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Messages - jonas

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DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 14, 2018, 02:55:07 AM »
We all have senile moments. I have about 10 a day.
Yea I was in the middle of an online match today and I forgot where I was or what I was doing for a minute... it was very unsettling...

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 13, 2018, 11:40:39 PM »
I'm too tired of my internet Fu&*()g up to rewrite this crap a third time. But suffice it to say if the Edda's say they both died then nothing in them can be applied to figuring out our current Odins ID. also The Norse also prayed and sacrificed to the god Njord for safe seafaring and to Odin for general weather[/quote]I'd say it implies more of a sun god position. and I'd rather trust the sourced material still than an article written this last year by a student.

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 13, 2018, 09:00:32 PM »
Yes he has many names But no weather associations directly. And he's the 'Stormer' in the edda's when arguing with Loki, and of course his other names support this boisterous nature such as Hjarrandi= Screamer Or Göllnir =Yeller Óðins nöfn (3)
Gollorr=Yeller Óðins nöfn (1)
Göllungr=Yeller Óðins nöfn (5)
Seems his motif is raging at people, not calling down the lightning.

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 13, 2018, 06:58:04 PM »
Except you'd be hard pressed to find Odin associated with the weather in any mythology.
Odin is often associated with lightning in the franchise, but in mythology he is never mentioned as a god of lightning or the sky, unlike his son Thor.

DF Spoilers / Re: Arthurian Myths in Dresden Files
« on: May 13, 2018, 04:23:21 PM »
This makes me think that Demonreach might be a counterpart to Avalon.  Whereas DR has an evil leyline running from it, Avalon would have a good ley line.  Where DR is the prison of ancient evil creatures and gods, Avalon is the resting place for heroes and good deities.
... Mayhaps Merlin intentionally created DR on Avalon to have something ambient to hold in the darkness?

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 13, 2018, 04:17:58 PM »
In Norse mythology, Thor is a hammer-wielding god associated with thunder, lightning, storms, oak trees, strength, the protection of mankind, and also hallowing, healing and fertility. The cognate deity in wider Germanic mythology and paganism was known in Old English as Þunor and in Old High German as Donar, stemming from a Common Germanic *Þunraz.
Vadderung isn't a precise word but it comes back in Germanic as 'shifting, transferring" as well as Hereditary or inheritance. So Thor's likely... or Thor's son. I still see a mesh up of Greek into Norse mythos. An inheritance happened there somewhere the same as Hecate=Fae hierarchy.

DF Spoilers / Re: Snoopy, Loup Garou, and Mouse
« on: May 13, 2018, 12:45:38 PM »
What it makes me wonder is why SI is so gross as to keep a blood-stained doll around the office. I mean, biohazard much?
Plus this was actually the beginning of Rudolph being a tardstick. I blame the thing that was stuck using Snoopy as it's greatest mirror image in reality, so he slowly bled into Rudolphs personality.

DF Spoilers / Re: Snoopy, Loup Garou, and Mouse
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:42:46 PM »
Yeah. I think that was where he was going.  Once we finish the series and get familiar with what exactly is a Foo Dog, an Ice Demon from the Land of Dreams, and Mouse's semidivine heritage, we will get an appreciation for exactly the metaphysical something that may have been going on between the puppy mouse and the stained Snoopy. Something that is a bit more than met the eye.

He may have been deriving some absorbing some powers, though slight during that process.  You are what you eat.  And Mouse was drooling and chewing on dried Loup Garou blood.
... what your saying is mouse used divine thaumaturgy to attack the creature behind the Loops power by attacking his simulacrum? Cause that'd be funnier than just attacking an old scent trail.

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:40:52 PM »
Oh was that how Morgan was supposed to have killed someone? I don't even remember.  Who did he kill????

Morgan was a warden and therefor trusted with security.  I wonder if a non warden/Council member killed a wizard it would matter?  I mean if Harry Dresden was gunned down by Marcone would the Council do anything?  I doubt it.  So if someone who wasn't given the duty of protecting the Council killed a member I wonder if the Council would respond the same way?

They probably only care if you kill someone of importance..  Senior Council members, or something like that.
Are you ok Groinkick...?

DF Spoilers / Re: Supernatural Nations you'd like to see.
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:39:29 PM »
thought the translation was more like "son of thunder" or something closer?

DF Spoilers / Re: Your guess at secret power/mantles of the Council
« on: May 12, 2018, 08:38:38 PM »
That's not a bad representation of it I think.
Imo since black magic is not part of the natural order and usual source of magic it's in fact not represented Inside reality but sponsored from an idea formulated from the outside. Like the entropy curse that summons Hwwbh, it's associated and utilized through things fundamentally part of reality, but the power and entities it calls on are not(no longer? never pulled inside? Somehow kept separate even though they can manifest inside?) part of reality.
And I do think part of that source is Nemesis herself. The fae are all about being a fundamentally part of magic itself, if magic itself is the key... and Fae changing when they should not be able to is the effect, then i'd say the things that eventually replace warlocks are the same things trying to replace the fae.

