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Messages - Yuillegan

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DF Spoilers / Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« on: September 26, 2019, 11:52:20 AM »
With all these plots that are going on, with Mab and Lea obviously playing games against one another, with archangels sticking there nose in, with vague supernatural entities that live on islands, how are all these conflicting interests, where Dresden’s getting pulled in different directions by all of them, how are they going to play out in the future?
"I know that a lot of the folks that are generally perceived as bad guys aren’t necessarily, there are several who are currently perceived as good guys who aren’t necessarily, and we’ll continue to have those fall out over the next several books"
2011 Boston Signing

That is some WOJ that sort of answers my question.

I quite agree Morris. I am not saying that Harry is a bad person, I can hardly judge unless I consider myself perfect. I am saying that his actions might be aiding his enemies, whether he intends to or not, and I wonder whether he has been pushed in various ways to do just that. And shaped early on so that he would do those actions that might benefit his sometimes foes.

DF Spoilers / Re: What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« on: September 26, 2019, 01:39:14 AM »
Avernite - Clear no to which? Just because Uriel's plans align with Nicodemus' occasionally doesn't mean Harry isn't serving more than one end...

Harry's heart is in the right place - but isn't there so old chestnut about a road to Hell being paved with good intentions?

DF Spoilers / Re: Mab's Limits
« on: September 25, 2019, 10:16:34 AM »
Dspringer, I will answer your questions one at a time as best I can.

Nothing in the book that I have seen says that Urial and Mother Winter are at the same level.   What makes you believe they are equivalent?   
Right, so Uriel there actually have been multiple references both in-text and WOJ that say they are operating at the same level. I am not going to do all your homework here but there are several examples. Initially in the early books, in Summer Knight, Mab and Titania are considered to have power to rival the archangels and lesser gods (SK, Ch 23, p172). Harry then goes on to say that the Mothers are an order of magnitude above them. This is partially retconned as Mab and Titania in the later books no longer seem to be at the same level as Archangels, merely being at the level of the gods (not specified whether lesser or greater, or what the difference is between those categories, but very much explained that they outrank most gods). Jim also backs this up several times in interviews - he discusses that gods (or retired gods) like Erlking and Kringle, whilst being peers of Mab, are her equals. She is the boss of the worst of the worst for a reason. In their home turf they might be more dangerous to her, but that's the home field advantage. In Dead Beat when Cowl attempts to become a dark god using the Darkhallow (specified in the book as minor-league but this too may have been retconned in favour of him being greater), a question was put to Jim of who we had met thus far who could take Mab (assuming she was outside Faerie all alone, with no army or back up). Ferrovax, Titania (coin toss), the Mothers (who wouldn't), Drakul, all the White Council with her name, all the Reds, all the White Court, a union of the old Elders of the Black Court, and Cowl if he had completed the Darkhallow. When questioned if Cowl would really be that strong from eating just a bunch of spirits, Jim replied that was how beings like the Erlking became so boss in the first place (which is why he is part of the spell), and that the power-sucking Stone Table isn't for nothing ;)

Whilst Mab is powerful, there are WOJs describing fights between Angels as blowing up planets, which is why they don't generally get involved like that in the first place. Uriel doesn't even really do contested violence, as he just thinks about annihilating galaxies and it just happens. There are multiple WOJs on this. In text, Harry even says he knew (like knowing with intellectus) that Uriel could take out all the planets everywhere just by thinking about them. There is even a really rare WOJ replying to a fan on FB in a private group where he said Uriel has ended universes. Mab and Titania are not in that league.

And finally in Cold Days, Harry even compares summoning Mother Winter just shy of calling up Lucifer himself. If that isn't a close enough comparison...

I would argue that "estimating how limited a godlike being is" would be the only way to measure the power of a godlike being.  A more limited being is a more powerful being.  Uriel is incredibly limited, while Mother Winter is so mysterious that it is hard to tell.  Hades is very limited, although it is unclear how much of that is choice vs hard limits.  Ambiguity on power level seems a feature of the dresden universe.   

