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Messages - ClintACK

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I'm sure Lasciel could teach Hannah Ascher how to open up a portal in no time flat.

We've only seen Ursiel in bestial control mode, but it makes sense that he'd be able to do the same. All of the angels would know enough magic for that, and the genoskwa could do some magic -- at least enough to have a serious veil and some kind of counterspell.

It's the "nothing left but ketchup" part that troubles me. It doesn't make sense to think it was just an illusion that got splattered, because if the genoskwa was still active at that point, he could have easily killed Harry and gotten all five weapons for the win. So something hinky is going on, but we don't have enough information to narrow it down. (Do all Denarians regenerate even from goo if you don't take the coin? Does the genoskwa know Kemmler/Corpsetaker style ghost-eating self-resurrection magic? Is it a fake genoskwa walking around -- perhaps Shagnasty in disguise?)

DF Spoilers / Re: The Nine Billion Names of Harry Dresden
« on: August 18, 2020, 12:45:42 AM »
Though he was able to defeat HWWBehind long before that... but I think HWWBehind wasn't really trying to kill Harry, and didn't do the mental attack thing. Harry was clearly able to affect him though...

Knowing what we know now, it seems like the HWWBehind fight when he was a teenager was almost certainly a test -- to see if he really was a starborn.

Even if we just look at the events that happen in public at the peace talks in Peace Talks, it's pretty damning, even aside from all the time he spends "smiling" at different delegations and imagining ultraviolence. (You just know he doesn't have a good poker face about any of that.)

Day One:
  • On arrival, he immediately goes over to make flirty small talk with Lara Raith. (Who knows what he was overheard saying during the "happytalk illusion"...)
  • Then he does her a favor, helping her to make diplomatic overtures to the Svartalves -- and vouches for her honesty
  • Then he practically knocks over the buffet table freaking out and going into combat mode over River Shoulders, the kindest and gentlest person in the room
  • He's conveniently missing when one of his Mistress's goons tries to date-rape-drug-mind-whammy Yoshimo
  • Then he comes back and creates a huge violent scene over it (without so much as asking Yoshimo if she's alright or learning what happened)
  • Then he promptly leaves again, on Lara's arm
Day Two:
  • He has a nice heart-to-heart with Ramirez... which later turns out to have been an excuse to set him up for public humiliation
  • Then he sexually assaults a valkyrie in front of Vadderung, Mab, and Lara (her employer)
  • For added hypocrisy, didn't they just watch him execute someone for doing something similar?
  • When Lara took Freydis away to comfort her, he pursued...
  • ... and was seen having sex with Lara -- which proves he's in thrall to her (the happysex illusion) and also that he can't possibly have True Love protection (and it confirms what they suspected after he left Raith Chateau, having recently had sex)
  • Then Carlos's cloak goes flying around, humiliating him and creating a panic right around the time when the fomor are arriving (is Harry working with the fomor?!!)
  • Then when the fomor arrive, Harry's nowhere to be seen...
  • ... because he's upstairs having sex with Lara, which Mab and Ebenezar announce to the whole world.

Even Ramirez and Chandler have to be looking at that and mourning the death of their friend Harry, and planning what to do about the monster warlock Winter Knight in thrall to the White Court.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Nine Billion Names of Harry Dresden
« on: August 17, 2020, 08:33:56 PM »
I doubt Thomas will much like the theory either if Harry ever brings it up.

But that's because he's Doubting Thomas.

 :o  ???  :-\

DF Spoilers / Re: The Nine Billion Names of Harry Dresden
« on: August 17, 2020, 06:19:12 PM »
It's a plausible theory....

but from a Doylist perspective, it's a minefield of sensitive topics...

DF Spoilers / Re: Clues for Peace Talks in Bombshells
« on: August 17, 2020, 02:02:44 PM »
Three points:

1) Given the timing, it's almost certain that Thomas had already been caught when Lara and Mab showed up in the back of Harry's car. Harry was probably the only one in the car who didn't know that and I'd bet that the favors were restricted to helping Thomas -- which would explain how Lara got three favors (because they're not worth as much as open-ended favors would be), and why she used them the way she did.

2) Your point that Lara would disavow Thomas if he got caught is a good one. I do think it's entirely possible that Austri was the traitor (either Nemfected or on the other side of the Oblivion War) and Thomas went there to stop him from killing Etri -- or from some entirely different plot. That suggests that Justine's pregnancy is entirely a red herring when it comes to the assassination.

3) Of course another possibility is that Thomas was a pawn of both Etri and Evanna -- playing a complicated political game, possibly one that only makes sense to svartalves and fairies. The "visits" he was paying to Evanna could have been the long setup to embroil White Court royalty in a scandal that ends with them owing significant debts to the Svartalves. Austri's death could have been accidental, if they underestimated Thomas's capabilities.

