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Messages - Snark Knight

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DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lasciel really a fallen angel?
« on: December 28, 2021, 11:01:11 PM »
Namshiel appears to have thrown in his lot with Marcone, less than happy with Nick, we know that there are also a hidden faction working with the Black Council that worries Nick, Lasciel is suddenly interested in her child with Harry and willing to make an alliance but not out of obeisance to Nick, out of necessity.

Nick’s power over the Denarians is at its weakest in 2,000 years, so we may see more a mere two books after Next Book. We may find out who was the Denarian on the Black Council (I call Tessa, it will hurt Nick the most, and he had little control over her, I think Nick kept Namshiel on a very tight reign, his speech was archaic suggesting Nick put him in cold storage when he didn’t need him for big magic)

Mostly agreed. Namshiel seems to have been more aligned with Tessa than Nic, though. And his archaic speech was probably more a function of not caring enough about human affairs to keep up to date - he kept his last host tightly enslaved and mostly just focused on his magical experiments for quite a while up until Michael killed that host.

Realizing there is a Black Council mole among the Denarians and suspecting 1) it's Tessa 2) she's setting him up as her scapegoat ... that would make a real good motivation to strike out on his own. Maybe coming to more of a partnership relationship with Marcone is a product of realizing he can't afford to be the magic nerd anymore, and needs a power base independent of being part of anyone else' cabal.

DF Spoilers / Re: Is Lasciel really a fallen angel?
« on: December 28, 2021, 05:48:55 PM »
Maybe she just fell in with a bad crowd and it was peer pressure like with Crowley

Pretty sure there was some WOJ that she got exiled for trying to play both sides for her own ends during Lucifer's rebellion. Which kind of explains why her relationship with the other 29 is mostly transactional, rather than being a proper member in the Anduriel/Nic or Imariel/Tessa cabals.

DF Spoilers / Re: Drakul Odin Demonreach Hades Queens or
« on: December 25, 2021, 02:34:44 AM »
Alfred is an ally not a power and harry’s Intellectus and his ability to manipulate the structure of the island are the only powers demonstrated by Harry to date as Warden. Maeve at one point neutralised Alfred with sufficient stacked Fae power, there is therefore at least one recorded instance that Harry could not rely upon Alfred as an ally on the Island.

Did she really neutralize Alfred, or was he just sandbagging to play for time?

Mab thanked him for his restraint afterward. Suggests he could have done more but chose not to.

DF Spoilers / Re: The truth about Harry and Thomas comes out?
« on: December 13, 2021, 12:45:00 AM »
If he can prove he was being coerced by Nemesis then he would be okay, the Swartalves are after the controlling mind rather than the instrument of attack.

I'm not sure being blackmailed carries the same weight for them as being a vassal. Thomas still made a choice to comply with the blackmail - the svartalves seem like the kind of folks who'd consider writing off the life of a mortal lover the lesser evil to breaking guest right.

Or, for that matter, he could have asked their help in staging a fake assassination.

DF Spoilers / Re: Daemonreach and the WC
« on: December 06, 2021, 11:40:35 PM »
Also, maybe the cost and risk of failing to bind it is simply too high. By the same token, there isn't a strong risk of foolish young wizard taking control because 1) Demonreach discourages vistiors and 2) young foolish wizards might not be able to take it over. Harry is young and foolish, but substantially more powerful than most young and foolish wizards.

And even being substantially more powerful and foolish than most of his generation, he still likely would have failed - perhaps fatally - without the benefit of the soulfire buff that the rest of the council didn't know he even had.

I think it was LaFortier, whose murder in Turncoat is unexplained as regards motive, but what if it was a play for the wardenship, but before the Black Council could get their Warden in place Harry does a Sanctum Invocation.

Ooh, that's a good one.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry should have trusted Ramirez
« on: December 05, 2021, 03:19:54 PM »
Where is she then?  Did Harry leave her at the estate?  He took her with him, I believe.

I forget the details, but maybe she stayed in the car? It would have gone better if she had been part of the conversation on the road. Not having Harry's weirdly old-fashioned hangups, she probably would have been quite willing to defuse the confrontation by telling Carlos she and Harry were a couple.

Of course, Carlos knowing that would have spoiled the deception play that he and Lara were boinking while they were actually busting Thomas out of the cells.

Hard to say exactly what else Harry should have trusted Carlos with earlier, though. Maybe a bit of background info on Winter's purpose and the fact that the beastly exercise regimen is to keep the mantle tired enough that Harry retains executive control of his own actions, but much more than that is risky. Carlos has either been mentally compromised by someone (Which I don't like, it cheapens the conflict between them) or convinced by someone else he trusts who is antagonistic to Harry, probably using what Molly did to him, that he's gone monster. Whatever he shares is not going to be kept in confidence either way, so it can't be anything truly damaging.