You could argue that Choice is what makes you truly powerful. But I am comparing Power (energy) and Will (the ability to direct that energy). In Summer Knight there is a good example of this. The Mothers ask Harry what happens when something is stolen (including power) and he guesses it can be hoarded (as Dragons do) and it can rendered valueless or sold (both of which are change). When Lily is turned into a stone statue she is full of the power of the Summer Knight. She has a mantle. But as she is unable to express it, unable to use her will, the Power is rendered somewhat useless. Which is not to say that she has no power. She just can't use it at that point. But on the other hand, if you only have Will and no Power what can you do? Very little indeed. Which would seem a lot to something with little to no Will of its own, but to something with both Power and enough Will to use it - like another mortal for example - you are obviously at a massive disadvantage. It is all about the balance, the ratio. It is clear as you get higher in one you get less in the other. But it doesn't change the fact you have it in the first place. So Mother Winter, Uriel, HWWBh all have strong limits. Yet in the right circumstances can change reality and affect everything on a incredible scale. So while it might be a little here or there in terms of their full bench press amount, it doesn't really matter. Power has purpose. So they can do what they need to do when it is the right circumstances for them to act.

Not sure this makes sense to me.  There are thousands of gods, but there is only one Odin and only one Hades.  So not really sure why your counts communicate anything about power. 

Well actually we don't know that there is only the one Odin or the one Hades. That hasn't been established at all. But we do know that there is only the one Uriel, the one Lucifer etc. These guys are multiverse spanning beings - they operate at on a completely different scale. The fact that there is only a handful of these beings in all the multiverse, one of each individual in fact, shows that they are far more important to the overall cosmology than a Hades or Odin.

Also do not forget that there is a multiverse.  There might be thousands of gods, but only a relative handful are active or engaged in any way with the Dresden world's universe.   And it is not clear at all (until Mirror Mirror) whether Mab/Mother Winter exists in more than one multiverse.  These other universes might have different guardians at the outer gates.   It might even be possible that in some worlds the outer gates have fallen where in others they stand.   So I can totally see thousands of gods of roughly equal power across the multiverse, with most of those simply not active or so limited in their access to the Dresden universe that they have effectively no power in that universe. 
So pretty much answered this in my above point, but you basically make my point for me. We don't know that the gods are multiverse spanning individuals. Nothing in WOJ or in the books suggests this. We do know that Vadderung was theoretically aware of possible split universes, but wasn't 100% sure. He talks to Harry about this (specifically paradoxes) in Cold Days. And yes, while you may be correct that Mab may not exist across the multiverse, it would be strange if multiple Mother Winter's existed considering she is at the same level as other multiverse straddling beings. There indeed may be different guardians of the gates in different worlds. But they would all have a power source, who might wear a different mask in each universe. But underneath those masks is the same being. Mother Winter (or whatever is under that...)

It is not clear to me how you are determining Hades is at the same level as the mothers.  The speculation that Hades is comparable to Hecate is based purely on mythology.  But neither mythology or anything that occurred in the books would give any insight as to the relative power of Hades vs the Mothers.   Can you please identify why you feel the two are equivalent? 

I have never determined that Hades is at the same level as the Mothers. In fact I entirely disagree with that. Hades and Hecate were peers in mythology, but by no means was she the level of Hades. He had far more importance, and was considered so in ancient times. I was disagreeing with the comparison that Hecate is the being that makes up SIX Queens of Faeries, two of which are Archangel level. If Hecate makes up all six, and Hades is her peer or stronger, then he would have to be stronger than two Archangels plus extra and maybe a lot more so. Which would probably put him close to the Almighty. Jim's books give a lot of power to faith and belief, and Hades isn't very actively worshiped compared to the BILLIONS that worship the Almighty (in his various names - Jehovah, Yaweh, Allah etc). It just isn't rational. Now there may be no direct comparison in the books or in WOJ - probably because there really doesn't need to be. It is pretty straight forward with the pieces Jim has given to us.

