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Messages - BrainFireBob

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DF Spoilers / Re: It didn't make sense to me (Harry/Starborn/created)
« on: June 13, 2021, 06:37:44 AM »
Here is what seems to be contradictory to me from Drakul ""I would tell you to ask of your own White Council what they aren't telling you, what they bred you for, and what they expect you to do"

This just doesn't seem correct...  Maggie was considered crazy by the Council, I don't see the Council trusting her with something like this, and yet based on what Drakul said, it sounds like the White Council was behind Harry being born.

Again if the Council was behind Dresden being created, why oh why would they treat him so horribly, pushing him away instead of working with him?  Trying to bring him into the Council as an ally instead of pushing him away as an adversary since the beginning...

Anyone have any ideas?  Maybe I'm not connecting the dots correctly.

You want to guarantee a wizard talent starborn.

Talent is one part genetic and one part proximity- only Molly was born with a gift from proximity to Charity's recently active gift.

If you have an active female wizard actively using her gift during pregnancy, would seem to be "best case" in that scenario- power to spark power with a genetic predisposition requirement.

That's part 1- an active wizardess of childbearing age.

Part 2: If the window is only proximally predictable, but the moment is detectable, you need to induce labor of an at-term child.

That means you have two options: predict the next starborn event to within 1 month- or be able to manipulate the objective time duration of your pregnancy. Is that possible? With sophisticated use of Nevernever "fast time"/"slow time" zones, you can dilate or compress a pregnancy as much as needed.

So your pregnant wizardness, still young enough for childbearing, needs to be a master at finding Ways and moving between them. And ruthless enough to manipulate her unborn children thst way.

You had one candidate they could work through, possibly in exchange for a pardon.

And she made some kind of deal with the Leanansidhe

DF Spoilers / Re: The Road So Far...
« on: May 28, 2021, 07:21:58 PM »

Yeah, I forgot to add that.

But I forgot to point out that none of the factions that have shown any interest in Harry, good or bad, have wanted to tell him what a Starborn is and what it means for him. The most information he got was from Eb and that was because their lives depended on it. He was promised information from Lash, before she died, and LtW, at the end of one year. But with Rivershoulders saying that he's about run his race, I don't think he's going to make it the year to tell him.

They all want Harry in the dark about what it means being Starborn. I believe it's because they believe if he finds out, he won't want to be who he is and will possibly buckle under the pressure, possibly killing himself again. I also believe that he himself wouldn't do that, but instead make sure to cut all controlling ties connected to him so he can do what he believes is right. Which probably also scares everyone that knows what he is.

Blackmail. They can't bargain if he realizes he has all the cards. So keep him ignorant, threaten him with hollow threats, anything to keep him from extorting them (their perspective).

DF Spoilers / Re: What happens after...
« on: May 27, 2021, 08:43:55 PM »
I rather think the series ends with a reorganization of Harry's world- Mab is preparing to retire by preparing a new Guardian.

Things I have thought may happen:

1) Demonreach is used to imprison/rehabilitate warlocks and bleed off their "taint"- possibly in conjunction with the Blackstaff
2) Harry will use the Blackstaff and the circle on the island to "nom" him some dark god power without dark god darkness to rebuild the outer gates
3) His fatherhood will be important to his motivation to do this.
4) Mab and Titania will leave the world as they entered it- together
5) The White Council will become an educational institution, not a political one.
6) We will find out that Langtry has the world's most amazing bottle cap collection, and that old wizards have been using that phrase in a completely different way than young ones heard it
7) The Za Lord will become an actual lord of Faerie, and this will make Harry immortal (like the Erlking or Kringle) on its own- and this is what Mab was referencing in Battle Ground. Related: The dewdrop faeries actually have a form of intellectus.
8) Martha Liberty freaked out in Battle Ground because she knows #7. I can see a fun plotline where she knew there was this new Wyldfae mantle forming around someone called "the Za Lord," and that it was dominion over the Little Folk, but did not know it was Harry. She thought it was Toot.

