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Messages - JDK002

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DFRPG / Re: How would you describe the Dresdenverse?
« on: February 01, 2013, 08:11:01 PM »
With regards to technomancers: There are auqamancers, why not technomancers? Limitations on magic are not necassarily consistant depending on who the mage using it is.

That said, I've heard people call it a mix of Buffy and Charmed, and I'd personally like to tie it to Lost Girl - A Canadian series that really gets the Fae aspects - different but similiar politics (and some great ideas for supernatural baddies that haven't popped up in Dresden yet!) - The only thing those shows don't touch on yet that I'd like to highlight is the concept of free will vs. power that seems very important to the Fate system and Dresden himself.

My first adventure with the party I'm putting together right now will definitely have to highlight that if I'm going to acclimatize a group who've never read the series to the Dresdenverse.
If you're trying to stay strictly canon, there is a problem with the technomancer/hydromancer compairison.

In-universe there is a subtle difference between say fire conjured via magic and actual fire (this was established in Summer Knight).  While not explicitly stated yet, it's fair to assume the same principle applies to water evocation.  That it's not actual water in a scientific sense, thus won't ground out magic or disrupt the energies that gve demons and ghosts coporial form.

DFRPG / Re: DmC Items of Power
« on: February 01, 2013, 05:06:08 PM »
That is in fact incorrect. You only get the Rebate with Evocation or Thaumaturgy (Or Both!)
Ohhh yeah, wouldn't make much sense to even get channeling or ritual seperately from sponsored magic now that I think about it.  Given How they already come packaged with a sponsor.

DFRPG / Re: DmC Items of Power
« on: February 01, 2013, 04:44:08 PM »
also just to make sure I am understanding the sponsored magic rules correctly. If I have channeling - Fire and take sponsored magic Hell Fire, That cost 6 Refresh correct?
I don't have the books on me, but I'm fairly sure you get a +1 rebate because you have channeling.

« on: February 01, 2013, 04:08:58 PM »
Right.  because that's just another Flashbang affect.  There is a set of rules for that.  Aspects are the catch all for the game.  They work wonders.  Abstracting other game mechanics like that...  It messes with the players.  Armor is something that physically slows the bullets.
And it isn't anything to do with the system.  It has a whole lot to do with the gameworld where Magic is pretty much affected by magic on the positive side of things.  There are a multitude of ways to weaken it.  But few to strengthen it that a mortal can handle.
Off the top of my head the closest things seen have been the times Harry pulled energy from one place to another.  I can see someone starting a car and the wizard yanking the internal combustion energy to power a spell.  But I can't say that's a manuever.  Possibly an application of the drive skill to keep it going while so much energy is being drained.

Your flashbang thing is an aspect giving a free tag to dodge.  How does one use a spell to enhance that effect?  More light and sound sure. But making that armor is silly and unnecessary.

The water to stop fire is an aspect allowing tags against the attack.  Not armor.  It can give the aspect wet which can be tagged to boost water spells.  But the water was already there(nearby) in all reality and so could be tagged without the action to unleash it.

Now, i've got you stretching pretty far on that one, which makes my point well enough.  It's all very very situational.  The characters are more likely to be by a layline.

Now, a thing I noticed while looking through the fatecore stuff.
None of the magic systems appear to cause mental stress. Thoughts?  It reinforces my thought that the refresh costs of evocation powers in DFRPG are higher than they would be in Fatecore.  However I also don't see weapon values so I could be wrong.  But I think it might be interesting that using the powers at 0 weapon value might be a zero stress action then. SO for instance dodging with Discipline via a quickly raised shield that deflects the bullet for 0 stress.
I think you're grossly undervaluing how aspects work and what they can do.  Throwing a flashbang as a maneuver isn't just a "free tag to dodge".  It's anything the aspect created by the maneuver can justify.  An aspect of "blinded and disoriented" can be used to get a +2 to a defense roll or attack roll, it could be tagged for effect to make someone drop their weapon, or to cause them to accidentally shoot the teammate in front of them.  Or anything else a clever player may think of.  You don't have to determine the effect an aspect has until ts tagged or invoked.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Blocks: Too Weak?
« on: February 01, 2013, 02:58:15 PM »
No, I'm implying that they're applying the same type of thinking toward this game as you would find in a video game. Just like I had to remind one of my own players that it wasn't DnD when he took someone out with a Guns roll then lamented that he didn't want to kill him.