DF Spoilers / What if Dresden is actually aiding his enemies?...
« on: September 25, 2019, 09:32:50 AM »
Or not all his enemies are as evil as he thinks...

Consider that Nicodemus wanted the Red Court removed. He talks about this in Small Favor when trying to convince Harry to join up. What does Harry do several years later? Destroy the entire Red Court.

Harry also is told by Lea not to ever let Mab take him to the Stone Table, yet later she does and he becomes the Winter Knight. Lash's sacrifice by suicide to protect Harry has been hinted by Jim to mirror Harry's own suicide...a convincing play for Lash. Not all lies are words and it speaks to Harry's ego and deep need to be a saviour.

Harry has aided Nicodemus, even when he didn't want to when years ago that would have stopped him dead. Even though he works it to his advantage, as many such as Marcone have noted, when Harry wants to do something and thinks he is in the right his enemies are normally destroyed and not much stops him.

And as was implied by Lea in Cold Days, it takes a lot to convince a young wizard to destroy when necessary his enemies, to use violence. It is constantly stated you can only really do something you truly believe in, and the effects of your magic are a response of that too so it doesn't matter if there are unintended consequences, that is on you. HWWBh was shaping his weapon, his tool, not merely pursuing Harry.

I believe that either Harry is witlessly aiding his enemies and their ends unintentionally or his enemies goals (such as Nicodemus') are not as bad as Harry might think. They might actually line up to his personal view of right and wrong. This too is hinted at.


DF Spoilers / The Merlin WAG
« on: September 25, 2019, 05:23:18 AM »
The original Merlin in the Dresden Files is a VERY mysterious character. He formed the current version of the White Council, created the Catholic Church, was keeper of the Swords, created Demonreach and was its first Warden, probably was first Gatekeeper (at least mortal wise), saved the important text from the fires at the Library of Alexandria and wrote the 7 Laws of Magic, and probably a whole bunch of other stuff. Seems quite full on. Some of the magic he has performed was so advanced, so impossible, it seemed impossible to a regular user a few lifetimes later.

However when we go searching the internet we realise Merlin is much more complicated. It was Geoffrey of Monmouth who formalised the character we know today. He combined the welsh folk hero druid Myrdinn Wyllt (Merlin the Wild) and/or Merlin Caledonensis and Ambrosius Aurelianus (a Romano-Brit war leader) to form what he called Merlin Ambrosius (in Welsh: Myrddin Emrys) (Old Welsh: Embreis).  So we have this madman prophet druid cross war leader wise man. He was a cambion (born of a woman and an incubus - a sex demon that seduced women and impregnated them with demonic spawn). This is the original source of his powers in Monmouth's stories. Eventually he engineers Arthur's birth and the kingdom of Camelot. He serves as Arthur's advisor until eventually he is either killed or sealed away by the Lady of the Lake (sometimes called Nimue).
In latin his name is Merlinus.

He became associated with the tale originally attributed to Ambrosius Aurelianus, the tale of two dragons. In it a powerful warlord called King Vortigern is trying to build a tower that keeps crumbling, and is told by his advisers that he needs the blood of a bastard to stop it crumbling. However the real reason it keeps collapsing is that two great dragons are fighting beneath it: a white dragon (representing the invading Germanic Saxons) and a red dragon (representing the Celtic Britons; originally representing the Welsh). It is Merlin's wisdom in the retelling that solves this.

Eventually Merlin in his early days goes on to create Stonehenge, uses his magic to disguise Uther Pendragon so he can sneak into Tintagel Castle unnoticed and impregnate the wife of his enemy Gorlois, Igraine. This is how he engineers Arthur's birth. 

Here is where things get crazy. In later retellings by Robert de Boron (a french poet), he is actually created to be a demon spawn to become the Antichrist in order to reverse the Harrowing of Hell (the event where Christ after his crucifixion descended into Hell to free all the souls trapped there since the beginning of the world). But he is baptized at birth which frees him of Satan's power and so the plot is thwarted. However he keeps his knowledge of past and future, has great shape-shifting powers, is a joker, and is obsessed by the Holy Grail.   