More later. Out of time.

DF Spoilers / Re: Who knows about Marcone?
« on: May 20, 2021, 02:11:09 PM »
Because the emphasis on Sir tells everyone that he's become a knight of some sort and there's not many types of knight he could be that he'd keep hidden. She might even have remembered that there was a missing coin last scene around Marcone.

More importantly, only divine or infernal power could pierce Ethniu's bronze to get a blood sample for Harry to bind her.

And the divine knights were fighting other places, but somehow Harry got the blood- and Marcone tried to stab her in the park. Fallen=infernal power. Vadderung reveals that detail.

DF Spoilers / Re: The Circle's membership
« on: May 18, 2021, 06:17:24 PM »

Option 1: Nemesis is like the monkey demon
Option 2: Nemesis is like Trazyn the Infinite in 40K or Mr. Sublime from Marvel Comics- an entity with a single consciousness but the ability to leap into prepared hosts

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 17, 2021, 07:09:05 PM »
Isn't he known as the Winter King? So kind of Mabs counterpart with the Wildfae? Mab's fae is "civilized" while the King's Wildfae is more uncivilized.

He's Summer King, per WoJ- Kringle is Winter King. Kringle embodies the spirit of giving in Winter but is still Winter, Erlking apparently some form of "red in tooth in claw" or the joy of the hunt.

They're both Wyldfae, but associated with those courts most strongly.

Also, so I don't quote-crazy this thread: When Summer and Winter move to war, the Wyldfae are Called to the Court most in harmony with how they've been behaving recently. The dew drop fae used to be Summer aligned until Harry joined Winter. Toot explains it in his Toot-way.

One of the remaining linguistic questions I have from Summer Night is when Harry opens his bag and the dew drop faeries attack Aurora, Mab refers to him "Calling"- capitol C- them.

Did Jim mean:

1) When the Fae were "Called" to their Courts, what became the Guard went to Harry, so he stuffed them in his bag? This would mean they recognized him as their "court."
2) That the bag held box cutters, and Harry summoned them by Calling into the bag to attack Aurora?

As regards the big E: I agree his purpose- aside from referencing Labyrinth and the late great Bowie- is to provide focus for the goblin's mischief.

DF Spoilers / Re: Erlking's purpose?
« on: May 17, 2021, 06:57:12 PM »
Not quite true, I am not saying there haven't been female Knights, but so far the Knights of the Queens have all been male.  The Knights do their bidding, including killing those that Queens are forbidden to kill.

Lily was the Summer Knight. Lily was female. That's where the mantle was hidden.

DF Spoilers / Re: Harry and Kemmler
« on: May 17, 2021, 06:52:50 PM »
Where did we learn that Kemmler was a Warden of Demonreach?

Where did we learn that Kemmler had connections with the "nastier fae" and "bound demons to himself"?

Why is the OP calling Bob and Bonnie demons? Are demons and spirits interchangeable? I would say no, but maybe I'm missing something?

How do we know Harry is going to be working with Mavra in Mirror Mirror?

I think I must be missing an important Word of Jim here somewhere, because all of the above is coming out of left field for me.

Word of Jim- Kemmler was the Warden 3 Wardens before Harry, and one of the big tasks of the WC was keeping him from the island. That's a new WoJ- I think in the last 6 months?

Regarding contacts among most of the Vampire Courts and nastier fae- that's an ancient WoJ from the '00s.

Regarding Bob and Bonnie being demons- I think that's speculative.

Working with Mavra- I think that's a WoJ from circa 2016ish? I don't put firm stock in that, I see that as firmly in the "Jim can flex that category and it was an example of what he might do".

Also, Yuillegan- b4utoo locked his own thread because he decided people were being too rigid by all agreeing that "Ser Baron" was telling Mab that Marcone was a Denarian at the end of Battle Grounds, since it's the most obvious reading of that interaction. There was nothing nasty I saw.