As to the Stick, I agree. I've always read the scene were she proclaims "not my knight." to be a literal statement.
Imo the Knights come from part of the overall breaking down of a singular Grace into layered Mantles. The Knight's basically represent the good or bad lever of choice that angels actually possess. Though that might not be the best example. The WK seems to be Mab's mortal choice/spiritual connection. Where as WL has one inside being actively subsumed allowing her to make electives like trying to change the method of getting Sidhe soldiers. And for MW... idk, cause i'd say the with the Sitck she can Baba Yaga it up and go anywhere, eat anything. Though i'd still say it has an original identity attached to it, the Knight whom was Before.

..Which reminds me, Sentient is a bad word here cause most supernatural spirits can no longer be described that way though they can talk and interact like it. Forget sentience, does it have an identity?

DF Spoilers / Re: Arthurian Myths in Dresden Files
« on: May 12, 2018, 01:51:14 AM »
Id always put down that statement that Amoracchius was vulnerable on Demonreach during CD, from Murphy, as either a)An extension of how the Swords seem to be very Subjective regarding when, where, and against whom they may be used, or b) Murphy was simply incorrect in her impression, or at least in her interpretation of whatever feeling/guidance that she may have been getting in her self-appointed capacity of Sword-keeper.
Oh was that when that was? I always associated it with the Walker being the direct threat. Outsiders certainly threaten freedom's and Michael could engage with them(being a deciding factor in the victory) in PG to save the council members.... for almost the same reason if you can imagine that.

DF Spoilers / Re: Your guess at secret power/mantles of the Council
« on: May 11, 2018, 10:41:10 PM »
Oh sure Im quite confident the Powers it is connected to is sentient (in general and especially since I think it's Mother Winter).  But Groinkick was theorizing that the staff itself was sentient and specifically was a Walker doing a really good Stick Impression. The WOJ /does/ specify that the object itself, the Blackstaff, is not itself sentient. Even the Gates are more sentient than that according to at least one WOJ.
That's not you thinking it's connected to MW as her walking stick is it? Cause the thing is, it's still just a stick in her hands then and she's not missing anything. Except she's rather crippled and needed it to get around, giving it something unique over her own self as well. The cosmic power inherent in it seems to me to allow her to travel vs anything she's already capable of. Something in somewhat contradiction to how Eb utilizes it... Thoughts on that one?

DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 11, 2018, 10:34:30 PM »
And harry used it to raise a zombie dinosaur. Which I been under the impression had still stained him with detectable black magic, same as his earlier run-in's with Black Magic had stained him in a detectable way. 

And stabbing a Senior Council Member in the face is punishable by death but is not Black Magic Council "Justice" is a wildly different topic.   :P
Here's a nice metaphor... Imagine a clear glass of water as someone's source of magic, this magic is effected directly by what they use it for, what they actually manifest, ect. squirting food coloring into it, say red for using fire magic, black ink for black magic, ect. well, once you squirt some ink into it the resulting alloy/mixture isn't ever gonna look quite the same even if you start dumping white out in to try an balance it... imagine the best you could hope for after a time is a deep purple. ;)
On the hat thing it's long been my belief that
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DF Spoilers / Re: Jim Butcher interview from 2 months ago
« on: May 11, 2018, 07:33:08 PM »
If its the scene Im thinking of, I dont think he did (at least not in the strict subconscious Free Will sense).  He was "instinctively"  moving to save Mort and tripped.
Yea, and Mort instinctively didn't fight it cause he knew Harry's experience and power was greater.
This was always something of a point of debate on that: whether there was any qualitative difference in the Energies behind the Ectomancy that Mort does and actual Necromancy.
I'd say absolutely... but it does start to get a bit nuanced in it's reasoning and intention. Like Stu surviving longer intact basically because of his purpose towards a part of life, his familial connections... Something eerily similar to the Rent paid elsewhere and the balances kept as well.. That's why I use the logic of the yin-yang and Bagua design literally everything started as wuji, one state, then yin-yang which spins the five elements out into the 8 manifestations(Mountain, Ocean, ect) into the 64 variations and so on. Which a cross with a nice mythos, I think Maori or somewhere close, that states basically the same thing except that all things that exist in the light exist first as shadows in the endlessly dividing darkness that seeks to reform as one state/being,whom I also cross here with Cronus/Chronos as well as the mentioned Slowest Terror/Hunter of Shadows. It sets a nice frame work so it doesn't boggle me to think about, and is not at all inaccurate in most ways. It's just finding what he actually did with the idea.

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