His apprentice is often Arthur's half-sister Morgan Le Fay, which in the traditional tales they are not enemies, contrary to the later works. Often she is either a lover or unrequited love interest. In some tales he is also the teacher of Vivienne (Nimue) the Lady of the Lake.

So to my thinking - we have a lot of differences and yet a lot of similarities and call backs in the Dresden Files to the original tales. Morgan's knife is a weapon involved in great magics, powerful as Amoracchius, which may not be evil in and of itself. However as the Circle had it, and it was tainted with Nemesis or whatever leads to nemesis (some say Power could be), it probably was involved in some dark stuff at one time or another. He held the swords, one which was Amoracchius under the name Excalibur, and the Holy Grail features heavily in the later Arthurian tales.

Merlin in the Dresden Files is probably pretty dead or at least out of commission. We are told he is NOT the british prisoner in Demonreach. Which could again be misdirection, or perhaps he is down there but a different prisoner. Or he is elsewhere. I would say if he is around in some form, chances are Morgan Le Fay is too and so is Nimue. In Hellboy, Nimue is the Queen of Blood and a peer of the Queen of Darkness Hecate. It would not at all surprise me if she existed too - and was in fact either underneath a fairy Queen mantle OR perhaps Nimue or Morgan or both lead the Fomor or Circle. I know this is getting a bit convoluted but there are definitely big connections.

So perhaps Merlin was half White Court vampire, half mortal. Perhaps he was a starborn too (the antichrist thing). He likely was a shapeshifter of LTWs level or higher. He also has great knowledge of future and past. He could just as easily be Harry (via TT), or related to him through one family or another.  Yes this is all quite nuts - yet there is plenty of the secrets of the future tales I think embedded in here.

What are your thoughts?

DF Spoilers / Re: On the nature of Entities...
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:33:28 AM »
Yeah exactly - I think it is all tied together.

Yeah I think again you are right, belief is necessary. Mab did NOT wish to be forgotten. And that is an interesting theory, she hates him because her mantle (one of savagery) has been somewhat weakened or mollified because of Disney. That would make her hate him on a deep almost base level.

As to your contention - I get what you're saying. I am saying that essentially because Inside, currently, they cannot express their full power. HWWBh has Uriel-level power, but has really weird limits apparently on when and where he can express that power. To me when I talk of Power, I am talking of energy. Your body is an biological machine that runs on energy, but cannot do much at all other than exist without a Will to use it. And the more Free that will is, the more it can use that energy in different and creative ways. But by the same token without a very functional body, or a with a low-energy body, even with the most Free Will in the world, you cannot do much either. It is about the balance, the ratio.

So to me, the Outsiders and their ilk the Old Ones have access to these enormous perhaps unlimited stores of energy but do not have Free Will whilst Inside. This pisses them off majorly and so wish to obliterate reality. But as you say the cannot do that yet, because of their limitations. Which I believe partially have to do with mortal choice, but also have to do with conjunctions as well. In the right circumstances they can bring all that Power to bear which would tear apart reality until it was returned to nothingness. I partially think they need more and more worship not to empower themselves, but to unlock their power, and creating misery and suffering help with this.

DF Spoilers / Re: Fomor in [u]Skin Game[/u]
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:23:24 AM »