DF Spoilers / Re: Why was Ferrovax in GP
« on: May 13, 2021, 07:19:57 PM »
Character establishment, alliance establishment.

We know Ferrovax's approval is for sale: We know he received a great gift from Team Cowl and was pleased.

It also underscores that it was more an unofficial Accords meeting than a party.

It also opens the possibility that Ferrovax is now playing for Team Nemesis.

I really wish I knew how detailed Jim's notes were. Michael showing up with his angelic support (he caught a vampire on fire for touching him) could have put the participants on notice that the archangels were intervening- and backing Harry. Who else was there?

The Courts move in tandem, so you assume someone mirrored Lea.

Was Odin there, as a balance to Ferrovax? Was Gard? Was there a Denarian representative?

I also have to wonder at the parallelism of Ferro-Odin and Mab-Titania. Is Jim drawing on D&D with a law-chaos axis? Or are the ultimate teams Team Odin and Team Jormandgandr?

DF Spoilers / Re: A new threat to Dresden (later) WAG
« on: May 13, 2021, 07:14:15 PM »
Jim talks and talks and talks.  But he doesn't say anything.  Unless something changes and it becomes the Carlos Files the conclusion is forgone.  But I'd love to see that fight.

The Blackstaff should be returned to Mother Winter. Nobody including Eb should be able to murder with impunity.

Technically that's not what it does.

It allows him to murder with magic without backlash/taint. Like a filter.

That's not "with impunity." That's "immunity to one otherwise unavoidable side effect."

My pet theory is that Thomas was a proof-of-concept of being able to guarantee a particular birth day by abusing relativity effects via use of the NeverNever- something only the child-bearing age Margaret had the skill to do. In short, she could guarantee a wizard-level talent starborn birth.

I rather think a lot of the suspicion of Harry is that others know she planned to do it on purpose working in tandem with dark beings. I suspect the big twist of the series is that Malcolm was selected as Harry's father specifically to alter the admixture and point living weapon Harry at those that betrayed her. Because she wasn't a nice lady. A bit Paul Muad'Dib- born too early and immune to control as a result (too much Atreides in him).

Regarding the time travel hypothesis: This is a major plot element in Wolfe's Urth of the New Sun. Severian is on a quest to restore the dying sun. He is interfered with by beings from the future who want to ensure his success or failure from futures where he succeeded/failed, including debatably the Severian that succeeded. As he notes at the end. "I am not the first Severian, but I can guess something of his story." Butcher could easily be aiming at such with Harry. No doubt in my mind he's familiar with Wolfe.

DF Spoilers / Re: A new threat to Dresden (later) WAG
« on: May 11, 2021, 10:11:17 PM »
One of my favorite moments in the series is when Cowl confronts Harry and says "Let's see what has the Wardens so concerned about you" and the has Harry hit him with a car and run away without an instant's hesitation.

Cowl found his answer out in the most perfect way imaginable.

"So we shoot him."

DF Spoilers / Re: The Blackstaff picks his successor.......
« on: May 11, 2021, 10:05:47 PM »
Best way to do it is put something in the journals that only makes sense to someone who is already Warden- that the key command to unlock Demonreach once it's accepted you is in the journal, but you have to pass its assessment first.

It would be very Dresden files if the journals say "Whatever you do, don't name the avatar of the island."

DF Spoilers / Re: The Blackstaff picks his successor.......
« on: May 03, 2021, 04:43:33 PM »
I just want to know if it intercepts black magic backlash, or removes the effect from the user.

Because the latter would change Harry by removing the existing taint on himself and his magic.

DF Spoilers / Re: What would Mother Winter do?
« on: May 03, 2021, 04:41:31 PM »
WoJ: "Look at mythology around 1066"

Fits the Raven Banner Harold Hardrada lost in his invasion of England.

The possibility exists both that it was given away and that it was stolen- if the gifted bearer was slain and the thief took it, or the gifted bearer passed it on, both conditions can be true.

I wonder if Mother Winter faces black magic backlash.

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