But yes, sometimes people do need to be reminded of it, because it's easy to forget in a discussion like this, where one side of the argument appears to read as, "It doesn't work very well if the other side is doing everything to the utmost optimization," when that's not how most encounters are supposed to work. Against high-level named NPCs? Sure, you can reasonably expect them to do things efficiently as a challenge--but at the same time, named NPCs are going to have motivations driving them that will conflict with that. Low-level mooks, however, are reasonably expected to do things pretty dumbly, from a gameplay perspective.
The issue I have with that is pretty much all of that should be handled with compels.  I don't feel a GM should be expected to handicap themselves, the other players certainly don't do this.

Compels are what the GM uses to monkey wrench players and keep them from taking the most optimal action every time.  I don't see why it should be any different when the tables are turned, seeing as how it's within the players ability to call compels on npc's.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Blocks: Too Weak?
« on: January 31, 2013, 05:59:18 PM »
I was addressing less the player and more the GM.

Put it this way: How much fun is a video game when the AI is programmed to specifically counter in the most optimal way everything you try to do? Generally speaking, the GM isn't playing against the PCs--he's providing challenge, yes, but on the balance, the PCs' tactics should work and have some tangible effect. The GM shouldn't be playing every encounter as an omniscient singular force using every possible angle to his advantage--he should play the encounters in character.
To clarify: I was speaking in more general terms for all players, pc and gm, regarding the nature of games like this.  That all players have that "god-knowledge" and that no matter how in character you try to be, it does effect your decisions while playing.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you that it shouldn't be a "gm versus the pc's" deal.  That it should be about making a fun and interesting encounter.  But I just have a problem when almost the only time an ability is useful (a self targeted block as a defense) is when the GM is intentionally playing like a heel.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Blocks: Too Weak?
« on: January 31, 2013, 05:25:00 PM »
Again you are determining before hand that the block is something they can see. An entire round only happens in the span of a minute at the most. there really isnt all that much time to say "Oh that guy is putting up a very clear block i will avoid."

Also, like i just said, you arent looking at it narative you are looking at it cause and effect. Blocks act like prepared actions in DND. You decide what effect it is that you are blocking and if that happens then so does your block.

The problem with that line of thought is that it goes against the reality of playing the game.  Character narration doesn't change the fact that you as the player or GM does know someone put up a block.  You can try and play to the nature of the character all you want, but what you as a player know can and does color your in-game decisions.

This typically swings in two directions.  A. play as a tactical master because you as a player have knowledge the characters don't.  B. compensate in the opposite direction and serve yourself to the opposition on a platter for the sake of narration.

My experience with most RPG battles is it's either a mook fight where the players can't possibly lose (but may get softened up a bit).  Or it's an insanely tough fight where players just barely pull through (or just lose).

« on: January 30, 2013, 09:46:49 PM »
Explain to me a manuever that doesn't involve magic that boosts the magical strength of a zone wide armor evocation.  And don't tell me yelling inspiring things?
You're falling into a mind set that a lot of people do with magic in this game.  That the mundane can't impact the magical. 

Remember a maneuver does not have to directly interact with the magic to make it more effective.  How loose you can play this depends on the GM, but it's possible.

Example: Vinilla Mortal lobs a flashbang gernade to create the aspect "blind and disoriented" on the enemy.  A GM may then allow the wizard creating a zone wide armor evocation to tag that aspect when casting.  The rationalization?  The enemy is having a much harder time landing direct hits to the point where they aren't as lethal, and allow this to be represented as additional armor bonus on the spell.

Remember, armor and stress is more abstract than it is literal. 