And perhaps with aid from the Circle or Outsiders, or both, they might feel a tad more confident than last time. Remember this isn't the old Fomor. This is the collection of all those various groups who got beaten - giants, sorcerers, shapeshifters, dark gods. Lots of different mythologies have people with an axe to grind. They seem to be under the banner of the Fomor. Like the Fae, it is a blanket term for lots of different groups. Not everyone is "pure blood" so to speak.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Next Knight
« on: September 25, 2019, 04:19:58 AM »
I think it pretty obvious that Jim is leaving the door open for Thomas. Mab hinted that Thomas would have been a suitable Winter Knight because he loved Justine so much, which was mortal enough for her. Thomas is also a skilled swordsman, so I think it would be an appropriate weapon upgrade for the apocalypse. And of course, Susan wielded Amorachius/Excalibur (Love), so we have precedent of a semi-vampire being wielding the swords. In fact, in the scene where she worries about whether she can touch it without being destroyed, Harry just tells he to swear she will be true to the sword and not commit any evils with it and to be do it for the love of Maggie. And it worked. I don't think the Almighty would have just let anyone wield the Swords. I suspect anyone who does wield them is because they were meant to, and chose to. There are no coincidences around the nails of Christ. The only other candidate I can think of who might use that sword is some reborn King Arthur-type. Marcone might fit that bill, but it would be a dark story line (which actually would fit in with the earliest Arthurian myths - the stories got watered down a lot over time). Harry is the wrong choice, as he is Merlin, not a king. He doesn't want to be and would be a poor ruler of men. Maybe Daniel Carpenter or some other Carpenter...there are not too many candidates off the top of my head.

Esperacchius/Durendal (Hope) would also fit Thomas, if Sanya fell. But I really hope Sanya doesn't as I really like the character. The only other wielders of hope would be someone from the BFG...Daniel Carpenter again perhaps?

As for Fidelacchius/Kusanagi (Faith), I suspect it will stay Butters. He has earned his Sword and his role. And he has a long road ahead. And not for nothing, the Star Wars motif is important. Hence Uriel liking the music (that is no throw away line - it is a big hint about how things work). 

And Murphy is a crazy choice. Did you not read the last book? She got basically crippled after using it when she wasn't meant to. If that wasn't a sign, I am not sure what is. And she broke it. I think between the physical, emotional and psychological scars she probably couldn't even if she wanted to. She unfortunately has had her time. I suspect sadly, that she will be killed off next book. She doesn't serve a purpose the way she used to as a character in the early series, and her arc is coming to a close sooner or later. Remember, her and Dresden just worked out they should be together when they have time. Each time, something bad happens to one of them. Harry got killed when they were first about to. There is a symmetry. Jim often says how he has to torture Harry, the book thrives on his pain. And our reaction to it. Believe me, it is coming sooner or later.

DF Spoilers / Re: On the nature of Entities...
« on: September 24, 2019, 12:05:07 AM »
Yes, Day One is an excellent example of what I am talking about. Harry even says to Butters when they are discussing what he is fighting "Kids believing in something has freaking power. It either created the real ones or it gave access to something similar from the Never-never that used that belief to create a place for itself in reality Harry of course is referring the baku/dream-eater entity.

And in Cold Case, Ramirez says that they feed off the psychic energy of people. Off their fear and knowledge of them. And Lovecraft helped with that, by publishing his works. The signal boost gave some of the Old Ones just that extra bit of access required to influence the world and so many cults devoted to them have popped up, particularly to Cthulu (the Sleeper).

Interestingly, Maeve refers to the prisoners below Demonreach as the Sleepers. Whilst I interpret that to mean that SOME of the inmates are Outsiders and/or Old Ones (especially considering Vadderung says that the release of the inmates would be The End), I don't believe that all of them are - considering the Naagloshii are not Outsiders (I am pretty sure).

I think the Outsider-type Entities have very different plans and goals to those from Inside. Just my thinking though. Jim constantly says the Oblivion War will not feature in the novels as it takes thousands of years to get anything done. But he could also be trying to misdirect our attention away from it as well. It does seem awfully similar to the tactic against Outsiders (locking them up, sometimes outside of reality, sometimes inside - and they all want more belief).

DF Spoilers / On the nature of Entities...
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:54:28 AM »
In the Dresden Files and its associated works, there is are many entities both large and small, powerful and weak, immortal and semi-mortal (perhaps long lived, but not truly immortal such as the Queens or Mantle holders, elves and gruffs and trolls etc fit into this category).

