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Messages - EldritchFire

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DFRPG / Re: item of power-gundam suit
« on: July 03, 2010, 02:09:38 AM »
Give it the appropriate powers, and the +2 version of Item of Power.

Does it fly? Give it wings.

Does it shoot things dead? Give it a breath weapon (hey, if it works for flung monkey poo, it'll work for an arm-blaster!).

Is it mega-armoured? Give it physical immunity, with the catch being guns as big as it is.

Or, you could go with enchanted items. The weapons would be attack items, and the armour itself would be either blocks or armour.

Granted, enchanted items work better for personal-scale powered armour instead of gundam-sized mecha...but that's an option.

Just a few ideas.


DFRPG / Re: DFRPG and the Codex Alera
« on: July 02, 2010, 09:42:58 PM »
I'd be tempted to tack on feeding dependency. Granted, you'd have to replace "rest" or what have you for regaining your powers.

Aside from that, it's no real stretch to see that, as crafters use their powers, they get fatigued. As that fatigue grows, they are less and less able to use their crafting. The loss of supernatural powers that feeding dependency has models this pretty darn well, IMHO.


DFRPG / Re: Mechanical Design^13
« on: June 30, 2010, 01:57:24 AM »
The problem is that the "rule of 13" just dissipates random magical energies. So it'd still be able to be hexed just as easily. Also, it wouldn't have any effect on GM-induced compels to a practitioner's high concept.

I guess it would allow for a more reasonable way for the practitioner to refuse the compel, and maybe throw the item one more "slot" up higher on the chart of intentional hexing. So something that normally was a 3-shift hex becomes a 4-shift hex when built with the "rule of 13."


DFRPG / Re: Damage vs. Bypass: Expanding the Catch
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:30:04 PM »
Imagine a group of players opening up on a horde of vampires with a firetruck full of holy water.  ;D

They actually did that in an episode of Supernatural. Except it was against demons, not vampires. Still hella effective!


In Summer Knight,
(click to show/hide)

For those who haven't read SK yet, plot device :p


From White Night on, Harry starts up the "paranet" where those in the know get in touch with others to help with problems.

It's like what the White Council does for the wizards, but it's for the poor schmucks who the Council thinks is not worth the time. You could be a member of the Paranet. You could have a day job - bartender, taxi driver, hourseback riding coach, etc - and by night someone who works for the paranet.


DFRPG / Re: Imposing consequences?
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:16:55 PM »
Is it possible to impose consequences to another when they don't want you to? I.e. can you shoot sb in the leg and impose "bum leg" ?

Sounds more like a manoeuvre to me. You roll guns, and they resist with, say, athletics. If you win, you place the temp. aspect of "bum leg" on them.


DFRPG / Re: Consequence questions
« on: June 26, 2010, 01:15:11 PM »
Okay so besides getting compelled for a bonus for the person compelling them, is there any other negatives that go along with a consequence?

For instance, if someone was shot in the arm (NPC) and they try to fire back the PC can tag it for free once to give them a bonus to dodging.  But after that say they are out of fate points.  Does the consequence just not affect them?

or is there just a blanket negative to actions that would require use of that arm?

Or is it up to the GM to compel it all the time (giving them fate points while doing so) to give them a negative for every action that involves that consequence?

Consequences are more than just a compel-worthy temp. aspect. It also represents the will to keep going in a conflict. Consequences all used up? One or two good hits at 2+ stress will cause that person--or thing--to be taken out.

Just because you're out of FPs doesn't mean that their shot arm is meaningless. Indeed, the pain from the gunshot wound causes them to "give in" earlier in a fight than they normally would.

Besides, not every gunshot to the arm causes problems right away. Adrenaline is an amazing thing. It'll block out the pain a bit, and keep you focused on staying alive. Oh sure, you'll feel the pain afterwards, but not during the conflict.


DFRPG / Re: Tech
« on: June 24, 2010, 02:01:46 PM » way or another it's always "Harry's" fault.  lol

Someone mentioned piping and wiring breaking a circle.  I don't believe that's the case though.  If you draw the circle over a surface and there are objects in the path that don't or can't move, drawing the circle over those still completes the circle.  What would break it is the water flowing through the pipes, most likely.  It would be complicated, but it could be possible to fashion a ring around the pipe that acts like a "hole under the fence" to draw the circle over and not be directly crossed by the water.  Since the pipe separates the water from the ring and circle, it shouldn't ground out the energies of either.  It seems that running water has to be in direct contact or close to the least there can't be anything separating it from you except a step or two of distance at most.  Otherwise plumbing in modern buildings would bar the activities of most supernatural creatures.

Frankly...I think it'd be worth it to have hot showers, a furnace and A/C.

But what about that one annoying fly? Or mesquito, cockroach, spider, etc? Anything physical that crosses the circle will break it. Heck, Harry worries about DUST when he's working with his summoning circle.

I'd hate to see what happens to the water heater when a spider breaks the circle while Harry's working with Little Chicago...the risks are not worth the price, if you ask me.


DFRPG / Re: Crafting Foci
« on: June 24, 2010, 01:29:37 PM »
Remember, thought, that " an  item’s  casting  strength  after all  bonuses  are  totaled  should  never  exceed two  times  the  crafter’s  Lore rating—at  least not without a very good rationale and a ton of baggage," YS280.


