction, spells use Will + the skill you'd normally use. So you'd use a combat skill to use combat spells, Investigation to use divination magic, and so on. Would make it almost inevitable for fight wizards to be great swordsmen / martial artists / whatever.

Quote from: nadia.skylark link=topic=53098.msg2319233#msg2319233 date=1558560410[b
What do you think of my suggestion of adding his earth magic power bonus to his weapons score?[/b]

I think that's a very bad idea. Would make it trivial to get a Weapons skill that's absolutely unattainable for anyone who isn't a spellcaster.

DFRPG / Re: Harry's pain-blocking stunt
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:11:16 PM »
Unlimited consequences is basically invincibility, so that could very easily be broken. But of course it depends on the limitations, and the bypass methods.

Limiting the unlimited milds to one per attack would help keep the thing in check. At that point it's basically just armour 2 that gives you an aspect and your opponent a tag. Not very scary.

DFRPG / Re: Why are powers so much stronger than stunts?
« on: May 22, 2019, 09:08:32 PM »
2, maybe?

But I'm not confident there's any cost that'll work well.

It's a bit awkward because the value of a severe consequence is so dependent on what level of Recovery you have. If you've got Supernatural Recovery, you can use your consequences frequently; if you have no Recovery, you can use them rarely.

DFRPG / Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« on: May 22, 2019, 06:16:53 AM »
For instance, would this power work better power bonuses did not contribute to aiming?

They already don't. Aim is Discipline + control, not Conviction + power.

Maybe, but there's still a functional limit and real risk associated with it. Evocation is powerful, sure, and it's supposed to be, but it's also not supposed to be something you can use all day.

I mean, look at Breath Weapon, which would work similarly to this. For one, it's only Weapon:2, and it doesn't allow for a bunch of stacked bonuses to make it auto-hit every round.

The limitation is well worth it. It's not reasonable to call this overpowered when it's worse than the existing baseline.

Especially since, when you remove the assumption that the Wizard is going all-in on hitting as hard as possible, this Power suffers more than regular Evocation does.

Anyway, I don't think Breath Weapon is a good comparison. Because Breath Weapon doesn't actually provide a bonus; it just lets you spend 2 Refresh on a guarantee that you will never be disarmed.

Because I don't like those stunts, and I was trying to make a point. I think they're overpowered for the cost (in practice, they amount to a flat bonus for something you get for free) and lead to more "well why doesn't everyone get them?" inflation.

If a weapon focus stunt would be unfair in your game, you might want to nerf foci/enchanted items. And merge Fists with Weapons.

There's a bunch of stuff in the game based on the assumption that characters won't always have their stuff. Foci, the existence of the Fists skill, Item of Power, Armed Arts, Breath Weapon, and the like.

Check Our World sometime; the average monster is statted so that its dodge is at 3, with Ghouls and a couple others something of an outlier at 4 and 5.
Skill inflation is an issue a lot around here, from what I've seen -- canon characters are thought to be statted out wrong because they're not super-optimized with high-powered stunts like that, and the average monster in Our World turns into a hilariously ineffective goon in the face of PCs that for -3 refresh are rolling +6 Guns and Weapons attacks at Weapon:5 round after round, and defending at +6 to boot.

It's a pet peeve of mine, as you can tell.

You don't need high optimization to smack around Our World monsters. You just need to put combat-relevant stuff in (some of) your highest skill slots and spend a bit of Refresh on fighty stuff. OW generally assumes / expects a low level of both optimization and combat focus.

I don't really see this as a problem, since there's no right level of optimization or combat focus. But I do think it would've been good for the book to talk a bit about how monster stats can be adjusted to suit different groups.

I think I'm going to go with having the power bonus only effect aim, rather than not effect aim, since it's the same amount of bookkeeping (you just subtract the power bonus from the attack when calculating damage instead of when aiming) and it seems more thematically appropriate.

You should probably drop the cost to 1 Refresh, then. At that point it's not much better than a stunt letting you swing your sword with Discipline. Particularly if your target's armoured.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:44:08 AM »
You'd need tight limitations to prevent that from being broken, and I suspect that any restrictions which made it fair would make it pretty pointless.

DFRPG / Re: Harry's pain-blocking stunt
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:42:23 AM »
2 Refresh and reverse Recovery in exchange for immunity to pain, untaggable consequences, and no two milds seems fair. At least at a glance.

I don't think the Discipline roll is doing anything good, though. Since there's no cost to roll, it doesn't really matter how long it lasts; you can always just put it up again when it ends.

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: May 22, 2019, 05:16:54 AM »
How would it differ from the standard ability to maneuver with evocation?

DFRPG / Re: Rewriting Lawbreaker Powers
« on: May 21, 2019, 08:47:08 PM »
You can already change people's Aspects a bit by taking them out. If you traumatize, maim, or otherwise forcibly change someone, their Aspects will reflect that.

DFRPG / Re: Earth magic responsible for weapons skill?
« on: May 21, 2019, 04:28:11 AM »
Four weapon 9 accuracy 10 sight-ranged (potentially zone-wide) attacks is in most battles much stronger than an unlimited number of weapon 3 accuracy 10 weapon-ranged attacks.

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