And the obligatory complaint -- we're used to the Dresden Files weaving a PI whodunnit plot in with the urban fantasy/epic fantasy big picture plots, but in this book we didn't get nearly enough clues. (Presumably because the clues were meant to pay out over the whole book, and then we only got the first third or so of the book.)

If LTW does die, I'll be sorry we didn't get a chance to learn more about Little Brother.

The idea of wizards having familiars is widespread, and Harry's now got a cat, a foo dog, a spirit of intellect, and a sanctum-invocation with a genius loci, as well as whatever you'd call his relationship with Toot-toot. It's almost weird that he never got a familiar.

(Of course, it's possible that Mister *is* his familiar, drawing power from the bond and simply not choosing to use it to communicate or assist Harry in any way. Harry might not even known it. That would be very much in keeping with the Dresden way.)

Mavra and the Genoskwa were both mentioned in Peace Talks, with the suggestion that they are around and might show up.

The Genoskwa actually feels like a cheat -- I wonder if instead we'll discover that the real Genoskwa/Ursiel did get squashed in Skin Game, there's a shapeshifter around pretending to be the Genoskwa.

Which brings us to my answer to "Character I'd like to see" -- Shagnasty, the Naagloshi.

I've been wanting to see a rematch with Shagnasty ever since Harry learned what Demonreach is -- and the end of Peace Talks showed us both Harry's increased power on the Island and his ability to put someone into a cell. A repeat battle on Demonreach itself would be over so fast Shagnasty's head would still be spinning an eon from now in its tiny little cell. And it would be so satisfying -- doubly so if Shagnasty's the one who hurt Thomas, again, and put him in his current predicament.

DF Spoilers / Re: The trip back
« on: August 16, 2020, 09:42:59 AM »
Given all the jump transitions in Peace Talks, it would be weird not to jump to the next interesting thing to start Battle Ground.

I'm imagining they get back to the docks and realize the cars are all dead and it's a long trip back to the BFS headquarters over streets clogged with EMP-dead cars. Then Harry realizes he's right next to the Field Museum. He remembers riding through the streets of another EMP-dark Chicago on the back of a zombie T-Rex.

A-choo! Sue!! Soulfire. "Sometimes the shortest distance between point A and point B is a T-rex."

End Chapter 1.

Sounds plausible.

I do wonder what an Outsider victory looks like, though.

It's conceivable that beings like Ethniu, or a post-Darkhallow Cowl, could find a comfortable place in the very different universe that follows the return of the Old Ones.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Peabody's partner at the Peace Talks? (My guess)
« on: August 15, 2020, 06:04:28 PM »
That other person was Maeve. She brought the spiders. They were fairy creatures from winter and Maeve was on the outsiders team at the time, had a motive to keep her involvement secret and Cowl would have brought ghouls.

Oh. Good call. That seems very plausible. A bit surprising that she'd be willing to go out on a limb to try to defend Peabody (she didn't seem like any kind of a team player), but maybe she was hoping to take out Harry. And she definitely wouldn't have needed to go through Chicago to get to Demonreach.

DF Spoilers / Re: Battle Ground Casualties [Peace Talks Spoilers]
« on: August 14, 2020, 08:23:55 PM »
Before I get to my guesses, I want to point out what JB has been doing since SmF. He has been systematically taking away Harry's allies. SmF it was Michael, TC it was Morgan, Changes was Susan, CD was Molly, SG was Butters, and now in PT we lose Thomas. And we have even lost Will and Georgia off page do to them being parents.

Excellent list. I'd add: Luccio in Turn Coat; Lash in White Night; Ivy and Kinkaid in Changes; Bob in Ghost Story...

Although he's gained Grey and River Shoulders and Demonreach over the same sequence of books.

DF Spoilers / Re: Gifts -SPOILERS
« on: August 14, 2020, 08:16:30 PM »
Are we sure that Cowl and Kumori aren't Nemfected?

Remember that the main sign of Nemfection is people acting against their basic natures -- Kumori is a necromancer who is trying to use it for good. That's pretty much the opposite of the standard nature of a necromancer. (And there could be a very good reason not to use necromancy to help people the way she does -- remember that Aurora was certain that she was doing the right thing, too. The DV is a world with a real, empirically-verifiable afterlife, so "ending death" might not be a pure good. And using necromancy to directly stop people from dying might have all kinds of horrific consequences for the person so "helped".)

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Peabody's partner at the Peace Talks? (My guess)
« on: August 14, 2020, 08:06:32 PM »
The interesting thing about Peabody's partner in Turn Coat is that while Peabody took the Way from Edinburgh to Chicago, his partner didn't. (Or he would have appeared in the photos Harry's PI took.)

That would seem to rule out Chandler.

I suppose I'd suggest that none of the traitors would want to be at the Peace Talks. Cowl and the rest will instead be calling up Outsiders to support the fomor attack. (Or to try to take out Eb ahead of time...)

(I think there's also an Outsider in the graphic novel "War Cry", but I haven't seen that one...)

That one, at least, was called up by Peabody -- so not just a random schlub.

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