DFRPG / Re: Spell Compendium
« on: June 22, 2010, 07:23:02 PM »
Name: Gale
Type: Air Manoeuvre
Power: 4 shifts
Duration: One action
Area: Personal
Resisted by: N/A
Effect: You create a gust of wind that propels you a short distance. Treat it as a 4-shift sprint action for movement. Can help a lot with boarders.

Name: SCUB-A (Self-Contained Underwater Bubble - Arcane)
Type: Air Manoeuvre
Power: 5+ shifts
Duration: 3+ exchanges
Area: Personal
Resisted by: N/A
Effect: This spell creates a bubble of air that surrounds your head, giving you the aspect can breathe underwater. Of course, you'll need some other spell or flippers to be able to swim, but at least you won't drown. For an extra 2 shifts, you can have this spell affect all those in your zone (hopefully saving your friends from drowning when your boat sinks or something).

Name: Dust Devil
Type: Air Block
Power: 6+ shifts
Duration: 2+ exchanges
Area: Personal
Resisted by: N/A
Effect: You create a small tornado that encircles you, blowing up dust and making it hard to see you. It acts as a 4-shift block.

No, I'm not playing an air mage or anything--although I'd be interested in doing so now  ^_^--but I thought it'd be cool to have the spells share a common theme.


DFRPG / Re: Merry Gentry Style Sidhe
« on: June 22, 2010, 12:38:15 AM »
Could you give us a bit of info on Merry Gentry-style sidhe? I'm unfamiliar with the reference.


DFRPG / Re: I'm Back Again, This Time, For Real, I Swear.
« on: June 22, 2010, 12:34:32 AM »
Hey Guys

It's been a while since I left and then came back, looks like a lot happened while I was gone.

Anyway, for those of you that are interested, I would like to start a DFRPG Play By Post game with any of you that want to join (I'm looking at you, WJM, Chiro, Perseph and anyone else that's still around)

Are you still looking for players? I'm interested in doing PBP...but never got up the nerve to do so ^_^;;


DFRPG / Re: Considering some Evocation house rules
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:59:35 PM »
I think it comes down to three camps here.

Camp A) We never risk accidentally killing our target. We narrate what happens to them so there is no "accidental death".

Camp B) We don't risk accidentally killing our target, as long as what we do is theoretically survivable.

Camp C) You better be really careful, accidental killing is a likely possibility.

Now, I happen to think Camp A is slightly wrong, why? Here is an example. Billy has the Gun O' Death. Its a magical artifact that guarantees death. Always. Now, according to Camp A, Billy shoots Mandy with the Gun O' Death "but he didn't mean to kill her." So she survives.

That is just a little silly, I think, I know, it is an extreme example, but it illustrates the point that some times, no matter what kind of narrative you apply to attack, somebody is gonna die.

Personally, I subscribe to Camp B. Accidental death shouldn't be something forced on the player as long as he doesn't go overboard. There is no surviving the Gun O' Death, so maybe Billy shouldn't use it all the time, maybe the Gun O' Severe and Painful Wounds would be more appropriate for him to use.

I believe that RAW is in Camp B.

YS203, "The outcome must remain within the realm of reason—very few people truly die from shame, so having someone die as a result of a duel of wits  is  unlikely,  but  having  him  embarrass himself and flee in disgrace is not unreasonable."

So could you narrate the Gun O' Death as non-lethal? Not likely.

However, "realm of reason" is up to the table to decide. At my table, Billy could use the Gun O' Death and not kill his target. How? Didn't shoot at the target. Made attacks against their composure track by using a BFG to intimidate, maybe shooting things nearby. Enough stress means taken out. Since it was against composure, it's within the realm of reason at my table that Mandy surrenders instead of getting shot to death.

Just my 2c.


DFRPG / Re: Shifts to Stress - optional or not ?
« on: June 21, 2010, 04:49:09 PM »
Ok, everybody has returned to Magical Attacks... that's not what this thread was supposed to be focused upon.
Also, it's not about killing your target or not.

It's actually about a basic part of the system.
It applies to evocation attacks as much as it does to lets say attacks made with fists.

The way I see it, forcing shifts onto the attack basically means that you always hit with all the force you can muster.
A High fists Character is no longer able to throw a lighter punch, a high weapons character always goes for the strike to the heart, a skilled gunman always goes for the killing shot, and a highly trained evocator always goes for maximum destruction.

Not so. Stress != damage. A high weapons character could just be doing fancy moves, and backing their opponent into a corner. A skilled gunman might just be shooting where the target was about to be, thus discouraging them from moving. In either case, the taken out result is they surrender, since they know they are outclasses and out gunned.

The ghoul's slash that just missed Dresden's face? That's stress. When Harry got shot, that's a consequence. Per YS197, ". Each party accumulates gradual success, affecting their opponents in a momentary (resulting in stress) or lasting (resulting  in  a  consequence) way."

To address the OP, it's really up to the table to decide. If more of the table agree it's B, then so be it. If more people agree with the GM, than it's A.

I'd say sit down and talk it out with your group.


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