But there is scant information on how any of them came to be. How they become more than what they are. How they become strong enough to exist at all.

We know that belief and knowledge of the entity plays a significant part. Enough belief in something can make it godlike and conversely not enough belief can cause it to be locked out of reality.

But I find that interesting, because if they are merely locked out, they are not "dead". So what are they? Where are they? The novel the oblivion war features in (Back Up) mentions that the objective of the venators is to cause mortals to forget the magical being, and that the objective of the being is for enough mortals to believe in it so it may manifest and wield power. Not all, perhaps not even most, are gods. Yet they operate in very much the same way. A WOJ discusses how that if mortals all forgot about a previous Lucifer, would we even know? But he also says, somethings always will have a foot in the door as mortals will always wonder "who am I?" and "why am I here?"

On reading the Paranet Papers and the Dresden Files RPG, I noticed a passage that discussed how mortals create an idea and an entity rushes to fill that space. This is interesting on several counts. Firstly, the entity already exists in a way, but is shaped by the mortal idea. This then would provide the limits and the functions of this being. Secondly, it shows the tremendous power mortals have to shape reality. Finally, it shows an answer to the WOJ about how the beings themselves don't really change, just our understanding of them.

This also begs the question of how the Old Ones and the Outsiders fit in...they don't totally play by the rules. My feeling is they are not trying to gain worship or power, they have all they need in a way (chaos/the outside doesn't have limits?) but they do hate reality as it forces limitations upon them. And so they wish to torture and destroy it.

DF Spoilers / Re: He Who Walks Before
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:19:56 AM »
True Bob has been wrong before - so I agree he might not be 100% right about conjunctions. And yeah my take is because they are Beyond, they don't have the same rules apply. Which makes the banefire make more sense (it couldn't kill any outsiders that may have been below Demonreach, but it could keep them down a while).

I think Mortal wounds are what they appear to be generally in the series - but it isn't gospel.

DF Spoilers / Re: Baba Yaga and Baba Vasilisa
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:16:43 AM »
SK - Yes it is from the Paranet Papers. This was my conclusion too. A gap in Simon's knowledge.

Also interesting that Vadderung made his entire office unsuitable to the Fae...

DF Spoilers / The Queen of Air and Darkness
« on: September 23, 2019, 04:15:04 AM »
Morgawse, Morgause...whatever you like. She is referred to by this name in the poem of the same name by A.E. Housman. She is the Witch-Queen of Orkeney who in is the daughter of Gorlois and Igraine (King Arthur's mother), Uther Pendragon takes Igraine as his wife making her Arthur's half sister. In some versions she is also Morgana Le Fey's sister too. And she is mother to Gawain, Agravaine, Garheris, Gareth and Mordred (who slays Arthur, and is his son...)

Highly convenient name considering Merlin's involvement in the Dresden Files.

So is Mab then Margause? A witch in a line of witches descended from Medea and Hecate? How do both Athame's fit in?

Mab did say she was once mortal...

DF Spoilers / Baba Yaga and Baba Vasilisa
« on: September 23, 2019, 12:45:16 AM »
Are Mother Winter and Mother Summer, respectively.

Except Simon met with Baba Yaga several times, and she offered him power and knowledge and he refused, and did not choose to be her servitor. He also was certain she was NOT fae. We have a WOJ saying that Mother Winter is, for all intents and purposes, Baba Yaga. So we have a contradiction.

My belief is that Baba Yaga and Mother Winter, and Baba Vasilisa and Mother Summer, are mantles. What is underneath and wearing them is harder to say.

DF Spoilers / He Who Walks Before
« on: September 22, 2019, 11:18:22 PM »
Why isn't he dead?

If everything that stands upon the Earth on Halloween is mortal, from the Ladies to the Archangels, why isn't he dead? Harry blew his head off! Yet the dark cloud rushing away yowling implies that he survived?

So are Outsiders more than immortal? Was Bob wrong about conjunctions and Halloween? Are there exceptions?

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