DF Spoilers / Re: Guess a Mother's Name!
« on: November 24, 2021, 02:18:00 AM »
It's heavily implied that together, they are the Source. They are Gaia in the old school meaning, not just a planet, but part and parcel of reality itself.

But isn't it also heavily implied that the Queens together are Hecate, from the triple-goddess statue in Hades' vault? And from MW being the original, I suspect the Mother Winter fragment was what the Hecate personality kept for herself when dividing the mantles.

DF Spoilers / Re: I think we missed something! McCoy's temper
« on: November 19, 2021, 11:48:56 PM »
What I could see happening is Ebenezer arriving and after much tension admitting to Harry that he tried to take out Lara from a distance, but she was protected, just like her father used to be.

Interesting possibility. I'm skeptical Lara would be willing to pay the same price her father did for that, but I was wrong about "Marcone works for Marcone". Getting in bed with the Outsiders for personal invincibility would certainly sour Mab on bringing her into the Winter fold, though.

DF Spoilers / Re: I think we missed something! McCoy's temper
« on: November 19, 2021, 04:18:50 AM »
Eb was hurt pretty badly. Major leg break like that, even wizard healing is going to take a while before he's fit to leave Edinburgh under his own power. He might not even appear in Twelve Months, unless he's got a bunch of Wardens chauffering him and pushing him in a wheelchair.

DF Spoilers / Re: “Peace Talks” Audiobook question:
« on: November 17, 2021, 01:10:41 AM »
I thought there was a mention of reaching him on the phone via leaving a message at his family's restaurant at one point ... IIRC that was mentioned to be in LA, but not sure.

DF Spoilers / Re: Thomas hoped Marcone would Kill Lara?
« on: November 10, 2021, 03:16:29 AM »
Thanks I will look it up.  However when you think about it, it makes some sense that he'd say that.   Lara was happy in a weird way after Shaggy got done with Thomas, because he became more coldly vampire like she was.  Remember how he was at the end of Turn Coat, but then Jim never did anything more with that.

Plus Thomas wasn't ever particularly happy about Justine being Lara's secretary. The job was putting her in danger fairly regularly, and there was more than an undertone of Lara keeping her as a hostage against Thomas' good behaviour, no matter that she seems to have been materially well treated.

I'm not sure he was all the way sincere about wishing his sister dead either, but he has ample reasons for a ... nuanced ... attitude towards her.

DF Spoilers / Re: Two thoughts on the timing of Mab's wedding announcement.
« on: November 09, 2021, 07:18:12 PM »
Had Lara been the Winter Lady Carlos would have died a virgin. While sex is one way to kill it doesn't seem to be the only way for Whites.

Yes & no. Hypothetically if she got stuck with the mantle, I think Lara probably does have the self-discipline to keep to strictly non-reproductive stuff that wouldn't trigger the mantle's self-protection functions.

That's still enough for a whampire to live on if they're doing enough of it, but feeding in smaller bites is clearly less efficient for them. She still could kill in other ways with an active effort and enough time to devote to it, but she's unlikely to get so carried away in the act as to do that.

At the end of Changes, Molly was physically hurt, but still "clean" as far as the Council goes. Remember at the end of Turn Coat,Morgan says he said nothing about her backsliding to the Council. Would Luccio even be believed if she did decide to finger Molly because of all the psychological damage done to her by Peabody's ink.

Luccio also didn't have a whole lot of latitude to complain about someone peeking at whether her mind had been tampered with, when it had, after OK'ing Molly checking Harry for mental tampering when Michael noticed the removal of fire from his inventory.

Harry preaches at her in Turn Coat about just this thing. Under pressure he asks her to do just what he told her she shouldn't do. This is the very reason she was under the Doom.  If a friend or a mentor does that to you, do you trust them?

Technically, his consent in asking for her to do the memory tampering for him makes all the difference.

But I don't find it odd in the slightest that she'd choose not to take her chances with beheading on the prospect that any of Harry's friends would either take her on without wanting a soulgaze before staking their own lives on her rehabilitation, would not notice her feelings of guilt and shame in said soulgaze, or would accept what she'd done once they figured out the specifics. What she did doesn't have to be illegal in and of itself to kill her, it just has to anger or horrify the people she would be asking to intercede in the suspended death sentence she was already under and cause them to turn their backs on her.

On top of that, Lea had plans to train Molly in her own direction. It's highly likely she would have been advising Molly of every reason not to go to the Council that she didn't think of on her own. Lea might even have been actively disrupting any any council allies who looked for her with the intent to step in for Harry - she could rationalize that as protecting Molly from them finding out what she did and turning on her for it.

DF Spoilers / Re: How did “Evil Bob” survive his creation?
« on: November 01, 2021, 11:51:10 PM »
I doubt Lea's garden would be particularly effective at keeping a spirit being from fleeing after it crossed over from Harry's home. The centipede took a bit of time to swing into action. EB could pretty easily just run away.

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