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Blocks: Too Weak?
« on: January 30, 2013, 09:22:05 PM »
If you do not put up a block, you are the target of the attack. If you do put up the block, you are not the target of the attack. That sorta seems like doing something to me.
It's a turn where nobody on the other side is attacking what's likely the group's strongest attacker--the enemy wizard is spending stress and potentially backlash to attack someone who is, in all likelihood, better equipped to dodge or deal with his attack than the wizard would be unprotected.
And the rest of the group are such defenseless lambs that it's preferable if the wizard gets ganked instead?
If you're not getting hit, then by default, you're ahead of the game. The other side is going to be spending effort and resources while you don't.

And you're right. A smart GM wouldn't attack the guy behind the nigh-invincible barrier. He would have his side maneuver and support one another to get through that barrier--which still results in fewer successful attacks against the wizard's side.

So putting up a shield around the wizard results in either A. the wizard taking a breather while the other side spends stress, effort, and resources attacking everyone else, allowing him to use his own stress and resources when everyone else is already getting tired; or B. the other side focuses on the wizard's shield with maneuvers, in which case they're not attacking the wizard's team and may not even get through the shield.
Or C: The other team totally ignores the wizard while he's sitting there doing nothing behind a shield, his team mates get beaten down because now they are down one action per exchange, and now the wizard is horribly out-numbered.  Blocks have zero utility, that's the real crux of the problem.  Combine that with the fact that you have to telegraph your defense when you put one up.  The idea of defense is to lessen the effect of the oppositions actions against you.  In a game like this where action economy is paramount, letting the other side have the full effect of their actions while your side is down an action is not optimal in a straight forward fight.

DFRPG / Re: Evocation Blocks: Too Weak?
« on: January 30, 2013, 07:59:26 PM »
I don't feel they are underpowered, I do however feel they are aren't practical.  All it does is make the GM focus his efforts on the other players (assuming the block is only for the caster), effectivly making the wizard waste their action.

A houserule I offered to my players was allowing them to pull up blocks as a reactionary action when they are attacked.  The catch being they need to be able to tag/invoke an appropriate aspect to do so.

Though I plan on using a modified version of the Gain Advantage mechanic in Fate Core.  If it ends up working well that will probably the new standard for the games I run.

« on: January 29, 2013, 05:52:23 PM »
One day and nine grand to go.

If we don't make it, I will eat my hat.
Is it an evil hat?  *ba-dum-bum-ching*

DFRPG / Re: How do YOU determine # of FATE points for NPC enemies?
« on: January 27, 2013, 02:25:59 AM »
I give all Npc characters a pool of fate points per session. the total number is equal to either one or two points for every PC, depending on how long a session will be.
Generally I do this.  Though I do the mat different, I usually go with the total unspent refresh level of all players combined.  Though typically I have important antagonist npcs have their own seperate pools, and they gain FP either by direct compel or when the players cause a significant set back for the character.

Sometimes the model I use will differ slightly based on the kind of scenario I'm running.

DFRPG / Re: Apects / FP system vs. roleplaying
« on: January 26, 2013, 02:34:48 PM »
1) As stated above it's debatable, thus up to the GM.  If it were my game and the express enchantment of the gun was to kill things, yes I would likely call Lawbreaker if he killed a human, BUT only if the player used the enchantment effect on the target.

Even if I didn't want to slap them with lawbreaker, their would still be hell to pay from a role playing standpoint.  Even if it was by mundain means. 

The real important thing is to avoid lawbreaker arguements with players.  The easiest way to do that is to condition your players to avoid killing humans as all costs haha.

« on: January 24, 2013, 05:02:20 PM »
It looks like they split the USA and international orders.  The "sold out" pledge is for both.  My guess is they got a lot more international orders than expected, and had to tack on the extra $10 for the international ones to compensate.

« on: January 24, 2013, 03:49:07 PM »
Hearing about the possibility of what is essentially DFRPG 2.0, I finally put $30 behind this.  I would like to put more, but with how random my gaming group is, and that this is a good two years out, $30 is all I can justify.  But hey every dollar brings us that much closer! =)

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